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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2016 in all areas

  1. Exactly....and you're allowed to carry openly but not under your coat. Really? The 2nd doesn't say you can't carry or even under your coat but some liberal judge want's to nit pick it to death. I'm sorry but I find this kind of ruling ridiculous no matter what some arm chair lawyers seem to think.
    5 points
  2. Judging from the maps it looks like the bobcat also hates liberals. It looks like bobcats are avoiding liberal strongholds as well.
    4 points
  3. What has made states rights a farce is all the federal funding tied to infrastructure. Unless/until states tell the feds to keep the $$$$$$$$$ then the states have no rights.
    3 points
  4. I guess I simply don't get it. If 2A memorialized the right to "bear arms" how does that allow restrictions on HOW those arms are borne? If I choose to carry openly or concealed is not relevant to the 2A. I'm a simple guy, some say simple minded...but this nit picking cap just rubs me the wrong way.
    3 points
  5. I picked up this sporterized, arsenal re-build M1 carbine for $250.00 National Post Meter receiver, 3/44 Underwood barrel. Does have a Rockola slide, which I think is cool. The original stock was nicely checkered and re-finished, but not cool. The receiver was already tapped and rear sight removed for the Numrich scope mount. In short, a shooter waiting for an upgrade. I've always wanted to do this ever since I got my first carbine, but it was too nice with a neat history to modify or shoot on a regular basis. I swapped out the hammer and slide spring and took the Dremel and Mother's Mag polish to the obvious metal on metal areas. Choate folding stock with metal vented handguard. 27 1/2" folded x 8 1/2" with 15 round mag. 6.8 lbs. unloaded, 30 round mag loaded with 25 = 1.1lbs Gambling on the Millet SP1 red dot, from Optics Planet, 66% favorable reviews over different online review better on the 1" tube as well as when mounted on a pistol caliber carbine. If you've shot M1 Carbine, you know how "quick" it feels. With the pistol grip, it's awesome. Found plinking ammo for .36/round and the quality JSP and match grades ranges $.80- $1.20/round. No early idea how to flip the image.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. During the time I was in the Army, I was usually happy to have "loud killing machines" fly over me.
    2 points
  8. Do trucks even come without bed liners anymore? I mean, what do you expect if you drop a bunch of blocks from 6 feet?
    2 points
  9. African elephants [male] can easily reach 10 times the 1300lb weight of that cape buffalo. Whoever said size doesn't matter obviously never pissed off an elephant.
    2 points
  10. Really, junk....beg to differ....I have a F-250 2003 Lariat FX4 6.0 (one of the first 40,000 made) with 244,000 trouble free miles (Number 8 injector and A/C compressor) that pulled 13,000 lbs daily for about 195 thousand of those miles. Running strong every day. 2004 F-350 flat bed dully, 6.0 on the farm with 145,000 dirty farm miles that also pulls 30 foot stock trailer. You got drive a 6.0, not baby it like a Chevy
    1 point
  11. Buy it cheap and stack it deep!
    1 point
  12. I'd you're not happy with what you have now then buy now. Prices are very low right now, they are not going any lower. This November and the years following will make the '08 and countless rushes since then, look like the good old days. IMHO, this is your last chance.
    1 point
  13. I think I have it backwards...
    1 point
  14. Driving rice. Like any of the big three are anything to be proud of. As Nightrunner said, Nissan and Toyota are made here. Hell, half the parts to the precious american companies are foreign made so what's the difference? Ohh, other than resale value. Typically Nissan and Toyota have a MUCH higher resale value. Edit. Just found a Chevrolet I would actually drive! Granted it's a car not a truck, but.... Chevy Belair with a 358CI Toyota Nascar engine. That is badazz!
