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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2016 in all areas

  1. We paid off a 30 year loan in 10 years and NEVER looked back. Our place has been paid off for 10 years now and aint nothing like walking in "your" grass.
    9 points
  2. Debt free living is the only life to live. Cash is king Debt blows goats
    6 points
  3. I paid mine off. Broke people and lenders will tell you to keep debt. I have no debt, and I'm not broke. I don't care what the housing market or the stock market does. Money is no longer a concern for me. It's a good feeling.
    6 points
  4. Glenn Officially the luckiest sum beech ever born. Henceforth, Ricks son will now be known as C'arrr'l.
    5 points
  5. He's from Kentucky. They won't let you leave without that knowledge.
    5 points
  6. Does he love his wife? If she's the one driving it on the regular, tell him to replace it for her sake. If there's something wrong with my car, I fix it as soon as I can afford to. If there's something wrong with my wife's car, it gets replaced ASAP. Keeping the Mrs safe is priority #1. Always Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    4 points
  7. ...and don't borrow any more! Save up and pay cash.
    4 points
  8. I also was advised to not pay off the mortgage early, but to enjoy that low interest loan and put any extra money into the market for long-term gains.  This is a good time to invest in the market - stocks are "on sale".
    4 points
  9. I used to tell customers that circuit breakers are not put in their house to irritate them - they're put there to keep their house from burning down.
    4 points
  10.   Oh I know. I think I'll take the advice listed here and pay off the vehicles first. I mentioned this to my wife and naturally she claimed that she actually came up with this idea a while back but I didn't listen to her....Knowing how bad I am at listening she's probably telling the truth.. :whistle: 
    3 points
  11. Fluke.  Pay once, cry once.  Mine is about 20 years old now and still running strong.  I used it for a decade in some of the nastiest industrial environments.
    3 points
  12. Somebody call da amberlamps.
    3 points
  13. Solid advice all around. You guys have me rethinking our strategy. If we pay off both vehicles that's an additional $700 month we could put toward the mortgage. My wife car will be paid off in 10 months anyways.   I appreciate the responses.
    3 points
  14. I know how and have set up numerous gear sets over the years.  The right tools are imperative.  If you don't have access to knowledge and tools, let someone else do it or just swap the whole front axle assembly with a known-good unit from a salvage yard.   Even with my experience and tools, I fret a lot when I set up gears.  It's not a fun activity and differential fluid smells like a sack of rotten possum buttholes.  :)
    3 points
  15. Debt free living is a great thing. Have a reserve for emergencies. Payoff highest interest loans first. Then pay the house off as fast as you can. Once you are debt free your life will change completely.
    3 points
  16. So if it were me. I'd take the extra money and pay off the vehicles sooner. You'll save money on interest there too, and they depreciate faster. Then once they're paid off take the money you were paying in payments and put all of that extra on the house. This way the budget stays balanced.
    3 points
  17. How is your boss doing financially?  My first rule of taking financial advice is I don't take it from people who have less money than I do.  I agree that walking away from a house is a horrible idea.  You and your wife are out there killing it socking back an entire income, congratulations!  If I were you guys I would be paying that house off as quickly as possible.  Like, have a years worth of expenses in the bank and use every bit of the rest of your money to pay off the house.  Then you can invest that money in whatever you like and have a ton of financial freedom at a fairly young age.    Which situation would you rather be in in 10 years... A)  Have 20 years remaining on a mortgage but you have some investments that may or may not pan out?      or B)  Own your home free and clear with an extra income that you can do whatever you want with? 
    3 points
  18. Of all the things to do yourself in your home, electrical wiring is not one of them. It can cause fires usually from loose connections from improper installation, or undersized wiring being overloaded either of which can cause a great amount of heat and fire. Hire an electrician. While several outlets wired to one breaker is not uncommon, They are meant for general lighting per NEC, not power equipment. A 1500 watt heater maxes out a 15 amp breaker (Watts/Volts = Amps  1500/120 = 12.5 amps). That's why you have dedicated circuits for Microwaves, the kitchen outlets (toasters, coffee makers, etc...) and also in the bathroom. A garage where power tools are to be used has to be planned out when being wired to accommodate larger capacity circuits. Most homes are wired as cheap as possible by builders aka 15 amp breakers and 14 gauge wire. The breakers are there to protect the wiring. Simply installing a larger breaker will put your home at risk. Saving a couple of hundred dollars is not worth it.
    3 points
  19. Probably not safe to just change the breaker.  A 15A circuit is usually wired with 14g wire.  You want 12g wire for a 20A circuit and 10g for a 30A circuit.     A better strategy may be to wire dedicated outlets for high draw tools.  
    3 points
  20. It depends on what gauge the wire is that the circuit is run with. A 14 gauge wire can only handle a 15 amp breaker. 12 gauge is good for 20amps and a 30 amp breaker would need 10gauge wire. Otherwise you would be overloading the wire and risk it overheating and possibly catching on fire. Keep in mind most homes are built with the average homeowner in mind, which is to say, most people use their garage to store vehicles in not work. At least nowadays. Obviously you are overloading the circuit. Every time you trip the breaker it makes it weaker. Best answer is to add a nother circuit and split off half of your plugs on the new circuit.
    3 points
  21. I see them like that all the time. I've seen them run a long time with no issues. I've seen them blow out at the most inopportune of times. Is it gonna be okay to drive on? Flip a coin. It either will or it won't. The BETTER question, what's the cost of a tire? If you like 50/50 odds then bet your life on it...bet other people's lives on it. Tires aren't important...until they are. Tires seem expensive...until they're really not by comparison.
