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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2016 in all areas

  1. Of course, the very same thing could be said for Christians.    Theologically, No. Their allegiance is to Jesus and not the Constitution.   Religiously, No. No other religion is accepted. Jesus said "I am -the- way, -the- truth and -the- light. As pastors love to point out, he didn't say one of many.    Scripturally, No. His allegiance is to Christianity, God's laws and church doctrine. I remember hearing numerous pastors preach about following God's law, even when it conflicts with the laws of the world. Kim Davis was an example of this, breaking the law because of what she believed.   Geographically*, No.  His allegiance is to Israel, for Yahweh is the God of Israel. Many Christians make a pilgrimage to the holy land every year, and a large portion of Christianity takes it's marching orders directly from The Vatican.    Socially, No. Christianity teaches to be in the world, but not of the world. That's a fairly clear directive that Christians should 'maintain their distance' so to speak.    Politically, No. Again, Christians are instructed to follow God's law above all others. When they vote to enact legislation based of the Bible, they are forcing their religious beliefs and morals onto everyone. While they haven't yet required people to pray the sinner's prayer or go to jail, forcing others to behave in accordance with your interpretation of religious right and wrong by making it law is conversion by force, no different than forcing someone to convert at gunpoint.    Domestically, No. Christians are instructed that adulterous wives, heretics, blasphemers, etc should be stoned to death. They are also allowed to keep slaves, but instructed to be good masters.    Intellectually, No. Christians cannot accept the Constitution because it does not follow God's laws. It is based on principles that can be found in the Bible, but can also be found in the texts used by a wide variety of religions and societies all the way back to Hammurabi's Code. Christians feel they must control the country by limiting everything not specifically spelled out in the Constitution in accordance with their religion.    Philosophically, No. Christianity does not allow freedom of religion, as it says it is the only way. Christians have fought numerous battles to have their religious symbols placed in government buildings.    Spiritually, No. The Pledge of Allegiance was originally written to say "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Christians were not okay with such a secular pledge and in 1954 managed to have the words "Under God" added to it.        *Geographically? How can anyone be a geographically good anything?  :bowrofl:
    8 points
  2. Ok, my views are pretty much as stated by the op's post. One thing most of this country cannot seem to grasp is the the doctrine of Muhammad states that all's fair, and I mean ALL, in dealing with the infidels. The infidel is one not of the Muslim followers. And we, as the Great Satan, are #1 on the long term list of to-be conquered lands.   This allows, no says and commands. that lying, cheating, deception, killing, and enslavement is the method to deal with all infidels. Meaning us. Anyone who does not accept the will of allah. (I will not capitalize it, because allah is not our God.)   The end goal of the muslim faith is the enslavement or destruction of all that does not conform and submit to Muhammad and Shariah law and government.   It is that simple. You can twist it around anyway you wish. You can take your touchy-feely liberal thoughts and suggestions and scream them to the high heavens and it will not change a thing.   The goal of Muhammadism is the enslavement and destruction of all that is not muslim.   Done. That's my opinion, and some will not agree. That is your prerogative.
    7 points
  3. A wolf remains a wolf even if it has not eaten your sheep.
    6 points
  4. Funny, I thought to be a good American, all you had to do was follow our laws.  Guess all that goes out the window when the Islamic boogeyman is involved.
    5 points
  5. Another cool TGO meetup. Always great to hangout and also meet new folks. It's hard looking at so much ugly in one place, let's be honest. But if you can get over the smell, this really is a great community. :) Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
    4 points
  6. The Islamic boogeyman is the only one that hates you and what you stand for enough to kill you....the other boogeymen...not so much.
    4 points
  7. I tell ya, I'm getting really sick of the stupidity on this show. This was the stupidest episode of the walking dead since I started watching it. An hour and a half. They could have accomplished the whole episode in ten minutes.
    3 points
  8. Lol when I first glanced at the scales I thought it was a picture of bacon. Lol. Will be a gorgeous knife. Now I'm off to find some bacon.
