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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2016 in all areas
This is just my personal feelings {RANT} Every where you turn today, the TV, the Radio, The newspaper all have a "TOP STORY" on PRINCE or some other ass clown that died, from committing suicide or drug overdose. Who really gives a flying F**K..... There are men and women fighting for our freedom and our civil liberties dying everyday. There are close to 20 veterans committing suicide everyday due to PTSD. BUT you don't read about that in newsprint or on the tv news. It personality makes me sick knowing that my two sons and countless other men and women that are risking their lives for a country that could care less for them and more about about someone like "Prince"7 points
The Blue Book is worthless now! That gun would bring more than $700 on gunbroker.3 points
My first visit to Royal Range. Very, VERY Nice facilities and the TAP folks run a well organized match! :up: However...... Thursday Night turned out to be the most expensive IDPA match that I have ever shot - - - Well that is the aftermath of the match. My Delta Elite kept choking on my old Chip McCormick shooting star mags. Its astonishing how things can be just fine during range testing and then crap out once the timer goes off. I had to clear a malfunction on three out of four stages! :yuck: So I Fixed That SH*T - - - Ordered so many Wilson Combat 10mm mags from Brownells that they are now showing them as Out-Of-Stock! :dirty:3 points
I zero to the right barrel and let the left fall where it will... Usually an inch to the left. 9 times out of 10 you won't need the second barrel if you make a good first shot so I focus on that. The quick follow up is the main reason for a double, but reliability is another. Each barrel has it's own firing mechanism completely independent of the other.... if one fails the other is ready to go. When you hunt things that hunt back, that can be pretty important.3 points
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I found the company on Facebook. Out of Louisiana. They make guess what.....? Waders. Of all things.2 points
For me my older S&W and Colt Revolvers are priceless. As stated already you can throw the book away on them. It comes down to what you are willing and can afford to pay. I have a few guns that public opinion would say I paid too much. But, they are hard to find, I found them, and had the means to pay the price. For some reason my brother and I got into collecting rifles and pistols manufactured in 1965 the year I was born, and 1970 the year he was born. It has been fun for us to hunt for each other. The conversations it has opened up between us has made some of our finds priceless just from the journey. I hope you get this beautiful gun for your collection.2 points
I think is sad that anyone dies in unusual circumstances. I think it's a tragedy when a soldier dies in the service to his country and so few notice. Veterans day means something! We don't know the names of all the soldiers that die, or are wounded in the service to our country but I think of them whenever I see a solider, a monument, or our flag. Sadly prince or other celebrity figures die, but regardless of how influential that have been their life isn't worth more celebration, or memory that any others. The news don't discuss the statistics of KIA, WIA, MIA, or the plight of our Veterans because they don't get to listen to their favorite song, or reminisce about them. It's selfish and sad. There is a bigger fight to fight and we're in it now. We can change the direction of our political future for better or worse in November. When you vote think of those VOLUNTEER soldiers and what they thought about as they took the oath.2 points
Ron ......they don't want to hear an ole farts tricks.......think of all the seconds there saving...and there beating you to the next light. :confused:2 points
This tweet sums up why folks react the way they do to the passing of a Prince, or a Bowie, or a Lemmy.2 points
Eveybody dies but we should remember those who earned our respect from doing not just being.2 points
I usually hunt Soutern Africa, so it's usually "Nkosi" instead of bwana. Nkosi is Zulu (or possibly Xhosa.. not sure). Bwana is Swahili and would be used further up the coast in Eastern Africa. Yes, I know... I'm a pedantic jackass.2 points
I believe he's certainly pro-Trump. - OS2 points
The quantity of my admiration is only surpassed by the rigidity of my tumescence. That's one of THE most beautiful doubles I've ever seen!2 points
I've decided upon a new way to enjoy the show- i'n rooting for the zombies2 points
So I have just completed my new EDC. It is a Glock 19 MOS that replaced my G19 G4. I added the Trijicon RM07 6.5 MOA RMR along with the recommended kit, AC32064 RMR Mounting Kit, a SureFire XC1, and a set of Dawson Precision iron sights for backup. I went with the Trijicon over the Burris that I have on my 41 because the Trijicon can be left on at medium brightness for up to 4 years and it was much easier to find sights to work with the Trijicon than the Burris which sets a little taller. I am amazed at how much better I am able to shoot with a red dot on a pistol. As I get older it is harder to focus on the front and rear sites and the target. The only thing I couldn't find was a holster and most companies are not making one at this time that will accommodate the SureFire XC1. I ordered one from Dara Holsters but they are 8 weeks out. This next paragraph may sound like an advertisement but it isn't and I get nothing but the satisfaction of recommending quality work out of the deal. I needed some kind of holster now, while waiting on the Dara to come in, so I did a lot of searching and found out about Bruce here in Middle Tennessee. Bruce is a Firearms Instructor, Gunsmith, and has been making quality kydex holsters for the last 4 years. The holster you see in the images below was made by Bruce for my gun. I am not sure what his normal turn around time is but he had mine made in about a day and the quality and fit are fantastic. I am in no way affliated with Bruce but you can reach him at roninsar@gmail.com if you are interested in a custom holster from a local source. Be sure to put kydex holster in the subject line. Pictures below.1 point
He was a true icon. A genius. He could dance, play his ass off and sing better than most. I can't believe he is gone. Apparently, he was just talking about chemtrails and NWO stuff, so all the conspiracy nuts are already chiming in.. Regardless of cause, he will be missed.1 point
