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My wife and I have spent our entire lives worrying about tomorrow and doing the responsible thing. Well because of everything that has happened recently, as well as what is going to be happening, we have decided I am going to live a little. I have spent my entire life worrying but that is changing. My wife recently found out she is a diabetic. I have my health problems and have a hernia surgery a few days after my 25th wedding anniversary. I have other health issues that are creeping in as well as having survived several near death experiences. So because of all that has happened through my life and what is about to happen my new moto in life is You Only Live Once and so I am going to try to be a bit irresponsible until I leave this life.6 points
3 points
How about just eating somewhere that isn't posted instead of supporting businesses that post. My wife (she's new to Nashville) told me the other day that she had heard that the Loveless Cafe had good biscuits. I told her that I would never know.3 points
Fuel efficient vehicles are boring and communist This is what you really need, no more stuck in traffic or having to use stupid roads....2 points
The older I get the more I lead a stress free life as much as possible. Best thing I've ever done after the life I've led. I have my heaalth problems as well but you know what....I just can't fret about it. I wish you all the best in letting go of some things as best you can and have some fun doing whatever you enjoy. It will make you a happy man and rubs off on all those around you.2 points
Why are we having an issue with applying a tourniquet? It's only "non-life threading" AFTER you stop the bleeding. A tourniquet can be applied safely for several hours without risking loss of limb.2 points
He had one heck of a career, I am glad he finished it off with my Broncos and that he went out on top. Good luck to him in his future endeavors, I am sure he will remain in football in some way shape or form.2 points
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I would guess reholstering after dinner. Dude probably left his weapon in the car and wore his holster in the restaurant. I'll never understand this practice. Concealed means concealed.....unable to detect....cannot be seen. When I carry concealed the only places I stay away from have wands and metal detectors. Unless I'm packin' my Glock 7 which is the ceramic model that can't be detected.2 points
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member since 2013 first time posting, not always lurking but just like to read the forums. guess its time to step it up. i am a tattooer of 20 years originally from cleveland ohio, moved to west coast for 13 years (phoenix az and Los Angles) moved to nashvile 2013. just want to say hi to everyone.1 point
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Pics or it didn't happen. :D Edit: Sorry, just saw that those were for your Glock. The thread has pics for a Glock already. I thought of CZ's, and was curious about a picture of them. Got you mixed up with CZ guys. Sorry! :)1 point
I have actually had my eye on a Tesla model 3. I'd love a model S but I'm not made of money. I don't think they start rolling out until next year, though.1 point
I daily a V6 Mustang around 80 miles a day. If I keep my foot out of it I can average ~32MPG on a tank. That is nearly all interstate. If I don't keep my foot out of it I can pull an average of 28MPG. My wife has a Fiesta, it has the NA 1.6 with the traditional automatic. I can pull ~45MPG out of it if I keep my foot out of it. Otherwise I can get 35MPG. I consider keeping my foot out of it cruise set at 65MPH. And that is it. That takes some discipline. However, I am not a big guy. I am a 200lb 6' guy. I guess what is considered 'average.' I fit in the Mustang fine, but I will crack my head on my wife's Fiesta from time to time if I haven't driven it in a few weeks. It is also worth noting that my wife can't get above 23MPG average in the Mustang or 30MPG in her Fiesta. She is a full go/full whoa driver. Anything above 30MPG with a normal driver in a car big enough to fit four adults is essentially a pipe dream. But it can be done. Don't fall for the fallacy that a Hybrid gets better mileage. It does in the city. It doesn't on the interstate. A good friend bought a Prius, nice car, I liked it. He thought it would get 50MPG+ on his 100 mile daily commute, but as he was always running 70+ it never ran in electric mode, which is where a hybrid shines. He never pulled more than 45MPG reliably. While that is nice, I didn't tend to think the premium of the car offset the mild cost saving. Edit: Harmony is a `13 Mustang automatic and Ratchet is a `14 Fiesta automatic, not CVT.1 point
You guys like Tim Hawkins? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMbw4G0TmUQ1 point
Im fairly tall but not heavy, and I like the prius. My mom has had one for about 10 years now and its given no trouble at all, classic Toyota dependability and longevity in a comfortable car. I have no trouble getting in and out of it, its not sports car low and its not truck high, its a little lower than your typical car but not "low" by any stretch. That said, the thing about hybrids ... they are not really designed for interstate. It will do it, but its not awesome. I would just get a 35-40 MPG family sedan type car that you like for this type of daily drive in. Something with a moderate 4 cylinder and a low body weight will do quite well.1 point
