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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2016 in all areas
13 points
The bail was $62,000, but the highest Rick Harrison was willing to go was $250. :D6 points
5 points
The best pic to me is the very last one. That dog is mighty happy. I'm figuring that the elephant really likes the dog as he could easily make him go away5 points
I remember the word's of my wife's doctor, "When you have a boy you only have to worry about one penis. When you have a girl you have to worry about all of them."4 points
3 points
I had 2 daughters and I can tell you, it can get ugly. They are grown and on their own now, but those teen years will make you old before your time.3 points
3 points
Actually I think it is awesome. No, I am not joking. I'd own one (not sure I'd pay $200 for it, though.) I'd never carry it nor put it in my HD plan, etc. (I'd have no problem with a well tested, standard finished Hi Point as a 'stash' gun somewhere in the house - they shoot better than some might think) but as a fun gun I think it would be great. Of course, I like sarcastic and ironic humor and there is definitely something ironically and sarcastically funny about a $100 bill finish pattern on a Hi-Point - and that is why I like it. Imagine being at the range, pulling that out and saying to the stranger next to you (who would definitely be eyeballing it), "This here's my baby. Total safe queen but I have to get her out and give her some lovin' every once in a while," and doing it with a totally straight face (before cracking up and letting them in on the joke.)3 points
My first police academy range instruction was in 1979, taught by an old guy who had to be in his 70's then. We worked only on J-frame S&W's. Range safety was not only paramount, if you f***ed up, you were out. Period. No second chances. You tended to pay attention. The ONLY way a weapon would EVER be transferred to another person was --- cylinder emptied;2nd & 3rd finger through the cylinder opening; grip first toward the recipient. Even today, by force of habit, I point it downwards, pop the magazine, empty the chamber, turn it around, and hand it grip-first with the slide locked open. Younger guys sort of look at me with a question in their eyes. Older guys just look, and sort of get this look on their face like, "man, you WERE taught right, weren't you ?????". God bless you, Okie Miles (RIP).3 points
A person could wrap a HiPoint in ACTUAL $100 bills and it STILL wouldn't be worth $200. :/3 points
WWF fired its leaders after somebody dropped a dime on their spending habits. Apparently they were spending 40% of income on overhead. It will be good if that money can go where it was intended, rather than being used for expensive "conferences" at resorts.2 points
Hold it, hold it, hold it! How do you know it's not the elephant that has its very own dog?2 points
2 points
If he really was that dumb and lazy he couldn't hold a job anywhere. Of course there's been a lot of celebrities or athletes who get some fame, make some money then think they can do anything they want. I doubt if any of them are at that store except when they film the staged reality show. I don't know why they still call them reality shows, I guess about 10% is reality, the other is WWE wrestling.2 points
I've always dreamed of being of being able to shoot lasers from my eyes to catch on fire the clothes of folks that are irritating me. I see this dream may become a reality in just a few short years. :pleased:2 points
Doesn't matter, it's still our fault and we should be penalized for it!!!!!2 points
Every one will enjoy their fuel mileage more if they would remove the Ethanol from the fuel. It has been proven that 100% pure gas improved fuel mileage by 15 to 25% depending on the vehicle. That is why you have to stop and purchase fuel more often with Ethanol fuel......... :mad:2 points
I was just thinking about how big of a step you'd have on the next guy if you had to draw this as a weapon. Think about how long a persons mind would take to register... "what in the F did he just pull out?" By the time they realized(if ever) what it was, it'd be over! :angel:2 points
If you guys can remember as far back as I can. lol She was also the feisty young daughter in the comedy show Sybil Shepard did in the late 80's. First redhead I ever lusted after.2 points
2 points
Bless you.... Gosh, I just love Tennessee! LOL! (spoken as a transplant from ny....) - K2 points
2 points
You need to mount that sumbitch in the back of your truck. And get some beer, lots of beer! :) Seriously, what a great piece!2 points
This is a screen cap of my lock screen wallpaper.:D2 points
2 points
