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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2016 in all areas

  1. I know everyone has seen a Glock 17 but I bought this several years ago used , oiled it up , stored it away for my son, and now today is the day :no1: My son is 18 years old today and we are so proud of him ! He has awesome grades in school and in 2 months will be going to college to become a history teacher . He has never gotten in trouble , has gotten great grades , and just a great son . When he was smaller he would watch me shoot and he loved it . I got him a small Marlin bolt-action single shot 22LR . He did great . He learned to shoot my Glock 22 and my personal Glock 17 . He loved them . He even has wanted me to show him how to reload 9mm and we are in the beginning stages of that . So when he gets home from school today , his Mom , Sister , and I have an awesome surprise for him ! I am so excited for him . He has no idea about this . I am so excited to see his face that it's like I am the one getting a present ! Sorry to ramble on and just wanted to share . [Uercel89/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_2975_zpswamhdxrc.jpg.html][/URL]
    13 points
  2. There's no excuse for driving drunk.  It's attempted murder every time you do it.  Premeditated at that!     I hope more drunk drivers get shot.  Good enough for them.  There's many a mother that's buried a child who would agree.  
    6 points
  3. Maybe he's seen too many action movies, maybe he watched one too many episodes of Cops. Maybe he's mentally unfit for his position and was hopped up on adrenaline. According to the news article there was no breathalyzer, or other indication that anyone was inebriated. It says there was a 911 call (no further explanation) and that officers were questioning three individuals. When they began to take one of the three into custody, the driver began to drive away. At this point they have two of three suspects and all their information, there was no reason for the officer to jump in the truck...or as the article says, "somehow ended up in" the truck. One of the three was charged with public intoxication, the other with possession of drug paraphernalia. As of now we have no evidence that the driver was under any influence. Heck, maybe he was the designated driver of the group. This officer should be charged with murder. Regardless of how irrational and emotional people want to be, drunk driving (which we don't even know if that was happening) is not a death sentence, and especially not one to be dealt out by some rank and file officer in a gas station parking lot. I think the officer didn't know how to react when he suddenly wasn't in charge of the situation anymore, so instead of remaining calm and apprehending the driver later he decided he had to regain immediate control. As a result, a potentially innocent man is now dead. This is why so many people have a hard time trusting the police.
    5 points
  4.   I thought I would never find a good one. I reckon I was wrong.
    4 points
  5. Congrats, Mav! Same thing happened to me this weekend. 
    4 points
  6. Congratulations.  Coming up on 54 years with the same woman for me. 
    3 points
  7. Because more and more innocent people are realizing that SOME cops have a tendency to overstep. It's the same reason that years ago, I stopped stopping in Walmart for the woman to check my bags or if the alarm is going off. I haven't done anything wrong and I'm not going to be treated like a criminal. If a cop is harassing me for something I am not guilty of, he ceases to be a cop to me and is just another citizen trying to potentially do me harm and I will treat him as such.
    3 points
  8. I used to post a bunch of gun, knife and gadget stuff.  Now I mostly just use it to follow whores.  I just downloaded snapchat too, for the whores.  
    3 points
  9.   In his teeth. Willis is a badass :)
    3 points
  10. The Supreme Court says differently.
    3 points
  11. :lol: My wife is never as amused as I am, even when I KNOW I'm funny haha I guess you already have the money set aside for that Sportsman License for lil man huh?
    2 points
  12. Thanks fellas!  I am super excited.  He's going to be a boy!  Hopefully he will be a good hunting buddy down the road.  Time will tell I guess.       I've told my wife she needs to start walking backwards everywhere to help delay the birth till after turkey season....she wasn't as amused as I was!  LOL 
    2 points
  13. I'm still undecided if the actions were right or wrong.  I suspect they could be either and will be examined thoroughly...but the tactics seem a bit Hollywood to me, and that's not a good thing.       If that's what any officer thinks is priority #1, they're in the wrong profession and should find a job without the inherent dangers of police work.
    2 points
  14. Congrats!! I hope your marriage is as fantastic as mine has been.  
    2 points
  15. Ain;t nothing better than a good woman, and there ain't nothing worse than a bad one. Here's hoping you snagged a good one!   I'm working on 21 years, and wouldn't take anything for one moment of it.
    2 points
  16. Congrats man!!! Don't listen to all the old bitter guys that bitch about marriage. If you picked the right one it's really great
    2 points
  17. I successfully took my wife to the NWTF on Valentines day. It took years of training, but I pulled it off :rofl: The birth of a first child... I would have been a dead man. Congrats!!
