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I believe anyone should be able to refuse to do business with anyone for any reason. Let the market determine whether their choice is the right one. I have zero problem with a store owner refusing to sell to someone as long as they have not gotten any assistance from the government. If they have then they should but if they have not they should be able to refuse. If I want to refuse to sell to someone because they are a protected class that should be my choice and I should never be forced to do business with someone I would not normally do business with. I am disabled but I completely understand if a business owner doesn't want to accommodate me in order to sell me something. For a long time I refused to sell anything to anyone from California. I have even ignored offers based on their opinions and nothing more.7 points
I could not disagree more. I have MUCH more control over expansion with a cast bullet than any jacketed bullet and can do it at much lower velocities. Cast bullet expansion can be easily controlled by alloy. I can cast a hollow point from 50/50 wheel weights/soft lead and they will dang near splat on impact. I cast a 230g bullet for my .358 Winchester with about a 70% meplat from a copper enriched babbit alloy that will barely deform when penetrating water jugs. At 1880 FPS, it takes nearly a dozen to stop it. Not to derail the discussion but expansion is a silly over analyzed bunch of crap any way. Much like energy transfer. Simple fact...Holes kill stuff. A large heavy bullet at modest velocities will out penetrate any lightweight speedster. Add a healthy meplat to a tough alloy and a cast bullet can and often does out perform premium whizz bang jacketed gimmicks with boring regularity. Two nice big holes spewing blood like a hot can of beer. That's real world performance. If a cast bullet wasn't reliable to hunt with....there'd be Buffalo EVERYWHERE.3 points
While I believe a business owner has the right to refuse service to anyone what is the difference between this and say....I don't know....a bakery owner refusing business? Just askin'?3 points
It's a tough lesson, but any round that you do not have complete and absolute confidence - pull it apart. I have learned the hard way also. You will be fine. Just refine your process.2 points
Accidental means unintentional; not non-negligent.2 points
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Come join us for our ongoing weekly match! This Wednesday's match will be IDPA. Range located at Sumner Gun & Supply in Gallatin Tn. Stages will be fun and designed for all skill levels! New, Safe shooters always welcome. NFC welcome, so bring the race gun/pcc if you wish. Setup at 5pm, rounds downrange just after 6pm. Please be in the range by 5:50pm1 point
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Exactly sandstone. I feel like I've had enough blow guns and Pakistani knives, let's let the other side of Nashville have at it for a while.1 point
I'll take this in the context whereby specifically a TNDL is either specified or required with the response being...no. But its still a really good question and the state should really just go ahead and do the HCP as an add on to the TNDL and just issue an new DL card instead of the two separate cards.1 point
Andrew Lincoln said he barely slept the night before filming the scene after he read the script.The article mentions a hard left turn in the story arc.... I'm thinking it will be Carl.Glenn is too obvious a choice.1 point
The original configuration of the MPA 971 The 2 huge problems with the original Masterpiece Arms 971 is with out the mag, it weighs in at over 10 lbs and MPA wanted to use the FAL hammer so they had to off set the MAC 11 upper from the FAL lower. As pictured here with the upper adapter in place. Most of that block of steel in front of the sight is solid steel. This makes the FAL rear sight useless so they never made the gun with a front sight. I use a modifyed AR hammer in a DSA alloy lower so I could center the FAL FCG under the MAC 11 reciever tube. The MPA adapter that joins the upper to the lower weighs over 2 lbs alone. I cut over 1 lb of steel from it and welded it to the upper. The rear section of the adapter was solid steel so I milled it out so the bolt assembly could be pulled straight out from the rear just as the FAL bolt. I made a alloy plug with a steel recoil core so the bolt wouldnt beat the plug into a mushroom. The original mag release worked backwards. You had to pull back on it to release the mag. I fixed that to forward pressure. I swapped out the steel FAL lower for a DSA alloy lower and that was nearly a 1 lb savings. This is one handy carbine now and is QD take down. The shroud is a cut down suomi unit that holds the handguards on by way of the detent retained flash suppressor pictured. The gun now wieghs 7.75 lbs with no mag and it has nice open sights. The target is 30 rds of wolf 9mm FMJ @ 25 yards. In the end testing, the stick mag proved to be unreliable. There just is not enough distance between the chamber mouth and magazine as was the case in the Sumoi. Altho a shorter 20rd mag may have enough spring strength to kick the rounds up to chamber level, I never did cut one down.....yet.1 point
