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This is a screen cap of my lock screen wallpaper.:D7 points
I told myself a long time ago when I go I want my body worn out with nothing to donate and I am way ahead of schedule. I do have regrets, plenty of them, but from now on I am not going to worry about what has happened or the consequences for what will happen. I am finally going to say fuck it and spend as much of my time enjoying life with those I cherish most, life is way too short. I have already lived, and lost, a few lifetimes worth of experiences. I have been married to the best wife, mother and friend on the planet for what will be 25 years in a few weeks. I have a son who is my hero. He joined in the midst of war and did so after watching everything that happened to me.4 points
The law is clear. You may use as much non-lethal force as is necessary (but no more) to prevent the loss of property or trespassing. You may not lawfully use lethal force to protect property. You may only use lethal force if a reasonable person would be in imminent fear for their life or in fear of sustaining serious bodily injury, or have the same fear on behalf of another person. We do not get to decide whether or not a reasonable person would have that level of fear or not. The DA and then the jury get to do that. You're dang right I'm going to be armed to the teeth when investigating a noise at night. If someone is in my home uninvited I expect they are there to do me and mine harm and the Castle Doctrine supports that reasonable fear. If I'm not in my home, I do not have a legal protection of presumption of that fear. I may have that fear, and it may pass the reasonableness test, but I may still have to prove that fear existed using the facts of the incident. If a person is in the scenario proposed by Omega and they confront the thief: If he runs, the victim can use non-lethal force to restrain him or let him run away and let the cops try to catch him. Lethal force is not lawful. If he surrenders, the person can hold him until police arrive. Lethal force is not lawful. If he fails to comply with verbal commands, presents a weapon, or makes a threatening advance, then fear of imminent bodily harm or death is reasonable in most cases*. Personally, I'm not getting into a scuffle over it. I don't have the training or the skills to think I have a decisive advantage in a brawl. I'll keep my distance and issue clear verbal commands. If point 3 above is met, I would personally be in fear for my life. *If the homeowner is a 6'2 280lbs professional MMA fighter and the perp is a 5'3 110 lbs. woman with no weapon and the situation was clear to the homeowner (well lit area, etc.), then a DA and a jury may find it hard to believe that there was reasonable fear of imminent serious bodily injury or death.3 points
WOAH!!!! That's more wrong than a wrong thing that is incorrect. You can NOT lawfully use lethal force in TN to protect property (including your home). Period. Go Directly To Jail. Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200. You can only lawfully use lethal force to defend yourself or others from an attacker if there is reasonable fear of losing one's life or suffering serious bodily injury (or have the same fear for another person). Read that 39-11-614 statute again. It says you can use force, not lethal force, to protect property and even then only such force as is necessary to stop the theft or trespass . Para ( c ) even expressly says you can't use lethal force unless allowed to under another law, which means protecting yourself or others from death or serious bodily injury. Serious bodily injury is actually defined in the TCA, so you don't get to decide what is and isn't serious bodily injury. The "castle doctrine" may be what's causing someone to think that lethal force is OK to protect your home. That's an incorrect understanding. Castle doctrine simply says that if the attacker is in your home, you have a presumption of being in fear for your life/serious bodily harm (or the same for another person). That means that away from home you have to prove you were in fear for your life/serious bodily harm or had the same fear for another person if you use lethal force. At home you don't have to prove that, BUT the evidence can prove you were not in fact in fear for your life. If you tie up an intruder and execute him, the evidence will prove that at the time of firing the shot, you were not in fear for your life and you will go to prison for murder. Castle Doctrine is not about protecting your home or your property and it is not a license to kill.3 points
My wife and I have spent our entire lives worrying about tomorrow and doing the responsible thing. Well because of everything that has happened recently, as well as what is going to be happening, we have decided I am going to live a little. I have spent my entire life worrying but that is changing. My wife recently found out she is a diabetic. I have my health problems and have a hernia surgery a few days after my 25th wedding anniversary. I have other health issues that are creeping in as well as having survived several near death experiences. So because of all that has happened through my life and what is about to happen my new moto in life is You Only Live Once and so I am going to try to be a bit irresponsible until I leave this life.2 points
