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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2016 in all areas

  1. If you could edit the dudes out it'd be a lot cooler, otherwise, I approve this video.
    7 points
  2. It is coming folks, after the magic knives find their new homes I will post the official thread
    5 points
  3. I made video with the guys at Tactical Edge here in Clarksville.....enjoy!     https://youtu.be/4NJLQSpE8Qs
    4 points
  4. I guess he's using handloads.
    4 points
  5. The decapper should just protrude from the bottom of the case, you are probably too deep in the case.  What you are experiencing is actually a feature I like about Lee sizing dies, less bent/broken decapping pins.
    3 points
  6. Mine just arrived from PSA. The "Bushnell" is a gold/yellow color, not white. The dot comes from the 4 o'clock position. On settings 9-11 there's a fairly significant red ring around the edge if the glass. The further away my eye is from the optic, the worse it gets. It may not be as noticeable in in the sunlight, but I'll have to test that tomorrow.
    2 points
  7. I foresee attorneys in someone’s future; Japanese attorneys.
    2 points
  8. Open carry! Be the test case!  :devil:   - OS
    2 points
  9. No way to market these though.  No way in hell Nintendo would license it.  
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. I'm confused, arent these cities largely populated with those evil bible thumping, gun carrying, racist white folk?
    2 points
  12. Opinions are indeed multifaceted Leroy, and while ours certainly differ, I respect yours and appreciate your clarification as to your points.   We can, in fact, agree to disagree.   I don't teach "gunfighting", but I am a lifelong student and find that even at my age I can always learn. It is our responsibility as a student to spend our funds wisely and vet our instructors. I know I do.   I also agree that "You cannot measure the mettle, will, and determination of men or women and find out whether, in fact; they are the "real deal" too...", but I don't think any of us can say assuredly that these attributes are within us until that moment. And I hope that moment never comes for me, but I'll continue to prepare nonetheless, and remain grateful that there are good folks willing to teach us.   Have a good day Leroy...I gotta get to work.
    2 points
  13. I don't find it that hard to believe, Brentwood and Franklin both seem have PLENTY of officers to cover their jurisdictions. 
    2 points
  14. No offense bro, but if you're gonna do rifle, it's time for a real press.
    2 points
  15. I liked my last one, but it was a colt mag variety. Was curious to try a Glock version and since I have a bunch of Glock mags and no Glock, the Spartan grabbed my attention. Probably gonna pick up the matching upper with LRBHO when they come available again. New Frontier makes these, but I hate their roll mark billboard. The Joe Bob Spartan looks better. So far I like it. Updated with current build parts. The beefier Spartan billet side charging upper wouldn't work with the UTG handguards, so I went with the Samson Evo's. Really like the feel of the Samson's. I also like that the Samson fits on an existing barrel nut. Makes it easy if you already have a standard barrel nut. I didn't but I still like the idea for the future.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I know the Braves are off to a rough start, but I'm watching the game (nothing else on) and they had the sideline reporter on (Kelsey Wingert) and suddenly I decided I'm a fan. :love: Go Braves! :up:
    1 point
  18. I love doing my depriming on my little Lee Reloader press. I got it this little gem on sale for around $23 a few years ago and have no regrets. I just started wet tumbling with SS media, so depriming before tumbling is a no-brainer now.   I don't know if anybody already makes these or not, but if they do I couldn't find one for my press. For the record, I probably spent more time making this than I'll save in the first couple of years, but it was fun and I was bored. I still need to come up with a better way to clamp the press in place, but my C-clamps are occupied at the moment.   [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bEYbScjvac&feature=youtu.be[/media]
    1 point
  19. Dear Heavenly Father Please comfort and cover Tommy and his family in their time of need. Thank you Lord for your love and grace. In Jesus name we pray. Amen and Amen.
    1 point
  20. I had the die itself clamped in a vise while using the two wrenches. Lee rsponded today. They said as long as it doesn't rise further out, then it will be ok. They described it as adjusting itself to the case length, so basically they agree with the advice of y'all. Now I won't worry further, and hopefully make some new cartridges this weekend. I just cleaned half the cases I have (before decapping this time).
    1 point
  21. "and suddenly I am a dedicated fan"   Fixed it for you.
    1 point
  22. Thanks for the slides on this subject on page 1. It was a good read.
    1 point
  23. I was very surprised to see Oak Ghetto/Ridge on the list. There seems to be a lot of crime there for such a small town.
    1 point
  24. not really sure they should? looks too much like a toy.
