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C'mon, get real. People all over the world mostly profess the religion in which they were raised. If the whole population of TGO had been magically raised by Muslim parents in a Muslim culture, we'd be at least 90% Muslim too. Transplant all them same folks over there to the USA as babes and have them raised by Christian parents, they'd be mostly Christian. In cultures all over the world, denying the religion you are raised in is the exception rather than the norm. Where of course the religion is virtually the same as the state, it's near 100%. Much of Europe was that way regarding Catholicism for 1200 years or so. - OS8 points
This thread is a great example of why the far left lumps us all together as a bunch of racist, ignorant rednecks. I have several Iraqi refugees that work for me at my plant. All of them are Christians that fled Iraq to get away from the violence there. Unfortunately, many of their family members are still stuck there unable to leave. Their parents were killed by a suicide bomber the day they tried to leave Iraq. There are good people in Iraq that do not deserve to be swept away by a raging flood.7 points
The Senate voted today: House earlier in the week, they join the ranks of Constitutional Carry States!5 points
... especially when the reverend Abdul is telling everybody to lop off your head if you don't join up. I don't think anybody on here wants to see innocents die. The jokes are in the same spirit as the ones about California sliding into the ocean. I have good friends in California. But, if it breaks off and slides into the ocean, the percentage of assholes in this country will decrease significally (tragic as it would be).4 points
As usual, I got to go with OS on this one. There are two issues with Islam - radicalism and the fundamental association with Sharia law. If you want to practice your faith, accept that I have different beliefs, and adhere to our laws - I have no issues. You want to call me an infidel and come after me and my family, totally different story. I grew up in a community, in Middle, TN, that had two fairly prominent Muslim families. Their children attended a Christian school because it was the best education available, but they continued to practice their religion. We didn't always agree on some topics, but we could debate and accept the other's opinions. One of the children came under fire a couple of years ago when they were appointed to a mid level state position, for which they were extremely qualified. A few of ignorant legislators ran screaming to media that we were "putting sleepers" in high-level positions. They saw the last name and their knees started to jerk. This was a natural born US citizen and a member of family that are pillars of their community. I can understand mild suspicion, but a little research should have put that to rest. If you look at the statistics from all sides, there are somewhere between .05-10% of Muslims that practice radical Islam and/or refuse to accept any legal authority outside their faith. I am in position to condemn an entire religion based on at worst 10% of its adherents. I probably disagree with 30% of my fellow Catholics, but they are entitled to their beliefs. I have a hard enough time trying keep myself on the track that I think is right for me, I don't have the bandwidth to impose by beliefs on anyone else. Vive et vivat!4 points
May be a thousand miles away, but a guy has to stay loyal. :) I'm actually surprised, there are a lot more Preds fans here than I expected.3 points
Certainly not trying to talk anyone out of what they like. For me, just can't imagine any improvement over my Kahr PM9. About as small as any 9mm made with its capacity, all smooth contours, no safeties, simply pull it out and pull the trigger. Even a J frame feels like a thick slab to me by comparison, plus I get 2 extra rounds and quick reload. And it's not a .380 either. ;) - OS3 points
That's my boys! Tn could do the same, but not by sitting on our hands.3 points
This has got to be the stupidest thing I've read in a while. Looks like to bomb squad just wanted something to do. I've found old ammo in the past. I disposed of it by putting it in my rifle and firing it...3 points
These new mags from Fab Defense were just announced at SHOT show. I ordered one and it shipped direct from Israel. It finally got in today. Haven't shot it yet but seems very well constructed. I was very glad to see this come along as the surplus mags are drying up/getting more expensive. I'll post another update once I get out and shoot with it. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk2 points
As a native West Virginian, definitely proud of this. My parents are aging and have been dragging their feet on getting permitted. Now they can just defend themselves without spending money they don't have for "training" that's irrelevant to get a state issued card.2 points
2 points
Just wanted to share a video that is cool IMO. Take the music from my favorite movie series - Jason Bourne Series and add it to some wickedly fast riding on the streets of the Isle of Man and you have a win. Keeping the bike under control while topping the hills at those speeds is impressive. Hope maybe even you Harley guys can enjoy.2 points
