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The wife and I voted yesterday. Cruz supporters here as well. But I will say it until I am blue in the face. In the primary you vote with your heart. In the general you vote with your head. The "my guy didn't get picked so I'm going to take my ball and go home" mindset will deliver the whitehouse to Hillary or Sanders and then its just a few short years until gun rights are practically a thing of the past once they get their SCOTUS nominations in place.5 points
4 points
We would start talking about our candidate but after an hour, it would become a discussion of guns then a swap meet. :cool:4 points
4 points
Anyone ever consider that maybe Trump is in the race to split the votes between him and the republican nominee. He has said he will run as an independent, which hurts us more than Hillary, if he does not get the nomination. That alone tells me he is not loyal to anyone and will only go the direction that best suites him. Also, I find it really hard to believe a native born New Yorker can have an ounce of conservative in him. Look at those he socializes with to see where his true colors are. People socialize with like minded people. I can tell you I am voting for Cruz and I will not vote for Trump. How many candidates have you seen shooting? Shooting machine guns? Cooking bacon on the barrels of "assault weapons? That's right, none. He is a Constitutional lawyer that has fought for gun rights. He was heavily involved in the Heller case. He is still fighting for us so for that reason alone I will vote for him. He also wants to abolish the IRS and our current tax system. He wants to fix the immigration system without giving them amnesty. There are a lot more reasons to like Cruz than things that are wrong. I was critical of him the last time I spoke of him. Now I see and now I want Cruz to be president. He has a long history of supporting the Constitution. If nothing else just read an unbiased history of what all he has done in his life. If there is one candidate that is for the people it is Cruz.3 points
Everybody talking about Richonne and I'm thinking " hey Daryl picked up a Speed Six somewhere, nice score"3 points
I have owned an M&P40 and sold it. Bought the Glock 23 as a replacement then picked up a G26 later as I was used to shooting 9mm out of the M&P40. I've been looking for a full size 9mm in other brands just because I there are other nice choices. Pick up a FN FNS9 with the 4" barrel. It's almost the exact size as a G19 and smaller than the G17 that was in the running when I was looking around. Came with 3-17 round magazines, papers, lock. The box is nice also, for a box I suppose. Interesting build date on this one. Almost new old stock at 3/11/14 test fire. Feels like the M&P trigger. Range time is TBD. Empty weight is good too, haven't loaded a full mag yet as tinkering time is limited. Holster hunting to come later. Might have to have one made as there are not too many out there that catch my eye.2 points
http://parallax-tactical.theshoppad.com/#/product/pxt-gen2-m-16-tin-titanium-nitrite-complete-bcg You can get a TiN coated BCG for $199 You'd be much better off just buying one and just keeping the original as a spare.2 points
And one more thing, this is the most important election in our children's lifetimes. The justices appointed during this presidency will make up the majority. Do we want to take a chance on Trump nominating someone who is against the Second Amendment or the Constitution. The SCOTUS is unbalanced now and with a nominee from Hillary or Trump it could mean the end of our gun rights. And for a glimpse of how that is look at England and Australia. In England you can go to prison for shooting someone who is trying to kill you and Australia is similar. We cannot afford to loose a single seat on the Court, at least not if we want to be able to defend ourselves. We live in very dangerous times, all you have to do is look at what is happening across the globe to see this country is the last bastion of freedom and that will be a thing of the past if Hillary gets elected. Please lets not take a chance on Trump and vote for the only nominee who believes in the power of the Constitution.2 points
:stare: Just makes no sense to me. Most will acknowledge that these signs mean nothing to those that are willing to break the law, why target the law abiding? I thought laws were there to prevent crime, not make criminals.2 points
Why would Jesus say they probably don't even have any ammo? You can clearly see the JHPs in the chambers on those revolvers pointed at his face.2 points
10 pt buck with a 43 Remington03A3 at 75-100 yards. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Well, if that wasn't the end of the story, those two deputies need to be strung up.2 points
You are probably making a good choice. As an alternative to your Troy sights, you can always look a canted sights like the XS Threat Interdiction series.1 point
That is exactly how Trump is seemingly going to get the nomination. He doesn't have the majority vote, only the plurality. As long as Cruz and Rubio are both in and splitting the actual majority, Trump wins the primaries. - OS1 point
1 point
Well, back on January 2nd, I... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/93558-why-dont-all-sight-manufacturers-understand-this/?hl=%2Bhonor+%2Bguard1 point
