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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2016 in all areas
I wore long hair nearly all my life. Mullets in the '80s and an under cut ponytail in the '90s to full on hair through the `00s. In the `90s I was working my way through conservative southern sewing factories. With bright green hair several inches past my shoulders. As it was undercut, I could pull it up, wrap it up and hide it under a hat. I have never been without a job since I was old enough to get paid to work. I was working for one factory in Madisonville, I had been there almost a year and we were spreading some nice bright green material. You remember those days when neon camouflage was all the rage? Well it just happened that my hair was the same color as the material we were cutting. So my boss and I were talking and I told him that I really needed to get a pair of the pants after they were done. He asked me why. So I pulled my beat up blue ADIDAS hat off my head (that I still have and wear often, twenty years later,) and let all that glowing green hair fall out from underneath. "Because it matches my hair," was my response. Sam looks me dead in the eyes and says "I never would have hired you had I seen your hair." "Of course not, why do you think I kept it tucked up under there for so long?" I responded. From that day on whenever Sam came close enough to me he would start singing "Sign says green haired freaky people, need not apply..."3 points
3 points
Just like LumberJack... But, Sorry man, Hickok45 beat you to it at 0:10 in. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19IhGt5HLhI[/media]3 points
heavier recoil spring. the can has a booster right? when reading the title I had this in mind3 points
APRILS FOOL! :biglol: :biglol: :biglol: :biglol: :biglol:2 points
2 points
When I saw "Faster than Jerry Miculek" I had to click to see what that was all about. BTW.... 4 rounds in 1.3 seconds would not beat him.2 points
If I was in charge of that ROTC detachment, I'd assign two cadets to stand guard in full battle rattle outside her door during office hours. That way she can feel safe. ;)2 points
2 points
I have NEVER posted that picture.....Kentucky Conan, yes....Borat Bikini Hillary, nope.2 points
maybe I misread but we pay taxes for that. The .gov is not giving any of it. It is not exactly a handout.2 points
I'll be there. May be 8:30 before I get there. Gonna take the wife to breakfast before she has to work Saturdays for the next month2 points
I will be there. I decided to let the turkeys live till Sunday.2 points
Send them to the FBI and tell them you want to contribute to their supply of phones to practice their hacking abilities.2 points
Hope to still breeze through. Wife gets her hair done about every 6 weeks. Guess what week it is. :bored:2 points
Unless the Vendor is irrefutably guilty of unethical or illegal business practices and that information has been shared with the TGO Staff first and we believe that there is legitimate cause for concern to protect the members at large, I honestly don't want to hear a bunch of complaints about the Vendor no matter who they are. If you're in business, you are going to piss off someone or hurt someone's feelings sooner or later. You might not get to a customer in your store fast enough to suit them. You might not provide the sort of discount or price that suits them. You might not provide the sort of "customer service experience" that suits them. They might just not like the way you look, smell, talk, or dress. Someone, somewhere, is going to get a stick up their butt about you and then use the Internet to malign you because they think that they have a right to do it. If a consumer has an individual beef with a Vendor, they should take it up with that Vendor in person. If they don't have to guts to do that, then I don't want them using TGO as their emotional dumping ground. Just my thoughts on that matter.2 points
While searching for a 3" model 60 in pawn shops, I was given an opportunity to buy a beautiful 3" k frame from a manager at a pawn shop that I have known a few years. It was not what I was looking for but I knew I would never find another as beautiful as this 1989 model 65. I had a rough old police trade in model 65 last year that I had actually experienced regrets on selling. When I bought this a few months ago it made me feel better.1 point
Someone please end this. I'm not jealous, it just has to stop. Waiting for someone to undo it is a nuisanceit smells and its and waste of time. Man bun wearers will now be addressed as Caitlyn or " it". Man buns can conceal razors, needles, ammo and derringer. If you reach for your man bun during a stop u may go down. Just sayin,man bun wearers that CC are asking for problems. April fools1 point
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1 point
The administration needs to request a psychological evaluation.........1 point
1 point
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to tell the cheese done slid off her cracker.1 point
I don't have any of that on hand. "Swag" is expensive to keep around. I will have some of the TGO stickers but that's about it.1 point
The bands are pretty elastic, and comfortable enough. The holster holds the gun real well so there is little chance of it coming out unless you want it too (practice drawing). Yea, those guys are formidable, and quick. I've only run into one, and luckily I seen him before he seen me so I backed off, even with my 30-06 I wanted no part of that one.1 point