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If you get a Yugo SKS a golf ball launcher is the only accessory you'll need... Along with some blanks and a huge field. Johnson Automatics used to make one that simply attached to the grenade launcher but I think they're out of business. Keep an eye out for Yugo heavy ball for the M39. It's surplus and corrosive but was made by Prvi in the 80's. It's brass-cased (not reloadable), with a 182 gr, lead-core bullet. Very good and accurate stuff. It still pops up from time to time.1 point
The law is clear. You may use as much non-lethal force as is necessary (but no more) to prevent the loss of property or trespassing. You may not lawfully use lethal force to protect property. You may only use lethal force if a reasonable person would be in imminent fear for their life or in fear of sustaining serious bodily injury, or have the same fear on behalf of another person. We do not get to decide whether or not a reasonable person would have that level of fear or not. The DA and then the jury get to do that. You're dang right I'm going to be armed to the teeth when investigating a noise at night. If someone is in my home uninvited I expect they are there to do me and mine harm and the Castle Doctrine supports that reasonable fear. If I'm not in my home, I do not have a legal protection of presumption of that fear. I may have that fear, and it may pass the reasonableness test, but I may still have to prove that fear existed using the facts of the incident. If a person is in the scenario proposed by Omega and they confront the thief: If he runs, the victim can use non-lethal force to restrain him or let him run away and let the cops try to catch him. Lethal force is not lawful. If he surrenders, the person can hold him until police arrive. Lethal force is not lawful. If he fails to comply with verbal commands, presents a weapon, or makes a threatening advance, then fear of imminent bodily harm or death is reasonable in most cases*. Personally, I'm not getting into a scuffle over it. I don't have the training or the skills to think I have a decisive advantage in a brawl. I'll keep my distance and issue clear verbal commands. If point 3 above is met, I would personally be in fear for my life. *If the homeowner is a 6'2 280lbs professional MMA fighter and the perp is a 5'3 110 lbs. woman with no weapon and the situation was clear to the homeowner (well lit area, etc.), then a DA and a jury may find it hard to believe that there was reasonable fear of imminent serious bodily injury or death.1 point
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Well a felon looking to buy a gun through a private sale would probably avoid this venue.1 point
Had one wish I wouldn't have got rid of it now. I think I am going to put another one together. As stated spend a little more on a better barrel. I had a daniel defense barrel on mine and it was a great shooter. I personally could never get the 6.8 to feed right out of any of my 5.56 mags, be it gi or polymer. PSA had some cheap 6.8 mags the other day.1 point
I use "http://www.gunbot.net/ammo" as a starting point to get a feel for average prices, and if the shipping is right I buy from the cheapest retailer. Otherwise, I use "http://www.targetsportsusa.com/" "http://www.ableammo.com/" "http://www.sgammo.com/" "http://www.ammoman.com/" etc. I will caution that shipping costs vary big time, and that determines the better deal when I average that into the costs per round. As far as security and buying online vs the local Walmart or local gun shop, I haven't had any problems at all from online sales. I like getting home from work and the box waiting for me at the front door!1 point
I think it would be the perfect closing music as an episode fades to the credits for some premium cable TV show. It totally could have fit into an episode of Californication under the right circumstances.1 point
I realize that this is an older post but I have been asked very similar questions several times over the last few months by people that have recently realized we live in a much different society than we used to and have no previous exposure to "tactical thought" other than tv and movies. They have recently purchased a weapon may or may not have completed a CC class, went home and felt better for a day or two until they started asking themselves "what if" and didn't have an answer. So they go to Google, start reading forums such as this one ( Which I wish to say is one of the best forums I have followed as for accuracy of info and temperament of discussions). Those of you that read this with background will find it very basic and elementary but many people have not walked the path before. They simply have not been exposed to the tactical thought process and are seeking to learn. The following is very, very basic and is divided into four categories, each of which can be infinitely expanded upon. I will address the concept of home invasion in a very general manner since that was the concern in the original post. 1) Planning - Forget TV and movies. Have an evacuation plan but don't plan to evacuate. By this I mean to have a plan if you determine that evacuation is needed and feasible for the situation at hand. This should include rally points such as a designated neighbor or two if you have neighbors but be sure to let them know that they are part of your plan. They may have their own plan for someone banging on their door at 2am. They can call 911 or be a great flanking force if they are of such mindset. If no neighbors, have two or three rally points identified in case one is compromised. Have duties assigned that match abilities. Know where the best concealment and cover is within your home. Possibly even reinforce a "safe room or closet" with weapon access stored within. That could be an immediate go to point for those less trained to fight and evacuation is not feasible. Weapons can be strategically placed but don't place them about the residence in plain sight readily accessible by those that should not have them such as Bad Guys (BGs), children, or the untrained. 