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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2016 in all areas

  1. I voted no -- I don't put "I have a gun" stuff anywhere.   Call it paranoia or whatever, but the answer is still no 
    8 points
  2. I decided I needed a new home defense gun. I wanted something easily maneuverable, good capacity and decent power. I ended up getting a FNH FNX-45. My future plans are Talon grips (fancy rubberized tape) and a Streamlight TLR-2G. It's a big gun, but fits comfortably in my hands.
    7 points
  3. As much as I love TGO I have no interest in telling the world that there may be a gun in my vehicle for the taking.  However if they ever get anymore of those free Bernie Sanders stickers I would like to get one of those for my truck because it's a well known fact that people that have Bernie stickers on their car have never worked hard enough to have anything nice.
    4 points
  4. Interesting idea, and I like it. But isn't that just like the window decals? I mean you're still advertising that you might have a gun in the car/truck.
    4 points
  5. I have owned an M&P40 and sold it. Bought the Glock 23 as a replacement then picked up a G26 later as I was used to shooting 9mm out of the M&P40. I've been looking for a full size 9mm in other brands just because I there are other nice choices. Pick up a FN FNS9 with the 4" barrel. It's almost the exact size as a G19 and smaller than the G17 that was in the running when I was looking around. Came with 3-17 round magazines, papers, lock. The box is nice also, for a box I suppose. Interesting build date on this one. Almost new old stock at 3/11/14 test fire. Feels like the M&P trigger. Range time is TBD. Empty weight is good too, haven't loaded a full mag yet as tinkering time is limited. Holster hunting to come later. Might have to have one made as there are not too many out there that catch my eye.
    3 points
  6. Let me grab some of my fellow large black associates from the Bronx, jumper cables, some rope, a cactus, a baseball bat and a rubber ducky and we will take care of him Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  7. Public hanging just might start sending a message
    3 points
  8. I'd nearly as soon to be shot with it as to have to report it had been stolen from my holster while on my belt. :confused:
    2 points
  9. I stopped at Pizza Perfect in Bellevue. To my shame, I have never eat there. It's damn good. I got the Sicilian thick crust. I'll tell you what I thought at my first bite.....Pizza Hut when I was 10 years old. Before anyone flames me for that, the Pizza Hut pan pizza that was made 30 years ago has NOTHING in common with ANYTHING they make today. Nothing. Add to that, memories during childhood are often better than the real thing. The Pizza Perfect thick crust was soft in the middle but not undercooked and gooey. The bottom was seared and crisp and just greasy enough to be good but not so much to be nasty. Cheese stretched out for a good foot to 14 inches. Outter edges of the pepperoni were charred while the center was nice and soft. First time experience...they live up to their name.
    2 points
  10. There was a guy at Wally a few months back, I could have easily pick pocketed his piece.  I do often think about that myself.  I would hate to be shot by own my piece from someone else.
    2 points
  11. Do they have a class for us over 70 years old....run 10 meters, shoot, sit 10 minutes, run 10 meters shoot, sit 10 minutes.... LOL   Regis
    2 points
  12. And this is why I shake my head at people would OC in Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. There is a lot more to a car than straight line performance.   The SVO handled ten times better than a 5.0 and would run circles around them on a twisty road. It was a much better driver's car.   I have seen many a V8 fanboi go home crying after a car they should have toasted walked them.   I personally think one of my most humbling experiences came when my 500WHP Camaro was walked up a mountain by a 'four banger' Honda Accord in the mid nineties. There was no way that a hundred horsepower rice burner could beat me up a mountain I was raised on.    It is a lesson I learned well, and have taught many times since with my Celica.   It takes less energy to stay fast. If you have to slow way down for the corners, you will run slower overall. A well balanced car, even a lower powered one, can maintain a higher average speed.     I learned a long time ago that the driver/car mod will almost always beat power mod.
    2 points
  14. I prefer to remain a wolf in sheep's clothing.....or in my case....a rooster suit. Edit to add...but if I happened to see you broke down on the road this would be a guaranteed way to get my assistance.
    2 points
  15. I've both now and the PPQ M2 trigger is slightly better. I like the ergonomics of the VP9 better. Both guns handle well and are very accurate. The PPQ M2 requires some reaching with finger to hit mag release button. The VP9 mag release paddle on trigger guard seems easier to operate. I'll just have to shoot both alot and see which one becomes a Safe Queen.
    2 points
  16. If you have access to shooting steel me and a few likeminded guys practice shooting from the draw, shooting while strafing and while backpedaling. Also dont buy into the hype of buzzers and battle belts...I usually carry how I would with a "NY tuck", an IWB or in my pocket with keys, phone, money Practice shooting offhand and one handed. Also the unorthodox firing positions like firing from sitting on your butt, leaning around a barrier or prone It looks funky when youre shooting while in a crab walk but its real life stuff Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  17. I'm going to make get things rolling on this.  I'll let you all know when it's time to start putting in orders.  :)
    2 points
  18. I generally never put anything on my vehicle that would hint that I am carrying guns, for the same reasons that I never open-carry. But I was one of the first to sign up for the NRA license plate and it has produced very positive results on at least 6 different occasions. I recommend getting an NRA plate and buying more TGO gear like hats, shirts, or an upgraded membership.