    2 points
  18. That's not the world we live in anymore. People form opinions based on news reports. And those new reports are printed (or posted) with half truths and misinformation constantly. Court of public opinion tends to heavily favor the cops, especially when the "perp" is black. of course, the "perp" in this case is a honky but the cops will still get benefit of the doubt from most, even though we should be giving benefit of the doubt to all until we have a better idea of what actually happened.
    2 points
  19.   We don't know if the guy was trying to run over anyone. The article says the officer ordered Grubb to stop the vehicle "several times", which tells me he wasn't in a split second decision situation if he had time to shout "Stop" over and over. It also says the officer shot the driver as the vehicle was entering Hwy 321- doesn't sound like anyone was trying to run over anyone there, either. Nothing about Grubb driving toward officers, charging at them, etc. How is deadly force justified when the alleged assailant is leaving the scene?    Stupid can hurt, sure. How do we know the driver did anything at all? Maybe the store clerk called 911 because the buddy was drunk, or the one charged with drug paraphernalia smelled like weed. Was leaving the scene at that particular time the best decision? Probably not...but it warrants a death sentence?    As for this impacting anyone's feelings about cops...even knowing several personally, this sure ain't helping mine.      I'm a big fan of that whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing, so my question is guilty of what? As of now there's to evidence he was drunk, high, shoplifted anything, etc. Everyone in this thread is speculating that he was drunk, but nothing other than the subject line of the original post supports that. All I'm doing is speculating that he was innocent, because of that whole bit about "innocent until proven guilty". With the facts we have now, it's just as likely he was the sober designated driver as it is he was under the influence of anything.    He disengaged from the officers and tried to leave the scene. They had his name, his tag number, and his friends. It isn't like they couldn't have found him later. Again, with the information we have now there's no reason to believe his interaction with the officers was any different than a cop coming up to me on the street and saying "Excuse me sir, mind if I ask you some questions?"    If I say "No thanks, I'm good", turn and walk away that deserves being shot multiple times and killed? 
    2 points
  20. Rugerla 1, I sure hope she understands. After all it only comes along for a few weeks each year. Hey, I just kidding! My happiest day was when my daughter was born in 2000.
    2 points
  21.   I hope you didn't pay for that.
    2 points
  22. I am 100%  behind the LEO on this one. I have lost a few family members and a few friends and one entire family of Husband,wife and two wonderful toddlers all to drunk drivers. I have zero tolerance or pity for a drunk driver. The way I look at it 1 less off the road makes the roads that much safer. And as for his being killed, that falls under the list of Self inflicted injuries caused by stupidity for which I have no mercy..............jmho
    2 points
  23. No, there was a case where the police waited outside an apartment door while a woman was being killed inside, and they weren't liable for that either.
    2 points
  24. Nice package Willis 68,  and yes, I can honestly say that is the first time I have ever said that to another guy. :huh:
    2 points
  25. Out of context, that's kinda scary. lol
    2 points
  26. I'd put a Williams Foolproof receiver sight on it, and buy some Remington 150 grain core-loct ammo.   I personally don't care for a scope nor sling on a classic lever rifle. They both take away from the fast handling characteristics which made these rifles popular.
    2 points
  27. I wouldn't recommend a IWB holster for the Range 37. :)
    2 points
  28. Looks good to me. Then I've never met a gun I didn't like. [emoji41]
    2 points
  29. I can't tell if someone over there has a sense of humor or if they just know their demographic.
    2 points
  30. A person could wrap a HiPoint in ACTUAL $100 bills and it STILL wouldn't be worth $200. :/
    2 points
  31. Looks like it's a 32 long, first model with a swing out cyl.   http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/2014/01/happy-early-birthday-to-me.html
    1 point
  32. Marriage is a wonderful thing, IF you got the right partner. I just went past 30 in November and I love her more today than ever.
    1 point
  33. Get the Hodgdon annual manual. About $6 and a ton of data. Only the Hodgdon/IMR/Winchester powders with a very wide selection of bullets. Basically what you can get online from Hodgdon printed out.
    1 point
  34. We celebrate 10 years this month, after 15 years or more as friends.   If I could bury her in the backyard and get away with it I, uh... wouldn't.   Cause then who would I tell all my secrets to?   Granted our heathen might help.                         The most important thing is being committed to the concept of forever. Things won't always be great. But it helps to stop and remember that times will be good too. My wife is my best friend, and I couldn't imagine going through life without her. But don't tell my dog that. 
