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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2016 in all areas

  1. You better believe it! Started going through the gun cabinet and realized I had far more than I thought. A few extra parts here, a few extra recievers there and this is what happens. BTW this is from a past life. I no longer possess any of these. [emoji6] The AK variants: L to R: Yugo PAP, Polish, Saiga 12, PSA Reciever/Barrel, Yugo M92, WASR AR'S etc. L to R: Dedicated .22 (kids gun), LW/PDW gun needs optic, 11 yr old daughters AR, Adams piston on Black Rain billet upper and lower, Aero 308, ARP barrel 6.8, Ruger 10/22
    2 points
  2. No need to change, besides all my kids are grown now so I have no one to build an AK for me. I'll stick to the unreliable and obviously too technically advanced sticks Here's the latest
    2 points
  3. You are better at that with one hand than I would be with two. Always enjoy your videos, I still laugh every time I think about your dad and the general lee.
    2 points
  4. I would put a sleeping bag or blanket in the bottom of the pack. You want the weight close to you and about mid way up your back. As already mentioned the belt makes all the difference. One other method you might look at is getting a 2 gallon camel pack. That would be about 16lbs full and easily adjustable. It would also put the weight right were it needs to be.
    2 points
    2 points
  6. Had a really good time meeting folks today.  BIG thanks to David Cooper and the rest of the crew at Everything Weapons for hosting us and providing much-needed coffee!   Several folks in attendance asked that we try to do some more of these, so we will definitely be doing that.   Everything Weapons has some ideas for future gatherings at their locations, and several folks also asked about reviving the Meet n' Greet n' Shoot events that we used to have at CHMR.   I'll check on that too.   Hope you all had fun!   Oh, and thanks for the challenge coin, DustBuster!  It's funny, I think you and I have some similar interests.  In fact, you'll find me later today on top of a 24' ladder hanging a new ACTi 5MP PoE dome.  :)
    2 points
  7. the key to a heavy pack on a long haul is the belt.  If the belt on the pack is good, it will put the weight onto your hips.  With a hard frame and a good belt, evenly distributed weight is a good approach.   Non solid frame packs are tough to carry a heavy load; here again a belt is critical and you probably want the weight down low on this type.   But I wouldn't try to carry a heavy pack that is putting the weight on your shoulders or hurting your back -- if its doing that no matter what you try, odds are the pack is not suitable for the job.
    2 points
  8. Garbage bag knot is more appropriate.
    2 points
  9. Powder coated bullets act just like jacketed. Matter of fact your barrels end up cleaner when shooting powder coated bullets. That is the ONLY way I will shoot cast from now on.
    2 points
  10. I wore long hair nearly all my life. Mullets in the '80s and an under cut ponytail in the '90s to full on hair through the `00s. In the `90s I was working my way through conservative southern sewing factories. With bright green hair several inches past my shoulders. As it was undercut, I could pull it up, wrap it up and hide it under a hat. I have never been without a job since I was old enough to get paid to work.   I was working for one factory in Madisonville, I had been there almost a year and we were spreading some nice bright green material. You remember those days when neon camouflage was all the rage? Well it just happened that my hair was the same color as the material we were cutting. So my boss and I were talking and I told him that I really needed to get a pair of the pants after they were done. He asked me why. So I pulled my beat up blue ADIDAS hat off my head (that I still have and wear often, twenty years later,) and let all that glowing green hair fall out from underneath. "Because it matches my hair," was my response.   Sam looks me dead in the eyes and says "I never would have hired you had I seen your hair."   "Of course not, why do you think I kept it tucked up under there for so long?" I responded.   From that day on whenever Sam came close enough to me he would start singing "Sign says green haired freaky people, need not apply..."
    2 points
  11. Name is Bill, I'm a Realtor in the Nashville area. Originally from PA I've been a shooting most of my life. I'm looking forward to getting back in to reloading and some long distance shooting. Member of Nashville Armory and would like to join Strategic Edge in Chapel Hill.   
    1 point
  12. Someone please end this. I'm not jealous, it just has to stop. Waiting for someone to undo it is a nuisanceit smells and its and waste of time. Man bun wearers will now be addressed as Caitlyn or " it". Man buns can conceal razors, needles, ammo and derringer. If you reach for your man bun during a stop u may go down. Just sayin,man bun wearers that CC are asking for problems. April fools
    1 point
  13. Yeah, efficiency and simplicity are usually hard for AR guys to figure out. [emoji6] Keep trying RW. You'll make it eventually. Haha
    1 point
  14. In my area, most all of us are gun enthusiasts, or as some may say, right wing nut jobs. The libs think if students/staff have guns, it will be a wild west shoot out when grades are posted. The "gun in bars" legislation didnt result in druken ok corral, but this is different.....eyeroll
    1 point
  15. Had a good time this morning, wish I would've had a chance to talk to everyone. Thanks to everything weapons for hosting. Found out this morning I've known hipower outside of the gun community for close to fifteen years maybe... and didn't even know it was hipower! Thanks tgo David for putting it on, I got to talking and forgot all about the stickers I was gonna buy from you.