    3 points
  9. Can a Muslim be a good American?   This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:   Theologically - no, because his allegiance is to Allah.   Religiously - no, because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Qur'an 2:256).   Scripturally - no, because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Qur'an.   Geographically - no, because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.   Socially - no, because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.   Politically - no, because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders) who teach the annihilation of Israel and the destruction of America, the great Satan.   Domestically - no, because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat his wife when she disobeys him (Qur'an 4:34).   Intellectually - no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.   Philosophically - no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur'an does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist! Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.   Spiritually - no, because when we declare 'one nation under God,' we are referring to the Christian's God and not Allah.   Therefore, after much study and deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Americans/Canadians; they cannot and will not integrate into the great melting pot of America. .The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. Muslims everywhere have said they will destroy us from within."
    2 points
  10.  http://www.schifferbooks.com/a-collectors-guide-to-the-savage-99-rifle-and-its-predecessors-the-model-1895-and-1899-5926.html Mr. David Royal has been kind enough to step up and publish the ultimate 99 Savage collector's guide. If you are vaguely interested in them, wish to know everything there is to know about them, or just want to drool over the many great pictures, this is a very solid addition to your firearm library.   I've no connection to the author, publisher, nor the book, other than I own a signed copy and highly recommend it.
    2 points
  11.   Yeah, didn't expect them to extend a cliffhanger all the way to next season. Cheapest theatrical shot yet,  IMNSHO, even worse than Glenn and the dumpster.   - OS
    2 points
  12. MCTS will be hosting a USPSA match at our range in Dickson on April 9th and 10th. Five stages around 130 rounds. 99-12 is the classifier. Stages out shortly. Here is stage one.
    1 point
  13. I'm begging to debate whether I am going to continue to watch the show. I just watched 90minutes of nothing. The only thing we learned was Negans face. That's not to mention the unrealistic liberties they take. Have any of you been in the woods in the dark. No way Ricks group could have found their way and no way Negan could track them. I understand it's "zombies" but hell at this point Rick should sprout wings and fly them all to safety.
    1 point
  14.           It is typical for a lot of multi-season TV series though, it will be one of the hotter topics throughout the off-season.  It's the modern version of "Who do you think shot J.R.?"
    1 point
  15. Absolute garbage finale scene.
    1 point
  16. Didn't get to hunt Saturday due to being out of town Friday night. However, got out this morning and while things didn't go exactly as planned, I got a bird in the fridge. We set up blindly, but near a know roost area. When they fired up, they were on every side of us and I know I heard 10 different gobblers. They henned up quickly, but we kept working them. Around 7:15 two long beards walked in to our set up. I took careful aim and shot the lead bird at about 30 yards. 3.5" #4's knocked him off his feet, but I hit him low. He got up and ran off, me emptying the gun at him. We searched the woods and briar patches, but didn't find him. I was down on myself and questioning my sights, shells, choke choices. Guess I pulled low on the shot, but still felt it was enough lead and close enough it should have kept him down. My partner left to go to church and I stayed to look some more. While walking the woods, rustling the leaves caused another bird to fire up. I eased to the field edge and called in a flock. Shot this one at 20 yards and didn't pull the shot low. I hate losing wounded game. "So he cocked both his pistols, spit in the dirt, and walked out in to the street."
    1 point
  17.   Heh I was about to say buy it now until I realized the 765 was a pistol :( Gunbroker has the hsc @ 300-500 depending on its condition and such.  At the worst 300 is a break-even point it looks like; you might turn a profit. There are too many walthers for me to be sure what you are talking about here.  If its 300 each, youll need to figure out the value.  If its 300 for both, go for it.
