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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2016 in all areas

  1. I know nobody asked, but if politics and religion were never talked about, we'd still be under British rule. Well, someone else might have taken over but you know what I mean. By avoiding these topics in society, we have where we are today. Which is not good to say the least.
    6 points
  2. Welllll.....sorry, but if you belive in what the bible says at all...they do not
    5 points
  3. I've spent some time with Comms in person.  My take is that he is very young and hasn't had enough life experience to know that some things are better left unsaid.  The comments that got him banned were dangerous hate speech with an endorsement of murder of ones political opponents and I agree with the ban.  I think they were the words of a kid spouting off at the mouth about something he doesn't really understand.  I don't think those words are how he really feels.   While I agree with the ban, I wish that hadn't been necessary.  I think he is a good person.   There have been several comments about his other comments.  The truth is this.  This forum is full of ego and testosterone.  He isn't a special case there.     I try to stay away from the political, religious and Muslim posts.  
    4 points
  4.   I think I had rather receive warning points here than from my wife, just say'n! :bat:
    4 points
  5. I firmly believe folks have the right to believe whatever they like. They also have the right to be wrong :stir:
    4 points
  6.   People avoid these topics because they are too sensitive and get hurt feelings, or they have hurt someones feelings and it came back and bit them somehow.   Agreeing to disagree is uncommon these days. Open political & religious discourse is what this country was founded on. If I say something its up to you to like it or not, You should be able to say that's not for me etc without me getting upset. The problem comes when these conversations go beyond polite discourse and turn very personal. Both sides can do this and sadly do too often.   I know what I believe and I know mostly why I believe it. I will listen to anything others say nicely, and I hope that they will do the same for me. Great progress has been made through this process. Sadly many children never learn this and now spend half their life with hurt feelings. Respect others just as you would want to be respected. We CAN live together peacefully, and learn greatly from each other if we try to.   Rant off... 0 warning points so far...
    4 points
  7. What in the heck. Complete thread derail and I don't care! #FreeComms
    4 points
  8. I'm fine in running the 40 S&W hate train. I'll miss Comms #CommsLifeMatterred Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  9. I completely missed the final straw that got him banned. Now I wish I knew.   That being said, I have no problem picking up the torch and resuming the slandering of the 40 Short and Weak...
    3 points
  10. If you have a big source of cow manure, you can make full sized Obama dolls. 
    3 points
  11. Comms brought his ban entirely upon himself. His final comments in that thread went straight to potato. And not just potato, but hate filled, little mustache wearing, goose-stepping, short bus riding, potato. Political discussions can get pretty heated on this board and I know that I have walked very close line at times but that dude saw that line and took an Olympic track and field world record holding leap way past it
    3 points
  12. I thought the first rule of 0 warning points was, don't talk about 0 warning points.
    3 points
  13. I never really cared for the dude.....everything he said seemed arrogant and confrontational but it's just my opinion so who really cares. People have told me my whole life I'm one of those type A personalities and maybe I'm just mellowing in my old age but I see no use in arguing about everything that I don't agree with on a forum. We all have opinions....just like....well you know. Nobody is changing mine and I'm pretty sure I don't have the time, patience or desire to change any opinions of yours. Besides...forums have rules and most people know what they are going in. Common decency seems to be the theme on most of them.    Carry on...I'll be in the area....no need to salute. ;)
    2 points
  14. Guess I am on side of don't miss him one bit. He was an arrogant asshat most of the time in my view. To each his own.
    2 points
  15.   Well....., In the almost year since you started this thread - - - I now have two more ARs in 9mm.  I'm using the PSA bolt in one of them (No Issues).   Dang Things are a Hoot-To-Shoot!  :hyper:
    2 points
  16. We're all entitled to different opinions. I don't eat seafood and my dogs are my family. I value them more than most humans. They're loyal, protect and don't cause harm. Religion and Politics.. Ahhh.. 2 things I don't even discuss with my best of friends! But in my opinion dogs do have souls in my opinion so I guess I'm hell bound!
    2 points
  17.   I haven't seen you make any warning point worthy posts in a good while. I guess you are mellowing in your old age, or just happier after getting rid of those Walgreen's assholes :)
    2 points
  18. Only the cool kids get warning points. If you're at zero....well..you're a zero.
    2 points
  19. I didn't find it entertaining when he said dogs have no souls and casually mentioned in a thread that his dog got loose and euthanized. While I agreed with him on 10mm being the best and .40 sucking eggs, that was about all we had in common. I feel like his rants were not only hate filled but almost purposely inflammatory in order to cause problems. Trolling almost. Not on a ShepardMaster level but a level to cause problems. Wasn't aware of the ban, but I for one won't miss anyone who is ok stating animals have no souls.