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I hate Windows 10. When I got the opportunity I installed it on my desktop and my laptop. It drove me batshit crazy inside a week. I tried everything before formatting and reinstalling Windows 7. I bought a new machine for my wife and it has Windows 10 and from her corner I hear a constant diatribe regarding Windows 10. And we generally embrace change and technology but so far Windows 10 seems to be a monster. The worst part is any time I needed a program I had to search for it. Could not figure out how to get quick access to the programs I use regularly. I use notepad and paint almost daily and having to open Cortana then search for them is just too much of a waste of time for me. Another HUGE problem for us is the constant crashing. Even got to a point where I started saving things about 1/2 way through my day because I knew a crash was coming. I guess I need to suck it up and learn it but I won't as long as the MS special ops teams haven't raided my house and taken all my copies of Windows 7. For me Windows 7 was the last great MS product.2 points
I'm an IT guy, and I have to keep up with the latest MS stuff, so I forced myself to use and get used to Win8.1. I didn't like it at first, but I learned to get around in it. Eventually when I got the interface kinks worked out, I was OK with it. I did upgrade to Win 10, and I think it is SO much better than 8.1. I know folks that resisted the Win8 upgrade due to the drastic interface change, and they have been able to deal with the Win 10 interface much better. They just jumped right in and figured it out. Mostly that is due to the Start Button being back. I've not found anything that didn't work after the upgrade. There may be some tweaking to do to make it more user friendly for me. All in all I really like Win 10. It's what Win 8 should have been. This interface is just enough different than Win7 to make it feel more modern, but just enough like it to still feel familiar in getting around. I'd say give it some more time and see if you can't work out the kinks.What specifically don't you like about it? Perhaps we can help make it more to your liking.2 points
2 points
I, too, have done my fair share of worrying, even for many years after I became a Christian. But slowly and surely, I've learned to replace that kind of thinking with the reality of knowing Jesus Christ. Once I was driving down a highway and a car began to pull out in front of me--about a quarter mile down the road. Suddenly, this thought flashed into my mind, "Aren't you going to jam on your brakes?" Somewhat puzzled, I answered, "Of course not. By the time I get there, the car will either be gone or up to speed." The "voice" replied immediately. "Then why let worry cloud your life when the things you fear may never happen?" I'm thankful that the Lord has never quit preaching that sermon while I eventually grasped that it's best to just to take Him at his Word and "cast all of your care upon Him, because He cares for you."2 points
2 points
Fuel efficient vehicles are boring and communist This is what you really need, no more stuck in traffic or having to use stupid roads....2 points
Omega, You are describing how most of us on this forum would like it to be. The reality is this. There are five conditions that have to be met to claim self defense. The chances of going to jail increase as any of these aren't met. If you are determined to be the aggressor, then you are in a world of hurt. The fact that someone is stealing from your garage does not in any way prevent you from being the aggressor. Hearing the dog bark, going out to see what it is, and having that escalate into the perp being shot is a scenario where I don't want the DA deciding whether to prosecute on me. The truth and what the prosecutor says in court may be two very different things. The law that you quoted above is not how it is practiced in TN. Imagine an ego contest that turns into a road rage incident where the two cars pull over on the side of the road. Someone winds up being shot. Regardless of what happened, the person doing the shooting likely will not be able to claim self defense. I went to a class taught by the top firearms self defense attorney in the country. One of the big take aways was that you want to have all five requirements for self defense so strong that the DA moves on to something else. If they pursue it, the best case scenario is that you will go bankrupt paying for a defense.2 points
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There will be an IDPA Match this Saturday (3/12) at Memphis Sports Shooters Association in Lakeland, TN. Walk Through at 9;30AM $10 Members $12 Non-Members1 point
