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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2016 in all areas
5 points
Ya realize the target demographic ain't us anymore, right? As the oldest of we three fogies, while the music itself didn't speak all that much to me, I was still pret durn impressed with the staging and spectacle itself, near DeMille in scale. - OS4 points
when everyday residents can't get permits there I am not sure why retired LEO should get special privileges. The wrong is not the retired LEO angle, the wrong is the NJ laws to begin with.4 points
3 points
3 points
I often wonder if any of the new "bro-country" artists ever put on an old Haggard or Jones album and think, "where did we screw it up so badly?"3 points
No sympathy from me on this. Welcome to being just a citizen. Until we quit creating different classes of the priveliged we will never have equality under the law. Retired police officers should not be considered "special". Nor should politicians or prosecutors or judges or anyone who works for the gov'mnt. If we are all citizens then we should not have priveleged classes of citizen. The right to bear arms is meant for all.3 points
3 points
Come on now guys, for those that have been to my office as both a dental patient or as a 'retail' customer as my staff likes to call it, you know that I have the best mags out there. Sporting Classics, Guns and Ammo, American Rifleman, Bowhunting, Tennessee Sportsman, and more than I can remember. I am the one that orders. You won't find Time, Newsweek, or any other liberal rags either. You will also see my framed NRA Lifetime Benefactor certificate as well.2 points
2 points
I have three sets of night sights within my gun collection. Trijicon, True Glow TFOs, and Siglites on my duty weapon. Honestly there isn't a huge difference in any of them. The Siglites may be the brightest but that is actually tough to call. The TGTFO may be a little easier to see during the day.2 points
2 points
2 points
Strange, as price decreases at the pump, it encourages consumption, which increases existing federal and state tax revenues. Since liars figure and figures don't lie the percentage of tax paid by the consumer also increases, becoming regressive on low income and not progressive for upper income. Very liberal plan or is it conservative?2 points
A reminder about what all of our servicemen have given to preserve the freedoms we have. Thank you.2 points
This is a warning for individuals or trusts who are unfamiliar with the NFA laws relating to machine guns. First rule of thumb, if it is to good to be true it probably isn't true. You cannot buy ANY full auto that is legally registered for under $3,000 now, especially an AR-15/M16. Legally registered full auto ARs are now $15K-$30K depending on the make, model. The days of cheap full autos went away in May of 1986 and after that date there was no way to register or make a machine gun legally as an individual or as a trust. You cannot legally convert your gun into a machine gun without registration and that registration ended in May of 1986. So if someone is trying to sell you a machine gun or the parts to convert your gun into a machine gun be aware it is not legal in any way shape or form to convert your gun to a machine gun after the 1986 date. Possession of the parts needed to make a machine gun is just as illegal as possessing the machine gun itself. Even if your gun was made before the May 1986 cutoff date it cannot be converted into a machine gun unless it was actually registered as a machine gun prior to May of 1986. If someone is trying to sell you a machine gun ask for the Form 1, Form 3 or Form 4 to verify it is properly registered. I would also suggest you get the serial number and verify that the serial number is on file with the ATF. The reason is there has been a rash of people making up phony Form 4's, accepting payments then when the buyer tries to transfer it becomes clear the item is not on the NFA registry. This also applies to any other NFA item you are buying from another individual. The only people who can legally posses a new machine gun after May of 1986 is government, law enforcement, the military or dealers licensed to manufacture or demo, or sell them. So if you are contacted by ANYONE wanting to sell you the parts to convert your gun to a machine gun, "no questions asked", run away. What they are selling is illegal to posses and install in any gun not registered prior to May of 1986. And yes, there is a reason why I am posting this now. You have been warned! **************************************************************************************************************** I wanted to add something else. This also applies to lower receivers that might already be fitted with the machine gun parts. I recently read of some people trying to sell airsoft lowers as full auto lowers. Some are built so realistic that it would be easy for anyone, especially someone who is not familiar, to confuse them for the real thing.1 point
