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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2016 in all areas

  1. Barrett 50cal. Born and raised TN https://www.barrett.net/about
    9 points
  2. What kind of communist hootenanny is this? ;) No way I'm getting behind a Soviet designed weapon as a state firearm.
    6 points
  3. Since we're the "patron state of shootin' stuff", we should leave no doubt that stuff's been shot :rofl: Plus what Tennesseetiger just said :)
    5 points
  4. People are not taking this Bernie Sanders situation seriously...the younger generation "I'm 28 btw" has fallen in love with this guy because of his "free this and free that" bs that he is spewing. Its Obama's campaign all over again..................I'm actually worried about it.
    4 points
  5. I can't help myself and it alone deserves its own post but if not just to record forever and forever in the TGO server this one moment in time............... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/2016/primary-caucus/new-hampshire?intcmp=hpbt1 [URL=http://s963.photobucket.com/user/runco0318/media/hahaha_zpsngbtfehb.jpg.html][/URL]
    3 points
  6. I hate sports but heard about this and HAD to share it. Too funny. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vLDjpTPEIH0
    3 points
  7. Stretched her legs a little bit this weekend
    3 points
  8. So thanks to 2.oooooh for the assistance and shop. I was able to get my lift installed and tires on. Just wanted to show it off [emoji16]
    2 points
  9. Build or buy a .458 Socom.  You know you wanted to.........LOL
    2 points
  10. https://youtu.be/cK0rKSrRnmA
    2 points
  11. I'm sorry yall but I just have to...
    2 points
  12. Couple of things:   1. 41P and 41F are one in the same.  The "P" designation is the Proposed regulation and it changes to "F" once the regulation becomes Final.  In this case, 41F is slightly different than 41P, but when people refer to them, they are really talking about the same thing.  Attorneys refer to 41F now because that is the text that matters.   2.  The 2-year lookback period refers to subsection ( c ) of the Final Rule.  Under subsection ( c ), there is an exception to the need to file fingerprints and photos with a trust.  The exception was this:        Once a trust obtained a tax stamp under the new Final Rule (i.e., by providing the fingerprints and photos), the trust would not have to re-submit fingerprints and photos for any additional tax stamp application submitted within 2 years of the date of the approval IF THE RESPONSIBLE PERSONS HAD NOT CHANGED.  The idea being that a person's fingerprints and photo is not likely to change significantly in a 2-year period.   What is being referred to in the Prince Law article is that the ATF appears to be taking the position that the exception really doesn't mean anything and that trusts would have to provide fingerprints and photos every time.  The Final Rule itself doesn't say that, though.   Bottom Line:   1.  if you have a trust, you MUST provide fingerprints and photos for each Responsible Person with the first tax stamp application you submit on or after July 13, 2016. 2.  If 41F is actually followed, the trust would not have to provide fingerprints and photos more than once every 2 years (regardless of how many tax stamps it obtains in that 2-year period). 3.  If 41F is NOT followed (which is what the article says), the trust would have to provide fingerprints and photos with every tax stamp application, regardless of whether or not the trust had been changed in the past 2 years.   Until July 13th, there still is no reason to submit fingerprints or photos.  If a trust NEVER applies for another tax stamp on or after July 13, 2016, the trust will NOT have to go back and submit fingerprints and photos for tax stamps already in process or approved before July 13th.   Hope that helps.
    2 points
  13. The best 7,62x39 upper is an AK-47 :)
    2 points
  14. As they say, only let them see what you want them to see.  :up:
    2 points
  15. The only reason it's being discussed is because we're talking about what the TN Weapon should be...considering its made here and happens to be one of the baddest rifles on the planet, it just kind of fits the conversation.
    2 points
  16. I think what bothers me more is the fact Kasich came in second ! That area is Bernies stomping ground, is it not ??
    2 points
  17. I'd definitely add an grommet where the lanyard runs through. I wouldn't mind a grommet in the sheath where the knife rests, either. With a leather sheath in the field, I like something to get the water out. I'd probably run my belt through the lower part, but that's just because I like my knife to ride a bit higher. Looks great!
    2 points
  18. Hunting, go with 6.8. Although it is probably out because of ammo cost the same as .300BO.
    2 points
  19. This is just my opinion but, part of the reason for high prices? Three words: The Walking Dead.
    2 points
  20. I had some interest in this last year, so I'm putting the offer out there. I am offering a one day basic course. It will cover throws, chokes, kicks, strikes, joint locks and ground work for the unarmed portion. It will also include Long knife and Tomahawk techniques, as well as improvised weapons design and usage in urban and rural areas. This will be a 10-12 hour class. Location will be within 20 minutes of Oliver Springs, TN. Water, coffee and Gatorade will be provided, you need to eat breakfast, bring a lunch, and bring money for supper at a $10-15 per person restaurant after the class. I'll be your main instructor, as well as my father, who is a 6th Degree black belt in Taekwondo, Hapkido and Judo. I hold black belts in those three as well and that is were the unarmed techniques will come from. The long knife and tomahawk techniques are drawn from my one on one training with Col Dwight McLemore. You will need to bring a mouth guard, pants, non-steel toe boots or shoes, and a tshirt or sweatshirt. Any weather except snow. Training will be outdoors and your clothes need to be suitable for mud, dirt and grass. For more info PM me. The class will be Saturday March 12th, meeting in Oliver Springs at 630 am eastern time. Sent from behind the anvil
    1 point
  21. 300 BLK can be a little tricky to load especially if you are making your own cases.  Just be aware of that if you are not a very experienced reloader.  Either round will work fine for deer.  Hopefully our resident 300 BLK expert will chime in soon.  I would lean towards the 300 just because it is light and compact which is what I prefer in a hunting rifle. 
