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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2016 in all areas

  1.   Do you want my wife's answer or the truth?
    3 points
  2. Well , I've been called worse ..... :)
    2 points
  3. Just finished putting 100 rounds threw the pistol and I really like it. I shot a mix of Winchester white box, pmc, Corbon. Mostly 115-124 fmj but some 100 grain power ball thrown in. Function was 100 percent right out of the box . No lube other that what came from the factory. Ejection was pretty consistent . The only time it didn't land in the big pile in the bed of my Silverado it was so to a weaker round that you could hear a difference in. Accuracy is more than adequate. I don't shoot handguns nearly as much as I should lately but I will still able to get 17 round groups that were palm sized or smaller. Recoil wasn't any worse than any other full size polymer gun that I shoot. The trigger was consistent and broke cleanly . On a side note, 18 rounds will easily fit into the 17 round mags. I didn't shoot it like this but did accidentally put 18 in one without much effort. Over all very impressed so far and would recommend this pistol to anyone in the market for a high capacity polymer 9mm.
    2 points
  4.   Top of my head:   - Non-violent non-drug related felons may possess long guns   - Many federal AOW prohibitions are not unlawful   - Firearms may fire two shots with single trigger pull   - The entire 4473 process not a requirement to purchase under state law, some of the banned classifications of persons on it are not banned by state law, nor is lying on it a state crime.   - Not to mention manufacture or possession of any firearm covered by the TN Firearm Freedom Act.   Probably any number of other examples exist too.     - OS
    2 points
  5. "Facebook like"??? That's not a selling point for me :P
    2 points
  6. Just wanted to share my Sig P220 Elite. So far it's seen 1400 hiccup free rounds and is dead on accurate. I barely have to do anything to get rounds on target.
    1 point
  7. Hello all, I will soon be moving to the Knoxville area and wanted to get started on TGO officially so I can get up to speed on shooting events/clubs etc. in the area.  I'm moving in from Texas but don't hold that against me, I'm not from TX - it's worse, I'm originally from New Mexico.  My wife is a Volunteer though and we are very excited to finally get to raise the kiddos in the TN.   I've been working the oil fields for the last 13 years and finally giving it up after the last year + of complete market downturn.  I'm looking to get into a more stable industry and really want to work more with firearms so hopefully work will be more enjoyable and less like work (lofty dream I know).   I shoot a bit of IDPA and am an IDPA SO, I also love to hunt and fish.  I see there are several ranges and clubs in the Knoxville/Oak Ridge area so hopefully I will meet up with some of you soon.  I'm really looking forward to the banter of the forum and to live in a state with 4 seasons again.   Steve
    1 point
  8. Picked up several guns in an estate sale. There was a couple of oddballs in the bunch. Not really oddballs but guns you do not see very often. This is an early 50's Great Western Frontier single action in .357 Atomic. The .357 Atomic is basically a .357 mag +p. It uses the same case but is loaded a little hotter. For a brief time it was touted as the most powerful handgun cartridge. The .44 mag was created before atomic ammo went into production. In mid 1954 Great Western changed the roll mark to .357 magnum and that was the end of the .357 Atomic. [url=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/IMG_2523_zpsomiop9q3.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/IMG_2524_zpsmch7d1wy.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  9. I came really close to doing the upgrade today while you all were out showering your moms and the moms in your lives with adoration.  We kept a low profile instead of going out, and well... it was tempting.  :lol:   I'm still on track to do the upgrade this Thursday night. 
    1 point
  10. Happy Mothers day to all the hard working pistol packing mommas. :wave:
    1 point
  11. Normal machining and wear with regards to that shiny streak. Common to all semi-autos. Maybe put a dab of oil or grease on the streak. Load it up and enjoy. CZ 50's are excellent little pistols.
    1 point
  12. Looks like "machining" marks to me.  A lot of guns don't polish the insides of unimportant areas and so it looks just like it did when it came off the cutting machine that made it.   Its harmless, if ugly.    I'd check that shiny streak on the right... that slides across each round and it looks (could be dirt, or whatever) like it has a rough spot.  If so, polish that out.    After shooting, some guns will have that area of the slide rubbing the barrel a bit and youll see the wear marks.  If its rough there, polish it.  The gun will tell you.  As you shoot it, it will knock finish off and burnish the areas that are rubbed every shot.  If you find a burnished area that is rough, cleaning it up will smooth out the operation -- sometimes by a LOT.  Shooting it 1000 times will do it for you eventually but if its new I just go ahead and knock it down myself, esp when I can feel it.
