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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2016 in all areas

  1. I have said it for years that "we" will do things out of spite like refuse to vote and now threaten to vote for Hillary if their chosen candidate isn't the nominee. People like that are not friends of the gun community or even a conservative. I HATE Trump and would prefer Cruz but I will not do ANYTHING to help Hillary get into office because she is worse for me, and the country, than Trump ever will be. Some do not realize that or do not care about the ramifications.
    8 points
  2. 7 points
  3. Wow..that is rather uncouth..If you don't like him,cool..he wasn't my cup of tea either but none here hold him up on a pedestal, I am sure....he was simply a good musician.Just like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Elvis, David Bowie and a host of others. It doesn't matter what he imbibed, used,shot up or snorted.That didn't affect your world  or mine..what did affect us,was his music ...Can we leave it at that? Lots of people liked him no need to be an ass about it......I could say the same thing about people who worship a deity in the sky, but I am not  so close minded to dismiss that ,because other people have faith it that. Jimmy Hendrix and Little Wing... Stevie Ray Vaughan an VodooChile( slight return)is pure sex.... To bad they are all gone..sad..   And a real dick thing to do is to crapp on a threat that was otherwise nice.
    4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. You guys are only trying to convince yourselves if you think Trump is a pro gun conservative. I can't even stomach the election anymore.
    4 points
  6.   And then he dies unexpectedly and no autopsy is performed.
    4 points
  7. Its fascinating to me that liberals will refuse to accept scotus rulings they do not like (ie McDonald vs City of Chicago) but ones they like are sacrosanct and forever unchangeble (ie Roe v Wade)
    3 points
  8. #NeverForgetClintonAWB Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  9. Chelsea Clinton: Now that Scalia’s Gone We Can Enact Gun Control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tN1BzLBmxI It's clear Clinton and Sanders will stack the Supreme Court with Anti-Constitutionalist Judicial Activists. Vote accordingly or your constitutional rights will suffer greatly.
    2 points
  10. Today I took a few minutes to try a few tasks with the bushcraft knife I commissioned from GT a few weeks ago. I didn't put it through brutal tasks, but did try some basic ones that I expect a knife to do if I'm going to carry it. First, the knife is made from 1095 steel that my calipers measure as 0.155 inches thick. Blade length is approximately 5 inches and OAL is about 10.5 inches. The scales are mesquite (I'm sure GT will correct me if I am wrong) and I asked him to include jimping on the top of the blade as well as the extension beyond the handle. The knife came with a nice sharp edge, but me being me, I worked on it a bit and got it where I wanted it. I started the test by cutting some paper to show the edge quality. First thing I did was take some red oak firewood I have and split a couple of pieces off using another piece of oak as a baton. The knife easily made fast work of the splitting thanks to the thickness of the blade and the flat grind. The blade took the force of the baton strikes just fine and the tip and handle were not damaged. Next, I took one of the pieces I split and did some shavings as you would do on a feather stick. The knife edge was still very sharp and I had no difficulty. I also used the edge of the spine to scrape some wood from the piece as one would do to make tinder. Next, to test the tip, I used the blade to drill a divot in the oak. This was an easy task and the tip held up without any damage. I have tested the blade spine on a ferro rod previously and it is excellent for this task. After these tasks, I wanted to see how the edge had held up and I used the same sheet of paper to test the cut. I also tried a cut on a piece of soft bread, which my dog appreciated since she got to eat the results. Needless to say, the edge was still extremely sharp and it only took a couple of swipes on my leather strop to get it back to razor sharp. If I had some natural fiber rope I would have tried that, but I'm confident the results would have been positive. I am still thrilled with this knife and look forward to many years of enjoying it in the woods on my outdoor adventures. If you've ever considered one of GT's knives, just do it already! You won't regret it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. Just to brighten up your Friday afternoon, it's really encouraging to see a judge with some empathy.  I appreciated his comments about how "sometimes they lose their way", but still recognizes their humanity:   http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/concerned_about_veteran_with_ptsd_judge_orders_him_to_jail_and_serves_the_t  
    2 points
  12.   Jim Belushi is still alive and making movies. :)   - OS
    2 points
  13. Here you go...   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/95684-new-edc-g19-mos/?hl=%2Bglock+%2Bgen+%2Bmos
    2 points
  14.   I'm the odd man out in thinking that both cases were the right call, but it doesn't make a difference in the end results...both were SCOTUS decisions that a large part of the country disagrees with based on their personal politics.   Also, both could be changed if the court takes a case that opens either back up, much as Heller took on established law at the time.   I'm just saying that conservatives have their own hypocrisy in liking/hating SCOTUS verdicts same as liberals.   
    2 points
  15. I will vote for who ever gets the nod on the Republican side.  I have learned a lot over the past month and it almost seems like our votes don't amount to a hill of beans anyway. Trump has gotten at least 3 mllion more votes than Cruz but still can't break that 50% level??????????? and all the back room deals going on with delegates makes me wonder just what is really going on??????? I bet if Trump goes to the convention with an even close number to what he needs and they do not give him the nod there will be riots in the streets across this country................jmho
    2 points
  16. Or stay at home and not vote. Of course they will be the first ones to "piss & moan" about loosing their rights. :eek:  Scary, isn't it.