    1 point
  16. My wife refuses to let me take any on our property...ugh
    1 point
  17.  Yes and yes, the bullets need to be lubed but the powder coating acts as a lube.   Beware getting into casting, it's a whole new addiction    :D
    1 point
  18. It was a chinese knockoff ;) I've also turned a few Kramers into sawdust.
    1 point
  19. Just a reminder the event is coming up next Saturday! Let me know if you want prepay tickets to save a little money!
    1 point
  20. That is a topknot, not a man bun.
    1 point
  21. Why the hell did you shoot a Les Paul??!!? :confused:
    1 point
  22. Hello all. I'm going to assume I'm one of the younger members of the board considering I'm still a student at UT in Knoxville. I'll shoot anything I can get my hands on. I love to tinker (despite limited space and funds) and just started picking up some reloading equipment. Looking forward to learning from y'all's experience. 
    1 point
  23. As said either plated or coated lead. Both work much better and cleaner than plain lead. If using plain lead best to shoot them outdoors because of smoke from the bullet lube.
    1 point
  24. Dolomite nailed it!   We've run 130 gr cast powder coated bullets through an OEM Glock 34 up to 1350 fps and the barrel remained pretty darn clean and absolutely no signs of leading.   Our range rounds are at 1000 fps + and are incredibly sweet shooting.   Commercial lead bullets: I just this past week worked up a load for some 147 gr Falcon bullets I had on hand using Lovex Clean Shot DO32 powder. Primarily because of the lube with non-powder coated bullets, they do smoke a little...but not much. It's just part of the deal with such.   Slugging your barrel(s) and matching with the appropriate bullet diameter and running them at a reasonable speed minimizes the chance of leading.   Since I run Glocks primarily, I do have a couple of Lone Wolf barrels. No worries using the plain lead in my Shield though. (This refers to non-PC bullets)   When you get ready to cast and powder coat Kevin, let me know and I'll help however I can.
    1 point
  25.   That's how it always starts.
    1 point
  26. I DO NOT support selective legislation regarding who can carry where. This being said, as a college professor I have to welcome any legislation that allows me to help protect the children under my care. I have felt hamstrung for years by stupid liberal head in the sand policies that are nothing but feel good garbage. ffr1910
    1 point
  27. Still liquid celebrating Friday but plan to float in tomorrow ...
    1 point
  28. I purchased 5 stripped lowers today. I'm not sick. Really, I'm not. Stop staring at me dammit.
    1 point
  29. I think Gene Simmons of KISS invented the man bun in the 70's.
    1 point
  30. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to tell the cheese done slid off her cracker.
    1 point
  31. Got a hammer and a torch? :devil:
    1 point
  32. Yup. Shoot em. My neighbor, the IT professional, diagnosing a problem with a laptop. Wifey punishing a toaster. What's left of said toaster after I fed it 13rds of 00buck in about 10 seconds. Being the main shooter and fun documenter, I rarely get pics of me shootin stuff... this is the best I've gotten so far. Anyways, all of that is to say... shooting stuff is SO much fun! I have neighbors and friends from church give me their old computers, phones, printers, etc. Way better than paper targets!
    1 point
  33.   12 if you count the size of me. lol Looking forward to it. Will you have the kids with you?
    1 point
  34. That's nothing next to the slingshot-bikini photoshop of Hildebeast.
    1 point
  35. I've been looking forward to this for a while. He seems to be doing very well for himself. His class are selling out rapidly for this year. Not the best AAR author but I will give it my honest opinion.
    1 point
  36. I know everyone has seen a Glock 17 but I bought this several years ago used , oiled it up , stored it away for my son, and now today is the day :no1: My son is 18 years old today and we are so proud of him ! He has awesome grades in school and in 2 months will be going to college to become a history teacher . He has never gotten in trouble , has gotten great grades , and just a great son . When he was smaller he would watch me shoot and he loved it . I got him a small Marlin bolt-action single shot 22LR . He did great . He learned to shoot my Glock 22 and my personal Glock 17 . He loved them . He even has wanted me to show him how to reload 9mm and we are in the beginning stages of that . So when he gets home from school today , his Mom , Sister , and I have an awesome surprise for him ! I am so excited for him . He has no idea about this . I am so excited to see his face that it's like I am the one getting a present ! Sorry to ramble on and just wanted to share . [Uercel89/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_2975_zpswamhdxrc.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  37.   UN. UNreasonable hour. Any hour that doesn't have two digits is wholly unreasonable on a weekend. ;)
    1 point
  38. I won't even be there and I'm excited! :lol: What an awesome present, I'm sure he's gonna love it. Tell him Happy Birthday!
    1 point
  39. Any word on the price of Ammo? If the 9mm is $1 a round and the belt feed 5.56 or 7.62 is $5 a round I would like to know that before I put money down and find out I can't afford to shot anything. Thanks Robert
    1 point
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