2 points
They do indeed sell primers and they really need to put them behind the counter. The last three times I've been there I've seen enough foolishness to make me wary of buying them. People just can't seem to keep from opening them. First was some girl who dumped 100 primers all over the shelf and floor. Took her forever to pic them up and put them back in the tray. Next time, same story but someone else. Last time some guy rifled through nearly every pack on the shelf. I don't know if he was looking for the perfect primer or what but he sure was trying. There is a gun show this weekend. TGO's favorite reloading supplier (dlm37015) is probably there and usually has what you need at very good prices. His booth is under the big white with red letters "RELOADING SUPPLIES" sign. As the show is at the Expo he'll be in the back right corner.2 points
An NAGR fund raising tool, standard Dudley Brown method to get your email address, to then send you "emergency" request for money.2 points
So just real quick, a huge THANKS to TripleDigitRide! He's shared our story on all of his groups he belongs to. Because of that I met a young lady named Kacy who donated money as well as asked about adopting a pup. We've met, she's got an amazing GSD that needed a playmate and she came out today and adopted Ressler! Contracts are sign, a fully vetted puppy has a new home. So again, major thanks to TDR and the power of Social Media! We still have more pups available if anyone is looking!2 points
I would love to see manufacturers start holding the Gov accountable for the price of stuff. Something along the lines of a note on the label that says something like "$0.35 of this can of tuna goes to cover government regulation" or $0.65 of each gallon of this gas goes to tax". or at the very least one of those square barcode link things that could take you to a web site with current info. I think it would open up the eyes of some consumers. Of course the next thing that would happen is a law prohibiting that practice. :tinfoil:2 points
I can honestly say I feel fantastic. But I think that's largely due to the Percocets while I feel good enough to shoot I think it's not in the best interest of safety. Percocet rule!2 points
Smile for the camera while you're there too. :stir:2 points
When I was younger my Uncle took me to the Isle of Man TT. He was a Privateer that ran a John Player Norton. It was a great and special trip for me one of my favorite memories. They have talked about canceling this race for years due to the wrecks. Thanks for sharing it. It made me go get my pictures out . It was over 40 years ago.2 points
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The real problem with CA is the elected idiots and the idiots who keep voting for them. Off topic but the drought there has caused some real problems....1 point
Wow, they are flat gettin’ it. That looks dangerous for spectators (and the local sheep).1 point
Even if it is working properly, you could still have some moisture inside. Turn the phone off ASAP. Fill a small container with dry rice, and immerse the phone inside. Let it sit for a couple of days in a warm dry place. Then you can use it as described above, as an iPod, etc.1 point
Hey MountainDewed, One other thing. The SKS is not known for its safety. In short, my policy is that an SKS only has a bullet in the chamber when it's pointed down range at the shooting range. The safety on them is a 'sometimes she works sometimes she don't' kind of deal. Also, the sear on them may or may not have the correct angle. If not, they are prone to either fire when you don't want them to or fire full auto.1 point
1 point
I love a good zombie thread. I cringe at every wobble and especially at 1:30 everytime I watch this. I like this one too, the camera work sucks but the music is cool...plus there a cool segment of POV footage around 1:25. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnZkb1yvFgM[/media]1 point
I heard that Sig was going to offer the p220 or p227 in 10mm which would be pretty cool. The p227 feels wonderful in the hand. Personally, if I were shopping for a 10mm the Glock 20 gen 4 would be my top pick. I love my Gen 4 21 and as Willis mentioned, it's the same frame.1 point
1 point
I'm glad I saw this post. I started to post a small review of a holster I've been wearing with my 43 for a few weeks now. It's a DeSantis Invader IWB. I've have owned MANY quality holsters but this one by far is the most comfortable holster I have ever worn. (I carry at 4:00) It has a "gel" backing that I would compare to a mouse pad. It is built well and the belt clips keep it secure on the draw. I cannot say enough good things about this holster. I actually ordered another for my G19 yesterday. I wish I had known of this holster months ago. I haven't been this excited about a product in a while but I have to give it 2 thumbs up. I ordered it on Amazon for around 45 dollars. And of course I have a good ol' Serpa OWB for carry around the house and woods.1 point