    2 points
  17. +1 Dolo...very fishy indeed.   And Yes JohnC..."we" can be our own worst enemies at times.   While I am not advocating "hoarding" nor inciting "panic buying", now might just well be a good time to consider what "you" will need in terms of shooting for the foreseeable future.   Change, and not the good kind, seems inevitable.
    2 points
  18. He'll be in a tux and nobody has mentioned a James Bond shoulder rig?  For shame!
    2 points
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC34ZcDiCag
    2 points
  20. I believe TN has one party consent as well, but I'm far from a lawyer and slept at home last night, not a Holiday Inn Express.
    2 points
  21. I'm evil.  I told my 4 year old that they only play music when they're out of ice cream..  He'll figure it out soon.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Well, it's finally here. Took almost a year and a half but I have my new double rifle in my hot little hands. She's a bespoke double built specifically for me by L'Atelier Verney Carron. Azur model in .450-400 Nitro Express. She handles like a dream. I can close my eyes and shoulder the rifle... when I open them the sights are perfectly aligned. The balance on this thing is unbelievable and makes this 9.6lb rifle feel much lighter than it is. Of course all this quality comes at a steep price... this is by far the most expensive weapon I've ever purchased and the only way I pulled it off is with the help of TGO. I joke that in order to afford her I had to sell every gun I own that doesn't have a name and while that's an exaggeration it's only because I don't name my handguns. So, if you've bought a gun from me in the last year and a half... thank you... you helped pay for this bad girl. Oleg Volk did a photo shoot with her and you'll find some of the photos below. These are unretouched studio shots so there are a few studio artifacts that will be removed before they are published, but I just couldn't wait to show her off. Enjoy and thanks again to everyone who helped me make this happen.
    1 point
  24. I have seen some Smiths double in price over the last couple of years.
    1 point
  25. I was sorry to hear about his passing but sometimes fame and fortune will end up killing a person at a young age. As far as a guitar player, yep, I did rank him right up there with Eddie Van Halen and Jimmie Hendricks but Hendricks is and was always my favorite. I got to see him perform at the original Wood Stock along with Janice Joplin and after that all my dreams of rock n roll were fulfilled................RIP Prince
    1 point
  26.   While I can't vouch for sanity I know those who voted for O twice...
    1 point
  27. Too beautiful to shoot... almost. Congrats. A couple of questions out of my I ignorance. When it is sighed in, do you "split the middle" of both POI's? Are there other benefits of a double rifle than being able to get off a follow up shot quicker than a bolt gun? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. I don't believe y'all, a guy comes on here and asks a legit question and all you can say is "Proshop unijizz will get you killed in the streets!" I don't know if spray is legal, but gloves are. http://www.amazon.com/Rubies-8488STD-Michael-Jackson-Sequin/dp/B002OHDZ9U
    1 point
  29. I'm more worried about the driver, driving around hours a day listening to non-stop "Pop Goes The Weasel" , you wonder when he's going to snap.
    1 point
  30. I agree. I have been lucky enough to buy 2 so far. I am waiting to see what comes next. I am ready for another one. Congrats
    1 point
  31. GT makes truly awesome knives. If my funds ever match up with availability, I'ma gonna snatch one up!!!
    1 point
  32. She's all but stolen the election already. This is coming.
    1 point
  33. You could fly into Nashville on Southwest and rent a car through Hotwire.com for $15/day.  It wouldn't cost you thousands, but you would be able to get your things quicker.
    1 point
  34. Invite her to dinner with your family and share your table and fellowship with her. Keep everythin low key and don't fuss over her. I bet she'd like that more then anything you could ever say, do for her or give her.
    1 point
  35. Now that is the stuff dreams are made of! :bow:
    1 point
  36. Although not a great fan, I could appreciate the talent that was Prince. And as TrickyNicky says...the man could make that guitar sit and scream.   As for the drugs and other issues, while I didn't agree with any of them personally; it all seems to go along with the gifted and greatly talented musicians.   Don't really understand it.
    1 point
  37. I turned my phone up and played that video, within 10 seconds my 10 year old son was in my room looking for the ice cream truck!! I wish I could call turkeys that well.
    1 point
  38. My kids refer to the ice cream man as, "Dad's arch enemy."
    1 point
  39. Personally, I don't think simply being president warrants the honor of being on currency as I don't think it warrants naming a ship after them. Exception would be a garbage scow named the USS Obama. 
    1 point
  40. Well done Airman.  Rest in Peace.  We'll take it from here.
    1 point
  41. Personally I'm tired of the PC, give this woman her own bill or coin but don't replace Jackson. History is what it is, deal with it and quit trying to erase what has been done. When the left finds out this woman was a strong 2nd Admend. supporter it may not happen at all.
    1 point
  42. Ive long thought that Jackson was a poor representative.   Franklin is great, and I hated when they replaced him with kennedy (coin).  Tubman is fine ... she was a heroine, tough and brave.  Much better than some of the other contenders... we are lucky it isn't obama or some other half wit.     Best as I can tell, Jackson was a war hero but also a SOB.  
    1 point
  43. I think they do stuff on purpose just to piss traditional conservatives off. I'm rather sick of it too.
    1 point
  44. Also, do not trust reviews posted on their sites. There's a web hosting company commercial out where they flat-out tell you they'll write reviews on your website for you.
    1 point
  45.       You do know that Hamilton was a Founding Father, right? 
    1 point
  46.   How is Hamilton not a "Founding Father", since he helped draft and signed the original Constitution?   - OS
    1 point
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