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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2016 in all areas
Those are the right words. Now win the general election and do it.6 points
Just wanted to share my Sig P220 Elite. So far it's seen 1400 hiccup free rounds and is dead on accurate. I barely have to do anything to get rounds on target.5 points
If I am able to implement such a feature, the button will look like a block of cheese. :)3 points
I have learned long ago that a person that is running for a position will say what ever he believes the people want to hear at any given time. Trump is not stupid and he knows how many gun owners there are in America and how many votes he can gain by saying what he knows we want to hear. The proof is in the puddling. If he is elected his actions will be far more important than his words prior to his election........................jmho3 points
As far as allowing military personnel to carry on base, etc. I wonder how much he could do as 'Commander in Chief' that would not have to have Congressional approval. Would be fitting if he went the Obama route to reverse a lot of anti-gun crap. Along those same lines, he could veto any new anti gun rights legislation that comes to his desk and instruct the agencies that fall under the Executive branch to 'enforce existing rules and do not create any new ones.' Keeping the ATF from coming up with any new rules could be huge in itself. Even better if he could order them to pare down and streamline existing rules.3 points
I doubt Trump will get any of this done because of the Rino's in the Senate. Corker and Alexander being two of them.3 points
We've had several more problems with Tapatalk behind the scenes lately. 56FordGuy can tell you more about what he was experiencing. In fact, I believe another forum he is a part of jettisoned Tapatalk because of how squirrelly it is. I am not committing to keeping it. Not saying I won't, or at least not for a while longer, but JohnC is right: The new Version 4 native mobile ability is very nice. AND it shows you all of the IPBoard features, unlike Tapatalk.3 points
While you are betting that common sense would prevail I'm not sure it would. If there was a healthy dose of common sense left in this country Obama would have never been elected to a second term....The Hildabeast would be in prison instead of running for president, illegals wouldn't have more rights than citizens and on and on and on.3 points
You start hearing opinions from department heads you have to remember they are basically politicians. They spew almost the same thing.3 points
Not a good move, but it is on all of us to make sure a weapon is unloaded when handling. I would be upset as well, but I don't trust anyone who hands me a gun that I haven't seen cleared. If they took the gun without checking it, they are just as much at fault.3 points
Just got this forward and it checks out true. Ya gotta love that 45ACP ! http://worldwarwings.com/bailed-out-and-shot-at-this-pilot-made-a-historical-kill2 points
I sold a couple of Glocks to a member here. Rushed myself and left a round in the chamber of one. Goes to show no matter how long you've been handling firearms, a mistake can be made. I've apologized profusely but no reply. Don't make an idiotic mistake as I did. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
I think the majority of us are optimistic, but cautious... Especially with the magnitude of the environment; politically, socially, and financially.2 points
You didn't overlook it. :) I am roughly saying sometime within the next 2-3 weeks. I have a few things that I am still trying to iron out with the process, one of them being me taking some time off from work so that I can do this uninterrupted, during the week, when Invision Power's technical support department is staffed and responsive.2 points
2 points
Glad no one was injured. A teachable moment for sure. But having the sac to own up to it on here says a lot too. I don't care who you are, you hand me a gun and I clear chamber or check for clear chamber. If that offends you oh well. Better your ego be shattered than me or YOU shot.2 points
I like how people have to specify that there is a period at the end of a sentence now, ensuring its closure. period2 points
It will, but IPB v4 has a MUCH better mobile theme than v3. I suggest trying both to see which you like best. :up:2 points
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Been a while since I took a drivers test, but a form with multi choice questions and a road test do not make for a safe, courteous and aware defensive drivers...2 points
Sorry, just had to :devil: ; but I get what you're saying and I agree.1 point
They are some cool Folks, I met them at Blade Show last year they are sending me a Bad Monkey to evaluate, I may do a TGO run on the Bad Monkey in the future if I like it enough1 point
We probably do, but I think most of us have depleted our discretionary funds [emoji22]1 point
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You can’t argue that you can drink alcohol unless you argue “under the influence”. Problem with that is that it doesn’t require being intoxicated or impaired, and has no BAC levels, or even the requirement that you be offered a BAC test. So unless there is case law on it I would guess it would be you and the Officer showing up in front of the Judge and testifying as to what happened; and him making a decision. Good luck with that if you have been drinking and carrying.1 point
