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I bet he has some people with guns protecting him at football games. He may even hire some folks with guns to protect him other places too. What is good for him is not good for you.6 points
I liked my last one, but it was a colt mag variety. Was curious to try a Glock version and since I have a bunch of Glock mags and no Glock, the Spartan grabbed my attention. Probably gonna pick up the matching upper with LRBHO when they come available again. New Frontier makes these, but I hate their roll mark billboard. The Joe Bob Spartan looks better. So far I like it. Updated with current build parts. The beefier Spartan billet side charging upper wouldn't work with the UTG handguards, so I went with the Samson Evo's. Really like the feel of the Samson's. I also like that the Samson fits on an existing barrel nut. Makes it easy if you already have a standard barrel nut. I didn't but I still like the idea for the future.4 points
At least until they get a new head coach. His time is almost up. Maybe he could go coach in NY, CA, or Chicago. Strict gun laws there so he should feel safe. :rolleyes:4 points
4 points
I am a few hours from making my own. I have a barrel just waiting to emerge from a blank. I will be running a 3.5"-4" barrel with my F1 9mm silencer. I will be shooting 160g bullets. That silencer on my CZ P09 with those bullets sound like a airsoft gun.4 points
4 points
It's tax return season and fellas are blowing their refunds. That being said, absolutely nothing will be available by November 9th.3 points
People need to realize that 90% of these money people just want their hired guards to have guns and for the common man to not have guns, kind of like the way money people in Europe operate. If they really followed their principles, then they would not hire armed guards to protect them and their property. I believe I remember reading recently that Bloomberg had NYPD officers protecting his home in Bermuda and he was able to get the Bermuda government to give the NYPD officers basically Bermuda carry licenses. Now why do local American police need to carry in a country where most of the police DO NOT (like UK police) carry firearms, very few of the people own guns, and very few of those are carrying guns in public? Bloomberg doesn't want you or me to own a gun but he gets foreign countries to give his local police carry licenses so they can carry in a basically gun free country to protect him.3 points
I understand the logic, but you're talking about a country of people who elected Obama twice. As a society, we are gluttons for punishment and tend to lick the boot of those who would step on our necks with it. While that may sound harsh and like a bit of a stretch, I posit that the viewing public who threatens "If Daryl dies, We Riot!" are as full of hot air as the folks who keep voting corrupt politicians into office and then ask why we keep getting screwed over by said same politicians. Just my extremely pessimistic opinion on that. :)3 points
No bells and whistles but cheap http://ads.midwayusa.com/product/607309/primos-work-horse-infrared-game-camera-3-mp?cm_mmc=ps_google-_-google-_-HT_Game_Cameras_Beta_G-_-primos%20workhorse&gclid=CMGm2ffch8wCFQwPaQodmSgGzw2 points
All I have to say, is if you didn't go you missed a good time! Im going to post more pictures later. Going through the 1400ish Oleg Volk took :)2 points
I am no longer a Saints fan! Sean, you're an idiot! :mad: https://www.yahoo.com/sports/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/sean-payton-wants-change-after-will-smith-s-death---i-hate-guns-212729185.html :stare: Hey Coach:2 points
Yeah, I got some stuff from PA today, and PSA has some stuff too. I guess I'm just talking about trends, generally. Other places like SAA and AIM are blown out. I didn't think about tax returns...good thought. I do agree about the political impacts coming up as well. It will be interesting.2 points
2 points
Good point but you are forgetting one thing - the way the minds of many members of the general public work in modern times. I mean, sure they might not get too worked up about who is making all the legal and political decisions for the country but that stuff is too complex for an ordinary person to understand. That is why we have professional politicians tho handle those things. This, on the other hand, is a beloved character on a popular television show. This is important! (I hope the note of sarcasm came through.)2 points
