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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2016 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Unless the Vendor is irrefutably guilty of unethical or illegal business practices and that information has been shared with the TGO Staff first and we believe that there is legitimate cause for concern to protect the members at large, I honestly don't want to hear a bunch of complaints about the Vendor no matter who they are.   If you're in business, you are going to piss off someone or hurt someone's feelings sooner or later.  You might not get to a customer in your store fast enough to suit them.  You might not provide the sort of discount or price that suits them.  You might not provide the sort of "customer service experience" that suits them.  They might just not like the way you look, smell, talk, or dress.  Someone, somewhere, is going to get a stick up their butt about you and then use the Internet to malign you because they think that they have a right to do it.   If a consumer has an individual beef with a Vendor, they should take it up with that Vendor in person.  If they don't have to guts to do that, then I don't want them using TGO as their emotional dumping ground.   Just my thoughts on that matter.
    6 points
  3. Crazy? I believe the word you were looking for was dumb. Definitely dumb. Also acceptable are "idiotic", "moronic" and "are you fucking kidding me?".
    5 points
  4. Fitty... This ain't aimed at you or is it intended to be a criticism of what i would term "instructional educational endeavors (...which i think your video is...)... Its an old geezer's rant about what I have observed in the current atmosphere in the discussion of issues on which there is a sharp disagreement or a revisionist position on ... The specific subject is the Civil War, it's rightness (..or wrongness...), the attendant symbols, the honor of the participants... on and on... ya get the idea.... That bein said, here goes...   Divergent or sharply debated views and articulations of those views are a hallmark of the American experiment... This country is one of the few truly free nations on the face of the earth where you are able to discuss all views, good, bad, or indifferent; heinous or holy, profane or good, and do it without fear of ostracism, or interference from governments and special interest jhadists...    The leftist education intelligentsia, the "public discourse" intelligentsia, and the news media has so firmly planted the idea that somehow anything they (...not you...) deem to be "improper, racist, or whatever "thing dujour" they deem to be "bad"" must be prefixed with the phrase "...I'm not racist (...or whatever... fill in the blank...) but"....     This idea was conjured up by these sons and daughters of satan to put anyone who disagrees with them or does not follow their "dogma" on the defensive and to set him back on his (...or her...) heels before the discussion begins... It's "defacto" giving over your right to sensible, reasoned discussion, and sometimes your First Amendment rights to "robust discussion of issues in the public forum" to your adversaries... It's an attempt at self censorship; pure and simple...   The lamentable lack of knowledge of the principles on which this country was founded and the re-writing of history to suit the disgusting views of jhadists of all stripes; be they the black grievance cottage industry, the anti-american hippies, the socialist demagogues, or whatever other bunch of clowns or would be tyrants hoisting their views on whatever subject has brought us to this sad point...   I say, don't be intimidated into being put on the defensive to explain any view you may have... You are not obliged to do those things... If you are in the debate or discussion business, that's what it means... Reasoned discussion... The hearers are obligated to listen and consider your argument; then agree or disagree with it... It's called "robust debate"... It's a hallmark of a free society...   There are folks out there that want you to be a slave and bow down... They want to muzzle you an intimidate you into silence and/or inaction... The demagogues, would be tyrants, and speech and history revision jhadists among us are tryin, and in some cases, succeeding in making people voluntarily give up their right to voice their opinions in the Public Square... I think that's a disgrace, and i'll not let people do that to me.... Neither should you... All of us here are Americans... We should not be afraid of folks callin us names... What if you are a bigot...?  What are they gonna do about it...?  Not a dammed thing...    Remember the wise words of the great French thinker Voltaire..."... To find out who rules over you, simply see whom you are not allowed to criticize..."...There is no discussion off limits, and there is dammed sure no subject that needs a "preemptive apology" before the discussion begins... .. Your mileage may vary...   non apologizin leroy, the free speech geezer...
