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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2016 in all areas
Memorial Day is not National BBQ or Go To The Beach or Lake Day. Sure it is okay to enjoy ourselves but it is the day set aside to remember the 646,568 (and counting) Americans who have given their lives fighting for, or defending, our freedoms since the American Revolution. And don't forget the 82,751 still missing in action. Each of these people was a son or daughter, brother or sister, or a friend to someone. Some were fathers or mothers. So don't forget to remember their loved ones who also paid a price with their death.9 points
5 points
So it is no secret that my heathen was raised around guns. She has been shooting since she was four years old. She started with a single shot bolt action .22 rimfire rifle and has progressed to where she can and does shoot an AR at the range. As she turned 9 last year she was eligible for 4H Shooting Sports this season. We signed her up and her first practice was in April. At her very first practice her coach inquired as to her experience shooting. I explained that she had a handful of years under her and I hoped he didn't have to unteach too much of what I had taught her. To my mild surprise he stated that she was a pure natural and asked if she would be interested in shooting the first match of the season, less than two months away. The Heathen is right handed, but left eye dominant. I have raised her to shoot left handed rifle. I am also cross dominant and it has never hindered me to shoot off-hand to my dominant eye. The coaches embraced this and let her do her own thing. They are all very impressed with her. They call her a natural and have been teaching her on Target Air Rifle, Sport Air Rifle, Target .22 and Sport .22. She also shoots archery. With a recurve. Nearly alone in that discipline as nearly everyone else shoots compound (bare, hunting and target.) The coaches are awesome, and have gone as far as to special order her a left handed Target Air Rifle and a left handed Target .22. They have that much faith in her talent. And on to that talent. Saturday was a dreary rainy day in Kentucky. But it didn't stop her. It was her first competition with less than two months experience on a Target Air Rifle. She placed 3rd. We are beyond thrilled.4 points
Dolomite said after the new software switch that all of the users that were banned became un-banned. The mods had to go back and manually re ban them. I bet James just received an email due to this rather than logging in to see it. That's what I assume happened.4 points
I don't even remember why he was banned at this point, but I thank him for the promotional consideration via his feed today. Undoubtedly people will visit TGO once they see his posting, if nothing else out of curiosity.3 points
I got my CNC mill up and running to engrave on. Pretty stoked. Here are some pictures so far. Have some finer bits coming I ordered today to see how they do. I'm happy with it so far though. [/URL] And lastly, a 5th group buddy of mines team logo.2 points
I had so much good feedback from the last knife with this style blade I decided to go there again! 5 1/4" blade, approx 9 1/2" overall, 1/8" CPM154 steel professionally hardened to 60-61. The scales are some of the most INSANELY beautiful Spalted Maple Burl I've ever seen! The Garolite pins work beautifully with the wood also. This knife feels so incredible in the hand. This knife is available and does not include a sheath, I can provide info for a sheath to be made. PM ME ON THIS ONE!!2 points
2 points
I decided to actually use the site for a while before making any comments. Now that I have been using it I must say I really like the new site. The mobile site specifically I think is very good. I was always a Tapatalk user and really disliked the old mobile site. The new mobile skin looks good and is very responsive. The unread content link at the top of the page really helps the mobile site. I just keep that page open and can quickly check to see what is new. After viewing I click the mark site as read link so the next time all I see is new info. Makes it much easier keeping the site clean and readable, at least for me. One of the features I really like on the desktop version is the post preview. Now instead of just seeing the first sentence when hovering your cursor over the link you get a text box where you can scroll through the whole post. Overall I think all the changes were really positive. Thanks to TGO David for all the hard work.2 points
2 points
This is what's got me...http://thewellnessdigest.com/adductor-pollicis-muscle-thumb-pad-and-thumb-pain. I went and got the thumb stabilizer they recommended today since it wasn't that much and I'll be wearing it, hoping it helps in conjunction with some OTC NSAIDs. I'm hoping it's better in a week or so.2 points
2 points
What the hell, can't hurt .. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/remove-noise-reducing-silencers-or-suppressors-national-firearms-act-class-3-regulated-item1 point
That is a brilliant choice. Oh, and that is the way I carry it. The 7 round magazine with the 8 round magazine, minus the sleeve, as a spare.1 point
That would really bite! I don't believe I would have let the python go though, made into boots yes, let it go, no.1 point
I dunno, maybe? Whats the UN gonna do? The US is the backbone and right arm of the UN, what, are the French gonna come in and confiscate guns from the US? Mexico? Blue helmets make good targets...1 point
They invited to me to volunteer and coach, but I am afraid with my work commitments I would not be able to fully commit. They have 8(?) disciplines, and each requires a weekend of training, offered twice a year. It is only $250 for each certification, but I work seven days a week, so being able to be useful would be another matter entirely. My wife is currently stepping up and filling in as the coordinator, so we at least have one member of the family volunteering.1 point
Well I guess I'll chime in here too and say that I'm back on bandwagon. Consistency has never been a strength of mine and neither is moderation. I can't stand that about myself. I am either fully on board or off the deep end. I have the hardest time recovering from a bad meal. 2 years ago I went from not being able to run more than 3 minutes, to eventually running a half marathon using a Couch to 5k method of training. It was one of the few times in my life I set a long term goal and achieved it. Unfortunately since then I suffered a debilitating knee injury (not running related) and now it will never be the same, however, I am giving it another go. Weighed in at my highest 211, currently 206. With a long term goal weight of 170. I am eating tons of plants now. Trying to cut out fast food, bad carbs, fine bourbon. Limiting animal products and getting back into jogging.1 point
That is a great deal. I'm tempted, and would jump if I didn't already have a couple of 512's. I guess you know, though, that if you go polar bear hunting with it, the bear will take your rifle away and beat you to death with it before you can shoot him.1 point
