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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2016 in all areas

  1. So here is the deal. I will not let any member of TGO crap on a thread that was meant to honor a fellow American who has died. It has nothing to do with whether I like Prince or not. Respecting the dead is part of being a decent human being. So if you decide you want to disrespect a fellow American that has died go stand in front of the mirror and preach away, I will not allow you to have a soapbox here to do it. Regardless of what you think or think you know about him he has worked harder than most of us here. And because of all that hard work he was not only not a drain on society, unlike a lot of Americans, but was a complete success by every definition of the word. I am sure he also inspired a lot of minority men and women with his success. So before anyone decides to beat him up again educate yourself on what all he has done. Perhaps we can all gain a little more understanding and maybe even learn how to be as successful as this man was in our own lives. So please, if you have nothing nice to say about the dead then say nothing at all.
    11 points
  2. I am sorry but like the threat said "Respect". And that was the whole vibe until someone comes in and posts something negative .There was no need for that. I would be upset too, if I made a threat about something that I liked and then it gets crapped on because the persons don't have enough respect and just simply post stuff like that because they can.If they don't like him,thats fine,but why post in a thread that was made by someone who wanted to merely say something nice about him?
    6 points
  3.   Will this policy encompass Jane Fonda, Al Sharpton, and Dianne Feinstein too? ;)   - OS
    4 points
  4. Just to brighten up your Friday afternoon, it's really encouraging to see a judge with some empathy.  I appreciated his comments about how "sometimes they lose their way", but still recognizes their humanity:   http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/concerned_about_veteran_with_ptsd_judge_orders_him_to_jail_and_serves_the_t  
    3 points
  5. Century is sending me a new firearm. Should be here in a week or two. Which is great so I do not have to deal with Preper Guns ever again.
    3 points
  6. The knives are being built at this moment, they are awaiting Bolsters for them I'll update when I know when they will be completed
    3 points
  7.  I need to take my own advise from above.   Please stop crapping in the thread 06. there have to be better things you can be doing.
    3 points
  8. It's photosucket, they were probably trying to figure out how to watermark your pictures with advertising
    2 points
  9. That engine would be salvageable too provided a good powertrain mechanic tear it down immediately after it comes out of the water before a lot of air gets to it and corrodes parts together.    My days in the military, I saw several hummers go underwater and they were tore down after recovery and put back into service with a minimum of parts. Electronics are toast, but the mechanical stuff can be cleaned and reassembled. Even at six months, once it's full of water, not much oxidation is taking place.
    2 points
  10. Can you imagine the phone call if it did belong to a lady. Hey honey the truck won't start, it's flooded. Husband says, That's impossible, it's fuel injected! Well give it a few minutes and try it again.
    2 points
  11. After action report: wedding went fine no problems at all! My observation Of downtown Memphis, people walking around (in my view) totally unaware of what is going on! (Head in the clouds,completely oblivious to what is going on around them!). End of report! Thanks for all of the suggestions!
    2 points
  12. Omega,   You are describing how most of us on this forum would like it to be.   The reality is this.  There are five conditions that have to be met to claim self defense.  The chances of going to jail increase as any of these aren't met.  If you are determined to be the aggressor, then you are in a world of hurt.  The fact that someone is stealing from your garage does not in any way prevent you from being the aggressor.   Hearing the dog bark, going out to see what it is, and having that escalate into the perp being shot is a scenario where I don't want the DA deciding whether to prosecute on me.  The truth and what the prosecutor says in court may be two very different things.   The law that you quoted above is not how it is practiced in TN.   Imagine an ego contest that turns into a road rage incident where the two cars pull over on the side of the road.  Someone winds up being shot.  Regardless of what happened, the person doing the shooting likely will not be able to claim self defense.    I went to a class taught by the top firearms self defense attorney in the country.  One of the big take aways was that you want to have all five requirements for self defense so strong that the DA moves on to something else.  If they pursue it, the best case scenario is that you will go bankrupt paying for a defense.  
    2 points
  13. Today I took a few minutes to try a few tasks with the bushcraft knife I commissioned from GT a few weeks ago. I didn't put it through brutal tasks, but did try some basic ones that I expect a knife to do if I'm going to carry it. First, the knife is made from 1095 steel that my calipers measure as 0.155 inches thick. Blade length is approximately 5 inches and OAL is about 10.5 inches. The scales are mesquite (I'm sure GT will correct me if I am wrong) and I asked him to include jimping on the top of the blade as well as the extension beyond the handle. The knife came with a nice sharp edge, but me being me, I worked on it a bit and got it where I wanted it. I started the test by cutting some paper to show the edge quality. First thing I did was take some red oak firewood I have and split a couple of pieces off using another piece of oak as a baton. The knife easily made fast work of the splitting thanks to the thickness of the blade and the flat grind. The blade took the force of the baton strikes just fine and the tip and handle were not damaged. Next, I took one of the pieces I split and did some shavings as you would do on a feather stick. The knife edge was still very sharp and I had no difficulty. I also used the edge of the spine to scrape some wood from the piece as one would do to make tinder. Next, to test the tip, I used the blade to drill a divot in the oak. This was an easy task and the tip held up without any damage. I have tested the blade spine on a ferro rod previously and it is excellent for this task. After these tasks, I wanted to see how the edge had held up and I used the same sheet of paper to test the cut. I also tried a cut on a piece of soft bread, which my dog appreciated since she got to eat the results. Needless to say, the edge was still extremely sharp and it only took a couple of swipes on my leather strop to get it back to razor sharp. If I had some natural fiber rope I would have tried that, but I'm confident the results would have been positive. I am still thrilled with this knife and look forward to many years of enjoying it in the woods on my outdoor adventures. If you've ever considered one of GT's knives, just do it already! You won't regret it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. I carry a Sig Legion 229 and was looking for a holster to open carry on our family land, I am permanently disabled and have an action trackchair for property. Was looking at thigh holsters, something very easy to draw out of, but don't want the barrel pointed straight in front of me, even can be something to attach to the chair, any thoughts?