Unless someones tried to do a DIY action job on it your most likely problem is the rebound spring. Its simple to replace and if you go to Brownells go ahead and splurge for a rebound spring tool.1 point
So as usual no progress on removing the onerous penalties in place in TN for carry past the multitude of inconsistent, nebulous, and often barely visible posting signs allowed in TN. We need something like this in Missouri: Locations Where Not Authorized – Not a criminal act under Missouri law (See 571.107 RSMo) A ccw permit does not authorize any person to carry concealed firearms into the 17 locations summarized below. (See statute for full details on each.) Doing so is not a criminal act under Missouri law, but may subject the permit holder to denial to the premises or removal from the premises. If the individual refuses to leave after being asked and the police are called, he or she may be issued a citation for an amount not to exceed $100; a second offense within 6 months is a $200 fine and suspension of the ccw permit for one year; a third offense within 12 months is a $500 fine and the loss of the ccw permit for 3 years. Numerous other states similar. Why is no one in TN interested in this issue?1 point
My brother found half of a really nice 8 last week in the middle of a four acre field on his property, it looked like it had just fallen off.1 point
1 point
No, because they don't care. There are very few country music singers/artists, they are simply entertainers making money, that's all.1 point
I think Pythons are like S&W Registered Magnums, although much more plentiful, in the fact that they are known to be top quality handmade revolvers and those that can afford them will pay it. I don't think the prices will ever come down. They will rise just like machine guns because colt will never make them like this again even at today's prices they are still a worthwhile investment.1 point
1 point
Break each part of you draw down into parts, ex, at buzzer put hand on gun, stop! Do it again 10-15 times. Then add hand on gun pull out of holster, stop! 10-15 times. Thats with no target just mount the gun and draw.Do this so forth and so on, Stoeger call these micro drills, repeation is key so pick the draw apart and work on small peaces of it. As each part get easier start adding them together and thats how you will be able to prefect your draw and first shot, but it takes time and a lot of practice. This is no overnight success, months even years are spent working on skill building and marksmanship skills. After all it is a perishable one at that so it's an everyday job. Dry fire is not very fun but its the cheapest way to get to level your wanting to achieve. I hope this helps answer some of you question. This is one of the best thing that helped me, its definitely worth buying http://astore.amazon.com/bensto02-20/detail/14820099781 point
they should have brought her back out to do it again in place of the crummy half time show.1 point
Woogie Boogie...! Smith airweight hammerless in a pocket holster... Right front pocket... leroy1 point
That's right. The no gun sign law is something that can potentially cause problems. What good is Constitutional carry when you can't legally carry anywhere because of all the no gun signs that are put up because of the media scare over it? I saw it happen in Mississippi when open carry was basically legalized. If you didn't have an enhanced license you were out of luck at a lot of properties. Bad thing is here, we don't have any enhanced license so you would be illegally carrying. It's easy for people to say "Well just don't go there", but when a good chunk of the downtown area of a major city has no gun signs on both the private and public property, it becomes quite a hassle to try to be legal when you are running back and forth to your car to leave your gun. Sometimes you can't avoid going to say a local government building or a hospital. It's not like people can take their big stand and boycott those type of places. Constitutional carry will get nowhere in this legislature. The people that put the bill out there will get their pat on the back by the NRA and we'll have another year of nothing of substance that actually passes.1 point
1 point
Try as they may, no human will top Jimi's version. He wins without singing a note.1 point
Yeahhhh....I met her in NYC once....shes wierd. I am with BigK, I will just take your words for it Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
6.9mm and those sights are pretty nice. They do sometimes lack quality control though.1 point
Just don't play poker with her. Rumor has it she has a great poker face.1 point
Awesome match today guys. I'll give that game another try. Next time I'll have my rifle zeroed. LOL.1 point