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Ok after some research I have found the owner owner on Facebook. It happened in December. Just Just a dumb mistake. It went down the ramp when the water was up just enough to wash it down. He said insurance did replace it so they own it now. He said at the time that the fire/rescue said they would just leave it in the river as is for training soon. I am going to try to see if I can make a deal afterwards to remove it. The insurance company I'm sure would rather let someone have it to move than pay to have it recovered. I have the equipment to get it out of there. Oh and the Keychain is some sort of bit from a drilling rig that he worked on and I am going to meet him soon to give it to him. He had just over here from Louisiana when it happened and lives in Spring Hill now. He said it had 40,000 miles on it.1 point
I have it, love it. Pay once and be done with it. No more restaining, no more splinters. Only downside and it's not huge, composite boards hold in the heat and feel like the surface of the sun in the Summer.1 point
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You do know that they clarified the law last year that if your front tires are over the white line before the light turns red you are not running the light. My problem now is I've got to remember that's not the law in other states....1 point
Try a "ring" brand stickup video camera with a wifi repeater/ extender. Works great. The motion detection feature will let u know when someone is coming on your cell phone when you're anywhere.1 point
This is my first NFA item so I went all out. This is my .458 SOCOM SBR I call "Red Death."1 point
You're going to need to inject some glue I to the crack for it to hold. You probably need to wipe the wood down or soak it with lacquer thinner or other degreaser solvent first. I like gorilla glue.1 point
Wood glue is stronger than most woods when applied correctly. Drilling the ends of the crack can give strain relief; a very small hole from your smallest bit is often enough for a hairline crack type split. So I would try drilling both ends (save the drilled out dust) and then glue and if separated, clamp to dry. Fill in the holes with glue and if visible, mash the dust from the drilling into the glue at the surface to mask it. You might also look into the root cause of the crack. Sometimes, its just age, but often in a gun its recoil + a tight fit. Its often the case that shaving down the wood just a hair at some key point will stop pushing the recoil down the wood and creating the stress that cracked it. You might also rub the wood down with an appropriate oil if it seems to be cracked due to dryness.1 point
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I figured $500 was the bottom of what this would be worth from what I saw online. This belonged to a late uncle, his daughter / my cousin owns it now and she knows I want it. She has talked on and off about selling it for a few years. Because of some family health issues and travel that is required it was given to me for safe keeping. I am extremely close to this side of the family so there is an emotional attachment for me. Now that it is in my safe I intend to keep it here!1 point
Slow down folks.....some day you'll look around and if your lucky you'll be 80. And trust me you'll wish you could have made the trip slower!1 point
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This time of year it's not uncommon for a female to stick close to a den. I've had farmers tell me that they were able to drive right up to the dens and the female would not leave. Not rabid just protective.1 point
He did give a LOT to charity...most of the time asking not to be named. Saw this on t.v. today. I have 2 sons, one in rotc and the other aspiring to an academy. So I can see both sides. But he has done more than most to help humanity. Sent from my SCH-i705 using Tapatalk1 point
The road is a a strange and sometimes dangerous place. You never know what the day might call for.1 point
the Illuminati was not allowing any to examine Scalia. Everyone knows that. As for the Chelsea, I wish her mother would die in a fire.1 point
I've said on this forum that I would vote for Hillary if Trump is the Republican nominee. I have come to realize that the president of the US doesn't have enough power to really move us toward becoming a Facist country. I also suspect that Trump doesn't buy in to the hate speech he has used - that he's said it to get elected. In light of that, along with being pretty close to a single issue voter with the Second Amendment, I have changed my thinking. Between Trump, Cruz and Hillary, I now like Trump best, Cruz next and then Hillary. It's too bad that we don't have better folks to choose from. I believe that Hillary is dishonest to the very core of her essence.1 point
That might just be the greatest interwebz post of all time.1 point
Did a little chopping with it today on a piece of oak, it did a good job, and my 5 year old gave the edge a thumbs-up. In fact, he channeled Doug Marcada and said, "It will keeeel." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I know without a doubt that both Billy and Hillary are pro-Clinton.1 point
I will vote for who ever gets the nod on the Republican side. I have learned a lot over the past month and it almost seems like our votes don't amount to a hill of beans anyway. Trump has gotten at least 3 mllion more votes than Cruz but still can't break that 50% level??????????? and all the back room deals going on with delegates makes me wonder just what is really going on??????? I bet if Trump goes to the convention with an even close number to what he needs and they do not give him the nod there will be riots in the streets across this country................jmho1 point
I have said it for years that "we" will do things out of spite like refuse to vote and now threaten to vote for Hillary if their chosen candidate isn't the nominee. People like that are not friends of the gun community or even a conservative. I HATE Trump and would prefer Cruz but I will not do ANYTHING to help Hillary get into office because she is worse for me, and the country, than Trump ever will be. Some do not realize that or do not care about the ramifications.1 point
Too beautiful to shoot... almost. Congrats. A couple of questions out of my I ignorance. When it is sighed in, do you "split the middle" of both POI's? Are there other benefits of a double rifle than being able to get off a follow up shot quicker than a bolt gun? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk1 point
I like his story.... A hand up instead of a handout.1 point
I drive to the OK Corral now. I refuse to pay the price to shoot at the indoor range plus buy their ammo. I like being able to draw from my holster and shoot my pistol.1 point
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Action is pretty smooth, trigger could stand to lose a pound or two on the pull so I guess next on the list is to have that worked over. Really like these new frames over the previous model, they were able to lighten the thing up to 27 ounces (almost 9 ounces lighter than the first model)1 point
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