    1 point
  18. I cannot begin to count the thousands of rounds I cast on a hot plate and small steel pot.
    1 point
  19.   I can't speak for his, but I use the Geissele Hi Speed National Match DMR's in 3 of my AR's for accurate shooting and love them.   https://geissele.com/hi-speed-national-match-designated-marksman-rifle-dmr-trigger.html
    1 point
  20. 8 1/4" overall, 4 1/4" blade, 5/32" thick 01 tool steel off to heat treat tomorrow. REALLY nice file work on spine. Amazing stabilized and dyed Maple scales with beautiful Mosaic pins, this Skinner variation will be your go to BBQ knife but also ready for your next field dressing!! It is available and will include a leather sheath. The epoxy will be dyed black to fill in the negative areas in the file work!This one should not last long! Holler at me! Draons Breath Knives
    1 point
  21. Close to the build I'm finishing Tuesday. What rigger are you using   Cheers,   TS
    1 point
  22. I wouldn't buy any tracked machine for under $5,000 and probably not under $10k. Undercarriage will be shot, and you'll spend as much time repairing it as you will running it. Parts aren't cheap, light, or easy to maneuver when you get into track drivelines.    If you're talking about initial clearing for a house, hire it out. A pro can get more done in less time and usually costs less overall than trying to rent something and do it yourself. If the big work is already done and you're just looking for a maintenance machine, then a good used tractor is the way to go. Do you want to mow the yard with it? If so, you're looking pretty small and probably gas powered. If you're willing to have a tractor and a separate mower you have much better options than an all in one machine can give you. When looking at tractors, ignore engine HP. It's a marketing trick that manufacturers have started the last few years. Look at PTO HP. If you have 100 engine HP and a horrible drivetrain, you may only get 50 HP at the PTO. Implements are driven off the PTO, and are rated for PTO HP. A hydrostat transmission will eat up more power than a gear/ clutch system will, but it's worth it in my opinion, especially for loader work. I don't know if you'll find one for under $5k though. Look for live/ independent hydraulics and PTO.     In middle TN, the small Fords are overpriced. They're extremely popular, but I could (and did) buy a bigger IH with a loader and fewer hours for less than a Ford. They're great tractors, but not worth the premium in my opinion. 
    1 point
  23. Thanks, I plan to keep you guys updated. Im going to post the initial groups I get on the Fitty% Facebook page here soon.     It probably was just the barrel extension Christensen Arm uses. My Proof Research barrel was a press fit and they probably use oversized barrel extensions which I would've liked for this barrel but its a good shooter.
    1 point
  24. Final bump update.  Did'nt feel well enough to make the Sat. show. Worn out from trip.. Did make it today. This place is huge. Only went thru about 40% of it, til I was tired out. Much better than our local shows. Didn't see any siding, gutters, flea mkt stuff ( proves it can be done ), LOL. Heading home tomorrow. You need to see this show if you can make it, awesome.
    1 point
  25.   Either buy a small farm dozier to initially clear the property or find someone who'll do some bartering with you to clear it with their own dozier. As long as you offer to pay fuel costs someone will eventually come through on a barter deal. Once you've done this you can get by just fine with a Ford 4000 or 4600 tractor. These are easy to find parts for and work on just don't by one that needs to be rebuilt. Its more cost effective to pay more for good equipment then spending the money you saved (and more) on repairs.
    1 point
  26. Well done! I dig your rifle, too!   Any explanation on why that upper and barrel had so much play?   Do you think it was the Aero upper or the barrel maker that machined it a bit out of spec? 
    1 point
  27. Nice video, I really like that barrel and rail combo, you will have to keep us updated as to how well it preforms.
    1 point
  28. This is so worth it! Monkey and I would love to come but he's having surgery the day before so we won't be able to attend! I hope you guys all have an amazing and safe time! I remember my first FA. Exhilarating.
    1 point
  29. I know plenty of people that obey the laws, they are Americans; I wouldn’t call them “good” Americans. I’m sure there are Muslims in this country that mean us no harm. I am also sure there are Muslims that want to kill us for no reason other than religious beliefs. It’s just a warning sign. But then we continually ignore warning signs from home grown American non-Muslims that want to kill us.
    1 point
  30. Look for leaks, check the steering for excess play, and load the hydraulics to make sure they work properly. Hydraulic pumps and tires are among the most expensive things to replace on a tractor.   I'd prefer a diesel. I'd also want either a shuttle shift, or a hydrostat drive.
    1 point
  31. What size, and what do you intend to do with it? 'Small' could be anything from a garden tractor to 40-50 HP.    What dealers are near you? Even if you don't buy from one, you're going to have to get parts from somewhere. Deere has a huge lead on the competition there, their entire parts system is available for free online. 
    1 point
  32.   Welcome aboard I live in Cleveland there are a few from of us from the Chattanooga area.  It is also good to see people from our area.  Sometimes it seems like everyone on this board is from Memphis and Nashville.