2) Detection - Early detection is key for it provides more time for assessment / response / reaction. The most effective form of early detection, and one of the most effective deterrents is a dog or dogs. BGs don't like them because they make noise, are unpredictable, bite, and see better than the BG especially at night. Wireless driveway motion alarms are inexpensive and multiple sensors can be daisy chained to one receiver with a different audible for each location. These can be placed around the property along potential approach routes. The sound will identify where the motion is. (Position so that the dog doesn't drive you nuts. My dogs don't bother mine but the deer sometimes activates them) Motion detection lights. BGs don't like light. The combination of these three will have you miles ahead. You can expand this as far as your imagination and wallet allows. There are many devious and ingenious welcoming surprises you can ad but you may risk unintended injury to innocents. 3) Delay - If you have early detection you are a step ahead. You have had the time to acquire weapon and your family moving to a defensive posture previously planned and discussed. Now you wish to delay BGs from gaining entry if they are so inclined. Here are a few simple actions but there are many: Remove the 3/4 inch screws in your striker plates of your exterior doors and replace them with 4 inch stainless screws that will drive deep into the framing of the door jamb. This will change them from one kick to a door that will take time to defeat. (Delay that allows you to take action) Position furniture below windows so that fluid entry is hampered through windows and be sure to use your door and window locks. Delay improvements are only limited by imagination and wallet capacity. 4) Tactics - Did I mention forget TV and Movies? Basic fundamentals are your focus. I caution you about watching internet videos and yes even reading forums. You can find some good info in both but there is a ton of idiocy and bad advice out there as well. There are an infinite number self professed experts spreading garbage that will get you hurt. Kind of ironic that your reading this in a forum huh. Just be sure and filter the info you read through a common sense filter. Understand concept of cover and concealment. Cover stops bullets, concealment hides you but does not stop bullets. You have family. Sheet rock walls don't stop bullets. Your index finger is the first safety. Keep your finger off the trigger of any weapon until you have identified your threat and ready to engage. Know your target and know your backstop. You have family. You are in an intense situation. You don't want to be 2 pounds into a 4 pound trigger pull if an excited family member suddenly exits a doorway. Train with your weapon and practice, practice, practice. You should not have to think about your weapon handling, you should be practiced enough that it comes natural. Understand and practice proper grip, trigger squeeze and sight alignment as well as failure drills. Then learn to put 2-3 rounds rapid fire into your target looking over the sights not through them. Do this from a "low-ready" position not "fast draw" from the holster. If your weapon is still in the holster after 1-2-and 3 above you need to go back to #1 anyway. We don't want to read another post about somebody that has an extra hole in their foot or leg. Remember that "smooth is fast". Start slow and deliberate and work your way up. If you know a reputable certified instructor don't hesitate to seek their instruction. Yes, there is a need to learn to be able to clear your holster in a controlled rapid manner in other situations and one should be well versed in this if they plan to CC. Learn proper, solid weapon handling fundamentals first. Especially keeping finger off the trigger. Understand the use of light, darkness and shadows to your benefit. Avoid back lighting yourself, the BG may understand the use of light and darkness. High intensity weapon lights may be used to disorient or temporarily blind the BG, situation dependent. Learn noise disciplined movement, how to pie a corner, and if more than one of your family is armed practice communication. Such as, announce before you enter a room you know a family member is in. These are just very basic steps, and others may ad much more to this. Read, learn, practice, prepare and then pray that you never have to use the skills and knowledge you acquire.1 point
That was for the Remington Benchrest Primers if I remember correctly or maybe one of the other "premium" primers. I an a frugal person so if I can see myself buying them it wasn't outlandish on the price.1 point