    1 point
  22. It's really going to depend on your main use of the rifle and how far you intend to shoot.   I have a 300blk SBR and have started a 308 build.  The 300blk is a really small, lightweight package and perfect for hunting on the move.  I recently used it on a hog hunt and it was very effective with my supers using a 110gr bullet.  There are also several subsonic expanding bullets available now if you want to be very quiet.  It's a very capable cartridge for hunting purposes.  Another huge appeal is subsonic suppressed shooting.  If you are tossing around the idea of getting a can at all, do it.    I just started the 308, so obviously can't comment a great deal here.  However, one of my buddies was using one on the hog hunt and he made several comments about how heavy it was and he would never use one again for that style of hunting, etc. I'm sure it would be fine if you are deer hunting in a stand all day.    Since you will be reloading, ammo cost won't be a factor so I won't even go into that.   Hope that helps at least a little. 
    1 point
  23. Wow. Good news is he's in Cleveland, TN for those of you that want to drink from his fount of knowledge
    1 point
  24. Windrock... where jeep people go to break stuff. ;)
    1 point
  25. Nothing wrong here that an SKS wouldn't fix.  :bowrofl:
    1 point
  26. you need to just renlist.. here's your 19 http://www.urban-armory.com/cart/proddetail.php?prod=mk19 I think ea he round will cost you a stamp
    1 point
  27. SOT isn't worth it if you just want a post sample.    Don't listen to Arfcom fags.    That is all.
    1 point
  28. Most of the terrorists in the phils live in the isolated southwestern islands where clan law trumps the government.  They rarely make it outside of that territory.
    1 point
  29.   This one is really sweet https://youtu.be/ZkJtZiKe-hY
    1 point
  30. Yeah buddy. When I run out of ammo, I'll be looking at Forest Gump and Carl Lewis in my rear view.
    1 point
  31. I have always loved bourbons but never tried to maintain a "library" until recently. I remember being in college before the bourbon boom and seeing Pappy on the shelf. I distinctly remember seeing it, wondering if it was good and then thinking to myself what a dumb name who would buy that? Haha. I've had Pappy 20 and I can see why all the hype. Is it worth aftermarket prices? No, not to me. Is it the best bourbon to hit my lips? Absolutely! Not to say there aren't other excellent bourbons out there, but if there is a bourbon I like more than the sample of Pappy I had, I haven't been able to find it. My dad was able to snag a bottle of the Van Winkle 12 year this past fall at a reasonable price. We are waiting till the birth of my son in April to crack that guy open. :-)
    1 point
  32. Got my AR500 1/2" from Loftus steel in Nashville called them gave them the dimensions I wanted and before I could drive from Murfreesboro to their shop in West Nashville they had them cut out and ready to go
    1 point
  33. I'm signed in joe. Passing the word around.
    1 point
  34. Wow, your safe is a lot neater than mine....and a lot more empty. You need to buy more stuff!  :)
    1 point
  35. I guess having had a Barrett in the unit arms room and seeing it be little more than a four-foot long paper weight makes me kind of jaded about it.  If we're seriously talking about a state firearm, it should be one that has been carried by a lot of people, or has done great things.   I'm casting my ballot for the M1's or M1917's that were used in the Battle of Athens.
    1 point
  36.   I get the "bernie beats hillary" humor, but the cruz arrow lost me.
    1 point
  37.   Ol' Davy would have carried a Barrett if he had one.
    1 point
  38. I'll agree yours and Mac's ideas that the lanyard hole needs a grommet, a small opening at the tip would allow water to drain (it may be open now, can't really tell from the pics) and consider swapping the Chicago screws for rivets.    You might consider a way to make the upper loop removable.  Seems like it would be annoying if the wearer used the lower loop and left the upper one free.    You might also survey the various sharpening stones and see how many different types the pocket could accommodate.  A slight tweak in the size might allow more options. 
    1 point
  39. The Barrett Model 82, there's absolutely no other choice, period, end of story. :) Here's a logo idea. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Barrett%20TN%203_zps8e5jg5li.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  40. So am I but I guess I got a keeper. She helps keep me in guns and whiskey. Besides a young hottie would probably give me a heart attack being that I'm 52 and overweight...
    1 point
  41.    You know, I'm 52 and overweight.  How else do you propose that I get a young hottie?
    1 point
  42. I was channeling my best Hank Hill as I typed it.
    1 point
  43. They can keep it. I would rather have an S & W anyway. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Smith airweight hammerless in a pocket holster... Right front pocket...   Easy and comfortable to carry!
    1 point
  46. Also , if you can find old cast iron pots and pans they will work too. My first metal targets were old cast iron skillets . They are flat and shaped like a round target and even have a hole in the handle to hang them from . People at yard sales sell them cheap !
    1 point
  47. Everyone should own at least one M1 Carbine.
    1 point
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