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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2016 in all areas
So A fellow TGOer and I have sort of been putting together separate collections of military surplus rifles. Collectively, we account for many of the more common designs. Thought I'd show a few pictures of my two favorites in my collection. I may put up some pictures of my M1 Carbine later. I am currently bidding on an FN49 on gunbroker, which had the potential of being competition to the Garand, had Germany not invaded Belgium and delayed the rifle development. Feel free to post pictures of your WW2 era semi auto rifle. Anyone have a G43 here!? I know someone has a 41 Johnson Automatic! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk7 points
5 points
Glad someone stepped up. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/‘i-would-do-it-all-over-again’-says-hero-fired-for-using-concealed-handgun-to-save-woman’s-life/ar-BBpp9l8?ocid=spartanntp4 points
4 points
I see them like that all the time. I've seen them run a long time with no issues. I've seen them blow out at the most inopportune of times. Is it gonna be okay to drive on? Flip a coin. It either will or it won't. The BETTER question, what's the cost of a tire? If you like 50/50 odds then bet your life on it...bet other people's lives on it. Tires aren't important...until they are. Tires seem expensive...until they're really not by comparison.4 points
I think that is the way I am leaning. I will just use the money I would have spent on the truck and buy more bourbon and guns. :up:4 points
It appears to me that the statement "it went off while I was cleaning it" is usually a lie to cover the fact that someone pulled the trigger while playing with the gun. Just my opinion.4 points
http://clarksvillenow.com/local/cpd-detective-catches-man-impersonating-an-officer-in-golden-corral-edit/ Reppin' the hometown this fine individual thought he was going to get a free drink by flashing his badge. As karma would have it one our resident CPD detectives was there and overheard him, and bagged him for impersonating an officer. I know we usually rag on guys/gals with their HCP "badges" but this was STUPID...granted he IS from Kentucky lol. The news article was written as if the badge was a common item...play stupid games win stupid prizes Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk3 points
Great to see another milsurp fanboy on TGO! Which country FN49 are you targeting? Here is my fN49 argie:3 points
Why does everyone keep asking for advice on where to get things done? We can fix anything with a TGO meet and free booze. Problem solved.3 points
3 points
3 points
A J-Frame Smith either OWB or pocket carry. I have had several of my fellow HCP holders explain to me that I stand no chance against the ISIS battle group that inevitably assaults my neighborhood Walmart. Whereas, they with their neato double column semi-autos will be able to save the day by taking out the entire ISIS organization with two extra magazines of 9MM. This is based on their combat experience at some neat school at some pistol range. I spent a total of 60 months in combat in VietNam (4 Tours) with the USMC so I am in no position to question their superior logic. I only need 5 shots to shoot the dumb SOB that goes looking for me and finds my hiding place.3 points
If you are under 40, enjoy and modify and do what you want, its only money and have fun. If you are over 40, keep it OEM, use the money for other purposes. OEM to me is the only way to go. I modified too many things when I was young, its no longer a draw card to me. The art of getting old.3 points
It looks like we will now be able to legally carry at the legislative plaza. You might want to thank your state senators and representatives for this change.2 points
Setting up a gear set properly takes knowledge and experience. A lot of guys just take it out and reuse the old shims with the new one, but to actually do it right is a bit trickier. Take it to a pro.2 points
Unless you have somebody to help you that's worked on diffs before , I would let a mechanic tackle it. While it looks like a simple pull and swap, you may need to shim and clock it.2 points
Couldn't see directions on my phone... but if it's like all the others it's not a big deal. Any decent shop can handle that sort of thing, race shops do that kinda stuff all the time Only advice I have is to steer clear of 4 Wheel Parts!2 points
Guys and Gals, I Just ordered it, as soon as I get it I will do some of my most expensive knives to show you all just how Wicked this system is, I will get all the accesories to do any kind of knife the system allows2 points
2 points
....and regulations are far less onerous. It's a multi faceted problem, and cheap labor definitely Is a part of it; but not all of it. Union labor is the lion's share of the problem. I don't feel for these folks at all. Sorry.2 points
The Republicans NEED to block the nomination like yesterday. Holy Christ the most conservative Justice gets killed NOW?!.... :tinfoil: INSIDER JOB Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk2 points
For $50,000, you'd think they'd put some decent wheels and tires on these things, eh?2 points
Smith and Wesson model 36 3" square butt, loaded with 5 thermo nuclear warheads.2 points
[quote name="TerminalLcpl88" post="1357223" timestamp="1455324898"][quote name="CommsNBombs" post="1357209" timestamp="1455322919"]I already hazed him for it and probably got another lurker upset. Im sure ill get another angry PM from a .40 owning felcher about how Im a douchenozzle and Im mean Eta: not calling you a felcher Lance...thats OhShoots job Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk[/ Yea you already gave me crap but you also know why I shoot .40s[/quote] You gotta ignore Comms. He's a shower shoe that's been around to many explosives. Sent from behind the anvil2 points