    5 points
  5.   Our man Prag has hit the nail on the head here, and has went to the jugular vein of the problem... This has been goin on for a long time... There is, in fact, a leftist education intelligentsia; it is, in fact; workin to see that the population is indoctrinated and not educated... It started with a fellow named John Dewey.... "The father of modern education"...   Well done my man...! leroy
    3 points
  6. Excellent and thoughtful video Fitty! As always.   The Logic component of the Trivium as been, I believe, purposefully removed from our educational process in order to turn it into an indoctrination process. Rational thinking, as here exhibited, warms my heart and gives me faith that not all is lost.   Keep up the good work Fitty.   You too Leroy!  Good post Sir.
    3 points
  7. It's as racist as writing trump 2016 on a sidewalk with a piece of chalk.........
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. I have 7 dogs of my own so I can appreciate the dedication and love for animals that it involves to take on that many pups. You guys are doing an awesome job.
    2 points
  10. Well now...there is one gun based on this concept I'd like to own...  :drool:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY2EqFzPzn8
    2 points
  11. Best recommendation I can give on air pressure is to do a chalk test on your tread.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojGsavK0Uwc
    2 points
  12. Comms Junior. Mr. thinks before he speaks. No matter the opinions, all members should have nothing but respect for Sponsors since they help keep the site going. Any issues he has with a store should be discussed with the manager or owner so they can address the issues.
    2 points
  13. Listen CarefuLly, Think Critically, Speak Freely, repeat... It's amazing what I have learned doing that! Well said Leroy
    2 points
  14. Spotted today on I-95 heading into Delware wearing Jersey plates.
    2 points
  15. They are not the best looking tires, nor are they the cheapest but for function I can't say enough good things about Michelin M/S 2's. Though not aggressive looking they do great in mud and snow. Plus they are quiet, ride smoothly and quietly, and they will give 80,000-90,000 miles if cared for properly. I have them on my Tundra now and had the E load range tires on my F250 service truck. Very pleased with both sets.
    2 points
  16. I just want to know Who was holding his beer?
    2 points
  17.   Maybe there ought to be a written test before someone is picked for a jury. Don't need a lot of questions, maybe a few like, Have you ever purchased miracle fat burning pills online or from a TV commercial? Have you ever spoke to a telemarketer for over 15 seconds? Just some questions to see if they are a gullible person.
    2 points
  18. I won't miss him - I blocked him months ago.
    2 points
  19. Pretty much this. I'm sure he has some redeeming factors, but I sure never saw any here on TGO. I've got no use for a bigot, regardless of how macho and "type A" they are. I had a sneaking suspicion dude was a monkeydick from the start, watching him try to argue with them backpedal away from TMF kinda sealed the deal so to speak IMO.
    2 points
  20. Guess I am on side of don't miss him one bit. He was an arrogant asshat most of the time in my view. To each his own.
    2 points
  21. I did not read much of this thread.   I don't much give a crap either way about this.  I am thankful to not read acronyms in every post.  That drove me nuts.  (Like all of us know all the Army lingo)   Anyway, way too much bandwidth has been spent on this topic.
    1 point
  22.   It's not all about keeping track of a person, but there's also a safety aspect to it. I have a Ham radio license (tech). My Jeep is trackable via ARPS. I also installed a small, transmit-only tracker in my wife's car. She is diabetic, so should something happen to her (passed out etc), I know where she is and can direct medics, or hop in the Jeep and drive to her location. Since I have a GPS unit on my Ham radio, her location shows up on my GPS map. (I can even get turn-by-turn directions from the GPS to her location).   It can come in handy. Last year, after lunch with a girlfriend, her car wouldn't start. I hopped in the Jeep and drove to her to diagnose the issue, give her a jump, and drive to Autozone to replace the battery. All she had to say was "Honey, my car doesn't start." "No worries, honey, I'll be right there, wherever it is you are." :)
    1 point
  23. Ones personal issue shouldn't be aired publicly if they haven't even addressed it with the owner or management. When I have an issue with a business I do just that. Hi, here's where you failed and here's why we aren't doing business. I do not slam someone on the internet just because I feel like it. Review with constructive feedback are one thing, a wreck less statement like what was said is uncalled for and flat out irresponsible. Especially when it's a paying vendor that supports this forum. COC and simple manners should be applied here.
    1 point
  24. I like Eugene. He's the most intelligent of the bunch and is now coming around to where he might be able to take care of himself and contribute to the group's self-sufficiency rather than surviving off scrounging which is not sustainable in any one area.