    1 point
  25. You've got to drive right by Dixie Gun Works. If you've never been, it's worth a stop.  Leave wallet in car !!
    1 point
  26. Yes, read that article this morning. It's a wild retro-futuristic look that really jumps out at you. I like it too.
    1 point
  27. Chip is a good guy.  He did my trust and many others on here as well.
    1 point
  28. Great advice and I have done so, thank you. Chip Cain will be setting up a Trust for me and will advise us how to proceed from here.
    1 point
  29.   I don't usually go for the gussied up types(does that make me sound old? lol), but that is a fantastic pistol. If even half as good as it looks on video...well you get the idea.   But way out of my price range. Heck I'm still wondering if I could stomach the cost of a Wilson.
    1 point
  30. My second stamp from this run came back this morning. Form 1 SBR Submitted 12/30/2016 approved 4/15/2016. 
    1 point
  31. I really want to close this thread.   I'm leaving it for now, but someone better add something of value.  Soon
    1 point
  32. Holy crap we're #24! I honestly thought Tullahoma would rank one above Memphis.
    1 point
  33.   LOL   I wish I hadn't seen it myself!   I guess I need to buy a lottery ticket...it could happen!? :drool:
    1 point
  34.  It's all a numbers game. They compiled the list using the UCR (FBI crime stats) that only counts certain crimes where at the state level we count like 25 types of crimes. These departments that use COMSTAT or COMPSTAT are playing the game. Realistically you look at the TBI crime stats for a city and you have a better idea of what goes on. But hey it made the administration happy to make the list even though it all seems like it isn't really changing anything.
    1 point
  35. You may want to give Chip Cain or John Wells a call and be sure before paying it.  Can't hurt.
    1 point
  36. Totally agree with you all on this! It's just another step in the long term plan to instill Muslim teachings all across the country. Infiltrate the minds of the young ones to accept it. Get a generation involved and keep moving until the caliphate is established here.   Don't believe it? Open your eyes and look at Western Europe. See what's happening there. It's coming here.
    1 point
  37. I've never understood the fascination with celebrities' opinions. I don't care what he thinks about guns... space aliens, climate change. If he wants to talk about the NFL prospects of Carson Wentz or Goff as future NFL quarterbacks, I'm interested. Otherwise, I really don't care what he thinks.
    1 point
  38. Translation: I put my career in the garbage a few years ago w/ the "pay to injure opposing players" scandal. Now my team's record stinks and my QB is nearing retirement. I'm desperate and will kiss any behind to extend my prospects in the NFL (which is becoming more and more PC to cater to soccer moms and sell pink jerseys).
    1 point
  39. I use Hornady One Shot spray lube. Doesn't have to be wiped off. Doesn't harm powder or primers.
    1 point
  40. People need to realize that 90% of these money people just want their hired guards to have guns and for the common man to not have guns, kind of like the way money people in Europe operate.  If they really followed their principles, then they would not hire armed guards to protect them and their property.   I believe I remember reading recently that Bloomberg had NYPD officers protecting his home in Bermuda and he was able to get the Bermuda government to give the NYPD officers basically Bermuda carry licenses.  Now why do local American police need to carry in a country where most of the police DO NOT (like UK police) carry firearms, very few of the people own guns, and very few of those are carrying guns in public?  Bloomberg doesn't want you or me to own a gun but he gets foreign countries to give his local police carry licenses so they can carry in a basically gun free country to protect him.
    1 point
  41. Well just spent some time at the range and I'm tickled pink! Ran flawlessly. Mags dropped free and loaded easily, both Glock factory and KCI (Korean) 33rnd mags. Full mags loaded easily even with a closed bolt. Only had two FTF but that was ammo related. Primers were struck well, just were stubborn. I went through 200 rnds of Herter's brass cased. Even if the LRBHO upper doesn't work, it's still a winner IMO. Very happy with the Spartan lower and KAW Valley 8.5" barrel. Here's 100 rnds off hand both eyes open rapid fire at 25 yards. I know some of you shoot pistols better but I was happy!
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. You need to work out a little actuator you can control with your foot... like hooked up to a throttle cable so you can time it all together and go faster. Looks cool dude!
    1 point
  44. OK Guys   everyone is paid off and knives are being built and I should be getting these bad boys out to you all by the end of April, they will be worth the wait I assure you
    1 point
  45. A J-Frame Smith either OWB or pocket carry. I have had several of my fellow HCP holders explain to me that I stand no chance against the ISIS battle group that inevitably assaults my neighborhood Walmart. Whereas, they with their neato double column semi-autos will be able to save the day by taking out the entire ISIS organization with two extra magazines of 9MM. This is based on their combat experience at some neat school at some pistol range. I spent a total of 60 months in combat in VietNam (4 Tours) with the USMC so I am in no position to question their superior logic. I only need 5 shots to shoot the dumb SOB that goes looking for me and finds my hiding place.
    1 point
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