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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2016 in all areas

  1. Ok, my views are pretty much as stated by the op's post. One thing most of this country cannot seem to grasp is the the doctrine of Muhammad states that all's fair, and I mean ALL, in dealing with the infidels. The infidel is one not of the Muslim followers. And we, as the Great Satan, are #1 on the long term list of to-be conquered lands.   This allows, no says and commands. that lying, cheating, deception, killing, and enslavement is the method to deal with all infidels. Meaning us. Anyone who does not accept the will of allah. (I will not capitalize it, because allah is not our God.)   The end goal of the muslim faith is the enslavement or destruction of all that does not conform and submit to Muhammad and Shariah law and government.   It is that simple. You can twist it around anyway you wish. You can take your touchy-feely liberal thoughts and suggestions and scream them to the high heavens and it will not change a thing.   The goal of Muhammadism is the enslavement and destruction of all that is not muslim.   Done. That's my opinion, and some will not agree. That is your prerogative.
    5 points
  2. They'll be in Nashville next month.
    4 points
  3. A Prius requires gas, this does not.  Apples and oranges really.  I never understood why people care so much about what other people want to spend their own money on.  It comes across as jealousy even if it isn't intended.  If you don't want one, don't buy one.
    4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. Except the base tenants of Old and New Testament teachings completely disagree with you. The Bible teaches to give to Caesar what it's Caesar's, to submit to the governing authorities, regardless of who they are while maintaining your faith, and to live at peace with everyone if possible. Diametrically at odds with the base tenants of Islam. Your apologist morally equivalency is more than just a little wrong.
    3 points
  6. If I had $100K to spend on a car, I'd consider a Tesla.  I think they're a cool concept.  This biggest issue with the electric car concept is performance, Telsa proved it can be done.  Innovation has to start somewhere.  20 years from now these things may go 2K miles, or not, who knows.   They're still powered by fossil fuels, just indirectly.  
    3 points
  7. Of course, the very same thing could be said for Christians.    Theologically, No. Their allegiance is to Jesus and not the Constitution.   Religiously, No. No other religion is accepted. Jesus said "I am -the- way, -the- truth and -the- light. As pastors love to point out, he didn't say one of many.    Scripturally, No. His allegiance is to Christianity, God's laws and church doctrine. I remember hearing numerous pastors preach about following God's law, even when it conflicts with the laws of the world. Kim Davis was an example of this, breaking the law because of what she believed.   Geographically*, No.  His allegiance is to Israel, for Yahweh is the God of Israel. Many Christians make a pilgrimage to the holy land every year, and a large portion of Christianity takes it's marching orders directly from The Vatican.    Socially, No. Christianity teaches to be in the world, but not of the world. That's a fairly clear directive that Christians should 'maintain their distance' so to speak.    Politically, No. Again, Christians are instructed to follow God's law above all others. When they vote to enact legislation based of the Bible, they are forcing their religious beliefs and morals onto everyone. While they haven't yet required people to pray the sinner's prayer or go to jail, forcing others to behave in accordance with your interpretation of religious right and wrong by making it law is conversion by force, no different than forcing someone to convert at gunpoint.    Domestically, No. Christians are instructed that adulterous wives, heretics, blasphemers, etc should be stoned to death. They are also allowed to keep slaves, but instructed to be good masters.    Intellectually, No. Christians cannot accept the Constitution because it does not follow God's laws. It is based on principles that can be found in the Bible, but can also be found in the texts used by a wide variety of religions and societies all the way back to Hammurabi's Code. Christians feel they must control the country by limiting everything not specifically spelled out in the Constitution in accordance with their religion.    Philosophically, No. Christianity does not allow freedom of religion, as it says it is the only way. Christians have fought numerous battles to have their religious symbols placed in government buildings.    Spiritually, No. The Pledge of Allegiance was originally written to say "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Christians were not okay with such a secular pledge and in 1954 managed to have the words "Under God" added to it.        *Geographically? How can anyone be a geographically good anything?  :bowrofl:
    3 points
  8. I know plenty of people that obey the laws, they are Americans; I wouldn’t call them “good” Americans. I’m sure there are Muslims in this country that mean us no harm. I am also sure there are Muslims that want to kill us for no reason other than religious beliefs. It’s just a warning sign. But then we continually ignore warning signs from home grown American non-Muslims that want to kill us.