Well just spent some time at the range and I'm tickled pink! Ran flawlessly. Mags dropped free and loaded easily, both Glock factory and KCI (Korean) 33rnd mags. Full mags loaded easily even with a closed bolt. Only had two FTF but that was ammo related. Primers were struck well, just were stubborn. I went through 200 rnds of Herter's brass cased. Even if the LRBHO upper doesn't work, it's still a winner IMO. Very happy with the Spartan lower and KAW Valley 8.5" barrel. Here's 100 rnds off hand both eyes open rapid fire at 25 yards. I know some of you shoot pistols better but I was happy!2 points
pre-ordered mine this morning. shared it with a buddy who ordered as well. thanks for the info.2 points
2 points
Sorry to hear about Axl. Although it all happened rapidly, in retrospect, it may have been for the best for him. It could have been worse if he had surgery and the associated pain, inflammation, and cost and still ended up in the same condition. One of the most important things that a surgeon does is knowing when not to do surgery. I have had owners agonize of whether they should have pursued some treatment and whether it would have made a difference. In your case, the weight of that type of decision was lifted from you. Although not the outcome you wanted, at least you don't have to second guess if you could have done anything different. It might be a small solace, but it is good to think about what he didn't have to experience in his last days.2 points
It's been my experience that if people will lie about the little things then they will lie about the big things, so I don't understand why anyone would NOT have a problem with this. I'm proud to have actually served in the Marine Corps in a couple of artillery units. I don't feel the need to embellish my experiences for emotional or financial gain.2 points
I'm so sorry for your lose. We just spent $1200. Our little maltipoo got attacked in our yard. It tore a hole in her abdomen, and hurt her badly. So after a $250 vet ER visit at 1100 pm Saturday, then she went to the normal vet today. It was either put her down or emergency surgery. We opted for surgery to the tune of $1200. She has been our only baby for 8 years since we can't have children. It put me in more of a bind than I care to admit, but I would (and almost have) sell everything I owned to keep her alive and healthy Sent from behind the anvil2 points
I've never understood the fascination with celebrities' opinions. I don't care what he thinks about guns... space aliens, climate change. If he wants to talk about the NFL prospects of Carson Wentz or Goff as future NFL quarterbacks, I'm interested. Otherwise, I really don't care what he thinks.1 point
I will be there, possibly a few minutes late if traffic is bad.1 point
Im back!!! Awhile back I trolled around here on a regular basis. I fell out of the loop due to no ones fault but my own. Some may remember me and most wont. For the past 12 years I'v earned my gun money as a Firefighter / A-EMT for The City of Milan. Im married to a wonderful lady that tolerates my addiction for all things that go BANG. I have a 3 y/o daughter that hands down is the true love of my life. Im an avid hunter of all things with a season and enjoy sending hot lead down range accompanied by the smell of gunpowder. My collection of scary black guns that hold unlimited amounts of ammunition has steadily grown over the past year or so to include my latest which is a 18" 6.8 SPC. I currently have another build that is awaiting its BCG and 24" hurricane fluted .204 barrel. My taste in firearms is scattered over a broad spectrum and have a special place in my heart for the pre 64 model 70. Most of my neighbors tolerate me and the others have came to grips with that, calling the law only makes things worse. I pay for my bullets and have the right to practice the fine art of gun control, thats just the way it is. Im looking forward to getting back in the TGO circle where the vast ocean of knowledge has kept me from dying of thrust on more than one occasion..1 point
Translation: I put my career in the garbage a few years ago w/ the "pay to injure opposing players" scandal. Now my team's record stinks and my QB is nearing retirement. I'm desperate and will kiss any behind to extend my prospects in the NFL (which is becoming more and more PC to cater to soccer moms and sell pink jerseys).1 point
Getting closer on mine then hopefully; submitted shortly after yours.1 point
I've ordered from AIM a lot, had really good luck with the quality for the price, but it's hard to catch stuff in stock there for sure. I seldom have to resort to Brownell's prices, but I like knowing I can get what I need there, if I'm willing to pay that much. :D1 point
