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I'm still failing to see what the big deal is. Guns are a very small percentage of Academy's revenue. Would you have them just jump up on a soap box and shout it out to the world, potentially alienating a larger percentage of their customer base? They are a business, in the business of making money not political statements and friends. So they covered a few of their wares from the great eye of the media and public until the dust from this shooting settles. So what? I gotta say [and I'll make no friends saying it but it needs saying] The gun crowd are some of the whiniest hypocritical bitches in this country. WaaaWaaa, they pulled some guns and put them under the counter until the potentially bad media coverage has passed. Meanwhile, our rights get trampled and officials get elected with leftist agendas and most of the gun crowd can't be bothered to do a gd thing. All the things that have, are and will happen are happening because WE LET it happen. There's a beautiful thing about capitalism; you don't HAVE to spend money where you don't want to.7 points
Posted by a friend and so true.............I stand behind you in line at the store with a smile on my face...and a gun under my shirt and you are none the wiser, yet you are safer for having me next to you. I won't shoot you. My gun won't pull it's own trigger. It is securely holstered with the trigger covered. It can't just go off. However, rest assured that if a lunatic walks into the grocery store and pulls out a rifle, I will draw my pistol and protect myself and my family and therefore protect you and your family. I may get shot before I can pull the trigger...but, I won't die in a helpless blubbering heap on the floor begging for my life or my child's life. No, if I die it will be in a pile of spent shell casings. I won't be that victim. I choose not to be. As for you, I don't ask you to carry a gun. If you are not comfortable, then please don't. But I would like to keep my right to choose to not be a helpless victim. There is evil in the world and if evil has a gun, I want one too.5 points
Man... I hate banning people over stupid stuff. It's a Friday. Seriously. Disagree. Shop at one place, or another. Talk about your disappointment. Talk about the deal you got because some reseller didn't realize they were behind the counter. Write their management team. Write your congressman. But, all we ask here is that you bring something to the conversation besides self righteousness and expensive blue jeans. We're all on the same side here - even if we do tend to make it awfully difficult sometimes.5 points
If you were to take off your clothes and run in a circle at 186,000 miles per second, you could theoretically F yourself. BUT, since man cannot achieve the speed of light, one can achieve the same result by NOT doing whatever it takes to keep Hillary out of office. Even if that means voting for someone else you despise. That is all. Have a great weekend.4 points
My biggest gripe is still with CTD. The people running it aren't all gun enthusiast. They willfully gouged because they knew some suckers would freak out and buy from them. That's snake sh!t there. They will never get a dime from me. Everyone is worried about the $200 pair of pants might not have bought a good duty belt lately. I just spent $85 for one. Not arguing or anything. Sometimes quality comes at a price. Sometimes it's up to the buyer. I can't knock anyone on what they do or don't want to buy. Also, Kroger rocks after they flipped off Moms Demand. Academy is a bit pricey. I prefer to dump my money in my favorite local gun shop regardless of their mark up or down. I rather support local and those that treat me like family.4 points
I considered Academy "one of us" until they pulled MSRs off their shelves to cater to the anti-gun crowd. Keeping all the other guns on their shelves was a financial decision. Continuing to sell anything that resembles a MSR out of the back room like they are something to be ashamed is also a financial decision. Choosing sides by hiding the scary looking rifles that make the hand-wringing ninnies cry is a political decision and that's what makes them "one of them" in my book. They can't be on both sides of the fence at the same time. There's only 2 sides, right?4 points
Academy is being racist by keeping the black rifles around, but out of sight.4 points
Moderation is for cowards. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
Wow, guy. It IS the internet now. You can come on the Enterprise here and call us red-shirts a retard if you like but calling out Commander William T. Riker ain't gonna win you any humanitarian awards. Chill out. We're all friends here, even when we argue.3 points