    3 points
  9. The Islamic boogeyman is the only one that hates you and what you stand for enough to kill you....the other boogeymen...not so much.
    3 points
  10. Can a Muslim be a good American?   This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:   Theologically - no, because his allegiance is to Allah.   Religiously - no, because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Qur'an 2:256).   Scripturally - no, because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Qur'an.   Geographically - no, because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.   Socially - no, because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.   Politically - no, because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders) who teach the annihilation of Israel and the destruction of America, the great Satan.   Domestically - no, because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat his wife when she disobeys him (Qur'an 4:34).   Intellectually - no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.   Philosophically - no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur'an does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist! Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.   Spiritually - no, because when we declare 'one nation under God,' we are referring to the Christian's God and not Allah.   Therefore, after much study and deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Americans/Canadians; they cannot and will not integrate into the great melting pot of America. .The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. Muslims everywhere have said they will destroy us from within."
    2 points
  11. I've got a buddy that is in town before his next deployment. He mentioned he wanted to get his HCP while here and asked where he could get in a class on short notice. I let him know that i thought he would be exempt from the class due to military training. I also told him there is some sort of discounted rate but i couldn't remember the exact amount.   He went to the DMV on WEDNESDAY, March 30th. They took a look at his credentials and certification letter from his commanding officer and then charged him $60 for processing. They did not really tell him when to expect the permit or if the certification letter would exempt him from the class.   In the mail TODAY--APRIL 4th-- he received his HCP. 4 BUSINESS DAYS!! Seems like it takes longer than 4 days to get a letter to Knoxville from NE TN.   Anyway, hats off to the state. I'm impressed. :hat:    
    2 points
  12. Several charging stations in west knoxville. Although I think they call them Testacle's :) :)
    2 points
  13. Honestly I think Abraham is the one who bought it.  *shrug*
    2 points
  14. Ok Gents, Wicked edge emailed me my Gen 3 Pro set and all the goodies I ordered are being shipped later next week, this means it should be waiting for me when I get home around the middle of the month, I figure after 2 weeks of practice on my own knives I will be ready to set prices and start accepting knives to sharpen, Look for me to do this around the first week of May if all goes as planned!
    2 points
  15. The wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the episode.   I love how they showed Rick all cocky and feeling tough early. He'd just whooped some Saviour a$$, got out unscathed, and showed them who was boss. He drove away from the first roadblock feeling all magnanimous, like he'd just spared their lives. Each subsequent roadblock he felt more scared, less in control, and more blocked in. They abandoned the RV STILL thinking they'd out-smarted Negan only to find out they'd been played the whole time and had been herded like sheep straight to the wolves.   When he was captured by the Terminus cannibals, he was all righteous and tough, but he's finally met a vastly superior foe. Rick was broken by the end and helpless.
    2 points
  16. Not sure what you're paying for the scrap, but by the time you smelt it (counting time and propane) the add the cost of tin and/or any other add-ons to make a good usable alloy, you can get it from Rotometals for very little (if any) more and have a KNOWN alloy of superior quality.  
    2 points
  17. If you want to get really upset do a GOOGLE and ask how many mosques have been built in the U.S. the last 10 years then check the figure on how many are in Tennessee.   Its not Isis Christians are worried about its the so called friendly Muslims that will take over.  Most people have no idea what their intent is. Most have their head in the sand.  Do you have any idea how many are working in our Government?  After Hillary gets in she will get 2 or maybe 3 supreme court  judges and then the parties over.   She WILL get our guns take my word.  The Constitution will be down the drain. 
    2 points
  18. I'm tired of the stupid look on Rick's face when he's thrust into these situations. It's starting to wear on me that he's just always got a look like he's bewildered that these things are happening to his group. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  19. Good post Ron, that's why I carry a 1911. I'm not worried about thugs, I try to stay out of their territory. Islam has proclaimed death to America and Israel all of my lifetime. Muslims have invaded America and my territory. I recognize my enemy, I'm proud to be an Infidel. I think it's clear that WW III is going to be about islam, it'll be based around the Euphrates River, that's 100% muslims.
    2 points
  20. A wolf remains a wolf even if it has not eaten your sheep.
    2 points
  21. Funny, I thought to be a good American, all you had to do was follow our laws.  Guess all that goes out the window when the Islamic boogeyman is involved.