    1 point
  35. 25 for me April Fool's day. It is a great thing.
    1 point
  36.   Agreed. Marriage can be an awesome thing if you do it right.   Then again, I'm only 5 months in. Ask me again in 30 years! :)   Congrats!
    1 point
  37. That is the beauty of hunting in Tennessee.  We have lots of game, and lots of different areas to hunt.  If I am hunting thick cover and trails, I like a brush gun.  If I hunt an open area I use a bolt gun in .308 or .30-06.  Know your property, and know your game's habits.  
    1 point
  38. Exactly what was on my mind, and you are correct. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect-someone.html
    1 point
  39. how does one get charged with both theft and receiving stolen property?
    1 point
  40. Hmmm....I'm generally pro LEO but I'm really on the fence about this one. Not a smart move to jump in the back of the truck but I don't know PD's "rules of engagement" for a DUI suspect no do I know the dept.s policies and procedures for a DUI stop. I know 2 people made bad decisions and now 1 is dead. Edited to add: Just exactly how much traffic does Lenoir City have at 1am on Sunday morning?
    1 point
  41. For most of my life I've had the same sentiment. At age two, I had what was then a rare incurable disease. I was the first child in the U.S. to survive. They have since found a vaccine. Then most of the men in my family, healthy and strong, tended to die in their mid 30's from what we have discovered is a genetic aneurysm. Both my older brother and younger sister recently had open heart surgery to correct. Both college athletes, healthy and young. All that to say, I always figured my time was short and what I have is a gift. I figured I had one choice - make the most of what I've been given. Now, I could YOLO damn the consequences and go out in a blaze of glory or YOLO and make it count. I have found that great men are remembered by what they leave behind. Ordinary men and their deeds are soon forgotten. My prayer is that I'm remembered. Gordon, live well my friend.
    1 point
  42. Ok, NPAP's do not use standard AK parts. If you are cool with that then they will work just fine. But only current production guns.   In the under $700 range the current production WASR cannot be beat. It is 100% made in a foreign COMBLOC country that has been making them for a VERY long time. It takes all standard AK parts. AVOID WASRS THAT ARE NOT CURRENT PRODUCTION.   In the under $1,000 range it really is had to beat DDI. It takes all standard AK parts.   Above $1,000? Don't know because I would never spend that kind of money on a tool. Now if it were some sort of super rare model then I might but I doubt it.   AKs to avoid, going to be a big, long list: IO Inc (unless it is the 100% Polish gun) RAS 47's (They are using cast trunions and are falling like flies) PSA AKs (same deal with the cast trunions but they are fairing a little better) PAPs (They use non standard parts and depending on the gun they may have problems with heat treat)   If I had $1,000 to spend on an AK it would be a WASR, 1K rounds of ammunition and the rest in magazines.   The WASRs are coming with a Century trigger now and for a "factory" AK it is pretty amazing. I have measured them at 4 pounds.   You have my number Sam, before you buy anything I have not mentioned call me.
    1 point
  43. He is the Leader of the Republican Party in the State, as the Republican Governor. The leaders of both chambers would not have their positions without his support. Nor would the Whips and Chairs of each committee. They all work in lock step together, usually. Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44.   Just quote. Not multiquote
    1 point
  45. Awesome stages today, a gazillion ways to shoot it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLhQ3L6Z0dM
    1 point
  46.   If we're going to split hairs and complain about the things we can do, handgun carry permits alone are discrimination.  If you have one, you can.  If you don't, you can't.
    1 point
  47. The sreel is in a "softer" state when we grind the blades. After the desired shape or profile has been achieved, it is hand finished to the desired finish. The blade at that point can be sharpened but will not "hold" an edge. At that point the steel (depending on the type) is heated to a high temp for a specific length of time and then "quenched" in a liquid such as oil and then sometimes cryoed down to 300 degrees below zero. After a few tweaks the target hardness is achieved by changing the "grain" of the steel leaving it much harder and tougher to make a blade that will hold an edge much better! Hope this answers your question! Jim
    1 point
  48. I have a Springfield Loaded in 9mm and the Ruger SR1911....   My Springfield has had feeding issues.  Not sure if it was magazine related, or if it the spring is too stiff and needs to be broken in more or if it's just because it's a 9mm in a pistol designed for a 45 acp.   The Ruger SR1911 runs like a champ and I can hit anything I point it at.  
    1 point
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