1 point
Here it is doing some NFA engraving. Was checking proper size before I put it on my firearms.1 point
Semper Fi to all my brothers. I try to remind the family every year what the day is for and what it means. Remembering is what it is all about.1 point
I used Tapatalk on my phone prior to the forum upgrade. Once I figured out the problem for a freeze up issue I really like the mobile version. Uninstalled Tapatalk (plus save 99 cents a month on subscription for it because I hate ads) and will not go back.1 point
After I received your message, started looking around my other forums. Some had similar issues. While I like the convenience of Tapatalk, dropped it like a hot cake. using computer to read this forum and a few others1 point
Welcome! He does not need a back ground check to sell. However, depending on the offense, he probably shouldn't be caught with them either. If he consents, I don't see why you couldn't sell them for him. Maybe get him to type up a letter giving you permission. Dunno.1 point
1 point
I think the logo in the handle looks MUCH better than on the blade. Just my opinion though.1 point
That's fantastic. I know exactly what you mean. Same problem for me with my knees and leg. I still have a ways to go but already feel a 1000 times better.1 point
Folks, I am changing it so that the feedback score only shows beneath your name in posts inside the Trading post forums. On all others it will not be shown. Just seems to make more sense to me and cleans up the interface a little.1 point
1 point
1 point
For those that don't know, James is a firearms trainer in TN. He makes brash statements when he would do better to say nothing. His response of slamming TGO on Facebook is a perfect example. I don't know him though suspect he's a good guy who has a hard time saying nothing when that would be best. He lost his carry permit for a while for making inflammatory remarks about the anti gunners. He deployed to a Iraq as a security contractor. People claimed that he reacted with cowardice. I watched the video many times and read about appropriate responses in that type situation since I'm not a soldier. It seems to me that he responded the way he should have and that people started attacking him verbally due to previous inflammatory statements and that their verbal attacks against him were wrong. In the shooting incident, the vehicle was on the right side of the road. They were stopped and bullets started flying, coming from the right. He went to the ditch on the left side of the road, laid down and started taking aim with his weapon.1 point
I don't mean this in my usual asinine jerk M.O. but why do we care what this gumby says? No, seriously is it just the intrinsic humor of being mentioned or does this guy's opinion really carry some weight cause other than the time or two he's been mentioned here with an accompanying video or something, I never heard of this guy. He's certainly not the topic of any discussion in any circle I find myself in. Chuck Yeager. Now there's a cool Yeager worth talking about. Jagermeister is pretty decent too.1 point
Bad idea! I know for one I'd have to go create multiple accounts just so I could come up with reasons such as "Won George Zimmerman's gun online and he suggested this forum for teaching myself engagement scenarios" or "Met some guy named Leonard at a gunshow and he kept saying "TGO Sucks!" after each comment out of his mouth so I had to check it out to see what it was about". Another good one could be "Recently was introduced to regional mall security specialist (cannot reveal his name or identity as it may blow his cover) and he suggested I familiarize myself as much as possible with firearms to deal with situations and the like that I may encounter on my weekly trips to the mall. TGO was the first forum that popped up when Googling "local gun forums". I just cannot help myself...1 point
It's the John Willis effect lol. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
These are the cases that will be going to the SC, and some here want to take the chance of letting Hillary get the job of appointing at least one possibly more of the next judges.1 point
Proud doesn't even begin to describe it. She and I have always had fun shooting. Her mother accepts it, but doesn't participate much. We did the soccer thing for several years, but she didn't enjoy it. As soon as she was eligible for this she asked to join. The idea is to help her with her concentration, patience and attention. She is amazing when she has the rifle in her hands. There were several hundred kids at the competition Saturday. The coaches had stated several times that they expected her to place, but when I saw the sheer number of competitors, I wasn't as certain. She however was. She had a lot of fun. Some of the alumni of the county team have gone on to the UK Shooting Team, which is now the Heathen's goal.1 point
Well, I found the mid season finale rather underwhelming. Especially since central theme is three of the principals going crazy. Two of which I don't care about in the first place. - OS1 point
Touring with weapons can get tricky. Unplanned added shows in no carry states....traffic stops, venues with tight security...unexpected fly dates added while you're already out.1 point
If you find one, be sure to let the rest of us Bellevue denizens know about it. I drive an hour each way to Gallatin Gun Club. There's the range out at Cheatham WMR I've never been as I've heard tales of how unsafe some of the inbred morons can be who like to frequent the place. It's a 45 minute drive. For 15 minutes more, I prefer to go to the much safer and usually empty GGC. Royal Range has a super nice facility and the people to match. It ain't cheap, and it's indoors, but it's the closest range that we have. Plus they're now a TGO sponsoring vendor. +1 to that!1 point
Easy solution, forget the other 200k or so, just make me happy ...1 point
The only one you need to please is yourself, if your happy with the new site then roll with it. Your not going to make everyone happy no matter what you do. Some people wouldn't be happy if you hung them with a new rope. I think you have done a great job and just want to thank you for the time and trouble you go thru giving us a place to get together. Thank You1 point
I'm rapidly exceeding my capability of pleasing everyone even part of the time, here.1 point
1 point
Sounds more to me like the Rangers just wanted to make a point. Why is it that when bears get habituated to people they go out of their way to retrain their fear of people and not much effort was made to save this animal. Even if the herd didn't eventually take it in, I am sure there are more than a few sanctuaries it could have been moved to. No, they just wanted to make a point and get some media exposure about this problem, and it is a problem, and since Bison have become so plentiful, well...1 point
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