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I don’t believe it’s a charge. It’s a term usually used in pretrial diversion that allows people with a drug problem to get their charges dropped if they complete a drug abuse program. It may also be used in mental health hearings; but I don’t know that for sure. As with any job I’m sure there are those that don’t feel they have a duty to do anything. And there are those that take their responsibilities very seriously. My guess is this FFL is one of those.1 point
Minority Report is being phased in -- soon, we'll all be under investigation for future crime. - OS1 point
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If he made false statements on his paperwork then he was NOT eligible to buy a gun. Good for the ffl here. He did right.1 point
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Those are specific exclusions, yes. They have to be spelled out from the beginning. I just doubt any insurance company would have the forethought to include a "Being stupid with Tannerite and a lawnmower" exclusion. :)1 point
Wonderful! Hosting gamily holiday gatherings is a rite of passage. Most "kids" really don't want to make the change, but the parents/eldest family members usually get to a point where it is not only better and easier for them, but a necessity because of the logistics and stress involved. Yes...I speak from experience on the topic. But I bet we all can as well.1 point
Powder coating is the way to govfor rifle calibers. I have tested it and vrlocities were above 3,200 fps before i started to see leading problems.1 point
I received my knife this morning. Willis is right, this is a bad ass knife. Feels like you could build a house using only this knife. My son is going to love this blade.1 point
I pay no more than about $1 a lb for lead, many on the Castboolits site sell it off and on and there are steady supplies at or around that price, here is one for about $1.07 a lb for range lead: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?303176-range-lead-for-sale I have also found locals selling lead from boat keels, got free lead from tire shops etc, so scrounging can definitely bring some of the costs down. The most expensive thing this and reloading takes is time, you have to commit yourself to learning all the ins and outs of casting and reloading for cast or you will just frustrate the living snot out of yourself, or worse injure yourself. But what I like is that I can experiment with different weights, shapes and coatings to see exactly what my guns like, and most of the equipment has resale value if you decide its just not for you.1 point
If I was a liberal I wouldn't agree with you.1 point
Good for him and his suspicions cause you dam well had he sold the gun to him and if it was used to commit any crime the gun shop owner would have been vilified by the media....1 point
I have one, it works well. Yes you need to make sure the primer cup is on tight. Because of low leverage I can usually tell if the primer is crimped by feel. I admit I like your idea too. I may work on something like that in the future. Nice work!1 point
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I have lots of textbooks you can read. APA manual would make you fall asleep 3 pages in if you just smoked crystal meth.1 point
I'm not disputing that or him being shot. Hell, he's a creep who clearly has mental issues. I was merely pointing out the media not getting the story straight about his BB gun until 10pm. Maybe they didn't know, maybe that fact wasn't released. I just don't like inaccurate information when it's a crime committed with a gun. Don't get me started on Morgan Spurlock. The man needs to be put away for quite a while and also needs psych treatment. He's clearly a man who has mental issues and the sexual predator attempts because it's "gods will" stories during his bus driving days are wacko too.1 point
I know Caster will be here shortly to comment. I don't cast but I have read up on it. You could compare cast bullets to loaded cartridges. You can reload yourself and same a little money but it's more about being independent of the market which is unstable at best. Also you can make loads that can't be bought on the market. Same with cast bullets, you might save a little, but as long as you could get ahold of some lead somewhere, you could make bullets. There are some bullet styles that aren't even made if you want something specific. Heck there are bullet molds that aren't made anymore, such as some Lyman molds and others. It's something I want to get into eventually simply for the knowledge and independence. You can make blackpowder if it comes down to it, but I'm unaware of a way to make primers. Edit: mike said basically the same thing as I was typing this, oh well.1 point
You need to work out a little actuator you can control with your foot... like hooked up to a throttle cable so you can time it all together and go faster. Looks cool dude!1 point
Casting is not about cost for me. It is about always being able to shoot regardless of what the market does. Another is it is a skill that can come in handy. I swap Bullets and molds around so we can try out a bullet before buying. But if there is one thing I can say it is this. No matter what you do you will never save any money but what you get to do is shoot more.1 point
Still betting on Glenn. I'm still mad about the dumpster theatrical dirty trick, they need to atone for that by snuffing him for real. - OS1 point
No no, it's OK, you see, I simply explain to the wife I need to get that Savage in .308 to help pull the stumps! Still cheaper than hiring out or renting an excavator! Win-Win! - K1 point