We can complain all we want about the name, but to most people, an AR is synonymous with assault rifle and you and I aren't going to change that discussion no matter how many "talks" we have with people. We need to focus on solutions, not a name. For me, a simple solution starts with making a free, optional background check system for individuals. No laws need to change as criminals don't worry about them anyway, but I suspect most here would be open to using a simple pass/fail check system based on very basic information. Devil would be in the details on making sure what constitutes a fail and how to fix it, but easy and free availability would go a long way in my view. Take away the term mandatory and I bet a lot of opposition drops. I believe most responsible gun owners would feel better knowing whomever they are selling to is good to go, but don't want the hassle of driving to an ffl or log that goes along with a mandatory check. This way if someone has an hcp, you don't have to do a check if you are comfortable with it like I am.3 points
Sooooo..... you're saying I should buy more guns and stock up on ammo? Okay, cool.3 points
DD definitely understands how Negative Brand Association works and the ease at which policies and laws can be enacted once that happens. Their entire product line was taken off display, hidden and locked away, and now anyone wanting to even look at one of their products has to be treated like they're asking to fondle the Jeffrey Dahmer knife collection. Walk into the store and ask for the "special" items and now it's, "Oh, you're that kind of guy. Hmmmm"3 points
I appreciate your friend's mindset Ron! Below is something I received from John Farnam some time ago...it remains pertinent. Defender's Creed The Defender's Creed John Farnam I accept and understand that human predators exist. Criminal or terrorist, they take advantage of our civilized society to prey upon the weak. They represent evil and must be confronted and defeated. I believe that self-defense is a moral imperative, and that illegitimate force and illegal violence must be met with righteous indignation and superior violence. I will not rely on others for the security of myself, my family and my community. I proudly proclaim that I run with a like-minded pack. I do not amble through life with the mind-numbed herd. I will train with my chosen weapons, maintain them and carry them in a condition of readiness at all times. I will be mentally prepared and physically equipped to effectively respond to an attack or emergency. I will constantly test myself against realistic standards to discover my strengths and weaknesses. I will turn weakness into strength. I will seek to learn new skills and techniques, and then teach what I have learned to other members of the pack. Be it with firearm or blade, empty hand or blunt object, I will hit my enemies hard, fast and true. I will live a quiet and unobtrusive life, but I will develop and retain the capacity for swift and decisive violence. I recognize that I am the modern equivalent of the traditional Minuteman, and that I may be called to service at any time against heavily armed enemies. I will respond effectively. I accept that I am a pariah among some of my countrymen, and a quaint anachronism to others. I will not hold their ignorance against them. I will win, or die trying. I swear this creed before God, my family and my fellow citizens.3 points
I promised myself one of these as soon as I hear they were making them. When we had the TGO get together at Everything Weapons I filled out a purchase request or whatever you call it for one. I was warned by more than one person that most dealers would rather sell them on Gun Broker at a big markup than to honor the purchase request. Well, I'm here to tell you they did me right! I got a call saying his distributor is finally taking orders and I can finally get one, so I rushed down to pay for it. I got there just as he was on the phone placing the order. It took 8 days to come in, but they called me after-hours tonight to say it's finally here. I get to go pick it up tomorrow!!! The only bummer is that I already committed to teaching a buddy who's never shot rifles before about ARs and AKs first thing in the morning. I only recently got him hooked on guns and he has 3 handguns already and realizes a long gun or 2 are much-needed additions to his collection. Needless to say, his wife probably hates me, LOL. After we run through some rifle basics, I'm gonna let him shoot a few then I'm off to pick up my new toy. Bonus! I get to go to the range again to shoot my new toy.2 points
Remember this statement? Obama’s call for a private standing army was made at a 2008 appearance in Colorado Springs. “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we set,” Obama said at the time. “We’ve got have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” You may or may not be able to read the whole article at the link so........ Special agents at the IRS equipped with AR-15 military-style rifles? Health and Human Services “Special Office of Inspector General Agents” being trained by the Army’s Special Forces contractors? The Department of Veterans Affairs arming 3,700 employees? The number of non-Defense Department federal officers authorized to make arrests and carry firearms (200,000) now exceeds the number of U.S. Marines (182,000). In its escalating arms and ammo stockpiling, this federal arms race is unlike anything in history. Over the last 20 years, the number of these federal officers with arrest-and-firearm authority has nearly tripled to over 200,000 today, from 74,500 in 1996. What exactly is the Obama administration up to? On Friday, June 17, our organization, American Transparency, is releasing its OpenTheBooks.com oversight report on the militarization of America. The report catalogs federal purchases of guns, ammunition and military-style equipment by seemingly bureaucratic federal agencies. During a nine-year period through 2014, we found, 67 agencies unaffiliated with the Department of Defense spent $1.48 billion on guns and ammo. Of that total, $335.1 million was spent by agencies traditionally viewed as regulatory or administrative, such as the Smithsonian Institution and the U.S. Mint. Some examples of spending from 2005 through 2014 raise the question: Who are they preparing to battle? • The Internal Revenue Service, which has 2,316 special agents, spent nearly $11 million on guns, ammunition and military-style equipment. That’s nearly $5,000 in gear for each agent. • The Department of Veterans Affairs, which has 3,700 law-enforcement officers guarding and securing VA medical centers, spent $11.66 million. It spent more than $200,000 on night-vision equipment, $2.3 million for body armor, more than $2 million on guns, and $3.6 million for ammunition. The VA employed no officers with firearm authorization as recently as 1995. • The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service spent $4.77 million purchasing shotguns, .308 caliber rifles, night-vision goggles, propane cannons, liquid explosives, pyro supplies, buckshot, LP gas cannons, drones, remote-control helicopters, thermal cameras, military waterproof thermal infrared scopes and more. • The Environmental Protection Agency spent $3.1 million on guns, ammunition and military-style equipment. The EPA has put nearly $800 million since 2005 into its “Criminal Enforcement Division.” • The Food and Drug Administration employs 183 heavily armed “special agents.” The University of California, Berkeley acquired 14 5.56mm assault rifles and Yale University police accepted 20 5.56mm assault rifles from the Defense Department. Texas Southern University and Saddleback College police even acquired Mine Resistant Vehicles (MRVs). Other paper-pushing federal agencies with firearm-and-arrest authority that have expanded their arsenals since 2006 include the Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Education Department, Energy Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, National Institute of Standards and Technology and many others. People from both ends of the political spectrum have expressed alarm at this trend. Conservatives argue that it is hypocritical, unconstitutional and costly for political leaders to undermine the Second Amendment while simultaneously equipping nonmilitary agencies with heavy weapons, hollow-point bullets and military-style equipment. Progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders have raised civil liberties concerns about the militarization of local police with vehicles built for war and other heavy weaponry. Meanwhile, federal authorities are silent on the growing arsenal at federal agencies. In fact, we asked the IRS for an asset accounting of their gun locker—their guns and ammunition asset inventory by location. Their response? “We don’t have one [an inventory], but could create one for you, if important.” Our data shows that the federal government has become a gun show that never adjourns. Taxpayers need to tell Washington that police powers belong primarily to cities and states, not the feds. Dr. Coburn is a physician and former U.S. senator from Oklahoma. He is the honorary chairman, and Mr. Andrzejewski is the founder and CEO, of OpenTheBooks.com, a repository of public-spending records. http://www.wsj.com/articles/why-does-the-irs-need-guns-14661171762 points
My wife ask me the other day want I wanted for Dinner and i believe I heard buy guns and ammo.2 points
My bestest buddy ever passed away last year. Had a hard time with that but the wife brought this guy home the other day. The shelter called him Moose. SO that's his name. He's about 2 yrs old and 85 pounds of American Bulldog. He's fairly easy to get along with. He sleeps about 18 hours a day. He's a big TGO fan though.2 points
I'm just dying to know his thoughts on Glocks, .40cal, and 10mm...2 points
$200 jeans wouldn't make as much sense to those of us carrying and/or married. $200 jeans fit in a manner that tends to be eye candy for the ladies and help the single guys get certain attention. I wish my big ass would fit into mine.... Lincoln's been smacked around enough. He's new and your going to run him off. There isn't one among us that hasn't had bad days where we said and did similar things - cut him a little slack.2 points
I've never claimed in one single post to be intelligent. Never claimed I wasn't a hypocrite or that I was a man of integrity. I whine and bitch all the time too, have you read any of my posts? I just find it laughable that with all the things going on, Academy Sports decision to hide a particular product sets off so many alarms. Next thing you know people will be trying to sell things at over inflated prices and we can get back to some of those wonderful price gouging conversations.2 points