    2 points
  22. Don't mind losing if game called fairly. One of the worst officiated games I've witnessed. Sad.
    1 point
  23. Nice to know that at least those who produce service credentials get timely service.
    1 point
  24. That is one of several options to qualify. You do not necessarily have to operate a business and certainly you can be in the start up stage where you have no income but anticipate future income. https://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/revenue/attachments/f1308401.pdf I strongly recommend bringing the form i person to the TN Dept of revenue as there will be a guarantee that some stupid thing wont be to their liking and you can solve the issue on the spot vs mailing back and forth.
    1 point
  25. Don't let it get you down to much. The first bird I ever shot at, I pulled to the right and hit him but, never found him. I was kinda upset for a while too. It happens.
    1 point
  26. http://coolfiretrainer.com/AWSCategories/p/9/Kits   anyone played with these?  It looks like a good tool for training, safe/no blowing through $$$ ammo and you can do it in your house.
    1 point
  27. My first inclination is to think Glenn as he's been living on borrowed time since the dumpster incident.  Abraham, on the other hand didn't show nearly the fear that the rest of the bunch did.  That could have worked for him or against him during the selection. 
    1 point
  28. No, because our Constitution and sharia law are incompatible. Also, the muslim goal is to establish a world caliphate.
    1 point
  29.   Yep. A better comparison is the Model 3 to the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Bolt.
    1 point
  30. Speaking of his new motorcycle show, on talking dead last night, when they plugged it Hardawick ask if amc was giving out free vibrators for the show.
    1 point
  31.       What's to talk about?  The finale was a complete waste of time.  I coulda went to bed an hour earlier and been much happier for it.  
    1 point
  32. Prior to the last election I confiscated most of a case of Thunderbolts from an old friend of mine who kept having me try and "fix" his semi auto .22.  Prior to the confiscation I took apart his Kimber barrelled 10/22 at least twice to try and figure out what was going on with it.  This rifle had been custom made when he was living out west.  I couldn't find a thing wrong, but changed out the extractor and recoil spring just in case.  Then he calls me again.  When I get to his place I ask him to see the ammo he is shooting as I hadn't had any issues with it when I shot it with whatever I had in my ammo box.  He showed me his "stash" of Thunderbolts, which I immediately confiscated and gave him 3 or 4 bricks of CCI ammo.  I stored his Thunderbolts in my garage, trying to come up with something to do with them, but forgot about them.  2012 rolls around the shelves are picked clean again by resellers and hoarders.  I load up those Thunderbolts and drive out to his place and stick them on his shelf with a shrug.  Something is maybe better than nothing, but in the case of Thunderbolts out of a semi auto .22 I think pulling out the 12 gauge or 30.06 would be money better spent.    
    1 point
  33. You should get an agricultural consider an agriculture tax exemption certificate if you plan to engage in any farm activity - it will let you get tax free off road diesel and also save o other farm related purchases. Also - you may want to take a look at buying a new tractor- all brands offer zero percent financing and if you think you may file a schedule F you can write off the purchase as a section 179 expense in its entirety. This will lower the price by your marginal tax rate - probably 28% for most people. Buying used really is tough to argue for given those two things
    1 point
  34. If you can smell it you are getting harmful fumes. Even outside may not be enough if there is little or no wind or if it is blowing in your face. I thought I was doing enough to protect myself and poisoned myself. After that I started becoming anal about anything to do with lead. I wear a mask, a real mask, anytime I turn a pot on or handle them up until they are powder coated. After casting I strip naked before coming in then go straight to a shower. I no longer cast unless it is something I cannot buy.
    1 point
  35. I don't know about no smoke involved. Every time I cast there is lots of smoke as I flux and burn off impurities. Maybe you could make yourself a small portable casting outfit and just go to a local park or picnic area. Set up on one of those concrete tables and go to it. You would look like someone cooking burgers on your Coleman stove. Just an idea. I always cast outside. Too many fumes and such for an inside setup.