The problem with Macs is that they are stupid expensive. I just looked at Best Buy. The cheapest Mac laptop was $899 with many going into the $2,000-$3,000 range. The one I would probably want is about $1,300. Are you kidding me? I can buy a Dell, ASUS, or HP for $350 or less... maybe up to a $100 at the annual sales or on Dell's outlet website. Then, I can download all the free software I need: LibreOffice. Every two years, I can toss my laptop and upgrade to a newer version. My 17.1 inch HP that I'm typing this on was $250. My wife's new Dell was $250. My 13.1 inch Chromebook I use when flying was $165. That's $665, plus another $550 for my Sig Sauer anti-theft device comes to only $1,215. Granted, my laptops are a little heavier than a MacBook Air, but I've been working out... :biglol:2 points
Glock 20 Gen 4. 10mm will destroy villages, pillage and ravage harlots, kill anything from a Yeti to a M1 Abrams and has longer ranges than most handgun cartridges. Also itll make you grow a beard, jump 100 feet, immune to elemental damage, speak Latin and Ancient Mayan, automatically SMUD RSP Mk84s and increase your reflexes. Also itll automatically disable any felcher with a .40SW as your sheer indomitable will and omnipotence will render them into cuckold girlymen (they already are) and cause them to give you their goods and daugthers (or sons, if youre into that like HiPower is). Then you can become Imperator of Post Apocalyptia and transform into an Eagle that craps 105mm ICMs on the Nemesis Forces like liberals, the French, cav scouts, PETA, .40 owners and LGBT activists. Jesus carried a 10mm, just saying. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk2 points
1 point
I was in Cabela's in Ackworth, GA the other day. They had a bunch of it in the shelf.1 point
1 point
The bra is boring and why's his finger on the trigger? I'd dump her immediately if I was the boy. Daddy ain't got no sense!1 point
Windows actually runs better on my Mac than my Windows PCs. Sent from the Fortress of Solitude.1 point
The whole store is a joke. Took each of my kids to Vegas for their 21st birthday. Went by while there. Very small shop. Mostly full of merchandise from the show, hats, cups, shirts. According to the locals the only time they see any of them is when they are filming. They were filming day we dropped by. They would not let anyone in except crew and extras while they filmed. Was not impressed.1 point
Take the time to avoid a gun or three and buy a Mac something. You will not need another computer or virus software for at least 10 years if history repeats itself .......1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
So does anyone really know anything about climate change one way or the other? I think not.1 point
Judging by the way last night went I'd say several shot with both eyes closed!1 point
I would think the opposite - that this new amc show actually suggests that daryl is not going anywhere. This motorcycle show only works because of the draw of "daryl" not norman.1 point
Some places will even over turn the SO's decisions regardless of the rule book because it is who it is, and make said SO so F it for the rest of the match/forever lol.1 point
I saw that deal on SlickGuns. If you aren't watching SlickGuns on a daily basis, you're missing out. https://www.slickguns.com There's a menu bar at the top for various categories. https://www.slickguns.com/today for the most recently posted deals across all categories.1 point
That's some bang for the bucks. I mean, bang for the money. I mean, bang from the money.1 point
1 point
If 30mpg isn't cutting it , I don't know what to tell you. Especially as a big guy. I'm 6'5" and I simply don't fit in economy cars. And my comfort is worth quite a bit to me. I only get around 15-17 is my Sierra right now. If I had to get something with better mileage, it would be either the new Colorado, or a Duramax with a programmer. They get 25mpg hwy with 600+ftlbs and absolute comfort. Plus 4x4 if you need it. If you need over 30mpg, you need to be looking at a bike.1 point
I just drove about every small/midsize SUV with my parents recently. If you are a big guy, the CRV may be a bit cramped. My dad is 6'4" and couldn't really get comfortable. They did really like the Outback, but for me, I would have to have the V6. They really liked the CX-5, but in the end, the 2016 Ford Escape got the nod. Best HP and Torque in class and it get 30mpg. It was reasonably priced and they have a good incentive going on right now. If you trade a vehicle in, get a $2000 rebate plus 0% for 60 months. The dealer in Franklin gave my parents in trade what they expected to get selling their Impala themselves. We also had Z-plan which made it a no brainer for them. They were within $500 of a used model with over 20k miles on it. If you know anyone who works at Ford, it is well worth looking into. I would at least drive one if you haven't. I am not a big Ford guy, but I was pretty impressed with it.1 point
Never had a problem with them but I like CCI best. I have used Tula, Win, Fed and all seem to work well.1 point
1 point
1 point
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