I haven't followed the story much but what about the injured officer and witness reports of bam bam bam bam, a whole "gun clip, said by a witness" was shot? How was he injured and how many times did security shoot at him? P.S. All jokes aside we really can't judge security, not knowing what they saw at the time and being a nutcase is no excuse for what he did, he did put a lot of people in real danger for that stunt and should be charged for that. I'm trying hard now not to make snap judgments on news stories because we all know what they report from the first is often far from what really happened. "Likely", security saw a man with a gun, correctly assumed he was going to commit a mass shooting and took action to stop him.1 point
You don't need an ophthalmologist, you need an optometrist. Most optometrists will have a variety of safety glasses that they can fit you for just like they would any other pair of glasses. Or, if there's a specific pair you're looking at ordering online, you'd just need a prescription. Like was mentioned above, you could get specific correction for a sight at a known distance, you'd just have to communicate that with the doctor. Mind you, you're probably well advised to work with a small independent provider as opposed to one of the big box chains.1 point
I can fit an LCP / P938 in my back pocket and have more than 2 rounds, and present it faster than it would take with one of those.1 point
The problem here is that some of these bb guns and airsoft guns are realistic enough that if someone were to pull one would you want to double check that is it real or not, or respond to the threat immediately? In that kind of situation its not always easy to tell. Lots of things influence someones perception of the threat, behavior, location, position, lighting etc. No doubt he's an idiot but if he presented what could be perceived as a weapon at a security checkpoint then I think the police may have acted appropriately. What bothers me more is that he may have been a known threat from past incidents and nothing was done about it before it escalated to this...1 point
Eugene can't die. He's gotta live long enough to take Rosita to poundtown. I'm really rootin' for him.1 point
1 point
Ares Gear Either the Ranger or Aegis will be perfect. I have the Aegis and love it. Might be the last belt I ever buy ever. https://www.aresgear.com/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
When Morgan was carrying on about how if he hadn't let the Wolf live then the Wolf wouldn't have been there to save Denise and Denise wouldn't have been there to save Carl my thought was, "If you had killed the Wolf he wouldn't have taken Denise hostage. In fact, she only left the infirmary to go to the jail because you (Morgan) asked her to because the Wolf was injured. So. Morgan, if you had killed that Wolf then Denise wouldn't have been in that position to need saving in the first place, dumbass."1 point
I case people bring weapons into the sanctuary to try to harm you, duh! Mine was on me this morning in church. Never go to church without it.1 point
1 point
We're all entitled to different opinions. I don't eat seafood and my dogs are my family. I value them more than most humans. They're loyal, protect and don't cause harm. Religion and Politics.. Ahhh.. 2 things I don't even discuss with my best of friends! But in my opinion dogs do have souls in my opinion so I guess I'm hell bound!1 point
I completely missed the final straw that got him banned. Now I wish I knew. That being said, I have no problem picking up the torch and resuming the slandering of the 40 Short and Weak...1 point
Something that has worked pretty well for me is context switching in the evening. I avoid screens altogether for the last few hours before bed - a lot of the research shows that exposure to blue light in particular can cause issues with sleeping. I also walk every evening. It's the last thing I do before bed. No browsing my phone. Not getting out there at an exercise pace. Just walking leisurely for 30 minutes and specifically clearing my head from the day. If I need to, I'll jot any action items down on a quick list when I get home. I find that my brain and I have to reach some sort of detente. By literally switching context and emptying that inbox if you will, I'm telling my brain that it's okay to turn off and go to sleep. Kids are tough. None of ours slept through the night until after they were a year old. Our youngest who is 4 occasionally still struggles with nightmares and stuff - so my wife and I just try to share those duties - usually it doesn't take more than just reassuring him and covering him back up. Communicating who's going to handle out of band stuff before bed helps, though. I find that to sleep well, I need several things: I need to be physically and mentally tired - both are important - either or doesn't work for me I need to switch context and get all of the open items out of my head While I can sleep if I have caffeine later in the day, I've been tracking my sleep for long enough to know that I'll sleep better if I avoid caffeine after 1500CST. Caffeine has a half life of about 6 hours, so if you're drinking energy drinks or a lot of cokes or coffee during the day, you can set yourself up for a bad night's sleep. Temperature matters. I sleep a lot better in a cool room.1 point
Nobody simply tried Melatonin to start? Small dose works better for most folks than larger ones, start with just .75mg, then 1.5, 1.75, and if 3mg doesn't work then higher dose probably won't either. - OS1 point
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