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He is out of surgery.All went well.Thank you all.I am sure in a few days..he will be back to post..maybe even later today.He is pretty tough. Petra12 points
Not a good move, but it is on all of us to make sure a weapon is unloaded when handling. I would be upset as well, but I don't trust anyone who hands me a gun that I haven't seen cleared. If they took the gun without checking it, they are just as much at fault.8 points
"Facebook like"??? That's not a selling point for me :P8 points
6 points
Ok, I couldn't run out of the hospital fast enough. I was out of the hospital in under an hour from the time I woke up. I am on my way home now. No lifting for six weeks so if anyone needs anything from me it will be at least that long. But if you want to call feel free to do so, I have about six weeks worth of boredom to deal with. Right now it feels like I have been in a rough bar fight with about a 1/2 dozen dudes. Definately did not win either.6 points
Meh, smack some super glue on it and chug a beer. You'll be fine in the morning. You're a tough guy ;)6 points
Here is a rifle you do not see everyday...A Ruger #3 Carbine in .30-40 Krag. This was another one of the guns I picked up in the estate sale. It also came with a letter from Ruger. This would make a great little deer gun. [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/IMG_2525_zpsbzfawpeu.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/IMG_2526_zpspedgrla9.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/IMG_2527_zps2wwt7sj6.jpg.html][/URL]5 points
5 points
Just got this forward and it checks out true. Ya gotta love that 45ACP ! http://worldwarwings.com/bailed-out-and-shot-at-this-pilot-made-a-historical-kill4 points
4 points
Now this is a joke so lets not go getting your shorts in a knot. :biglol: >>>> Let's check out Trump's presidential qualifications: >>>> • Obama is against Trump >>>> • The Media is against Trump >>>> • The establishment Democrats are against Trump >>>> • The establishment Republicans are against Trump >>>> • The Pope is against Trump >>>> • The UN is against Trump >>>> • The EU is against Trump >>>> • China is against Trump >>>> • Mexico is against Trump >>>> • Geo. Soros >>>> (ESPECIALLY) is against Trump >>>> • Black Lives Matter is against Trump >>>> • MoveOn.Org is against Trump >>>> • Koch Bros. are against Trump >>>> • Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump >>>> >>>> Bonus points: >>>> • Cher says she will leave the country if Trump becomes President >>>> • Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country if Trump becomes President >>>> • Whoopi says she will leave the country if Trump becomes President >>>> • Rosie says she will leave the country if Trump becomes President >>>> • Al Sharpton says he will leave the country if Trump becomes President >>>> • Gov. Brown says California will build a wall if Trump becomes President >>>> >>>> Sounds like the kinda president the U.S.A. needs!4 points
Will the NOTIFICATIONS also show when someone feels the ban hammer and the related thread ??? That would be a nice touch for those of us that miss out :)4 points
Would that this upgrade came with a free eBook of Who Moved My Cheese. Some folks are going to need it I'd imagine. ;)3 points
This bill is simply one more piece of proof that this supermajority isn't good for anyone in the state of Tennessee. Representatives should actually be required to work for their constituents and earn their votes...3 points
Is it a old 121 Fieldmaster or newer 572? Extractors for both models are in stock and available here: 121: https://www.gunpartscorp.com/Manufacturers/Remington-33454/Rifles-37895/121-39477.htm 572: https://www.gunpartscorp.com/Manufacturers/Remington-33454/Rifles-37895/572-39538.htm3 points
Take care of yourself, Gordon. There's only one of you and you're pretty irreplaceable. ;)3 points
he might not be the best,,,,,,,but he is a whole lot better than what the other side has to offer. if he wins tonight the party needs to "shut the @@@@ up " and support him. what is on the other side will destroy us and the country as we know it. so it will time to get behind him and win.3 points
Oh, I have a new skill! It was hiding in plain sight all along and I never realized it's value. An added plus is that desert now counts as training...3 points
I sold a couple of Glocks to a member here. Rushed myself and left a round in the chamber of one. Goes to show no matter how long you've been handling firearms, a mistake can be made. I've apologized profusely but no reply. Don't make an idiotic mistake as I did. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk2 points
Ok, you've sold me on it. [emoji38] payment sent for my TGO (non-Damascus) Magic.2 points