LOL! This is sage wisdom. Lucky for me, I do have a rescue that I am working with. The thing is, she's a woman in her 50's who's winding down in the world of rescue, so she doesn't foster anymore. She has funds, but a lot of it comes from her and her husband. This all started with that dang Coon Hound Daisy! It was rewarding. The ones we have now, totally not planned to have that many at once. But see, this area is NOTHING like Nashville when it comes to pets. Here, they're disposable or currency. I've driven by a lot of dogs because I know I can't help them all. But these 5, they were just babes. Young, starving in some cases and treated badly. So I stepped up. I took on more than what I should have and more than what the rescue could help with and so it comes down to me. Ultimately, there have been amazing people to help us. I am beyond shocked, proud and inspired. But these 5 are my focus right now. I actually just did vaccines. With a needle. That's something I NEVER thought I'd be able to do. When this is said and done and these 5 have a home, I will continue to do this. But it will be 1 or 2 at a time. Not 5. Trust me, I totally 1,000% realize how crazy I look. ;)1 point
I had a membership there 5 or so years ago. The place is close by, and I had a Groupon. I sure hated shooting there when it was busy, though. The pock-marks in the walls behind the firing line were never reassuring.1 point
It is funny. I kept staring at $536 and saying ok, how will this work. I figured I'd tackle it dog by dog and hope that donations kept coming as each dog was being adopted. But for some reason there hasn't been much interest in Ressler or the two little pups who will be ready soon. So the rescue I am working with has them listed. But I kept seeing $536 and wondering. I'm good of food and potty pads but vetting was the worry so I thought hmm, we'll come out of our pockets or I will sell a gun. Suddenly I had two donations come in at the exact same time and a text offering boosters for free this week. Suddenly cleaning the pens and unfolding puppy pads was fun. We're not to the goal yet and picking up the stray yesterday doesn't help, but I couldn't leave her there. I'm learning one way or another it will always work out.1 point
It's funny how things work out isn't it! I'm glad that you will have what you need to take care of the little guys. Our dog just made a 1000mi trip with us. Even just riding in the truck he's fun to have around and gives us such great happiness. We hope that others can find what we have. Through your work I think the will.1 point
It came from a poem written by Jeff Coopers granddaughter. "Grandpa's Lesson." Pappy took to drinkin' back when I was barely three. Ma got pretty quiet. She was frettin', you could see. So I was sent to Grandpa and he raised me up real good. He taught me what I oughta and he taught me what I should. I learned a heap 'o lessons from the yarns he liked to tell. There's one I won't forget because I learned it 'speshly well. There jist ain't many folk who live a peaceful, carefree life. Along with all the good times there'll be lotsa grief and strife. But there ain't many troubles that a man caint fix With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six." Grandpa courted Grandma near the town of old Cheyenne. Her daddy was cantankerous - a very greedy man. He wouldn't give permission for a fancy wedding day 'Til grandpa paid a dowry - biggest ever people say. Her daddy softened up when Grandpa said that he could fix Him up with seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six. Grandpa herded cattle down around Jalisco way. Ended up behind some iron bars one dusty day. Seems the local jefe craved my Grandpa's pinto mare. Grandpa wouldn't sell her so he lit on out of there. Didn't take much doin' 'cept a couple special tricks Plus seven hundred dollars and his thirty ought six. Then there was that Faro game near San Francisco Bay. Grandpa's cards was smokin' hot and he took all one day. He woke up nearly naked in a ditch next early morn'. With nothin' but his flannel shirt, and it was ripped and torn. Those others were professionals and they don't play for kicks. He lost seven hundred dollars and his thirty ought six. He begged some woolen trousers off the local storekeep there Who loaned him both a pony and a rifle on a dare. He caught those thievin' cardsharks at another Faro game. He got back all his property and also his good name. He left one bleedin' badly and another mostly lame. My Grandpa's trusty rifle shoots just where you choose to aim. Grandpa's slowin' down a bit and just the other night He handed me his rifle and a box sealed up real tight. He fixed me with them pale grey eyes and this is what he said, "You're awful young but steady too and I will soon be dead. I'll bet this here old rifle and this honest money too Will come in mighty handy just as readily for you. There jist ain't many folk who lead a carefree peaceful life. Along with times of happiness, there's always woe and strife. But.....ain't many troubles that a man caint fix with seven hundred dollars and his thirty ought six." Lindy Cooper Wisdom1 point
BTT and another small donation. Thanks for what you are doing for our furry friends!1 point