    1 point
  15. What shotgun have more penetration power..?? The 12g or the 410..???
    1 point
  16. Mec-Gar makes the factory mags for CZ. (And a bunch of other gun makers).
    1 point
  17. Well, I did own one for a short time. The grip angle, for me, was terrible. If you're accustomed to most grip angles, you'll shoot the ceiling. Even Glock isn't as radical as Steyr. Also, the little hump at the top of the backstrap was very uncomfortable for me. Hated shooting it. It did have a great trigger, but the other things just turned me off. That being said, you should try one, anyway. It may work great for you. I know there are guys that swear by them. I swore at it, and off them.
    1 point
  18. Don't know who he is, but became a fan with he said, "let's put away the tactical ass-holery."
    1 point
  19. Messing around in the house, looks pretty good, with the setting at max, dot is visible in bright sunlight. Pretty optimistic!
    1 point
  20. Does anyone here works for an institution where this would apply? If so, have you gone through the process of notifying the campus police about your eligibility to carry? I'm curious to hear about how you did it and what kind of response you got out of them.
    1 point
  21. I agree Dave, all the more reason to vet the candidates for State legislative office and to get involved in the campaigns. Keyboarding about Rights or what should be is one thing. Putting our money where our mouth is what needs to happen. Letting Jon Lundberg take Ramsey's senate seat is the worst thing that could happen for our shared interest. He is a puppet for the Haslam control manifest. Tony Shipley is a friend our endeavors to remove restrictions on lawful carry, and is an anti-Haslam candidate for that seat. Sending Sargent home is just as important. These races may not be in your district, but they are very important to the effort.
    1 point
  22. Don't Laugh I expect there will be a permanent base on Mars by 2040.
    1 point
  23. Exactly. Kind of like saying the 1A gives us freedom of speach, but that may or may not apply to speach on radio, TV, internet or by carrier pigeon; therefore, the 1A is not relevant in those instances.
    1 point
  24. You diagnosed it correctly. Check and see if it passes the "plunk" test... Pull the barrel from your M&P and see if it just drops in the chmber. It will make a plunk noise as it goes in. It should fall in and fall back out. If so it will be ok. If not junk it.
    1 point
  25. You left out the rape whistle
    1 point
  26. While I have no use for a thief, some people don't need a reason to kill they do it just to watch someone die. But then again, some people need killing.
    1 point
  27. I'd rather have the Chevy as the Ford. All the Chevy's I have owned over the years have been very easy to resell and get my money back. Take the Chevy, sell it, buy a Toyota and be happy with a GOOD truck.
    1 point
  28. Yep I guess they didn't include it because they didn't want to show up the Chevy
    1 point
  29. Interesting. I work my truck hard and that would be a problem for me. Realistically many 1/2 ton trucks are used more like cars now and many won't see these problems but they will get the advantage of the light weight. It all depends on your use...
    1 point
  30. Hope you boys and girls are ready, I've got 4 stages to try out!
    1 point
  31. Spyderco Para Military II for me.
    1 point
  32. Can water balloons stop bullets..?? The result of this experiment was really amazing..!!
    1 point
  33. Never used one, but if you're willing to send me some money, I'll be happy to give you my opinion on most anything ...
    1 point
  34. I ordered a 30oz cup for myself, then I envisioned it's arrival and my wife after seeing how nice the cup is asking "where is mine?", so I went back and ordered a 20oz cup for her. Thanks!
    1 point
  35. Pretty much everyone who puts any REAL trigger time behind one will come to the same conclusion. It has nothing to do with historical value or significance and EVERYTHING to do with function. If one can acquire some decent stripper clips that feed properly, it's downright amazing how fast you can shoot ten rounds, reload and shoot again.
    1 point
  36. The company sent me some renderings of what the finished product will look like. I took it a step further and did my own rendering in Photoshop to convey that "negative space" in the design will be stainless steel showing through. The black areas are laser engravings, permanently etched into the tumbler in black. This is just the RTIC tumbler but I have both this and the ORCA in 30oz sizes coming to me so that I can take photos and post for you all to see and then begin ordering.
    1 point
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