Sounds like a lot of good things will be coming. Funny, I have sat in 2 days of meetings focusing on a lot of changes we are making. I was dead set against it until we got into what the changes can do for us. Now I'm excited and can't wait to get the new processes in place. I guess I've changed in the fact I now like change. Haha.2 points
2 points
Yes, lets incorporate the "Dipshit" Hall of Fame" in the new board ...2 points
Let me see if I understand this correctly... It is a crime for a person to carry around a loaded gun in this state. However, if you pay the state money they will give you a permit that will require private business owners to recognize your 2nd amendment rights? Is that what some of you are wanting? Because to me that’s a sign of a thug government and something a liberal Democrat would come up with. I’m not okay with pitting us against business owners just because it’s a pro-gun issue; that’s a fight we will lose. Nothing good can come out of it until THE STATE recognizes our second amendment rights. And the last time I checked rights were for all the people; they were not for sale. It would never hold up in court anyway.2 points
I have to say, the highlight and quote feature sounds pretty nice. It would make it a lot easier to have a point by point discussion vs quoting the same post multiple times and editing out the specific parts.2 points
Yeah, but there will be plenty of meat left over to make jerky.[emoji6] Survival is all about perspective.2 points
Ummmm....do whut now....move the clicker thingy where to get on TGO?2 points
The policia are goin to ultimately have to accept the fact that "Constitutional Rights" are rights that work everywhere... What is being discussed now is exactly why im no fan of police forces and police chiefs... They answer to no one, and some of them have a strange view of who they are and who we are.... leroy...2 points
So I was up doing laps around the bed and decided to snap a picture. I didn't even know I was pregnant but with the screwing I took six months ago I figure it looks about right. Just hope I am not going to be giving birth in another three months. I have two small incisions on either side of my belly button and they feel no more sore than when I got shot. The one that hurts like a mother is the incision where they went through my belly button, it is still stinging. The area where the mesh is hurts no worse than before, at least right now. I suspect that will change tomorrow. Thanks for all the kind words, thoughts and prayers.2 points
It is absolutely ludicrous to me that a public service official doesn't know the damn difference between a privilege (driving) and a right (self defense.) I think it is ludicrous that some, such officials seem to believe that they are qualified to determine who should be allowed to be best equipped for self defense and who should not. I also think it is ludicrous that this guy - who should know better than most - seems to be stupid enough to believe that forcing people to take a test, etc. before being allowed to exercise a right will stop criminals from carrying illegally and doing illegal things with the illegally carried weapons.2 points
2 points
I tend to amass Glock 19s rather than part with them. It seems silly at first to keep more than one of them, but when you stop and think about how damn practical they are, it makes more sense. I have them scattered about now, in vehicles, a couple of places in the house, etc. There's something to be said about having a standard weapon platform with plenty of mags and holsters and such always at your fingertips. Keep it. :)2 points
Thank you all:) I think its starts at 8am and should be around 2 hours.. Will update as I get updates. Petra2 points
You need a smart knife, or is it you need to be smart WITH the knife. Aw heck just sue them and add the manufacturer of what you were trying to cut too. It shouldn't have needed cutting and was probably bad for the environment! Or suck it up, super glue it and think about it every time you pick up a knife from now on.2 points
Dang that last pic made my stomach do a back flip with the eggs and salsa I just had....2 points
It simply makes it clear that a biz that allows you to carry your gun can't be held liable when you shoot the joint up. :) Seriously, really the opposite of original intent of the bill, where if you were disallowed to pack, biz could be held liable if a baddie hurt you. - OS2 points
The company sent me some renderings of what the finished product will look like. I took it a step further and did my own rendering in Photoshop to convey that "negative space" in the design will be stainless steel showing through. The black areas are laser engravings, permanently etched into the tumbler in black. This is just the RTIC tumbler but I have both this and the ORCA in 30oz sizes coming to me so that I can take photos and post for you all to see and then begin ordering.2 points