    2 points
  20. I ended up going w/ an M&P compact over the variety of glocks.... It simply shot best for me. I'm a big fan of German/Austrian engineering, and the reputation for Glocks simply can't be beat... but I went to the LGS and shot everything in their rental case. After months and a couple hundred bucks in rental/range fee's, I bought the Smith & Wesson, and couldn't be happier with it. Find a shop or friend or two here at TGO and put a box of ammo through each, side-by-side. One _should_ stand out to you in a head to head, and that should be the one you go with. A lot of the other-things that come up in 'which gun' discussion becomes secondary to which one feels most comfortable to you. It should feel  like an extension of your person, completely natural, and if it doesn't, you should keep shopping. Just my 2-cents.   - K  
    2 points
  21. Thanks for the input. I'll be going with the Shield once I free up some cash. Already ordered the holster and mag pouch for it today. Just need the gun, XS Big Dots, and mags.
    2 points
  22. How would you all like one of the Next TGO knives to be just like the first, minus the Special engraving of the Knife freedom and with a Two Tone blade?     If there enough likes I may make this happen  
    2 points
  23. I used some to help bring down a dangerouse dead tree once. I was WAY farther and probably used less. No way I would get that close to it. I wonder if it was the first time that guy had used the stuff.
    1 point
  24. 43 feet? That's stupid. I've shot Tannerite no way would I shoot it at that distance, especially when set in a way to send shrapnel with the blast. Modern medical technology is the only reason idiots like this get to tell the story about the time that they blew their leg off instead of just dying.
    1 point
  25. I love the fact that it's a non-nfa firearm built from the ground up to skirt ATF rules. But for $1500 I could buy a stamp and build an SBS Saiga semi auto with a 10" barrel and it would be much more wicked. Sent from behind the anvil
    1 point
  26. Might see if this guy will ship.    https://wyoming.craigslist.org/zip/5468007722.html
    1 point
  27.   Excellent choices Sir.   Dave at NSR is good people and builds quality gear.
    1 point
  28. I've got 300 weatherby, 338 rum and 458 win mag. I'll send them only because your birthday sucks and I'm sure you got stiffed in the past.
    1 point
  29. Actually, never mentioned the pointing thing, someone else did. My comment was directed at the guy saying it could be loaded then telling him he has limited knowledge. Seemed like a dumb thing to say from my point of view. As for safety, why yes, I disagree with ever pointing a gun at people. Keep that muzzle up. I have no issue with someone telling him not to point that at me. As a matter of fact it is a great teachable moment. Of course they missed it but what do you expect from politicians?
    1 point
  30. I do indeed. Not what he said, how he said it hit me as wrong. I agree never point one at anyone, that is one of the things I hate at gun shows.
    1 point
  31. Build was my intention, but having one in front of me was just too much temptation.   I was looking at a side-charger style, ala Circle10, and to use Glock mags. Pricing out all the different parts, I was coming in around 850 on the low end.   Time and parts availability made the decision for me.   With a few upgrades, like free float tube, and Gunfighter charging handle, this rifle works for me. And it came in at the 1000 mark that I was expecting to see.   Next, looking to make it a side-folder.    So, it works for me. Not for everybody I know, but that's what make this all fun.
    1 point
  32.       Yeah I noticed sometime last week that he got the boot.  I will admit, I did enjoy reading his post.  On more than a few occasions I had to google some references just to figure out what he said, which made his post all the better for me.  He's definitely a type A on steroids.
    1 point
  33. Simple solution is to take a carry class. Laws will be reviewed, can carry in most places legally, and benefit from reciprosity.
    1 point
  34.   You used the example that just because a person has a flame job on their car doesn't mean they are a 'speed demon'.  True.  Keep in mind, however, that insurance companies do sometimes charge higher premiums for cars that are 'fast' colors such as yellow, red, etc. over cars that are painted white and so on.  At least that used to be the case and I am pretty sure it still is.  So, same car, same engine, same driver, same torque and horsepower driving the same distances on the same roads/streets/highways with the same speed limits and the same traffic situations but higher premiums for one over the other simply because of the paint job - and because they probably have statistics saying that people who drive cars of certain colors are more likely to speed than those who drive cars of other colors.  Right or wrong, perceptions matter - and when those perceptions might be the perceptions of a jury deciding whether an individual shot another person because he/she had to or because he/she wanted to then perceptions matter a whole lot.
    1 point
  35. Best thing that I have found is old appliances, especially washers and driers.  Last forever and are such thin metal that not much danger of  ricochets if you accidentally crowd the barricade.  The washers and driers also make great outdoor shooting benches.  Very stable and weatherproof and a good height.  I told some people that I was using them and pretty soon became a junk appliance center.   Only worth a couple of dollars as scrap now and appliances do not seem to last very long any more, so people change them out pretty often.
    1 point
  36. #1 The lowers acquired were polymer but they aren't mine so if they break I'm out nothing. #2 That's where I was going to source parts from. #3 In between friends and YT videos I'm sure I'll be able to figure the assembly out.    As far as your last three points they may go through some rifle classes/training but will mainly be delegated to being a truck and varmint gun. The only things I saw a point in spending money on were iron sights and a trigger. 