    1 point
  13. Sure, Www.Ohioriders.net It's from my days living in Ohio.
    1 point
  14. Dave has been working on a prototype of the TGO Strider, if it is what I think he has in mind, it will be by far the coolest TGO knife ever done, I will keep you all posted on this, trust me you will absolutely love it!
    1 point
  15.   Welcome to the banana republik of the USSA!   - K  
    1 point
  16. Can one ever have too many knives? 
    1 point
  17. If your ever vacationing around the Pensacola area, check their web site as Pensacola is their summer home.  They run practices during the week when they aren't on the road and its free.  When they get done practicing, you get a brief chance to meet and greet them in the Naval Aviation Museum, which is well worth visiting on it's own merit..  You can walk right up and touch most of the planes, and they have at least two corsairs there. 
    1 point
  18. Well...it's coming together. BCG is in the mail. Only need a muzzle device and gas block. Going to run it with irons for a while Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. We all understand that, and it does not matter; nothing critical about it.   JayC, as a former cop I can assure you people that have been drinking can’t remain silent, of course they have the right; they don’t have the ability. Anyone that’s worked the streets will tell you the same thing. We are also discussing situations where your actions caused the Office to think you are drinking and carrying a gun. No field sobriety tests, no urine tests, none of that. Just you and the cop standing in front of a Judge or jury telling what they observed. Of course you won’t be saying anything, so it will be a pretty one sided story. At that point it’s really immaterial; most folks would rather just know that in Tennessee it’s against the law to drink and carry a gun; they aren’t interested in being a test case.
    1 point
  20. UPDATE!   I've managed to work through all of the current challenges for converting TGO to the new software and even have the Look & Feel mostly transferred over.  Unless something unforeseen arises between now and then, I intend to make this cutover on the night of Thursday, May 12th.   Everyone loves a good Friday the 13th change!  ;)
    1 point
  21. Crime only pays if you're a politician.
    1 point
  22. I'm so broke if a muthafucka rob me, he just be practicin'!
    1 point
  23. Time for the stars of the show....
    1 point
  24. So I finally got my pics uploaded. Here's few highlights..... Loved this B-25 pilot. He put the fighter pilots to shame.... you sissies call that a low pass? This, is a low pass. My favorite war bird... whistling death. :death: Matt Youkin put on a good show in his beautiful twin beech.... Greg Koontz puts on a great show doing all sorts of thing a Piper Cup shouldn't be able to do... ... like landing on a truck that's driving down the runway... The Air National Guard F-16 Viper put on a good turnin' & burnin' demo. My youngest had a big time with the Navy EOD divers. This had got to be tough duty for those guys. Their day job is to swim around under ships in cold, dark, turbulent waters and look for bombs to defuse. But today they get to play fish in the aquarium and splash kids. Good stuff.
    1 point
  25. Okay, so let me get this straight.  Local law enforcement departments - in this case in Arizona - helping the Feds enforce (sometimes unconstitutional) gun control laws is just fine.  Local law enforcement tackling an issue that seems to be a much bigger problem in states such as Arizona by trying to combat illegal immigration through enforcing laws which the Feds want to ignore, however, infringes on Federal authority and the officials of those departments will end up in court over it.   http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/sheriff-joe-arpaio-raids-illegal/2016/05/03/id/726885/
    1 point
  26. Even though covering overtime might seem like small potatoes that number could be huge. So having the Feds pay some of the jurisdiction's overtime bill would be a HUGE incentive to work with the ATF. I would also venture to guess that the department would also be given other perks for helping the ATF. The way things should be is the Feds stay out of state business unless the state requests their help. And even then the Feds involvement should be very, very small.
    1 point
  27. DOLOMITE SUPAFLY is a stand up guy who helps many people and speaks the truth. If you are gonna troll at least get his name right. I think it's funny that you are the only person that I have ever heard say anything good about Brad or his company, and your only 2 posts are both in this thread defending him. Somehow I don't think that is by accident. Maybe you are Brad?
    1 point
  28. There's only one real solution here.....take it back and buy a Toyota  :taunt:  :hiding:  :whistle:
    1 point
  29. Good on ya'll for doing this.  Too far away for me to drive to, but I'm glad to see this event is happening.     What's a spiting contest?     Are you inviting the local media?
    1 point
  30. I was in fear of my life I was in fear of my life I was in fear of my life I was in fear of my life I was in fear of my life
    1 point
  31. The best 7,62x39 upper is an AK-47 :)
    1 point
  32. I'm only $15 plus $10 TICS in Hendersonville.
    1 point
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