First a man pees all over the floor of Wal-Mart while trying to steal a fish and now this. Ah, that's Clarksville for you.2 points
Wow. Lotta info there... to be honest, I started out reading intently, but pretty quickly my eyes glazed over and I scrolled to the inevitable... problems with the gun. I hope it gets to working reliably for you. My very first .22 was a 597. After a few months of being terribly frustrated with it I unloaded the thing... then I got a 10/22. I'll never be without one again. I hope your story goes differently.2 points
2 points
Hi I just wanted to introduce myself to the site. My names Jeff I live in Clarksville I have lived here since 1998 with a brief absence in 2007 to 2011 while I was in the USMC. A short list of firearms I shoot on a regular are Glock 23 Springfield XD .40 Ruger 10/22 And a few other misc. rifles and shotguns (mainly AR platforms and hunting rifles) I look forward to reading a lot of post and glad to be apart of the group.1 point
Don't get a Jasper reman I have a Jasper reman transfer case in the same truck. And it hasn't worked since it was installed. I got to searching online and the main reason Jasper has a warranty on their stuff is that you need it. They use super cheap parts and factor in the fact they will likely have to replace it before the warranty is up. Get one from a junkyard, sad that used is better than reman... Or buy a brand new one. But I would have a mechanic do it.1 point
1 point
Heck yeah, and they've done such a wonderful job of it too. Such a good job that we are not economically viable as a manufacturer any more. Third world labor will always be cheaper but even second world countries can beat us out now. Too many fat lazy inept people in this country who want $30+ hr with benefits and only willing to work 40hr for some filthy labor Union. This country deserves to have this sort of thing happening to it. Our choices have made it so. We may not like it, but we absolutely deserve it.1 point
1 point
I occasionally carry a pair of SP101s. Cold weather, top or overcoat with easy access pockets.1 point
https://youtu.be/GayLKOgoh-s Saw these dudes live in NYC back in 2011/2012 and they executed a dog (or a small goat) and chucked it into the crowd...it was pretty awesome, this is real black metal. Scares everyone but these guys are not LeVey LHP losers - bona fide Luciferians. Damn good music too Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
Lift it, big tires, you only live once and you cant take it with you...enjoy life because it's too short.1 point
Just for kicks I'd jump on some big box wheel & tire websites and see what it looks like. They usually have a very realistic looking "build your own" page where you enter the vehicle and choose the wheel and tire combo and it shows them on that vehicle.1 point
As I have aged I have developed a totally new Philosophy on many things. The main one is "If it ain't broke don't fix it!!! You truck don't look broke so you know my thoughts............. :shrug: :shrug:1 point
Show your permit in Texas, stroll on through, no searches, no metal detectors. No permit, though the search line and metal detectors you go.1 point
I have a Silencerco Specwar 7.62 and love it. It's. About bigger than some, but is one of, if not the best at suppression levels. I like it so well I am ordering a second. I already have the Silencerco quick attach flash hiders or breaks on most of my rifles, so sticking with the same manufacturer makes sense.1 point
Going to be hard to find a 'lite' #4. A quality field load in a #6 is probably your best bet. Would avoid the cheapo loads due to poorer shot and wad qualities.1 point
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1 point
Break each part of you draw down into parts, ex, at buzzer put hand on gun, stop! Do it again 10-15 times. Then add hand on gun pull out of holster, stop! 10-15 times. Thats with no target just mount the gun and draw.Do this so forth and so on, Stoeger call these micro drills, repeation is key so pick the draw apart and work on small peaces of it. As each part get easier start adding them together and thats how you will be able to prefect your draw and first shot, but it takes time and a lot of practice. This is no overnight success, months even years are spent working on skill building and marksmanship skills. After all it is a perishable one at that so it's an everyday job. Dry fire is not very fun but its the cheapest way to get to level your wanting to achieve. I hope this helps answer some of you question. This is one of the best thing that helped me, its definitely worth buying http://astore.amazon.com/bensto02-20/detail/14820099781 point
I've seen it, but from what it looks like you just carry all your gear instead of using a baby stroller. I do that already. What am I missing? I've heard an "Ironman East" may be coming to Peacemaker this year - I might have to make that trip!1 point
The reasons TN doesn't allow it might be viable but I think it's time to evolve. There's no question there is a coyote problem, they run at night. Common sense to me. As far as a concern for poaching deer, that is an excuse that places doubt in Tennessee hunters, lack of trust. That to me is suspicious, sort of the same line as the streets turning into the Wild West because of open carry.1 point
On Wednesday, I put up a ad on Armslist + Gun Owners Club (GOC) with interest in purchasing a Century (CAI) Romanian AES10B RPK rifle. Within that same night, I received a message from a gentlemen on Armslist with one for sale. After going back and forth on price for the past couple days, we agreed on a price last night, and to meet this morning. The rest as they was history! Please let me know if any you have a Type 1 or Type 1 Romanian RPK bipod, ladies + gentlemen!1 point
Not what I thought this thread was about at all... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTDUuBWGtpU1 point
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