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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2016 in all areas

  1. I think that the politics is an important part of TGO, and I know I'd find myself logging into TGO less if it was gone. I come here with the intent on seeing differing opinions, and a place like this, where the argument is much more thought out than elsewhere is a huge bonus to me. We debate with passion, but I think it's better for the site as a whole. It's also worth noting, that we probably have a higher percentage among our membership than the population at large that is politically engaged, it being a natural inclination for gun owners and all. As to the proportion of general politics to gun chat...I know for myself, there is only so much to talk about with guns or gun related issues. If I get more than one new gun a year, it's been a spending spree, and as a college student, I don't have the recurring income to hit the range or take any classes with the frequency I might wish. Plus, when it comes to the gun content, I find myself reading more and posting less, since my knowledge is paltry compared to others on things like relics, and any other gun style besides the AR, which I'm knowledgeable enough to comment on. Politics, Legal Issues, and General Chat give me a chance to participate more. So, I think we should keep non-gun related areas. If nothing else, it lets "the regulars" here engage in conversation and serves as another way to build a sense of community here.
    5 points
  2. How about this.... 1. Do you think people should be able to give away or sell their own personal property without asking the government for permission (if so you DON'T believe in universal background checks). 2. Do you believe that it is OK for the Govt to deny people their constitutional rights without due process? (If not then you DON'T believe in keeping people on the TSA no fly list from buying a gun) 3. Do you believe in the fundamental right of every man woman and child to defend themselves from unlawful violence? If you answered no you are an idiot. If you answered yes then go to 3B.... 3B. If so then do you believe that the old, infirm, physically weak should be able to efficiently and effectively defend themselves from younger bigger , stronger multiple attackers? If so then you are NOT anti gun becasue semi auto fire arms with standard capacity magazines is the best way for weaker victims to defend themselves from multiple attackers. 4. Do you believe only the govt and police should have firearms? If so you are NOT "anti gun"....you are anti freedom, and pro totalitarianism and an enabler of mass genocide. You believe that ordinary people INCLUDING YOURSELF do not have the common sense or ability to safely handle and use inanimate objects without accidentally (or maliciously) hurting others. As such only people who are employed by the state somehow are given special powers that other people do not have to somehow make them "safe" to possess these "evil" objects. The problem is historically that when only the government has them...the government ceases to be subservient to the people and you see genocide and ethnic cleansing like Cuba, Cambodia, USSR, Germany, the former Yugoslavia Etc......
    4 points
  3. If it was my daughter all I'd want would be the guy's name and address.
    4 points
  4. I'm pretty sure I have the primary "social" rifle dialed in just like I want it. 10.5" 5.56:
    4 points
  5. The answer to your query is "quite willing". The left is not the friend to free speech that they have portrayed themselves to be. As they have gained control of the public sphere (starting with academia) they have increasingly sought to prohibit or outright criminalize contrary or unpopular speech by classifying it as "hate speech". It has been easy to miss if one hasn't paid attention to what has been happening on college campuses and their love affair with "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces" but it is about the control of what is considered allowable speech. The battle on campus has been all but won and the full court press is on to spread it outward into the rest of the public sphere. Freedom of of expression for all is vital when you are in the minority. It's dangerous when you've claimed the majority.
    3 points
  6. The political rhetoric is a turn off for a lot of folks. From the conversations I've had with members, they're tired of the hate. Even people who like reasoned discourse get tired of being blasted when they refuse to blindly support the GOP candidate. And, this is a gun forum. You'd think the majority of the traffic might relate to guns.
    3 points
  7. (Polled) post Pulse Shooting agree we need stronger gun control. From a Soundbite, last week, Hilary If true, 90% is a huge number, you and i would be getting confiscation notices by now. Another example of liars figure but figures don't lie. If you were asked the question, "do we need to keep firearms out of the hands of terrorists?" Yes or no. If yes, you are for more gun control. And so the headline is born.
