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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2016 in all areas
Last week, I had the chance to meet Mr. Potterfield. Had the chance to spend a little time talking to him, and we got to talking about the Type 14 Nambu, among other topics. Really nice guy, and an extremely sharp businessman. I realized that they were once Ely Arms, and I recalled ordering some 8mm Nambu brass from them some 30 years ago from an ad in Shotgun News. Back then they were very small, and he and his brother Jerry ran their business out of a small metal building. He thought it was kind of interesting that I had bought from them way back then. He asked for my business card before he headed out to the airport. Naturally, I didn't expect anything to come of that. However, today I got to my office, and there was a package for me from him - an autographed copy of a book of hunting trips, short stories, and general gun-related stuff that he wrote. What a thoughtful gesture! I have to say I was more than a little impressed.13 points
Sally Mullihan of Coral Springs, FL decided to take one of the jobs that most Americans are not willing to do. Sally applied for a job at a Florida lemon grove and seemed to be far too qualified for the job. She had a liberal arts degree from the University of Michigan and had worked as a social worker and as a school teacher. The foreman frowned and said, "I have to ask you, have you had any actual experience in picking lemons?" "Well, as a matter of fact, I have," she said: "I've been divorced 3 times, owned 2 Chrysler's and I voted twice for Obama."7 points
Please reserve your "Don't Tread On Me" specialty Tennessee license plate. When done, please share this post or picture with everyone and anyone. We need 1000 license plates reserved before the State of Tennessee will move forward with production. Time is running out. Please, please share. http://www.friendsofsycamoreshoals.org/gadsden_plate.html5 points
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1958 - 13th Demi-Brigade French Foreign Legion July 1958: – rescue of Bambi – a lonely starving small donkey was rescued by Harka of 13e DBLE – a photo of a 13e DBLE member carrying the small donkey on his back became world-wide known – Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals based in London sent a lettre to the Legion – it thanked the Legion for that “demonstration of humanity” – the small donkey was given a name, Bambi, and became the mascot of 13e DBLE4 points
Ahhh this makes me smile. For capacity you will not beat a Glock 20. Gen 4 or 20SF all the way, 15+1 of cold hard death is a great feeling. I like the 29 too, Id get the 29SF if I get another, can throw +1 pinky extensions on it for 11+1 in a more concealable package I shot a RIA M1911A1 in 10mm, it is pretty good for the cost. Only 8 (or 9)+1 but slimmer, slightly heavy. I found a Sig P220 Elite Match in 10mm for a sweet heart deal, the two tone and that trigger....bro...but for 1400 MSRP...ehhhh youll be better off going with a RIA. Comm's choice? Glock 20 Gen 4/20SF Do NOT get a Delta Elite or 1006 - I have seen two of them explode so far and plus...RIA makes a superior design for a third of a Delta Elite and the 1006....lol, if you own a SW 10mm thats just a paradox, plus SW is for fairys Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk3 points
WOW. I know we are not dealing with the brightest bulbs here but who thinks you are going to get away with that? Everyone should know that they will have cameras everywhere.3 points
As most know, some things at Harbor Freight can be hit-and-miss. However, one purchase I do not even slightly regret is my tool chest. For the money (and even more), I don't think you can find a better tool chest. I'm sure it's not $2855658585 Snap-on good, but I've been beyond happy with this purchase. I got mine for $299 during one of their super duper specials.3 points
Nah, you don't have to be religious at all to battle evil, ya know. Plenty of us atheists and agnostics will be willing to help out. - OS3 points
My very first EDC once I got my HCP was the 29. I've never carried anything else. But man oh man I love my 20. I have a Gen 4 and Monkey has a Gen 3. The feel in the hand is amazing, low recoil and like I said, it just feels good. Honestly, just get both! ;-)2 points
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Screw that! Take away the penalty and cover the rest with a danged simple trespassing charge.2 points
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Not sure if anyone is reading this anymore, but I've got another update. I installed a set of Magpul Offset MBUS Pro's recently. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
I have a two rules when it comes to Harbor Freight. One, if I'm going to use it more than once, I won't buy it at Harbor Freight. I've got a friend who is always buying impact sockets there - and then wondering why they're always exploding when he uses them. I'm pretty sure they're just cheap sockets painted black. He could have bought a nice set a couple of times over on all of them he's bought over the years. Which brings me to my second rule - always wear eye protection when using that junk.2 points
I successfully walked in Harbor Freight and spent money. I failed to come home with anything worth a :poop:2 points
I fully agree. I am not a father, but there is nothing in this world more heinous than someone who would harm a child. I would happily give or risk life or limb to save a child I don't even know or to bring either hell on earth or eternal hell to anyone who would harm a child. I also fear for the day this exact type of behavior shows up on our soil. I have heard it said that ISIS plans to attack our schools. I can only pray that God intervenes somehow. I am not a soldier or member of law enforcement either. Doesn't matter. Someone once said( can't remember who, but it is quoted often) "All that is necessary for evil to succeed, is for good men to do nothing" As good men, when evil comes our way we must take a stand. I know many of this forum will do just that. We must remain vigilant. I fear the time is coming very soon.2 points