Every time I open this thread I expect to see some form of Game of Thrones meme because of the title.... I am looking forward to the update for the better mobile version. I hate Tapatalk so use the mobile version now and it works but could certainly be better. It would be great if you could see member location with the new mobile version.1 point
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People on the right said the same thing about Oblamo, but my opinion is to tell them not to let the door hit them where the good Lord split them! :)1 point
1 point
http://www.midwayusa.com/product/1307154157/nra-membership?cm_mmc=pe_offer_vat-_-NRA-_-mem_drive-_-20160504 $600 for lifetime, 5 year for $100. For anyone looking to renew or upgrade.1 point
I purchased my supressor from silencershop and they mailed the form 3 on 3/18 and the form 4 on 4/18 before the form 3 was cleared. Apparently they have cleared that method with the ATF. Hopefully that means I'm in line for the shortest wait. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I'm thankful for my Dumb Screen. No warnings here.1 point
You're ok. I'm still waiting for a lawyer in the courtroom to take out someone while sweeping everyone in the courtroom with the dramatic antics they pull with no chamber flag in place [emoji53]1 point
BINGO. Chiefs always claim they speak for all LEO's, and it's not likely a LEO will challenge the Chief if he/she wants to keep their job. Many Chiefs are just politicians and will follow the script the current Mayor writes for them. I always said Surpas had a string on his back so Bredesen and Dean could make his mouth move while they said what they wanted him to say. Now, there's some exceptions like the Chief of Detroit.1 point
Contrary to what most people think about us old folks I don't hate change....I just hate trying to figure it out. A lot of it comes from not understanding terms and nomenclature...and probably never will.1 point
1 point
Sounds like you will have enough on your plate without adding the "read only" page. For me personally I think being offline for a few hours to upgrade is 100% acceptable without a read only page.1 point
I know stuff like that is hard to share. I for one am appreciative of these stories. It shows even the best of us are fallible and none of us, ever, need get complacent. Glad everything worked out fine. Fortunately a cheap lesson for all of us.1 point
Check, double check, and then make sure there's nothing in there... 2 extra seconds can save a lifetime of pain. Good for you on being able to admit the issue and remind everyone. Good for the buyer to contact you and bring it up instead of making it a public ordeal. But you both get no gold stars for participation in this event.1 point
It is. Two (or more) types of metal are forge welded together, flattened, and folded many, many times to create the layers. The layers become so thin you can't see them, and the two metals are basically the same color anyway. The layers are there, they're just not visible until the metal is etched. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XBAST6i4gdc1 point
Would that this upgrade came with a free eBook of Who Moved My Cheese. Some folks are going to need it I'd imagine. ;)1 point
So I was up doing laps around the bed and decided to snap a picture. I didn't even know I was pregnant but with the screwing I took six months ago I figure it looks about right. Just hope I am not going to be giving birth in another three months. I have two small incisions on either side of my belly button and they feel no more sore than when I got shot. The one that hurts like a mother is the incision where they went through my belly button, it is still stinging. The area where the mesh is hurts no worse than before, at least right now. I suspect that will change tomorrow. Thanks for all the kind words, thoughts and prayers.1 point
It is absolutely ludicrous to me that a public service official doesn't know the damn difference between a privilege (driving) and a right (self defense.) I think it is ludicrous that some, such officials seem to believe that they are qualified to determine who should be allowed to be best equipped for self defense and who should not. I also think it is ludicrous that this guy - who should know better than most - seems to be stupid enough to believe that forcing people to take a test, etc. before being allowed to exercise a right will stop criminals from carrying illegally and doing illegal things with the illegally carried weapons.1 point
Meh, smack some super glue on it and chug a beer. You'll be fine in the morning. You're a tough guy ;)1 point
I'm a pretty big motherfucker and have a gun! I'm pretty sure the rest will take care of itself! :D (j/k) LOL! Like many, I consider myself fairly well rounded in many aspects, but am always learning. One skill I've developed that has served me well, and I'm certain will continue to (whatever may come) is tenacity! - K1 point
so when did this happen? I buy from them on occasion and have not heard anything about it, certainly have not heard from AIM.1 point
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