Something you may not realize is that having a scope actually built by Leupold might be better as well as cheaper. There was a thread on another forum a few years back where a guy was about to buy their shotgun scope then have the reticle swapped to an actual BDC reticle that matched his accurate load. It was nearly identical to another ready made scope Leupold had but the custom one was a few hundred cheaper. Most BDC reticles do not match most loads. You might get really, really lucky and have your accurate load be the one used to calibrate the stadia lines but in most cases they do not match at all. When you are dialing a lot you want a better quality scope. The cheaper ones use cheaper materials and the clicks become mushy over time. If it is going to be zeroed and stay that way for long periods the cheaper ones will work fine. Also, the cheaper ones might settle into their zero by shifting a little as it is getting shot.1 point
Or cars or baseball bats or... How far can the list go? Although I do feel for them, I doubt the plaintiffs' loss and pain, is a consideration at all. They are just being used to advance someone else's agenda... and to give a bunch of lawyers a huge payday if they can pull this off.1 point
Following the law to its logical limit would mean that no manufacturer could make weapons for any civilians.1 point
Through hook or crook, the antis will never stop! If there was a shred of reality, those that made the school gun free should be the ones sued. Ct is a cesspool of liberalism, absolutely no logic or ability to see reality with those folks.1 point
The Leupold is in a different class (and 2.5x the price) of the others. No contest there. However, move up to a Diamondback from Vortex and now you have a competition.1 point
Look in the owners manual, depending on the year I think there may be a way to undo that feature. We had one that did that and you could change the behavior such as lights blinking or beeping when the locks were activated, whether it would auto lock/unlock etc.1 point
Hatest thou not the Player. Hatest thou, instead, the Game. -The Book of Grimes, Chapter 7 Verse 8 Seriously, though, they DID say on The Talking Dead that it has been something like two or three months since last week's episode.1 point
You are right, Leupold's CS is fantastic. Do what works for you. I just shared what works for me. If I pick up an AR I am worried about <150yrds. I want something I can clear the house or take care of a nuisance coyote. I really like to co-witness the sights if I put an optic on a defense gun. Just my preference. I don't have a good magnifier, just a cheap one that I bought on Amazon. I keep it in my grab bag, but don't keep it mounted. I think I paid $60 for it, and about $400 for the EOTech. But you are correct, a good magnifier pushes you towards the $1k price range. That is the beauty of the AR platform. If I want a longer range setup, I can just build a different upper and mount whatever optic I want on it.1 point
If a coyote comes on my property and I get a bead on it, it's getting shot... day, night, spotlight, moonlight, lunar eclipse...1 point
Man, that sucks. Hopefully he pulls through. Dude looks like a turd by the way. I keep my doors locked on my truck but in the off chance it is unlocked and you decide to open it you are getting 1-18 rounds on 9mm to try and convince you to leave me alone.1 point
1 point
The issue with night hunting as I see it is too many idiots who will have no idea what is behind where they are shooting. With Coons and Possom, they are using shotguns so less of a chance of issues with what's behind it. The reg to a baiting site is 250 yards. Personally I feel if you have to bait, you aren't hunting. I have similar views about trapping (realizing it is legal) in snares. I think that is pretty shitty, but I know many do it.1 point
Someone opening my car door is in for a world of hurt. Very sad what is happening all around us anymore.1 point
So it sounds like the prevailing opinion is the common sense one--that you shouldn't be charged as violating the sign law if you were unconscious. However, the actual law does not have that wording, and technically you could still be charged, and that is just one of the many problems with signs carrying the weight of law. It would fall under enforcement discretion, which is OK for most people, but could be used to harass a person when nothing else is available. Hopefully any unconscious gun toter who enters a hospital won't encounter a bad apple LEO. Using the trespassing statute is better because it would require some type of personal notification, which would necessitate consciousness in order to comply or not.1 point