    1 point
  36. I wouldn't buy any tracked machine for under $5,000 and probably not under $10k. Undercarriage will be shot, and you'll spend as much time repairing it as you will running it. Parts aren't cheap, light, or easy to maneuver when you get into track drivelines.    If you're talking about initial clearing for a house, hire it out. A pro can get more done in less time and usually costs less overall than trying to rent something and do it yourself. If the big work is already done and you're just looking for a maintenance machine, then a good used tractor is the way to go. Do you want to mow the yard with it? If so, you're looking pretty small and probably gas powered. If you're willing to have a tractor and a separate mower you have much better options than an all in one machine can give you. When looking at tractors, ignore engine HP. It's a marketing trick that manufacturers have started the last few years. Look at PTO HP. If you have 100 engine HP and a horrible drivetrain, you may only get 50 HP at the PTO. Implements are driven off the PTO, and are rated for PTO HP. A hydrostat transmission will eat up more power than a gear/ clutch system will, but it's worth it in my opinion, especially for loader work. I don't know if you'll find one for under $5k though. Look for live/ independent hydraulics and PTO.     In middle TN, the small Fords are overpriced. They're extremely popular, but I could (and did) buy a bigger IH with a loader and fewer hours for less than a Ford. They're great tractors, but not worth the premium in my opinion. 
    1 point
  37. I'll have to retract my earlier post after seeing this one. If you don't want them, I'd suggest you leave them be; or at least do some serious research as to their condition and value. Me? I'd buy them and put them up as long as they weren't broken, badly pitted, or bubba'ed.   I've a pretty fair assortment of antique mouse guns, but none of the models you've listed.
    1 point
  38. Lol when I first glanced at the scales I thought it was a picture of bacon. Lol. Will be a gorgeous knife. Now I'm off to find some bacon.
    1 point
  39. In my area, most all of us are gun enthusiasts, or as some may say, right wing nut jobs. The libs think if students/staff have guns, it will be a wild west shoot out when grades are posted. The "gun in bars" legislation didnt result in druken ok corral, but this is different.....eyeroll
    1 point
  40. Powder coated bullets act just like jacketed. Matter of fact your barrels end up cleaner when shooting powder coated bullets. That is the ONLY way I will shoot cast from now on.
    1 point
  41. So is this what the tannerite guy used as inspiration?
    1 point
  42.   I try not to, but I can't write all of them off.   I wish it were that easy.  
    1 point
  43. Any sign that was conforming (pretty much any sign), will still be conforming until 2018. My rule of thumb is any sign I see is legal because I understand the property owner’s intent. If I don’t see it; it probably isn’t legal under any version of the law.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Eliminating the criminal penalty for the no gun signs does not mean that private property owners will not be able to ask people to leave.  Most states do not have this sort of law and business owners still can ask people to leave their property.  A business owner in Tennessee can ask you to leave right now without any sort of no gun sign because again that is a trespass issue.   The weapons charge that is a Class B Misdemeanor is worse than the Class C Misdemeanor trespass charge.  A weapons conviction can cause you to have your permit suspended and your firearm confiscated.  Since trespass is not a weapons issue, the problem probably would not affect your permit or involve your gun being confiscated if you were asked to leave and you did not leave.     Sometimes I wonder why pro gun people would not want restrictions reduced on their ability to carry legally.  Isn't the whole point of paying for the permit so that you do not have to worry about a weapons charge and dealing with your gun being taken?   If you go to downtown Memphis or Nashville, you will see what a pain it is to legally carry both in the local government owned buildings and private property due to these no gun signs.
    1 point
  46. I have a couple of the Rugers, both a standard and a commander. No problems with either.
    1 point
  47. Are you going to do a FTF only or offer shipping. The majority of everyday carry knives will fit in a small flat rate box. I think you'd be justified in a little premium for that on top of the $6 it costs to ship it. Gas and time to and fro ain't free. I'd be in for it. My current knife sharpener is the fellar what sets up in the back of the local gun show. Wait, are you really up for sharpening all the cheap knock offs we cheap/poor bastards carry? Kinda be like a Porche mechanic tuning up a Ford Tempo.
    1 point
  48. If you aren't hunting or competition shooting with it, the S&W M&P 22 Compact is hard to beat, best of its kind IMO. MSRP is $389. I have seen them for $299 new in the gun shop. A bit over budget, but it is hard to find a quality and durable .22 pistol. Or look at a Ruger Mark 2/3 or a Buckmark. Don't be afraid to buy a used one.The ruger will last many lifetimes.
    1 point
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