My first police academy range instruction was in 1979, taught by an old guy who had to be in his 70's then. We worked only on J-frame S&W's. Range safety was not only paramount, if you f***ed up, you were out. Period. No second chances. You tended to pay attention. The ONLY way a weapon would EVER be transferred to another person was --- cylinder emptied;2nd & 3rd finger through the cylinder opening; grip first toward the recipient. Even today, by force of habit, I point it downwards, pop the magazine, empty the chamber, turn it around, and hand it grip-first with the slide locked open. Younger guys sort of look at me with a question in their eyes. Older guys just look, and sort of get this look on their face like, "man, you WERE taught right, weren't you ?????". God bless you, Okie Miles (RIP).1 point
It's called Bambuser. It's more of a mobile sharing site, but the upload of videos is super easy. You just configure the app how you want it, then all you have to do is press record and it takes care of everything. I tested it out a few times at drive-thru's after dark and it picks up video and audio just great if you position your phone properly. It's also free for individuals and charities. https://bambuser.com/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bambuser.broadcaster&hl=en https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bambuser/id344600665?mt=81 point
1 point
That's some bang for the bucks. I mean, bang for the money. I mean, bang from the money.1 point
1 point
I have a pretty nice museum of mounts going on in my cabinet, all of which are the see-thru variety, all of which were taken off of Tennessee three hundred dollar bills (336 30-30s) I detest the things passionately. Crap-to-no-cheek weld, wobbly zeroes, at least one screw is ALWAYS cross-threaded/stripped & they look like a broken tooth in a super model's head. Add a padded, tooled leather sling (4"wide) & you've got disgusting in a nutshell.1 point
I just ordered one. I hope I can get some gold finished controls for it.1 point
+1 on ProneShooters. Went by today and bought some dies, powder and boolits. Primers galore. Fair prices1 point
I think we need a pinned thread/topic on this forum where we can post deals like that when we see them. What are your thoughts, admins?1 point
1 point
I upgraded my 8.1 to 10. I can't see much difference in the two. Don't really like either. Takes a bit of getting used to. Have finally gotten used to the dang thing. I liked XP better.1 point
1 point
Of course, it's only the presumption, but that seems to go a long way in TN. As for how is a garage covered under castle doctrine... Lets take a look at the law: 39-11-611c is where our 'castle doctrine' comes from in TN. Now, lets assume for discussion that none of the exceptions in 39-11-611d apply, which would not in the described scenario. While residence and dwelling seem to be pretty limited in scope they're not, lets look at how they're defined for the purposes of the self defense law. First dwelling - 39-11-611a5 - Which would seem based on the plain reading to include all buildings on your property that have a roof over it and is capable of use by people. That includes a garage. Second lets look at residence - 39-11-611a7 - This would also seem to cover any building within the curtilage of the residence... lets take a look at that definition. Curtilage - 39-11-611a3 Clearly the legislative intent if to cover all buildings in and around your home, included unattached garages. As both the definition of dwelling and residence in that part of the law clearly define. If you hear a bump in the night and walk out into your hallway, see somebody you have reason to believe is there unlawfully (with few exceptions) has the same legal protections as if: You hear a bump in the night, go outside and find somebody in your garage who you believe is there unlawfully... In both cases under the law you're assumed to have a reasonable belief of imminent death or serious bodily injury. As I read the law, and as clear by most cases of self defense in and around the home are handled here in TN. You're right, that is just an assumption, but that assumption is a very high bar for any DA considering charging you... They have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you knew the person in question was not a threat to you, or that you had no reason to believe they were in your home/garage unlawfully. In the example being used here, where you catch somebody breaking into your car, who in all likelihood has a criminal record, it's going to be virtually impossible to prove to a jury you didn't have a reasonable belief that person was there unlawfully. And unless there are some strange circumstances surrounding the shooting itself - like shooting the guy on the ground execution style... it's going to be next to impossible to over come the assumption of reasonable fear. That's why most DA's won't touch these cases with a 10 foot pole... Now with that said, I personally wouldn't go looking for trouble, I wouldn't go outside in the middle of the night to knowingly confront a criminal breaking into my unattached garage or car... but if you think you hear a raccoon in your garage, and go to investigate and find a thief there instead, under TN law you have the same rights to self defense as if you came face to face with the thief standing in your kitchen.1 point