    1 point
  25. I had 4X4's most of my life and the last one was an S-10 Blazer. Biggest piece of junk I ever owned. 4 Wheel always had issues because it was all vacuum operated and had to stay after vacuum leaks all the time. Give me an old K10 from 1970's or a Dodge Ramcharger 4x4 from back then with the NP 205 transfer cases and I would be totally happy. Only had an issue one time with a NP box and it was a stretched chain. I replaced the chain and drove the Ramcharger another 70,000 miles many of them off road.............jmho 
    1 point
  26.   Outdated info, statute amended last year to allow for legal use of Tannerite and similar if 18 years old,  see current 39-17-1302, 39-14-702, and 68-105-120.   The bill history:   http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=SB0874   - OS
    1 point
  27.   I'll accede to your research, and thanks for making the effort to look it all up;  I suppose I must be disremembering as to precise time frame of the increasing prices...   - OS
    1 point
  28. I have run all makes and models of all terrain and mud terrain tires over the past 20 years.  Presently I am running Cooper ST Maxx tires on my truck and have had a really good experience with them.  They are slightly more aggressive than an AT but not near as much so as an MT.
    1 point
  29.      Years ago I had a similar problem with Firestone on my F-150. Long story short, they were out of round. Only way to fix that was to grind off material until they evened out. Naturally by then, not much tread left. Pulled them off & replaced them with something other than Firestone. Had another issue with Firestone on a T-bird years later. These were orig. equip. tires.  Never have another one. Have Kelley tires on my current truck. They run, drive, quiet, great. on so good in slick fields. Thinking my next set will be either Goodyear Wrangler or Toyo.
    1 point
  30. I'm a Michelin fan also. Tried some different brands at times and always go back to michelin
    1 point
  31. lol....I know right   Thanks!     Glad you liked it!
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Ok , it's 11:00 .... And that's what a glastic Plock looks like.....
    1 point
  34. :up: Sometimes, the younger generation takes "facts" and runs with them, without taking the time to research it for themselves.  Sad really, but we have lost control of our educational system, now controlled by liberals, news and social media.
    1 point
  35. Lee universal decapping die that way I can do all my range brass at once.
    1 point
  36. I'm looking forward to it! I was sitting in my tree stand on the last day of deer season when the flock walked under me. I've been jones'n for it since then :) I have a new Double Bull blind to try out too. My youngest daughter (8) has taken a huge interest in it, so I'm hoping for a fun season.
    1 point
  37. I wish you all the luck in the world.
    1 point
  38. So this lower wouldn't be a good idea for a defensive AR? [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/AR%20Lower_zpstxvnfkm7.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  39. No worries, just let me know. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40. I guess some people just take the phrase "tack driver" a bit too literally.    :screwy:
    1 point
  41. Maybe I should have posted this in the blade sub-forum, but I asked GT to make me a survival/bushcraft knife with some pretty specific preferences and he delivered! The blade is about 5"-ish, the scales are mesquite, there is some perfectly placed jimping on the spine, and his signature acid etch on the blade. Here it is with the sheath I made for it. Not surprisingly, the blade is super sharp, will spark a ferro rod with no problem, and has just enough heft to do some light chopping. I'm looking forward to taking it outside to put it to use. If you've ever thought about one of GT's blades and were on the fence, just go for it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. How does the saying go "Anything you say can and will be used against you"
    1 point
  43. Remember to take out the back seat too!
    1 point
  44. Well, I got my gear today and all I can say is I can't be more happy. I have owned a Milt Sparks gun belt for over 4 years that cost me more than this package of 2 holsters and a belt, this belt is much nicer than I expected and just as well built as my Sparks, If Any of you are on the fence about this, do the holster and belt combo I assure you that you will not regret it
    1 point
  45. I've been wanting a new pocket gun for a while and ran across a good deal on a Kimber Micro today. I also found a PPQ. It was FDE so it had to come home with me too. Because it was FDE.
    1 point
  46. I'm thinking Amboyna Burl! It should be stunning!
    1 point
  47. Let that be a lesson Seez52, no good deed goes unpunished.
    1 point
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