    1 point
  15.   It doesn't need the same serial number and it doesn't need to go to an FFL. Some manufacturers, like Ruger, require any firearm to go back through an FFL. They just ship it directly to me because it is the same as getting MY gun back but with a different serial number. It is considered a "repair" and so it does not need to go through a background because it came from you in the first place.
    1 point
  16. Floating Off, Ruins Day Foments Off Road Dunking Failure On River Drive Ford Optional River Dive Fools Often Run Deep Frequent Off Road Derp Found Off Road, Deep Fixing Occasional Road Distractions Failure On Reading Directions
    1 point
  17. Floated Off Ramp& Drowned Or Flooding Obviously Reduces Drivability These were the best I could come up with in the past few hours.
    1 point
  18. How does this show even come close to stacking up against G of T. If it weren't for DVR, Fear the Walking Dead would be history. :clap:
    1 point
  19. If you haven't found one and time is no longer an issue I can mail you one to use and you can mail it back. Cherokee Slim Use: KC4IHO@gmail.com
    1 point
  20. I have been after this revolver for several years, belongs to a close family member, and I am finally close to owning it. I wanted to share as I know several here are Smith fans. The 36th edition Blue Book prices this at $325 in 95% condition, plus $9 for the 4" model. I have watched Gunbroker over the past few weeks, these have been listed for $400 and up to over double that in various condition. I need to spend more time going over this to get a better idea of the condition. I would appreciate any additional help in setting a value on this, as well as reading the label. TH and TT = target hammer / trigger I believe? I believed we had discovered this revolver was produced in 1968 previously, but my search on Google turned up this serial number range as from 1969. Close enough either way. I have shot this several times over the past few years and it is a great shooting piece. Very light and smooth trigger pull and extremely accurate with the .38 Special target rounds we used.
    1 point
  21.       This is why they teach to slow down when approaching a stale green light.  
    1 point
  22. When I saw the pic of the fob on the end of the key ring that was the first thing that came to my mind was that it was fashioned to look like an oilfield drill bit... But then again I was born in the oilpatch down south and my father as well as my fathers father and brother too were at one time all Driller's....
    1 point
  23. As GT once said, "you can sharpen a hammer with that system" I LOVE MINE! Keep up the good work and don't draw much blood!
    1 point
  24. Guy's... We try to allow as much free speech as possible here at TGO. I'm not going to call anyone out on this one, but if there is a next time, let's not get personal and start attacking each other like this again. I'm going to take the time to edit this thread so it can stay open and on topic.
    1 point
  25. There is a Kahr Talk.com forum that has a very helpful group of guys and gals.  It is provided by Kahr.  Go over there and ask the question, someone should be able to help you.
    1 point
  26. I repaired a cracked M1 carbine stock with Elmer's glue. 30 years later you still can't see the repair.
    1 point
  27. For me my older S&W and Colt Revolvers are priceless. As stated already you can throw the book away on them. It comes down to what you are willing and can afford to pay. I have a few guns that public opinion would say I paid too much. But, they are hard to find, I found them, and had the means to pay the price. For some reason my brother and I got into collecting rifles and pistols manufactured in 1965 the year I was born, and 1970 the year he was born. It has been fun for us to hunt for each other. The conversations it has opened up between us has made some of our finds priceless just from the journey. I hope you get this beautiful gun for your collection.
    1 point
  28. And I've seen the box & wax paper alone bring $300 in the past to someone who really needed it for a collection piece.
    1 point
  29. The easiest solution is to stop at a red light. :hat:
    1 point
  30.   Jim Belushi is still alive and making movies. :)   - OS
    1 point
  31. That might just be the greatest interwebz post of all time.
    1 point
  32. Wow..that is rather uncouth..If you don't like him,cool..he wasn't my cup of tea either but none here hold him up on a pedestal, I am sure....he was simply a good musician.Just like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Elvis, David Bowie and a host of others. It doesn't matter what he imbibed, used,shot up or snorted.That didn't affect your world  or mine..what did affect us,was his music ...Can we leave it at that? Lots of people liked him no need to be an ass about it......I could say the same thing about people who worship a deity in the sky, but I am not  so close minded to dismiss that ,because other people have faith it that. Jimmy Hendrix and Little Wing... Stevie Ray Vaughan an VodooChile( slight return)is pure sex.... To bad they are all gone..sad..   And a real dick thing to do is to crapp on a threat that was otherwise nice.