Why??? I actually prefer them. I have 2 Marlin 30-30's, one is mine (well both are now mine but...) the other was my fathers. Both are scoped, but mine has the see through rings to allow using the iron sights or the scope, my dads is just the scope, rear sight was removed. Additionally on his the hammer extension piece (put a tab on the hammer so you can cock it) had to be filed down to accommodate the scope. I have my 2 ruger 10/22's setup the same way with see through mounts. As I said it's my preferred setup, to each their own.1 point
I’m running 10 and I like it. I tried 10 on an older computer and it had issues. I wrote it off to hardware that wasn’t supported. If you have the hardware to run it; give it a try. Many of the problems I see is people installing 10 and then installing a different browser, having problems and blaming 10. I wouldn’t try to roll back any OS. If you know how to do it; format and do a clean install. Get Acronis and image your drive before installing 10, then if you want to switch back it’s not a big deal and you don’t have to reinstall everything.1 point
1 point
The problem with Macs is that they are stupid expensive. I just looked at Best Buy. The cheapest Mac laptop was $899 with many going into the $2,000-$3,000 range. The one I would probably want is about $1,300. Are you kidding me? I can buy a Dell, ASUS, or HP for $350 or less... maybe up to a $100 at the annual sales or on Dell's outlet website. Then, I can download all the free software I need: LibreOffice. Every two years, I can toss my laptop and upgrade to a newer version. My 17.1 inch HP that I'm typing this on was $250. My wife's new Dell was $250. My 13.1 inch Chromebook I use when flying was $165. That's $665, plus another $550 for my Sig Sauer anti-theft device comes to only $1,215. Granted, my laptops are a little heavier than a MacBook Air, but I've been working out... :biglol:1 point
We got a terminology problem. I meant rings. And if they are wrapped around a scope, you are seeing thru them. Get it? :)1 point
1 point
I would like to see what is basically a 7.62x25 that is just short enough to work in a 10mm length magazine. Essentially a 10mm necked down to .30cal1 point
This is where the the 22TCM9R comes into play. RIA is making glock replacement uppers. 1900fps from 5" barrel.1 point
Shacklett Auto Machine https://www.facebook.com/Shacklett-Automotive-Machine-599955723432783/ (615) 259-7858 2209 Dunn Ave, Nashville, Tennessee 372111 point
1 point
For the price of buying a new car, 2.8L turbo diesel swap into the Cherokee. :) But realistically the new Outback would be a good choice. I've been researching the 2.5L for our next car.1 point
1 point
That's supposed to be the cheaper "entry level" kind of tesla wasn't it? I thought I had heard that they also weren't going to get the same kind of range as a model S, though. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk1 point
I'm really glad this topic has come up as there is much mis-understanding regarding the use of deadly force. After taking the class referenced above, I did some internet research and sent an email to Nashville defense attorney David Raybin asking if I can reach out if needed. Below is his response. This is a guy who has tried self defense cases and is a defense attorney: "I have had multiple people ask me to do this. If you are involved in a self-defense situation the most important thing to do is NOT to use a firearm except as a last resort. People think these stand your ground laws etc are a license to use deadly force. They tend to promote violence and injury. My son and I do Second Amendment cases but we also believe self-preservation can best be achieved by tactical withdrawal as necessary. That said, if you need us then my office number is the second best way to contact me. The best is by email which my son and I monitor. "1 point
There really must be something wrong with that cat. Normally they are so skiddish you can't even get near them....especially during daylight. I've seen some big ones in Arizona but no way would they ever get that close to you.1 point
You can't shoot someone for property theft. The appropriate word for that action is murder. Pulling a weapon if you don't feel that your life is in danger is a bad, bad idea.1 point
Not alot unless your sitting in it, don't shoot anybody that is breaking in one. Not a good senario....1 point
1 point
They do indeed sell primers and they really need to put them behind the counter. The last three times I've been there I've seen enough foolishness to make me wary of buying them. People just can't seem to keep from opening them. First was some girl who dumped 100 primers all over the shelf and floor. Took her forever to pic them up and put them back in the tray. Next time, same story but someone else. Last time some guy rifled through nearly every pack on the shelf. I don't know if he was looking for the perfect primer or what but he sure was trying. There is a gun show this weekend. TGO's favorite reloading supplier (dlm37015) is probably there and usually has what you need at very good prices. His booth is under the big white with red letters "RELOADING SUPPLIES" sign. As the show is at the Expo he'll be in the back right corner.1 point
Shine it at your wife while she is trying to sleep. You will see it's effect. Make sure you don't have it mounted to your gun when you do so.1 point
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