I'll jump in here and ramble because I have been there done that. My wife and I began doing the "Dave Ramsey" plan before there was a Dave Ramsey Plan. Kudos to Ramsey though for what he says makes sense and he learned it the hard way. One big thing, and I mean "BIG" thing is you and your spouse together must be committed to the end goal and have self-discipline. Financial discipline is not for the faint of heart. You must be willing to tell yourself no when you see, want and think you must have the new shiny. When we financed our last house we asked for a printout of the amortization chart. Each month we used highliters and paid each standard payment and then added up the next 4 to five months principle only amounts and added that. This essentially shaved off 4 to 5 months of the mortgage each month. It gets harder as the principle amounts grow and near the end we could only swing one extra month of principle. We also applied lump sums as available such as tax returns. We had a 15 yr. note we paid off in 3.5 years, and no we were not making a lot of money. Lower middle class at the time. Drove used cars we paid for in full at purchase and I did all my own home and auto repairs. We were completely debt free for about 10 years with 800 plus fico scores. We sold out and elected to bank a chunk and bought our current home with half down. We had two kids at the time which we did not have going into the other house. It took us 5 years to pay off a 15 year note in the same fashion a few years back. We maintain an emergency fund, have two kids in college (that hurts) are debt free and have been for a good while. 23 % of my gross goes to 401k stable value until the market corrects from the unsupported highs it is currently riding. When / if the market corrects and gets realistic I will dump into funds for growth. Still have 800 plus fico scores and still drive used vehicles and do my own repairs. Dad always said, "Son, you can make a lot of repairs for the cost of one car payment". In the beginning I had a work supervisor tell me I was "not smart" for paying extra on my first house. He felt it was smarter to use the mortgage interest as a tax deduction. He filed for bankruptcy the very next year. I've never had enough deductions to justify itemizing.1 point
Indoor ranges are horrible. I will not return to one if I can avoid it.1 point
I was about to join a local indoor range a few years back. While the paperwork was being done for my wife and I, I walked over and looked out on the range where a couple of people were shooting. They had the place setup so that the brass would almost always go forward onto the range which was inaccessible. The guy said we were ready to sign the application and as I walked back to the counter I asked about the brass being thrown outwards so it couldn't be retrieved. He said "yeah, we keep all of the brass. We have a couple of places that buy it from us. I tore the application in two and said that was a deal breaker for me and we left. I haven't been back to that place for anything.1 point
This thread is about The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead is a comic book as well as a television show. In fact, without the comic the show wouldn't exist. So, to me, discussing the comic as it relates to the show is valid. I do try and alert people when I am going to mention a possible spoiler but don't always remember to do so. I will not, however, promise to refrain from discussing it.1 point
Generally your slower powders do not tolerate reduction. h110/296 gets squirrely when under charged. Some powders will get you a SEE condition. Secondary Explosive Effect. When that happens, you get some real nice kabooms usually with some nice shrapnel from what was left of your gun. I'm not familiar enough with #9 to give you an honest recommendation. Sorry. At the end of the day though, 75 rounds ain't near as valuable as your gun or your hands and face, so........1 point
I my opinion you will find many more good functional examples of the hi power than the star. General quality was better.1 point
I know that pain... TS? Sf86 and a BC Read on? BC and poly Handle TS keys? BC and poly Armorer? BC NDA? Hell give you a CI poly while were at it HCP? Eff you get a BC Buying a gun? Eff you we will delay your BC because of all the crap on you The only people who have touched my records and HAVENT BCed me are the effin Chinese when they hacked the OPM! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
I like the excitement of election day myself and wearing my little "I Voted Today" sticker proudly until I change clothes as few weeks later. You know, it sure would be interesting to know the early election numbers for each candidate.Why do you suppose under law it's kept secret until the final tally? Would it not be more beneficial for all involved to know the standings? Poll's can be notoriously inaccurate and misleading as you all know.1 point
I hit it first day for Marco. Regardless of his faults, I still think it's either him or another Dem in the White House, no other options at this point. - OS1 point
Ironically, all the Oak Ridge forums are squealing because a yote grabbed a snack-dog today.1 point
Maybe you weren't picking it up right....or worse. Next time ask him if he likes what he sees.1 point
I'm not sure. That is the 3rd time I have actually ever fished Tim's. I put in at the bridge on Awalt road and fished around that area. I caught a bunch of whites too.1 point
I've been in the market for my first one for the past couple months. Finally won an auction on Gunbroker yesterday for a G2 Contenden super 14 in 7-30 waters. Excited about getting it and looking for all the info I can get on the cartridge. Oh and it also has a Ultra red dot sight on it. Don't think the ammo is going to be on the shelf at many of the big box sporting good stores though so I ordered some dies.1 point
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