    1 point
  33. I'm more worried about the driver, driving around hours a day listening to non-stop "Pop Goes The Weasel" , you wonder when he's going to snap.
    1 point
  34. Why? She was a gun-totin', democrat killin' republican. What's the problem?
    1 point
  35. I'm glad you gave it a workout and thanks for posting it up. :up:  It's the main reason I send these out to be professionally heat treated...for durability.
    1 point
  36. The pros are still performing the autopsy, but someone on TGO already knows the cause of death. Stop the presses! ELvis was a fat druggie, but I still appreciate the music and the talent. It's easy to separate the two. Great artist. R.I.P. Prince!
    1 point
  37. Don't worry everyone, soon paper currency will be a thing of the past. Electronic currency will be the way of the future, makes it easier to track and that way you'll be able to only use your allotment. Easier for them to get ahold of it to. Heck, look at Japan and some countries in Europe, already setting limits on withdrawals. Mr. DJT has even suggest scalping a percentage of everyone's accounts to help with the country's debt. No sir, I don't like it. Reminds of the old saying, going to something or other in a hand basket..... And yes, Lincoln was a Republican, the first one in fact.
    1 point
  38. This brought back memories of when I found out turkeys can fly; I'm not a turkey hunter and had only seen farm turkeys up to the point where I came to Fort Campbell on a training mission from Fort Bragg. We were out in the back 40 doing a patrol when a ruckus erupted and our pointman started blasting away. We expected an ambush by the Opposing Forces (OPFOR), so we began a break in contact movement, I was carrying the M-60 machine gun so laid suppressing fire as the team peeled off one by one . After getting to our pre-designated rally point, we found out that it was a flock of turkeys we disturbed out of the trees and had a good laugh about it, which made the exercise that much better as the OPFOR had never even been close to finding us that night.
    1 point
  39. I've decided upon a new way to enjoy the show- i'n rooting for the zombies
    1 point
  40. I don't see why you couldn't carry.  Are the tour bus folks running your carry on bags and you through metal detectors and X Ray machines?  If they are not doing that, I don't see how they would know just like any other place.
    1 point
  41. Sorry to hear all of this. I wish you well. I just went through something similar and had to make the difficult choice to put my best buddy down last week. It's heart wrenching. We believe Kennedy had the canine version of ALS. I also found out he had two large tumors in his abdomen that were causing issues. He was 12 which is just above average for Weimi's. I take solace in knowing he was loved and had a pretty incredible life for a dog. It's never easy, but I know I did what was in his best interest. I have no doubt you will do the same.
    1 point
  42. As long as it's in the car and you can legally posses it then you're good to go, doesn't need to be in a case or anything.  Removing the gun from the car is when you will begin to have an issue without having a really good reason to do so.  I would highly suggest reading and understanding the law before you do anything involving carrying a gun that you are not 100% sure about.  There is generally good information here but I would not do something based solely on information obtained from people that I do not know on an internet forum. There is a link to the Tennessee Codes Annotated in my signature line, that would be a good place to start.   
    1 point
  43. Two nights ago I had just left a gig in Augusta, GA and was driving back to the hotel as I was the sober one of our group and something really strange happened. We pulled up to a stop light and two lanes over from me there was a lone tricked out Chevy Impala. Big shiny rims, nice paint.. As soon as I came to a stop the passenger door opened and a man swiftly exited the vehicle. My adrenaline surged and the first thing I did was reach for my gun in my holster in the 4 o clock position, but my hand got caught in the seatbelt and I lost a split second. I was able to draw the gun safely and inconspicuously before the individual completely vacated the car and thankfully he was just going to make sure the trunk was closed. But, the situation made me nervous after looking back. When I am in my car, a pistol is always easily accessible besides the one I have holstered, but because I was driving a strange car out of town for work, things didn't go quite as practiced or as planned. Thank GOD it was a non-event, but I've known people that were murdered or beat to a pulp at random for gang initiation in New Orleans, and it just seemed like his timing was too perfect when I pulled up. It didn't feel right. The fairly liberal drummer was singing his praises for guns after he knew it would've been a gun that would've saved his ass had the situation turned ugly. Anyway, just another reminder to stay aware at ALL times, you never know when evil might be lurking around the corner.. Or at a traffic light!
    1 point
  44. Most of these denials turn out to be records issues or identity problems such as someone with the same name that has a criminal record making them a prohibited person.   Check your background and make sure everything is correct with status and disposition. You can visit the criminal court clerks office online where your arrest was and you should be able to see your records. You can also get a TBI background check on yourself for a $29 fee.    If something is wrong, you can get them to correct it I assume.   https://sci.ccc.nashville.gov/   http://judicialrecords.wilco.org/Search.aspx?ID=100    https://www.tn.gov/tbi/article/background-checks   If all that checks out OK, then I guess your last resort is calling TBI. 
    1 point
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