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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Very curious about this. I've made a few great rifles out of them, and have a few more waiting on later builds. All are 100% perfect so far, even the half-dozen "blems" I bought that are perfect. What is out of spec? Pin holes? Magwell issue? I'm interested to hear what's wrong, and what they do about it. :-)
    3 points
  2.   Top of my head:   - Non-violent non-drug related felons may possess long guns   - Many federal AOW prohibitions are not unlawful   - Firearms may fire two shots with single trigger pull   - The entire 4473 process not a requirement to purchase under state law, some of the banned classifications of persons on it are not banned by state law, nor is lying on it a state crime.   - Not to mention manufacture or possession of any firearm covered by the TN Firearm Freedom Act.   Probably any number of other examples exist too.     - OS
    2 points
  3. The .gov teat is pretty hard to resist when it's spouting so much milk for the taking.  Couple that with how hard it is to get revenues increased at the local level, it's easy to see how this kind of system comes to pass for cash strapped departments.  The line between a local PD becoming an extension of the federal government is thinner than people think.
    2 points
  4. These arrived today!!! :D These are the RTIC 30oz and the Orca 27oz tumblers. I just ordered a 20oz Yeti and a 20oz Orca to compare. These 30oz and 27oz models will hold a LOT of beverage!
    2 points
  5. I'm gonna try to finish work early one day this weekend so I can shoot this thing and give you guys a report.
    2 points
  6. Even though covering overtime might seem like small potatoes that number could be huge. So having the Feds pay some of the jurisdiction's overtime bill would be a HUGE incentive to work with the ATF. I would also venture to guess that the department would also be given other perks for helping the ATF. The way things should be is the Feds stay out of state business unless the state requests their help. And even then the Feds involvement should be very, very small.
    2 points
  7. There's only one real solution here.....take it back and buy a Toyota  :taunt:  :hiding:  :whistle:
    2 points
  8. Here is a good deal going on with centerfire systems   https://www.centerfiresystems.com/REC0001.aspx Lower   https://www.centerfiresystems.com/ACC0024.aspx Upper   https://www.centerfiresystems.com/BBL0003.aspx Barrel   Each of these come with 3 free mags, i just ordered mine and cant wait for them to get here!
    1 point
  9. I bought an extra shelf for my Wicked Edge Gen 3 it will now hold 18 stones which is all I will ever need, It was just milled this morning and I just put it back together,
    1 point
  10. Only time I've seen an Anderson build go bad was when a friend at work built an AR with Anderson receivers that wouldn't cycle by hand. Anderson replaced the upper, but it still didn't work. Problem turned out to be the $10 charging handle he got from eBay. Oops!
    1 point
  11. Those look great! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. I love my 20oz Yeti - it is the perfect size for me. 
    1 point
  13. Strange, I've lost count of how many rifles I've built using Anderson parts and zero issues. They should remedy it for you if they're out of spec though.
    1 point
  14. Saweeet :up: You must have like $1.98 in that system.
    1 point
  15. I took a buddy out hunting this morning for his birthday. We've hunted a few other days this season with no success. He closed the deal this morning on a pasture bird. "So he cocked both his pistols, spit in the dirt, and walked out in to the street."
    1 point
  16. I would full length size them before ANY form of neck sizing.  Either backing off a standard sizer or a collet die like he's wanting to buy.  They need to be fire formed to ONE specific chamber before you can start neck sizing only.  
    1 point
  17. That's crazy stupid good! Hmmm.... tempted.
    1 point
  18. Looks great.  I wasn't sold in concept, but the pictures changed my mind.  I'll take one when they are ready for sale.
    1 point
  19. Awesome! They look great! I love my RTIC! I'm not sure about the ORCA, but RTIC offers a splash-proof lid for $5.99.
    1 point
  20. So what you are saying is that I can't have a glass of wine in my own home unless I lock my gun up? Let them try and enforce something like that.
    1 point
  21. You can get the same effect by drilling a hole in a dime and placing it between your shell holder and die when screwing it in the press.  Just enough to back off the shoulder and not over work the brass.  I do it all the time.  
    1 point
  22. I believe we have a winner. Several dams around the state were built in the same style, but this one looks like an exact match to #1. Here's another photo of it.