Here we go again, Negotiate Rights Away strikes again... It's a violation of every conservative principal to deny a person a fundamental right without being found beyond all reasonable doubt guilty of a crime by his peers. Here we have a list where you don't know if you're on it, and can't get yourself off of it, even if you're completely innocent. 400,000 Americans are on these lists, even the most restrictive the no-fly list have 25,000+ Americans on it, and it's full of errors. And just in case you think that is a minor issue, here is a news article how a widely known conservative journalist (Weekly Standard) was added to the no fly list and took months to get himself off of the list, how long would it take you or I get off that list if it took him so long? http://www.npr.org/2014/09/28/352290026/how-a-journalist-ended-up-on-a-terror-watch-list2 points
2 points
Maybe I'm just too used to online shopping, or trying to find that 'perfect' deal at a dedicated gun shop, but buying a top end AR at a place like Academy would never cross my mind. I've always looked at places like Academy, Walmart, Cabela's, as an option for a quick box of ammo, some cleaning supplies, or a small gun purchase.2 points
Looks like I'm gonna buy me a DD rifle tomorrow:)2 points
I'm going to buy me some DD stuff. I like their spirit.2 points
http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2016/06/14/breaking-academy-sports-pulling-modern-sporting-rifles-shelves/ I'm about tired of this chicken chit political correctness.1 point
Look you can't take it with you. We're only here for a short period of time. I might as well make it a hell of a ride and enjoy it. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
You didn't miss anything. Let me give you the cliff notes: Academy sucks! I bought some nice $200 pants. All asses are not created equal. End of story. Academy: Part Deux is in the works, but I can't promise anything.1 point
I would start with a take down and really good deep cleaning. I would inspect every part as I take it apart, especially the firing pin.1 point
Gees, I've got AR pistols, but I wouldn't want to even fire my Beowulf in pistol format. Full loads are similar to a 12ga pump, recoil wise.1 point
I was following along in this thread nicely until I got to the $200 jeans! I might refrain from starting any other new threads for a while.1 point
Yep, good time for an update. The zucchini is going gangbusters. The tomatoes will be too in another week or so. Everything else is fine except for the okra. I've no idea what the deal is, but out of 10-12 seedlings, I think 1 is still alive. None of the rest grew at all.1 point
Do those jeans come with a decent hooker attached? Yowzers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Why would you pay $200 for jeans? They'd have to be skinny jeans at that price too I would imagine Serious question. This has always intrigued me. A good pair costs a lot less1 point
I agree, but we as gun owners who do know also shouldn't say emphatically that it isn't true, because in some cases it is.1 point
1 point
It has been estimated that governments have exterminated 150 million people over the last hundred years. What makes our tyrannical government any different now? The mindset of our leaders in DC appear to be no different than those tyrants that murdered their own people.1 point
1 point
Daniel Defense Terminates Relationship with Academy Sports http://soldiersystems.net/2016/06/16/daniel-defense-terminates-relationship-with-academy-sports/1 point
We are catching them at night on Percy Priest. They are from 4 to 8 feet. Catching limits every night we've been. Using jigs tipped with minnows.1 point
Why not go after the people who do the shooting!1 point
Meh, call me when PSA or Primary Arms pull AR's from their inventory. Academy Sports has a lot more business to consider than just selling guns. I don't think I've ever been in one of their stores, but I'm not going to hold this against them in the future.1 point
1 point
100% on point. We've went full retard with our rights in this country. Now it's up to us to prove to law enforcement up front that we are not committing a crime we haven't been charged with? I guess they should be able to disarm us as well, and we can get the gun back later as long as we show up to court with a lawyer, and copy of the receipt for the gun.1 point
I'd you're not happy with what you have now then buy now. Prices are very low right now, they are not going any lower. This November and the years following will make the '08 and countless rushes since then, look like the good old days. IMHO, this is your last chance.1 point
I'm glad Monkeylizard mentioned the Kahr PM9 (or CW9 for less $'s). I have owned and sold the P380 (too small for my hands) and I have shot the PM9. It's lighter and thinner than most 9's, including the Shield and 43. A little stiff in the slide (designed that way) But for my medium-sized hands, it felt great, so I am considering a purchase. This conceals better than the Shield and 43 IMHO. That said, I typically Pocket carry or IWB a S&W 642.1 point
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