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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Or that Californians are the same as Americans...
    5 points
  2. Is the contrast any better right now? I've darkened some of the background and added some shading. I have a whole other Theme that I am working on behind the scenes but am not ready to release it just yet. But the changes I made this morning *should* provide some relief to those wanting more contrast around the various bits and pieces of the forum.
    3 points
  3. I'll be posting an update later today and hope to open a pre-ordering session some time this weekend.
    3 points
  4. I had heard rumors about a M&P Shield 45, but just saw this announcement today. http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Category4_750001_750051_780153_-1_757781_757781_image
    2 points
  5. I made this for family so I knew it was going to be a PITA before I ever started. As of this moment I'll probably never make another. It's 3/16" thick 1095 carbon steel with a 6" blade. The finger guard and pommel are SS and they are silver soldered to the tang. The handle is black mesquite and Chakta Viga with red and black G10 spacers.
    2 points
  6. Bob Hope had it right a long time ago. https://youtu.be/4a6YdNmK77k
    2 points
  7. This is a big camp/hunter blade as requested by the customer. It's double acid etched 3/16" thick 1095 Carbon steel with IPE scales and what I call TGO mosaic pins. It has a false edge and jimping on the spine.
    2 points
  8. I recommend maximum volume....
    2 points
  9. Perhaps you should pick up before you shoot since you're probably already scrounging the brass anyway ( I always do...lol)
    2 points
  10. Thanks....it was so time consuming I can't imagine what I would have to charge to make it worth my while. I mean it sincerely....nobody would buy it cause it's just insane how much time it takes to do something like that. I made the finger guard as well and when you do everything with files, saws and sandpaper instead of a CNC machine or water jet it's well...a labor of love.
    2 points
  11. Another must read thread for those that think Democrats are the same as Republicans.
    2 points
  12. Something about these little 100 plus year old wheel guns that is intriguing. With a working one in my hand, I often think it may well have been assembled by an old Civil War vet. Well anyway, I picked this up on GB about a year ago for about a hundred bucks. Last month I did a similar rebuild on a little 22 short called a Captain Jack. The Ranger is a good choice for a rebuild since it uses coil springs for the cylinder latch lever and cylinder locking lug. Also the hand is sprung very nicely with a strong spring arm pined into the hammer. Many of these early mouse guns used tiny leaf springs that would be a real pain to fab up since they are usually shot. As with a lot of these, I had to beat the cylinder pin out of the gun. The cylinder had about .016" end shake so the picture shows the building up of weld that will extend the length of the cylinder and I will turn the weld into a thicker bushing face. The original diameter over the cylinder pin was very thin allowing the hammer to beat the cylinder forward over the many firings. Heres the turned cylinder with a new pin made from oil hardened drill rod. Once the cylinder is fit into the frame with virtually no forward to back play, The barrel face is turned back and drilled out to .250". Then a new 22 sleeve is turned to fit and epoxied into the barrel. most any of these early guns will have the hammer and or the trigger sear wiped out as seen here. The fix is once again a build up of weld and recutting the hammer sear notches. Reshaped and the trigger spring was trimmed to lighten it up to a far more comfortable let off. After the trigger is re-timed with the action, I simply hardened it with Kasenite. The front sight was missing so I soldered in a new blade and trimmed it down to POA. The target is a 7 round cylinder string fired off hand at 6 feet. The only rounds that I would say is safe to fire in a well functioning BP mouse gun are CCI #0026 22 SHORT CB rounds. These round have no powder in them. only a primer charge. I'm always on the look out for those CCI #0026 rounds. I use them in an old Belgian Flobert type rolling block I have. You gotta love putting life back into these grand old guns! I sure do
    1 point
  13. Missouri Bullet gave Mo Shooting Sports (Mo NRA affiliate) a discount. They might give TN Gun Owners a discount if someone with authority from forum asked for the discount. IIRC it was 5 or 10%. I don't shoot cast so never ordered from MB.
    1 point
  14. I just had mine replaced yesterday on an 85hp Johnson. I've tried to doctor it up for years, but finally broke down and had it done. Good luck! I don't know enough about it to help, but I know it's not easy.
    1 point
  15. check out the plated bullets (copper plated) at x-treme bullets. they are the same price and/or lower over their cast lead bullets. once i started with plated bullets i don't order any more cast lead bullets for pistol. the only cast lead i do now is the ones i make out of wheel weights for rifle use. i use plated for all pistol rounds. they use to give free shipping for first order. sign up for news letter and get free shipping and 5% to 10% off all the time. they send a email out every day with some special deal. hard to beat and ship fast.
    1 point
  16. Same for me also Missouri Bullet-I use their 9mm cone 125gr and their .40 cal cone in 180gr.All good so far.I also have a box of 210gr for my .41 Mag.They have very fair prices and shipping and they are darn near local.
    1 point
  17. No idea, never used one with them. I don't think they have many out there, I have probably looked at one point or another. I always felt their prices and shipping were fair so I didn't give it much effort.
    1 point
  18. I'm really liking the new grip texture on this one. With this, I fail to see why anyone would choose any XD over a Glock or M&P.