    1 point
  33. I'll give Yanmar a thumbs-up. I think they still make the small engines for JD. I'd stay away from the China stuff, and gas engines.
    1 point
  34.   But it makes a lot more noise...and that makes it more fun!
    1 point
  35. I got a 20 pounder this morning before the wind got up. 1" spurs and a 9 1/2" beard.
    1 point
  36. She is precious for sure and evidently very smart to. I only had boys but I started all my boys out at about that age and they passed what they were taught down to there children which were also boys. The Great grand children are still a little young but they will also be taught as they get older................. :up: :up:
    1 point
  37. the key to a heavy pack on a long haul is the belt.  If the belt on the pack is good, it will put the weight onto your hips.  With a hard frame and a good belt, evenly distributed weight is a good approach.   Non solid frame packs are tough to carry a heavy load; here again a belt is critical and you probably want the weight down low on this type.   But I wouldn't try to carry a heavy pack that is putting the weight on your shoulders or hurting your back -- if its doing that no matter what you try, odds are the pack is not suitable for the job.
    1 point
  38. Cutie for sure. May she grow up strong and happy!
    1 point
  39.  Thanks y'all... The optic enhanced gas tube is a concept she came up with. I had my doughs but it performed like a dream after we worked the bugs out . She can make her momma run for the hills with that thing when fully loaded.. Time sure is flying by.. She has heard the roar of gunfire since birth and has a steady trigger pull at the age of three.. I hope she's a future Janna Reeves or Tori Nonaka but I'll settle for a doctor if thats what she wants to do.. We have a range date tomorrow to finish the break in on her 10/22 and .204.. 
    1 point
  40. Good luck to everybody tomorrow.
    1 point
  41. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to tell the cheese done slid off her cracker.
    1 point
  42. They'd do better manufacturing 22 WRM ammunition rather than another gun model you can't feed. :wall:
    1 point
  43. As hard as 22 mag is to find I'd have no interest just based on that.  Much more interested in a .22 TCM that at least has the ability to be reloaded.  Plus it's a way better round IMO.
    1 point
  44. Send them to the FBI and tell them you want to contribute to their supply of phones to practice their hacking abilities.
    1 point
  45. I forgot to show y'all my new decoy hat. "So he cocked both his pistols, spit in the dirt, and walked out in to the street."
    1 point
  46. Seems to me that there must be a dozen pistols that would do the job (minus 300+ pages of requirements) these days.   They either need to realistically  get on with it or just drop it and stay with what they have until there is some watershed development in sidearms.  First time I shot an FN 5.7 I said "wait a minute....even the safety seemed "right" for standard issue Joes and Joelenes."   But I never had the chance to tear one down and see logistic issues besides the ammo issue itself.     If a good positive thumb safety is a definite requirement my brain is having a hard time coming up with a pistol that would meet modularity requirements and have a positive clicking conventional safety.  I suppose something Sig has meets the mail as close as anything.  M&P has a mushy safety that is "off" for some reason for me including disassembly of the safety itself and that tiny spring in the mechanism.  Then there is Glock with no thumb safety except for that Comminoli aftermarket which I installed on several Glocks but didn't think that safety quite measured up to the rest of the pistol.  The Ruger SR series has a decent thumb safety but did I see Ruger isn't interested in the contract?  I just don't see a return to the 1911 in any caliber. The last one I carried in the military would turn orange if it was cloudy out, but would never jam because it was so loose and rattled so much you could have used it as tambourine in a rock band.  I'm sure modern metallurgy and finishes would prevent both those issues right?  One thing about some of the modern plastic guns is that it is pretty easy to cannibalize one to make another work with about 99.9% certainty if necessary.  No fitting of parts.   Hard call, I'll wait to see the end result. Someone wake me up when the choice is made.  
    1 point
  47. I just got off the phone with them, I can sell these for $250.00 shipped between now and the next 3 to 4 weeks I will be ordering some if any of you want one let me know, I can get any of their models
    1 point
  48. Hahn Precision makes great 9mm magwell adapters but they're a bit more expensive.  I prefer the dedicated version that drops in from the top; you have to remove the bolt catch lever to install it, but that's literally about 60 seconds of work. 
    1 point
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