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There is a good reason why he has the largest supply you ever seen. Every time I walk into that store, I walk out shaking my head. I'd rather travel 90 miles; (180 mile round trip), to Knoxville and buy $300-$400 from our favorite vendor at a gun show. His prices are very fair and he cares more about his customers than his merchandise.1 point
In addition to Target Sports (already mentioned), I like Palmetto State Armory and Widener's. No single one of them always has the best prices on everything but if you sign up for their e-mail sale alerts you can sometimes catch real deals. Palmetto State Armory also sometimes has smoking deals on guns, particularly of the AR family. Cheers, Whisper1 point
My wife really likes that version. I have always really liked the original Simon and Garfunkel version myself, but this one is not bad. It is a lot more true to the original than the version Nevermore did a few years back. That one was pretty twisted. It was basically the same words but musically was for all intents and purposes a completely different song.1 point
Right now I'm listening to a throwback to my freshman year in college-- https://youtu.be/sTFVMMCwsss1 point
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Cheesecake factory is already posted right? Maybe he was slyly, and unwisely (obviously) trying to unholster so he could get some overpriced food.1 point
After Rick played punching bag with the Zead head to mess up the nose. Best line of all to date was by the Hilltop guy talking to Rick. " The Saviors are scary but these pricks have nothing on you".1 point
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Eliminating the criminal penalty for the no gun signs does not mean that private property owners will not be able to ask people to leave. Most states do not have this sort of law and business owners still can ask people to leave their property. A business owner in Tennessee can ask you to leave right now without any sort of no gun sign because again that is a trespass issue. The weapons charge that is a Class B Misdemeanor is worse than the Class C Misdemeanor trespass charge. A weapons conviction can cause you to have your permit suspended and your firearm confiscated. Since trespass is not a weapons issue, the problem probably would not affect your permit or involve your gun being confiscated if you were asked to leave and you did not leave. Sometimes I wonder why pro gun people would not want restrictions reduced on their ability to carry legally. Isn't the whole point of paying for the permit so that you do not have to worry about a weapons charge and dealing with your gun being taken? If you go to downtown Memphis or Nashville, you will see what a pain it is to legally carry both in the local government owned buildings and private property due to these no gun signs.1 point
What's constitutional about carving out a special law that allows business owners to make a certain thing illegal if someone walks through their door with it? Our state constitution specifically says that all carry laws have to be done with a view to prevent crime and the posting law does not prevent crime. I am not saying that business owners shouldn't be able to post, but it should not hold more weight than a "no shirt no service sign" or any other "no" sign. Trespassing laws cover all that fine and are the constitutional way to do it. I agree that the state should make all government allow carry in government buildings if code 1359 was removed...but if we removed 1359 there would be no mechanism for governments to ban carry in any building because that's the law they currently use to do so, except for schools as that's covered in a different section. So to me, removing 1359 is the solution for solving a massive amount of issues with carry. Btw, wouldn't business owners be in a special group themselves since they have 1359 carved out as a special provision to the law?1 point
So if it was amended to remove section 1359 it wouldn't have to go before a committee again since that's a radical change? If it doesn't, why wouldn't more people do a bait and switch for bills so they can get stuff around committees? Heck, why aren't we doing that more?!1 point
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Best laid plans always go to crap when bullets start flying. Do not overthink the scenarios, especially since they will change immediatly, you can be asleep, they can come in through windows, etc. A generic plan will work, get somewhere out of the line of fire, have a rally point and quick access to your gun. My family's plan is my wife grabs the baby and runs to the back closet with some guns and I get some guns and shoot homies in the face Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
http://tradgang.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=029625;p=1 I hope it's OK to post this link. It's not specific to any particular part of the country & it's not even gun related, but it contains some of the BEST hog hunting tips, tricks & techniques on the net. The hogs we have around the WMAs in east TN are particularly difficult to hunt, with any measure of success. They are VERY wide ranging & they don't really seem to have a home territory. I have a good bud, over near Maryville, that has some private land he hunts just outside of Pigeon Forge. The place is absolutely torn up by pigs & he has over 300 pictures of hogs on his game cameras. In 3 years, neither of us have ever actually seen one! They're almost exclusively nocturnal & it appears that they're constantly on the move.1 point
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