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/gun-shop-owner-refuses-to-sell-gun-to-eligible-customer-possibly-prevents-mass-shooting/ar-BBr5KCP?ocid=spartandhp Good for him.1 point
1 point
S&W 340PD. Pocket carry....all the time. With practice you can achieve amazing results with these little fellas. I shot a bobcat at 27 paces a couple years ago. I'm good with only 5 rounds. My fists get me to my knife....my knife gets me to my gun....my gun gets me to my truck..... Hell fire and brimstone will follow.1 point
That was rude... I'm going to have to skip my daily lurking today. Stupid April fools day. Forgive any typos, dustbuster's pic blinded me.1 point
If you follow this thread .. you can see that all of these dogs are purebred dogs.Each purebred dog has its own devastating diseases to content with ..What does that tell us as what we are doing and have been doing to these animals? Its not just dog. Its cats, horses ,cattle anything we strive to make bigger, badder, cuter.. and the list goes on..Sad.. I hope there is a better outcome in the future for all of these babies..1 point
Don't you dare post that again. Remember, I know where you live...1 point
That's nothing next to the slingshot-bikini photoshop of Hildebeast.1 point
I have a Stoeger M3000 that I bought for 3gun. I had a rough time with patterns and recoil when I first got it. Felt like it kicked me right in the face every time, lol. I shortened the stock, added a Kickezze recoil pad and changed the included shims to adjust the stock. It was like shooting a totally different gun after I did that. Patterns are spot on, and the recoil is multiple times better. You haven't had the stock off have you? Maybe the stock has changed as some others have said. I wouldn't have believed the difference it can make if I hadn't experienced it for myself.1 point
Those are both great quality guns and well worth the 2-300 you have mentioned simply from a craftsmanship stand point. Down side is the 32ACP round. More or less a novelty plinker in a +P carry world.1 point
This is the one I rely on. Much better than an optical one... http://ads.midwayusa.com/product/628777/magnetospeed-v3-ballistic-chronograph1 point
This is our 2nd year of raised beds, wished I would have done that about 40 years ago. Best garden last year ever. 3-5-16 planted 2 lbs of onion sets 1 white and 1 red. 3-12-16 planted sugar snap peas and carrots, 3-15-16 planted 8 cabbage and 8 broccoli plants. 3-18-16 the peas were sprouting and 3-24-16 carrots started sprouting. 3-26-16 planted lettuce mix. For those that don't know Sow True seeds in Asheville, N.C. has lots of heirloom or non-hybrid seeds. We also have tomatoes, peppers, and 2 types of squash started inside. I went the cheap method for the beds, I have access to wooden crates from a tractor dealer and I just knock the bottom out we put cardboard down on the grass, some black plastic a foot or so all around and we filled with topsoil and mushroom mix which is horse manure that has composted about a year. Wishing ya'll some good wholesome veggies.1 point
Had a big box waiting when i got home today. This is one serious knife. Can't wait to take it to the field and put it through its paces, no doubt it will take whatever.1 point
There are numerous places online to find PDF file military manuals. Also consider the CD's sold at most gun shows. I haven't looked but Imagine someone somewhere offers PDF files for automotive repair manuals. The repair manuals for any mechanical thing you have would be the very valuable. Also consider plant identification with color photos.1 point
The difference between a magnum and regular primer isn't going to kaboom a gun with any load. I think you will have more problems because they are the wrong size. But, because they are the wrong size, you can find them and disassemble them.1 point
Lots of fun today at the range! Just wanted to SHOW you my fire and TELL you how much fun I had today! Happy St. Pattys Day!1 point
We'll take the money that the Nashville yuppie liberal morons don't want.1 point
I had them out for cleaning so I took pictures of some of my favorite knives [url="%5Burl="%5Burl="%5Burl="%5Burl="http://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dhttp://i16%22%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dh%22%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dhttp://i16%22%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22"%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dhttp://i16%22%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dh"]http://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22%5Dhttp://i16%22%5Dhttp://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html"]http://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_203051_zpsqifcwdgj.jpg.html%22[/url] [url="http://s169.photobucket.com/user/rovmanwillis/media/20160316_202358_zpsl1wrd0ik.jpg.html1 point
I've been wanting a new pocket gun for a while and ran across a good deal on a Kimber Micro today. I also found a PPQ. It was FDE so it had to come home with me too. Because it was FDE.1 point
I'm working my way there. lol Just very slowly.1 point
1 point
You have a lot of lead slinging awesomeness there!1 point
Very nice! A lot of variety in that picture :up:1 point
1 point
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