Cosmoline removal ?" Slowly I turned, step by step etc.,"The shortest , easiest way to remove preservative grease is a total immersion baptism in boiling water. The temperature of the H20 will not affect the hardness of the mildest steel and is generally best performed by placing the parts in a cheap metal collander and heating the water on one of those Korean butane one-eye stoves. Put the collander in one of those aluminum turkey cooking trays with high sides so the cosmo won't go to un-desirable places.Bajabuc & I have used this method many times with outstanding results.It even works on wood innards if you carefully pour the very hot water carefully through the stock into the aluminum turkey cooking tray. Best wishes, Bucnball1 point
1 point
I use a Fury Appendix series, but I wear it at 4 o'clock most often. I like that it's low profile, tuckable, and has adjustable ride height. Fury makes great stuff. www.furyholsters.com1 point
1 point
GL with your "expedition", maybe those hogs are like 'yotes, learn quick.1 point
I think you made a great choice getting the M39 and un-issued Yugo SKS. There is certainly nothing wrong with the VKT. Anything the Fins did, they did well. I can't speak for the quality of the Chinese SKS's. I'm not knocking them, I'm not familiar with them. The best deal on ammo for your M39 will be the old stuff. Always consider that ammo corrosive. Corrosive isn't a big deal. I handle that by using a mixture of Ammonia and water, running a damp swab down the barrel will neutralize the corrosive salts. That is all that I do. Damp swab, not soaking. You don't want to get the ammonia on parts outside of the barrel. I then run a damp plain water one. A lot of people deal with the corrosive ammo differently, I learned the way I do it from someone who makes a living with old guns. Next, you'll have to get the cosmoline off of the guns. The best way I have found is to go to the hardware store and get a length of three inch pipe, a cap, the glue to seal it and a gallon of mineral spirits. All the metal part can go in the mineral spirits bath for a few days and then they are easy to clean. **IMPORTANT** The SKS has a free floating firing pin. Most likely, the mineral spirits bath won't get the cosmoline out. You should hear a little clicking when you shake the firing pin assembly, which is the firing pin moving back and forth. If you can't hear this more action is needed or THE GUN WILL NOT BE SAFE TO SHOOT. I dealt with this by taking the firing pin assembly and putting it in a warm oven. (Not hot but warm) I then used mineral spirits and compressed air. It took two or three rounds, but that took care of it. You can also take the firing pin assembly apart for cleaning, though there is a pin that is hard to get out. Next, I hope you will avoid the mistake I made with my first two C&R's. I had people tell me to take the gun into a hot shower and use a scrub brush and lots of soap. I did this with the stocks and it removed the finish. I enjoy refinishing stocks, so I didn't mind, though I ruined part of the history of the gun. Also, my Yugo has a rough trigger. You can send the trigger group off and someone will improve it for about $60. Some people don't like to do anything at all to the trigger. Below are a few pics of my Yugo.1 point
Well dang. This world needs to make up its friggin mind! All this acceptance, validation, and be who you FEEL you are that's preached from the liberal soap box nowadays....am I allowed to be me or not?!1 point
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Why? So innocent people will die and ISIS can celebrate it as a failing of western society?1 point
1 point
I have a two rules when it comes to Harbor Freight. One, if I'm going to use it more than once, I won't buy it at Harbor Freight. I've got a friend who is always buying impact sockets there - and then wondering why they're always exploding when he uses them. I'm pretty sure they're just cheap sockets painted black. He could have bought a nice set a couple of times over on all of them he's bought over the years. Which brings me to my second rule - always wear eye protection when using that junk.1 point
Lousy video but good song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKtsdZs9LJo1 point
This is a "Don't knock it, till you tried it" video right here. Don't judge the title, just listen. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Me2njoQ3dAY1 point
I meant for a given range with .308win, the blackout will have the same amount of drop 275 yards closer. So max effective range is 1000 for .308, then it's 725 for blackout. I read an article of someone(TTAG?) using a 16" blackout carbine and consistently making hits on steel at 1000 yards with 123gr FMJ. It can be done. Blackout isn't worthless or immediately ineffective after 200yards. It's a great little round and not just a one trick pony. It's actually quite versatile.1 point
How many people in this state have been charged with that? The best thing that could happen would be constitutional carry. Other states have it I see no reason it couldn’t happen here.1 point
I've hemmed and hawed but I think I'm at Sig238/938 or a PPK. I will likely just buy what I get a deal on. I've shot a PPK and loved it. Same for the 938, it was great even with the flush fit mag. As for the earlier Tauras pt111 g2 remark, I have that already, it's awesome. My only complaint is the stippling is slightly too aggressive for all day iwb carry1 point
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