    1 point
  37. LOL I'm so good I still beat somebody even though I didn't even attend
    1 point
  38. There are so many things in this pic pointing to a trip to the burn unit. Make sure you notice the Budweiser cans used to build this thing.
    1 point
  39. Make sure you know which species you are seeing BEFORE shooting. We need as many bees as possible.
    1 point
  40. I deprime before tumbling but I also wet tumble with stainless media.
    1 point
  41. Far more guns get worn out due to excessive cleaning than excessive shooting.
    1 point
  42.   Yep.   Im going to stick to my AK or 300 BO suggestion.    I respect a skilled lever gun shooter in a "situation".   It takes a lot of practice,  but don't sell it short either.   I would rather have the higher capacity and faster semi-auto, of course.   My advice in these situations is to sit on it.    I see this a lot -- "I have $500 to spend what can it get".   Now, 500 might get you what you want, and if so, that is awesome.   If you are drooling after something that costs 750 ... sit on it until you have 750.    Or get the gun now and the optic for Christmas.    The point is to remove the budget restriction from the equation.  If you had 2500 bucks in hand today, right now, what would you buy to put in your truck?  Answer that one, and then see if its a workable goal in a workable timeframe.   And don't forget used ... that 750 gun new might fall into your hands for 600, 500 used if you find one.
    1 point
  43. Well guess what? We have someone ready for adoption! Cooper is feeling A LOT better. He has doubled in weight and is 6mo old now! [URL=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/IMG_1671_zpsewfv4c5j.jpg.html][/URL] With Cooper there are a few things to know. He will NOT just go to any home. Cooper is going to need someone who will love him and focus on him. He has been through hell and back and he is a VERY special dog. He can go to a home with another dog but I would prefer to keep it to single dog or two dog homes. I believe that more then that is overwhelming for him and he needs to be able to come out of his shell more. He is a huge snuggler and loves nothing more then to lay next to you and cuddle. You need to understand he is never going to be a stereotypical Pit Bull. First of all, it's possible he's mixed with something and secondly, since he was so emaciated, he will never be huge, super muscular or scary looking. Consider him Revenge of the Nerds instead of The Terminator. Coop is house broken and happy. He loves to eat. He has slight food aggression with other dogs, not humans. He eats in his crate to avoid issues with the puppies, but in time I think he can get over that. You have to remember how emaciated he was. He is very gentle and meek. Loud noises, voices make him nervous, yelling is a scary thing to him. He is NOT good around chickens. I do not know about cats or children. I would imagine with kids he would be OK, but again, as with any dog, parental supervision should be a given. He is a great guard dog. He alerts to anything he sees that he doesn't like or know. He will make a great dog for someone with love and patience to give. Liz and Red... [URL=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/IMG_1647_zps89otole2.jpg.html][/URL] They have about 3 more weeks to go. These two turds are ridiculously cute and while I would love for them to go to the same home I know it is not realistic. We are still working on crate and potty training. :wall: And while I am not saying they're jerks, they're for sure bullheaded. Believed to be 1/2 Boxer and 1/2 Pit but again, not 100%. Liz and Red both love to snuggle and eat. While not doing either of those hobbies they can be found napping, pooping or biting something. They're typical puppies. We are working on manners but at 8.5 weeks, I am lucky if they come when called. They will be ready for their forever homes in about 3.5 weeks. If you are interested in adopting one or any of these mutts please just send me a PM and we can discuss it. Please understand there are adoption fees involved. There is an application process, there will be an adoption contract required and you should have a home with a fenced in yard. I am fortunate that I have a husband who is patient so there is no rush for me to re-home them. They will be with us until the PERFECT home is found. I am not trying to sound like Satan, but you have to understand that these babies have been through a VERY rough start in life and I fully intend on nothing but the best for them. And as always, because I am a shameless puppy rescuing fool, our links to donation sites below. Thanks again and please feel free to PM me with any questions if you're interested in adoption! https://www.youcaring.com/coop-liz-ressler-and-red-516225 http://amzn.com/w/1T8GYU8KCI9XU
    1 point
  44. I have owned both and that is a tough decision. I actually felt as if the Shield actually handled better, but that may be my imagination. The double stack magazine capability and the easiness to full disassemble are about the only two things the 26 offers over the Shield. If I could get a Shield under $369 I would buy it, but if I could get a 26 for less than $100 more I would probably choose it. Basically whichever one you find the best deal on.
    1 point
  45. My dad just built one with the mag block but he hasn't gotten to shoot it yet.  If no one else pipes in I'll report back when I have something useful.  He usually goes to the range on Fridays so I should have something for you by the end of the week, that is unless it's too hot, too cold, too windy, too cloudy or too sunny, these retired folks can get finicky. 
    1 point
  46. What did you expect for a no name 1911 that retails b/w $4-600?
    1 point
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