    2 points
  8. Wow, that's a bunch of ..... AR propaganda.[emoji6] AR's are like trophy wives. The best they look is when they aren't yours. Expensive to maintain. Require immediate and constant upgrades and accessories. Need constant attention (maintenance) or they get whiny. The older they get the worse they look. AK's are the girl next door. They get better looking with age, don't complain, and always get the job done. Here's my go to! Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I like the TGO Tumbler myself
    2 points
  11. This site has been heavy on political since I have been a member, except when all political discussion was banished to the hive. I'm one of the blind ones, I suppose. A Republican has a big weighting factor with me because they like guns. But, blind is pretty moderate compared to what I have been called by some liberals. So, I figure I'm still home.
    2 points
  12. Posting something on social media has gotten some folks on the no-fly/terrorist watch lists. Doesn't necessarily have to be a threat.
    2 points
  13. I know we need to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. (Kind of a dumb azz question) But I’m not for gun control; I’m for terrorist control.
    2 points
  14. I think everyone just needs to pretend to be an adult. If you're so dogmatic that you can't stomach a dissenting opinion either ignore or block the thread. Man up guys.
    2 points
  15. Believe me, I have spoken with several of the moderators numerous times over the past few years about potentially jettisoning all political conversations that have nothing to do with the Second Amendment from the forum entirely. Some folks on TGO seem to be oblivious to the idea that the right to bear arms crosses both sides of the political aisle and that a gay Democrat from New York can be just as passionate about her right to own an AR-15 as a barrel-chested, corn-fed Republican country boy who served two tours in Afghanistan and presently works in the oil fields of Texas to support his wife and 2.5 kids is. We are all supposed to be here to talk about firearms, the Second Amendment, shooting stuff for fun, and using these inanimate objects we all like as means to teach responsibility, put food on the table, keep us from taking up golf on the weekends, and protecting ourselves from those who would do us harm. I think if we stuck to talking about those things, we'd probably pick up a lot of traffic again. Come to think of it, I may have just talked myself into making that a policy change for TGO. Do we really need this place to be yet another damned fountain of political vitriol on the Internet? Unless it's directly related to Second Amendment issues, I think the answer to that is... NEEDS to be... NO.
    2 points
  16. seems like every time McCain opens his mouth he gets lower and lower with me
    2 points
  17. I have carried or owned ARs for at least 25 years then I got my first AK. Now, my go to guns are all AKs.
    2 points
  18. For myself, I have chose to only comment in certain things because in my opinion, honestly, subjects of a certain nature cause some really ugly conversations. I read threads sometimes and I want to contribute, but then I stop because I know certain members will disagree and then to have to debate back and forth for a simple idea or thought is just not worth it. Also, while I share the views of many of you, I've noticed that certain people have gotten ridiculous on certain posts and it's just not worth associating myself with a thread when I feel like it's borderline hateful. On the bright side, met another member today. Monkey and I were both happy to get to stop and talk to him for a bit. But for me, I'm selective on what I discuss or participate in.
    2 points
  19. Had an "ah ha" moment on the first unread post dot.
    1 point
  20. I love this place! I believe it is my second home.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Did you try sliding it on from the charging handle side of the receiver? I had that problem with an upper once and it went on fine from the CH side, but not the 'muzzle' side. Worth trying. I want a .50 AR. 5.56 for when you need to take on a truck load of guys, .50 for when you need to take on the truck itself...
    1 point
  23. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/20/this-was-30-minutes-of-hell-for-this-young-lady-unaccompanied-minor-groped-on-flight/ Heads, walls, spikes...metaphorically of course. The pedo's for sure, and probably the crew for missing what is about the biggest red alert klaxon of a warning sign that this guy was a sicko. Traveling on a plane alone is something you need to prepare a kid for. That girl should have been screaming and swinging...her parents seem to have failed her there, IMO.