Check out 2a for lightweight receivers as well. I love their stuff, especially the lightweight upper receiver and matching rails. http://2a-arms.com/products/balios-lite1 point
What do you expect... at an "NAACP Image Awards" event? I'm constantly amazed at the mentality of Hollywood and the "entertainment" industry. They claim to want guns banned and everyone to live in a "love fest" world but make their money on movies and TV shows filled with violence... guns everywhere, good guys shoot, bad guys shot, multiple killings by various gruesome methods, kidnappings, mutilations, prime time displays of corpses in the morgue, etc. I've considered picking a channel, any channel, and counting the violence and firearms shown between 6:30 and 10 some night; then I come to my senses and ask myself... why? It won't make any difference; nothing will change.1 point
u want to take my flag down u better have force of law bring plenty of help1 point
1 point
While I appreciate the offer and would love the fellowship, I'm not sure I want a lumpy floor1 point
Thanks for posting this bit of history! Many people sacrificed so much for the betterment of others. Let us not forget our history. Especially at a time when we have those in our land trying to rewrite it! The time when leaders were united and decisive to fight for a righteous cause with the idea of bringing tyranny to an end seem to be over. WWII seems to be the last time we had balls and the will to prevail. God bless America and God help us!1 point
I am proud to say that I have absolutely no idea who this lady is. Therefore, I could give a rat's ass what she thinks about anything. I'm going to go out a limb and say that the majority of people in MS would feel the way.1 point
1 point
the best thing that could happen for gun rights this year would be getting rid of the criminal penalty behind the no gun sign. forget this other stuff that aint likely to happen.1 point
I learned a valuable lesson at my 1st Appleseed event this last summer. I bought a nice Ruger 10/22 just for that Appleseed event, new 2 x 7 power scope, a military sling from the Appleseed website and everything I needed. Prepaid my $70.00 entry and range fee. Went to my gun club and perfectly zeroed my rifle on the concrete bench-rests for the distance. Now I'm ready to go. Keep in mind I'm now 63 years old! Appleseed weekend comes and I'm excited to play! After the excellent talks about our American history and heritage, it's to the range to sight in, etc. Long story short... My scope mount position was excellent for bench-rest shooting. When I got into the prone position, the scope was 'three' inches too far back. I had to contort my neck and head to even see through the scope. I had a little time to adjust the scope all the way forward but then it was way off the mark. I didn't have the time to re-zero it as the class had to progress on time. My old neck was so kinked and sore I just called it a day. I didn't realize eye relief was that drastically different for me from bench-rest to prone. I should have checked it out in the prone position. What a dummy... Next summer!1 point
I thought about that, and advance, but I'm looking for one with "fingers" that pull the bearing. Most auto bearing pullers seem to have backing plates and I don't have access to the back side of the bearing. I will check into that but I just figured somebody on here has just what I need and TGO is all about helping each other out. I don't want to buy the tool because I'd use it once every few years.1 point
I only solved one ONCE. It was just too hard to get all the stickers peeled off and back on there straight.1 point
Prices only go up on guns that other sellers have for sale. Try selling your own and you will quickly find out that your guns have gone down in value1 point
1 point
Like I posted on the TFA FB group when this came up. I feel so long as we get to keep our permits for the Reciprocity other states have with us, I'm OK with it. The Constitutional part is just a way of being to carry nearly everywhere legally from what I understand (just jails, courtrooms, etc., off limits still), and I'm all for that. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on where all we'd be able to carry with constitutional carry because it's been a while since I read and discussed this topic.1 point
How about this list of states, which allow open carry without a permit: KY, MO, AR, LA, MS, AL, NC, VA Only 1 state that we touch requires you to have a permit to carry a handgun in some form or fashion, GA and of course TN. KY, AR, MS, VA, and NC are considered 'gold star' states, they don't seem to have any problems with 'untested' people carrying firearms, why do we think our citizens are so much different from theirs?1 point
Wilderness Instructor, I wear it whether I am carrying or not. http://www.thewilderness.com/tactical-belts/original-instructor-belt/ Edit to add: You can get them at Greens Military in Knoxville.1 point
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