I use Hornady One Shot spray lube. Doesn't have to be wiped off. Doesn't harm powder or primers.1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
After reading your post, I thought to myself "when's mine going to be approved?" I open my email and there it is. I submitted it the end of December but they had to do research, so it wasn't officially in until January 11. Always happy to see that email.1 point
1 point
I fish the Elk most weeks throughout the year. Tim's Ford Dam & Farris Creek Bridge (both between Lynchburg & Winchester) are loaded down with stocked browns & rainbows. Mostly in the 6-10" range. If you want bigger fish, you really need to get away from easy access locations as these are horribly overfished. The Duck River near Cortland mill & at Normandy dam are also great year round locations, again, for stocked fish. I only fish tenkara or fly fish, so I can't comment on gear, other than ultralight is the way to go. I fish a 3wt floating line with 7x tippet (2.2lb) on a furled leader & usually some pattern of emerger (soft hackle) in a size 18 to 14 My Tenkara rig is a 13' Fountainhead 390 (7:3 action) with a 12' field mainline & 1.8lb fluorocarbon tippet, again fishing a soft hackle or Daiichi fly. Stocking on the Elk & Duck happen pretty much year round & if you just want to catch trout, it's very, very easy. If you're looking for a trophy, well, it can be done but it's work. Buy good waders & be prepared to hike a mile or two. The 'rooster tailers' generally stay where the access is easy & exercise isn't required ;) If you have a canoe, a float from Tim's to Farris Creek is the way to get into bigger average fish. It's about an 8 mile float, so plan for a full day & you'll need either a pick-up or bring a buddy.1 point
1 point
What they said, not a bad afternoon project. Rip the whole thing off and replace it all. Don't think you'd need more than a circular saw and a screw gun. Good excuse to buy one of each if you don't already have them. Dig out under the landing, couple inches of gravel, block, and then water barrier (plastic sheet, tyvex, ...) between the blocks and the stringers. Use the pre-cut stringers, they're way easier even if you have to move the landing a bit, and attach them at deck level with joist hangers, not down below like they are now. To prevent the above coating disaster, wait for the wood to dry thoroughly (like a year) before putting any sort of stain or coating on it.1 point
My girlfriend loves her Shield in 9mm. As far as holsters go, she stopped trying other options when she got the N8 Tactical Professional.1 point
I use a Kydex pocket holster from Alan over at www.aholster.com. TNPopo turned me on to their stuff years ago and I keep buying them. :)1 point
My VP9 is one of my favorite carry guns. I don't anticipate throwing it against a tree or dropping it into swap-mud or carrying it on a water-born insertion across a sandy beach anytime soon, so I feel pretty confident that it will go BANG whenever I need it to. :)1 point
1 point
For that drop the stringers need to be 4 step then they will mount to face of deck and top step will be same level as deck surface1 point
Yup, I'm sure that's right. I said it at the time, and it still remains so, that out of all the death that's been protrayed on TWD, the depiction of that bat cracking against those skulls has been just absolutely the most chilling of all. - OS1 point
Bradley Smoker. Supposed to be one of the best smokers out there. http://www.bradleysmoker.com/ You are supposed to be able to pretty much so set it and ignore it.1 point
Actually, the brisket turned out fine. There was enough fat on it to protect the meat. Everyone liked it, so it wasn't a complete negative experience.1 point
His tee shot was just a very inopportune oops. He missed it in the one place you can't miss it. I think the 2nd ball in the water was just brain overload resulting from the tee shot. Consolidating his feces and continuing on for remaining holes to finish 2nd borders on miraculous, given the situation. He may blow it off publicly like he's moved past it quickly, but I guarantee it'll burn his ass for a long time to come.1 point
1 point
I'm impressed as well...I would be even more impressed if your friend has what it goes to in the backyard. :D1 point
^^^, Also good to see a traditional knife post in this forum! FYI: http://www.wrcase.com/case_college/tang_stamps/ http://www.allaboutpocketknives.com/price_guide/case/111/1 point
Stumbled across this wasting time with googlefu http://blueridgeprepper.com/25-super-awesome-pvc-projects-home/1 point
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