    1 point
  24. Got mine in the mail today. Looks great. Thanks David. Got a gun show in the 'Boro this coming weekend, good time to break it in. That's R.K. Shows BTW
    1 point
  25. The new site is working fine for me. I may not use many of the bells and whistle anyway because I tend to read a lot more than I post. I browse the classifieds, and some of the other categories and get in on the chat room some evenings. As for traffic, lately I have noticed it seemed down or maybe just not many threads that got my attention. Political discussion has a place here on TGO but it needs to remain just that, discussion, nobody wants to be personally attacked or told who they should be voting for. Many thanks to David and the mods for keeping TGO running smooth.
    1 point
  26. I agree....the left portrays themselves as reasonable...that is until you don't agree with them. Then they will shout you down until they drown out your freedom. Oh and that word academia...it makes me sick. And just so you know...I was being facetious about the post in the first place. Internet humor and sarcasm isn't what it used to be.
    1 point
  27. If I had to guess, the primary reason is because the court isn't at nine members, and that's not just for gun cases, since the court is taking cases at a slower pace overall recently. Secondary reasons could be waiting for the public debate to die down, as John Roberts doesn't want the court to take up an issue being debated in Congress. The case in the 4th Circuit about Maryland's ban could also be making him wait to see if there is a split in circuit opinions that would make taking the cases more of an interpretive, or two circuit rulings one way that don't justify taking a case absent certiorari .
    1 point
  28. I beg to differ, how can you enforce such a law without having a way to confirm if a certain serial number went through the bg process?
    1 point
  29. I don't mind the politics, as long as it's related to 2A, weapons, CCW, or SD issues etc, it belongs here. The problem is that some don't know how to keep it from getting personal, I'm sure it keeps moderators busy. As this is a post about traffic, I'm not sure there is a correlation with these topics and less (or more) traffic. You can always choose what topics to look at or respond to, but I do feel some just make it too personal; it's just not that serious.
    1 point
  30. I don't know about anyone else, but I see background checks just like the GCA; gun control. So in my case it's not that I support background checks, it's that I tolerate them. But I am hard pressed to see any other way to keep guns away from criminals. The thing is, background checks, tax stamps, and CCW permits have become a way to put money into the system, otherwise why not make it free? Why a bg check for each purchase vs per person? Why a bg check when you have a CCW, Military, LEO, have a Security Clearance? Why can't you have prohibited weapons without a $200 tax? Does $200 make you less likely to commit heinous acts? No, it's all about control, nothing else.
    1 point
  31. I rattle-can a lot of my guns expressly so I won't get bored with them and sell them later.
    1 point
  32. There is a test out there somewhere that shows the $9.99 Ozark tumbler performing just as well as the $40 Yeti and Orca. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. McCain is a lite Democrat, so this does not surprise me.
    1 point
  34. These politicians blame guns because they are too weak to go after the terrorists head on and the terrorists just laugh at our country and keep doing their evil.
    1 point
  35. Sounds like Federal Automatch and I haven't had anything bad to say about those rounds.
    1 point
  36. Many of us from the home page of TGO click on the unread tab at the top right of the home page. This goes to a view showing unread content. Suppose that you just read something and want to go back to it? This can be frustrating. Well the good news is that the new site is better than the old site for finding and viewing info, though things work a little differently. Here are the steps to address this: From the home screen, click on ‘Unread Content’ to the right side of the home page. The next screen has several tabs across the top. These are awesome as they allow you to slice and dice data most any way your want. Next, click the little down arrow on the ‘Read Status’ tab Click on ‘Everything’ from the drop down menu. Look to the right of the screen right below the line of tabs. You just changed the view on the ‘Unread Status’ in this line of tabs. Click on the button to ‘Save As New Stream’, which is below the line of tabs I just described. When you click on ‘Save As New Stream’ a little window will open. Click in the box that says, ‘Unread Content’ erase “Unread Content’ and name the new Stream. I named mine ‘Everything” Click on “Create Stream” From now on, you will navigate TGO differently. You will no long click on ‘Unread Content’ to the right of the home screen next to ‘Mark site read’ You will now navigate as follows: Go to the TGO home screen Click on ‘Activity’ to the right of the picture of the house. A drop down menu will appear. Click on “My Activity Streams” Your new Activity Stream will be at the bottom of the list. Mine says ‘Everything’, which is the name I gave it. You have multiple choices under “My Activity Streams”, including Unread. Navigate from here moving forward. Post a note or send me a PM if you run into trouble and I’ll help out. Type written instructions like this can be hard to follow. Also, post a not if there are other things you haven't been able to figure out.