    3 points
  22. So A fellow TGOer and I have sort of been putting together separate collections of military surplus rifles. Collectively, we account for many of the more common designs. Thought I'd show a few pictures of my two favorites in my collection. I may put up some pictures of my M1 Carbine later. I am currently bidding on an FN49 on gunbroker, which had the potential of being competition to the Garand, had Germany not invaded Belgium and delayed the rifle development. Feel free to post pictures of your WW2 era semi auto rifle. Anyone have a G43 here!? I know someone has a 41 Johnson Automatic! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. Sam Henderson has invite all us TGO 1911 shooters to his match. 3rd Annual Uncle Sam's Single Stack Championship will be held June 25th at Brocks Gap Training Center. Brush the dust off that 1911 that you're "thinking about shooting one day", and join us. Fun frivolity, and BBQ. What more can you ask for? It's a great match down the road in Birmingham. They usually give away a couple guns. Lunch is BBQ from SAMs restaurant. Always good. It's always a sell out. I'll post more info when I get it.
    2 points
  24. http://clarksvillenow.com/local/cpd-detective-catches-man-impersonating-an-officer-in-golden-corral-edit/ Reppin' the hometown this fine individual thought he was going to get a free drink by flashing his badge. As karma would have it one our resident CPD detectives was there and overheard him, and bagged him for impersonating an officer. I know we usually rag on guys/gals with their HCP "badges" but this was STUPID...granted he IS from Kentucky lol. The news article was written as if the badge was a common item...play stupid games win stupid prizes Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  25. Seems odd to have standard handguard with lo-pro gas block. That being said, the UTG Pro Slim is hard to best for the price.
    2 points
  26. You could do the same thing by paying extra every month.  If you spread a payment or more across your 12 regular payments, you shave off quite a bit of interest because all extra goes to principal.
    2 points
  27. If the moderators are good with it. I think it's a good idea. I check daily.
    2 points
  28. Same here. We paid our mortgage off in 9 years and are at zero debt. Great feeling.
    2 points
  29.    On a side note I feel like this is what the S&W PC is doing to my 625 right now...
    2 points
  30. Nothing is too big to fail.Being debt free is low stress living.Remember you have to live somewhere,so is it better to live in your own home,, or pay someone else to live there,[bank, mortage co.,rent]. Once you are debt free you will want to stay that way.
    2 points
  31. Been in that position when a company I worked for lost their HP contract.  leadership hid the facts, came out one day and said we have two weeks before shutting down, of course this was right before the holidays.  After they notified us in the group meeting, I walked over & clocked out.  People said I was crazy for throwing away the severance package, but I wanted a head start searching for a new job before the other more experienced and qualified people got their names out in the local area.  Plan worked.   Wish them all the best of luck, the smart ones should already have quit and are spending 18 hours a day looking for a new job.
    2 points
  32.   Tell me I'm wrong!  They use some of the nastiest petroleum and additives possible for that.  Couple it with being churned around in a relatively airtight space for tens of thousands of miles and usually having clutch-pack friction material stirred up in it for a that entire time... MMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM that's some good smelling stuff.   Most friends who have had me help them set up gears on Jeeps or Mustangs have literally gagged a bit the first time they've cracked open the pumpkin on a differential and inhaled all of that possumy-butthole goodness.   Makes your eyes water sometimes!  :D
    2 points
  33. Agreed, when I moved to TN the plus on lower taxes, was a big deal. Even better is the people and the general attitude is so much more agreeable, and I came from VERY rural NY...
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. I have a couple of WW1 and WW2
    2 points
  36. Sell the truck.  Start over.  You deserve it. And a new gun rack.
    2 points
  37. Setting up a gear set properly takes knowledge and experience. A lot of guys just take it out and reuse the old shims with the new one, but to actually do it right is a bit trickier. Take it to a pro.
    2 points
  38. Mechanic. Some things are just worth paying for.
    2 points
  39. Stop fooling yourself. Mexican labor is simply cheaper.
    2 points
  40. Martins, any location You won't be disappointed. Plus you'll smell smokey when you leave
    2 points
  41. Holy lightbox.  I want to come play!
    1 point
  42. :eek:     Get Ready for the Return of Season 6 ........Tonight  2-14-2016   :drool:
    1 point
  43. It will - I think it burns similiarly to unique - at least from the powder charge weights. The Speer #12 or #13 has load data for 230gr IIRC. Starting loads were low around 5.6 with a MAX near 7.1gr I believe I have my stuff in storage now so I couldnt give you a picture of the book Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. Mr. Brian, very nice Swede you got there. I'd forgot about the Swede's having a semi.
    1 point
  45.     He's actually doing very well financially. I like your advice though. Thanks for the input.
    1 point
  46. If  you have more room in your panel to add a couple more 15 amp breakers you could seperate the receptacles. Or you could run a new 12/3 off a dedicated 20 amp. 
    1 point
  47. I have never set a gear, but I have watched it be done.   I am not faint of heart, but it is something I would pay to have done. There is a little too much taking apart and reassembling to get the gear set right for my patience level.
    1 point
  48. I didn't care for Edley's very much at all
    1 point
  49. If you are under 40, enjoy and modify and do what you want, its only money and have fun.  If you are over 40, keep it OEM, use the money for other purposes.  OEM to me is the only way to go.  I modified too many things when I was young, its no longer a draw card to me.  The art of getting old. 
    1 point
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