    1 point
  19. I think the following speaks volumes not only of California's Kevin De Leon but all politicians in general: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/california-senate-approves-sweeping-gun-control-measures-39236497
    1 point
  20. I run a Trijicon RMR on my Glock 40 are really like it.
    1 point
  21. As far as comparable models, no. Just the high proportionality of Glocks being the weapon of choice. You can certainly shoot yerself in the ass with any of them via unsafe behavior. Or elsewhere of course. Reholstering seems to be involved with many occurrences, so that should be taken quite seriously. While a quick draw can certainly be beneficial, a quick reholster is almost never needed. - OS
    1 point
  22. I waited a week and contacted them again last night. Once again, I was told a supervisor would call. Well, a specialist called today. He acted pretty surprised by everything that has occurred. He very politely asked what I would like since I've had so much trouble. He said he would see what he would do and call me back tonight. He also emailed me his contact info including his direct line. I'll keep it updated.
    1 point
  23. Now given I've not shot at too many facilities, but I find it hard to believe anybody could have anything like this range around here. This is an amazing facility. Heck the air cleaners alone are a big difference maker. I bet we had almost 3,000 rounds down range during IDPA last night and not once did I see smoke or smell gun powder. The lighting on the range is great. I can actually see all my hits! I hope this place can pull it off. I see a massive overhead to keep up with, but this is the best range I've been too and the store actually stocks CZ's so they get bonus points from me.
    1 point
  24. More than likely July, Protech has the stock to do these before the Godsons and Dave is very excited about this one he seems to think everyone, not only TGO members will Dig the Strider he is doing, as as soon as he sends me pictures I'll post them
    1 point
  25. The revolver challenge has been thrown! Lets see how many wheel guns we can get on the board at the Steam Plant Shootout. We have five so far, but I know there are a bunch of sleepers out there. Those in right now: William King Drummond Rick Williams Kenneth Kloeppel Joe Williams Williams Moss
    1 point
  26. @TGO David Thanks for putting in a bit of dank.
    1 point
  27. I don't understand the liberal / democratic way of reasoning, logic and critical thinking. Do you suppose they really believe their agenda will limit or prevent criminal / terrorist behavior? Or are they afraid of law abiding Americans capable of defending themselves against government tyranny, socialism and intrusion of individual liberty? California and parts of New York resemble the former Soviet Union IMO.
    1 point
  28. I've only had them a short time, but I like the 5.11 Tactical 1.5" Leather Casual belt. If you're skinny enough to wear a small (under 31" waist), they are dirt cheap on eBay. I paid $17 for brown and $25 for black.
    1 point
  29. Alien Gear, I've got two of them. Very nice steel reinforced and a good price. Takes bout 6 weeks.
    1 point
  30. I am glad you are not making anymore, or you would have more of my money. Great Blade.
    1 point
  31. The start of Fear and Loathing
    1 point
  32. Sure. Basics are: Mega Receiver Set / Proof Research 24" Barrel / Geissele SSA-E trigger / JP BCG / Vortex Razor Gen I / American Rifle Company QD Mount
    1 point
  33. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I just ordered a horsehide belt from the beltman.
    1 point
  34. These belt threads usually go the same way the pump shotgun threads go; the answers are Beltman and Remington 870. It just doesn’t get any better.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. I appreciate the gratitude more than you may ever know. This week has sucked.
    1 point
  37. Perfect, it's been too long since I've been to Dolomite-land. I should have the upper soon- I'll give you a shout. Thanks.
    1 point
  38. Or you could bring it out and we will square the upper up on my lathe.
    1 point
  39. I'm on board, I just need to talk Fitty into renting me that lapping tool he made
    1 point
  40. Someone here actually COMPLAINING about a USA made gun. Yep, it's the end of the world. Everything is backwards.
    1 point
  41. You computer guru's never fail to amaze me......cool deal.
    1 point
  42. I heard they had even more than that in storage lol. It is fantastic seeing that though.
    1 point
  43. TULA/SIMONOV 1954 SKS-45 Its Russian, it's red, it looks like new and I would never even think about doing any mods. to it. As much as I like that gun, that poncho liner it's sitting on means much more. I brought that back from Nam 1967, they were worth there weight in gold back then. I've kept it all these years, some things are just hard to explain.S
    1 point
  44. A little something inconspicuous.
    1 point
  45. So here's what we know about the password situation: The common denominator seems to be that all of the members who have had to reset their passwords were members of TGO back when we ran vBulletin up until a few years ago. There is something peculiar about the way those passwords were brought over in the conversion process way back then that is affecting your accounts now. Resetting your passwords, exactly as you have been doing, is the right thing to do until the software authors come up with a fix to help everyone else who hasn't reset their passwords yet.
    1 point
  46.   It could be, depending on the safe, and whether you grounded it or not, and how far from the metal the electronics are stored, and whether there is any powder inside (its gonna spark, bet on it).   This is expensive solution if what you are protecting is commonplace items like a couple of phones or a laptop etc.   If you already have one and there is room ... it can work.
    1 point
  47. There's only one real solution here.....take it back and buy a Toyota  :taunt:  :hiding:  :whistle:
    1 point
  48.   Serious question becasue I really don't know: Is it normal for a manufacturer to ship a vehicle without fluids? Granted a proper dealer inspection would have discovered that before the damage was done, but isn't the real fault at the factory?   Either way, it's stories like these that keep me from buying anything in the Chrysler-family. I know all manufacturers have their goofs, but it seems like Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep have more than their fair share. As was said above though, an older Jeep would be a lot of fun. Wish I had a place to keep one. The '75 CJ5 that Robtattoo had up for sale looked super cool.
    1 point
  49. "Friends had applied pressure to the gunshot wound in attempt to control the bleeding and officers then put a tourniquet on the leg. Brumbaugh was taken to the University of Tennessee Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries, according to police." Tourniquet for a non-life threatening injury? Somebody needs another first aid class. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
    1 point
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