    1 point
  37. I see what they did there. Those clever bastards. Well I guess I'm now pro-terrorist. Hooray? Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. Vortex PST 1-4 retails for $499 so it's a little over your stated range unless you find it on sale. I have one, and I think it's worth every penny. Or... Vortex Crossfire II 1-4 $225 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Vortex-Crossfire-1-4x24mm-Riflescope-CF2-31037/dp/B00HYRGODO I've never tried this one, but I would like to try it for the price. I'm a HUGE Vortex fan. I've been really impressed with their quality. I use a SPAC and the PST in 3gun. I've never had a problem even in the rain. My AR with the PST is sub MOA at 200yds with a QD AD-RECON mount. I'll also add that the PST appears to be true 1x for close range, both eyes open shooting. The illuminated recticle is not "daylight bright" in full sun, but the etched recticle is still easily visible.
    1 point
  39. I hear that crap all the time from the left, so I am just guessing I am of the 10% that was not asked.
    1 point
  40. Agreed. It's a sad day if PC invades TGO, lol.
    1 point
  41. I think some people are passionate about supporting the GOP candidate because the alternative this time around would push to have this very site shut down. I must have a thicker skin then most folks because TGO seems to have very civilized discussions comparred to other forums. The politcal discussions are very much related to guns, IMO because the gov is actively trying to restrict our gun rights. Anyway, TGO is a great community. I predict the traffic will increase as we inch toward November.
    1 point
  42. After much debate, I decided to have the barrel of my AKT-98 threaded. I had the pleasure of meeting with Robert Forbus at his shop this morning in Greenbrier, TN. Robert was highly recommended by the AK community and I was overjoyed to learn that he was local. Within an hour of arriving at his shop, Robert successfully threaded my barrel to 1/2x28. Robert was extremely accommodating + his attention is to detail is unparalleled. Having said that, I strongly recommend Robert for all of your barrel needs! With further ado, my newly threaded AKT-98 + Dead Air Armament Mask 22 suppressor!
    1 point
  43. Followup: Like right now, I'm off and on getting 8-10 second lag from click to response, 2-4 the rest of the time. Can't just be me, everything else is lickedty split like normal? - OS
    1 point
  44. Somethings you can just set your clock to. Dolo will mangle a digit, OS will have an adventure walking to the Y. It's the closest thing to tradition we have.
    1 point
  45. Compared to last summer, things seems dead. The summer is the only time I can really get on the forum regularly. There has definitely been a lack of topics I'm interested lately so I've had to use my attempts at humor and sarcasm to make things more lively. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  46. Maybe they would allow them to be distributed to the gay and lesbian community, looks like they are going to need it.
    1 point
  47. So we have innocent people that are on these lists unjustly that cannot seem to get themselves removed. We also have the Orlando Shooter that was investigated by the FBI who later dropped the case and this person was also on these lists and later removed. The LISTS aren't working and have proven totally unreliable. they should be getting rid of these lists while developing better surveillance means of tracking terrorists and leave the rights of the law abiding citizen's access to the firearm of his/her choice alone. Like someone said....we're not suppose to judge Islam by the actions of this guy, but it's ok to judge all gun owners by the actions of this same guy. It seems that lack of sleep from worrying about ways to get re-elected has fried the brains of those in Washington.
    1 point
  48. I don't remember ever seeing one of his videos on TGO but I'm becoming a fan. Colion Noir is an African-American gun rights activist, lawyer, member of the National Rifle Association, and the host of the web series Noir on the NRA's online video channel NRA Freestyle.
    1 point
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