He also walked back and forth to town, by himself all the time. The feds, cops, ATF, sheriff and the locals all knew this. They could have picked him up ANYTIME they wanted too. He was not hiding. They wanted to make an example of him and his compound. Period. It really is that simple.2 points
Good God. I miss America. Where the hell did it go? I remember watching (on TV) the "compound" burn like it was yesterday. I don't recall anything "heroic" about it.2 points
If they pretend they did nothing wrong, the next generation will have no reason to think they did. God knows no one pays attention to history anymore.2 points
Wingshooter, Here are some pictures of my sights, I hope they give you some idea of just how cool and visible they are on the little Glock2 points
Guys the 15th is the deadline, for any of you considering this knife I assure you that you will love it and for those of you who have not paid yet, please do as soon as possible1 point
Each order that I have had from classic has been spot on. I ordered my Yougo Sks from them back in the summer, they were great. Shipped straight to the house.1 point
The TFX & TFO sights are both fiber optic for day and tritium for low light. It is a shame that the engineering time wasn't put into these to get the dots and the top of both sights in line...1 point
There's a very reliable shop in Columbia, if you don't find one closer. I've dealt with the owner a lot, and know him personally.1 point
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This is the second one I have ever seen. It is an extremely rare gun or at least they are rarely sold.1 point
Not sure if this one is part of their pro line, but it's built very well, in my opinion. I'm not sure if a serious mechanic would want to use it all day, every day (maybe they would), but you won't have to take out a second mortgage on your home to buy one, either.1 point
The pro line of HF boxes actually have a great reputation. I've worked with several guys that use them daily in a professional shop. It's one of the few things at HF that's actually a pretty good deal. A guy on Garage Journal did an extremely in depth tool box comparison between the big box stores and HF, and the HF box came out on top by a long way.1 point
I was all set to order a set of TFX Pros, but I got this image from their customer service department when I asked about sight picture. Now, I'm not quite so sure. My old eyes would get all sorts of confused. I see the top of the sights much better than trying to align the tiny dots. I might be able to do it okay at night.1 point
Not sure where the truth lies, but I guess a little on both sides....but I have noticed one thing, the authorities often seem to want to make a 'statement' with the way they conduct some of these arrests or raids. Publicity seems to be uppoermost in their minds a lot of the time. I have often read that that Koresh could have been easily taken in town or on the road he ran on every day...Ive wondered if there was any other reason than publicity that so many of these high profile arrests are made so...publicly. Locally, ive noticed that periodically, agencies will conduct raids against sex criminals that have not complied with some of the rules that were imposed when they release them. Now, dont mistake my comments as any kind of support for child abusers or anything....but tell me one good reason to have heavily armed and armored SWAT style assault teams conduct these raids or roundups of these violators. Im not talking about when there is evidence or allegations of a resumption of past behavior, but situations that are often a result of poor judgement like failing to re register an address after a recent move or something like that? The news media is notified in advance and often invited to come along and tape the events. Publicity. Again, Im not defending AT ALL the abad guys here, just questioning the tactics sometimes used by the good guys, or maybe more aptly put, the political hacks leading the good guys.1 point
Nice... I think this could be fun. Most of my nick names aren't safe for print on a public forum. Bob1 point
Have you ever in your life kept a gun long enough to break it in or even try to like it? lol1 point
You have to know what to buy cheap and what not to. You can save money on some items.1 point
They are cheap enough that we all could buy a bag! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
We've got one in 44 mag... They are a great little lever gun... They are great shooters... They did, in fact, make em in 357 mag... Ive seen very few of them for sale over the years... Enjoy... leroy1 point
Well Don Knots has been resting in peace about 10 years and not his friend George Kennedy has joined him. May they both rest in Peace.............................. :cry: They are and will be surely missed.1 point
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Don Knotts was great. The shakiest gun in the west, the incredible mister Limpet, the ghost and mister chicken. Of course threes company too. Damnit, I'm getting drunk and youtubing movies that were old when I was new tonight.1 point
82 men, women and children murdered over the suspicion of an unpaid $200 tax stamp for something that shouldn't be against the law in the first place. The Nuremberg defense doesn't hold water. The only honorable thing those four officers ever did in the employ of that organization was done that day when they got themselves killed. I imagine I am already skating on very thin ice at the moment with my comments so I think it is best if I stop now.1 point
If I were going to spend $200 on a tax stamp I would do something else but who am I to keep you from burning the hair off of all those around you at the range. If you do decide to do it let me know, I have s muzzle brake you can have so you can clear the range. Just take a video of the first Saturday range session when the range is full. I have been close to 16" Mosins so I can imagine such a short barrel is painful for all those around.1 point
Let 'er rip tater chip! What was in the case? Where was it? How'd it get stolen? Spill!!!1 point
The internetz is a mean, mean place. My experience certainly isn't universal, but I've beat the snot out of several sets of TFOs for years and never had an issue. I wouldn't hesitate to put them on another weapon.1 point
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