2 points
There also seems to at least sometimes be a divide between the opinions of rank and file officers and these guys who are often more politicians than police officers when it comes to the right of the average citizen to be best equipped for self defense. Unfortunately, it is these politicians who are the mouth pieces and who end up appearing on the news when the subject comes up - and, even more unfortunately, who drive policy and get to present their opinion as the official stance of all officers in their department.1 point
This is still good for gun owners as it removes the BS excuse that some businesses used to post so they "wouldn't be liable".1 point
WHAAAT!?! You may have just elevated the severity of my EBRD. :sick: :rock:1 point
1 point
1 point
Welcome from the east end of TN. Great folks here.1 point
My primary background is medical...RN for a 34 yrs, former Corpsman for 9 years before that...I'm an old fart and can't run & gun like I used to be able to do. :mad: But if you're ill or injured I can be of benefit...I promise... like many here I shoot, handload, can cast, and do basic forearms maintenance, But I've learned to garden, water bath and pressure can, dehydrate and preserve foods. I was raised in working in my father's meat market and have the tools and knowledge to process meats. I continue to learn and develop knowledge and skills and pray that process never ends. Most important though is that I've learned to develop "community" with like minded individuals with a broad range of skills, knowledge, and capabilities that I know and can trust. A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. -Robert A. Heinlein1 point
Have your eyes checked and get glasses if needed. As for shaking, diet and drink can make a big difference in this area. Caffeine is bad, smoking is bad, alcohol is bad, Also a good diet can help a lot.1 point
Also you can go with an all black rear sight with a wide notch. That will help you to frame-up the front sight better since there will be more light around it. And as enfield posted, its the front sight that is the most important one to focus on. Our eyes can only focus on one thing at a time, so get the best front sight focus that you can.1 point
I have some ideas for you. To answer your question, yes, you are getting older and weaker. However, that certainly doesn't mean that there isn't anything that you can do about it. Like a doc said to me once, "Once you hit 50, the warranty on your body runs out", which I have experienced myself at age 52. Regarding your sight, 90% of people start having trouble seeing things up close in their 40's. I'm assuming that you currently don't have prescription glasses. I would start with a cheap pair of reading glasses from Wal-Mart or the dollar store. They may not work, though it's worth trying them. The reason they may not work is that they are set up to focus at the distance we read from and you hold a gun further away than that. You've probably see folks with tri-focals. One of the panes is for close up and the other one is for the distance a gun is from you. Most people shoot with two hands, so I'm guessing you do as well. This sounds like more of a strength issue and there may be some arthritis or tendonitis getting involved. Regarding strength, one of the many things that suck about again is that we lose muscle mass. Fortunately, there are things you can do for strengthening. If you have health insurance, I would suggest going to see a physical therapist. I have one that is absolutely awesome, though she's in Franklin. I'll share what I would do in case you don't have insurance. If anything I suggest causes pain then don't do it. That is really important. You know those foam rubber squeezy things that you squeeze with your hands. You may try one of them. you could fold and and roll up a washcloth or two if you can't find one. Also, dry firing will help build up strength. I'm guessing that your right hand is getting tired, so the key is to build some endurance. I have to build back up when I have been shooting for a while, especially if shooting my .45 Govt. Model. This is not the time in life to let ego and testosterone get in your way. They will lead to injury which may be serious. Probably time to say good bye to .357 Magnum, 44 Magnum, etc... and hello to .22, 9mm, .38 and .44 Special. Stop shooting if your wrist starts burning. Ice is your friend. Hope this helps1 point
... and yet our President can't seem to figure a way out to defeat them. Interesting.1 point
There is a Kahr Talk.com forum that has a very helpful group of guys and gals. It is provided by Kahr. Go over there and ask the question, someone should be able to help you.1 point
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