    1 point
  23. #1 is the old Walter Hill Dam power station just north of Murfreesboro on the Stones River. If you're looking for cool places to visit/hike in Tennessee, here's another one, one of my favorites in the fall-- I'm sure that at least a couple of folks on here know where this is... And just a couple of miles away from there is this...
    1 point
  24. I just might. I'm returning to work soon. I landed a pretty amazing job and we'll be fortunate enough to use my paycheck to pay bills and his will just be savings/fun/angry money.
    1 point
  25. If you like it, get it. I own a few m&ps and have owned several more . The replaceable back straps make it for a variety of hands. I have hands on the larger size and the grip feels great . In my experience they are super reliable also. I own glocks as well and like them too. Sometimes when a department changes weapons like that , it is a money thing more than it being about the weapon.
    1 point
  26. One common criticism of billionaire businessman and presidential candidate Donald Trump is that he far too often speaks in vague generalities and rarely offers specifics about where he stands on the issues. That is no longer the case, at least regarding his stance on gun rights and the Second Amendment, as Trump just released his official policy position on his campaign website. “The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period,” the position paper began.    
    1 point
  27. How many days have they had possession of the vehicle?  Also if you are covered and they refuse to comply and you need a lawyer, you can ask they pay your fees too.   State laws for your reading   https://www.carlemon.com/lemon/tn_law.html
    1 point
  28. No they will not have to do any such thing. (The policia are goin to ultimately have to accept the fact that "Constitutional Rights" are rights that work everywhere...) The Police State has courts and jails, they get to take your money on the side of the road for no reason other than you have it in your possession...refusing to honor their oaths and suppressing Liberty are just what the Chiefs do these days.
    1 point
  29. I'd give her 10k to elope.. Better to use the money to get ahead than spend on a wedding. But then there is the ex-wife giving advice. Ha
    1 point
  30. Agree- plus you need to begin putting in writing all the conversations. No more phone calls. When you don't get what you want skip to the next level in the chain - most CSR's have zero decision making authority - thus why bother talking to them. State what you want, why and then keep pushing. It's ridiculous of them to issue you s cut off date. That's horse hockey. And a push off tactic
    1 point
  31. You need to check into the lemon laws in TN. I was in the automotive industry for 25 years and owned a Ford dealership for several years. I cannot imagine treating someone the way you have been treated. If a vehicle is down for so many days for repairs state lemon laws apply. I operated in NC so I don't know the laws for TN. Have you picked the vehicle up yet?
    1 point
  32.   I volunteer to be Spot's lackey... 
    1 point
  33.     Heh... my father-in-law offered me $10k to elope.  I told him he wasn't getting off that cheap. 
    1 point
  34.     Nah, he said he dropped the key fob in water a while back.  He knew it was malfunctioning and did nothing about it.  The fact that an unintended start didn't occur to him isn't the OEM's fault.            Kinda yes and kinda no.  Cars were a lot easier to work on back then, but you sure had to work on them a lot more often. 
    1 point
  35. If you could get to them without tools and removing all kinds of shrouding! I long for the old days of cars that had a distributor and a coil...
    1 point
  36.   I'm sure that once again some anti-gunner or anti-TGOer has reported us falsely.  I've got to be honest:  I have zero interest in fighting Microsoft's arbitrary, inaccurate, and apparently easily manipulated "Smart Screen" warning every time it bubbles up.  Anyone with any sense will just disable that stupid feature or use a better browser like Google Chrome or Firefox.
    1 point
  37. "Facebook like"??? That's not a selling point for me :P
    1 point
  38. *Sigh*   I just got this one figured out.  
    1 point
  39. http://youtu.be/ra_cUTmQykc
    1 point
  40. Meh, smack some super glue on it and chug a beer. You'll be fine in the morning. You're a tough guy ;)
    1 point
  41. The attacker also has the right to remain silent. The victim is just accommodating him :)
    1 point
  42. The writer is a special kind of stupid. Sent from the Fortress of Solitude.
    1 point
  43.     This is truth...... but you should be able to make it home from the dealership without it falling the fuck apart  :devil:
    1 point
  44. Got to fly a Corsair years ago. Absolutely one badass plane. Fell in love with them watching Black Sheep Squadron on TV. That and hanging out as an airport rat.
    1 point
  45. Just got home. Freaking awesome! Watching the Corsair fly made my naughty bits tingle. Coolest plane ever.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
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