    2 points
  19. Or maybe he's a big Don Knotts fan? Ok, I know some of you guys won't get it, but it's funny. Take my word for it.
    2 points
  20. How about a license plate frame. Then it works on specialty plates and regular plates.
    2 points
  21.   Yep.  Chances are so's the device you're posting to TGO on, though.  ;)
    2 points
  22. I really like this one. http://pistol-training.com/drills/dot-torture You can print the target here. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://pistol-training.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/dot-torture-target.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjWnuHzkdrKAhVB2mMKHelQBpsQFggbMAA&usg=AFQjCNFoKrsIpXJPlkRRsxcI7l5xNgEg3w Start at 3yds. It's tougher than it looks and it will renforce good marksmanship while improving gun handling. If your range doesn't allow draw from a holster start from low ready
    2 points
  23. Sad part is what you said could actually be a part of the reason...
    2 points
  24. Some fun engineering mixed with a leaf blower might be pretty fun next time the snow comes to town:   https://youtu.be/JinpVA6p8Mo
    1 point
  25. If we didn't have a small child in tow I'd drag the wife out just to shoot the minigun   Myself, well, me and Mr. M134 do not like each other much after a certain training exercise resulting in a hot brass bath.....
    1 point
  26.     Anyone can go fast in a straight line.   As we'd say when I road sport bikes.... I don't go that fast, I just don't slow down much either.
    1 point
  27. Personal opinion here... If you are going to carry Open or Concealed it is a responsibility to maintain a higher level of awareness. Condition Yellow. Its not that hard, but vigilance has to become a state of mind. A major part of that is not making yourself a target. My biggest problem with open carry is that by its nature you become a target for criminals, reporters, business owners, etc. It's not worth the bother. Carry concealed and that solves the problem. It's a shame that the guy was caught unaware of these two criminals, I have no way of knowing if he was doing his best to be vigilant against such an attack or not. Just my $0.02 on the open carry thing. Not an accusation against the victim.   Sadly many good people are denied the right to CCW.   I am a bit skeptical because this happened in VA... After the whole reciprocity thing and the attention to open carry in VA being a way around the loss of reciprocity this happens. Makes ya think...
    1 point
  28. It's tough to photograph, but with the magazine in the FN is only a 1/2" taller and same with the beaver tail. You would have to get caliper out to find the small differences everywhere else. G23(G19 size) is on top of course.
    1 point
  29. I switched shoulders when I joined the Army.  Throughout my childhood, I had always shot left handed (being a left handed person).  My drill instructor had an issue with another left handed shooter, who was not able to close his right eye, without closing his left.  He had him switch to right handed.  I had the same problem, but always fired with both eyes open.  Once I switched to "right handed" firing, there was no going back.  Your non-dominant eye can be trained to compensate.  It will take time, but it works.
    1 point
  30. I have the reverse problem.  I'm left handed, but have an astigmatism in my left eye that my contacts don't correct for, so I see better out of my right eye.   I switched over to right handed several years ago, both handguns and rifles.  I'll be honest and say I'm still a bit more comfortable holding both left handed, but I shoot just fine right handed.  I also still have to close one eye or the other, I've never put the time into shooting with both eyes open to be able to do it comfortably.  I don't have a particularly dominant eye so I typically see double if I don't close one eye. 
    1 point
  31.     Sounds like band parties in college.  We used a big trash can, several bags of ice, one of the big cans of powdered gatoraid, and enough bottles of whatever everyone brought (admission was a fifth of something).  Good times.  The smell the next day while everyone sweated it out was always interesting. 
    1 point
  32. OK, got the Rami back together after the polish job. Got all the grit out of the trigger, and of course it nothing to actually change the trigger weight, although it feels much better.There is still some camming action of the hammer present in the single action as I did nothing to change profile of the hammer hooks. The CZ race hammer would take care of that and also take out most of the creep. I am actually pretty pleased with the improvement and will shoot it as is for a while. Maybe in the future will put some CGW parts in to lighten and shorten trigger action. Oh, and in case you are wondering, the safety version is much easier to get back together as compared to the decocker version.
    1 point
  33. Jeb just doesn't want to be the only guy at the family dinner table not a president. Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. That's a great tip! All this time I've just watched those wrong sided ones get away.
    1 point
  35. Love the emoticon! That looks like me after I don't get what I want.
    1 point
  36. I don't remember how many people it takes to get a custom license plate ordered but I do think the cause represented has to be a non-profit.
    1 point
  37. I have the Agency Arms drop in flat trigger. I like it a lot. Not really change in pull weight but it feels better/lighter. Take up also feels reduced. Plus trigger shoe is metal and has a wider feel. Its really subjective I think but I enjoy it. I run flat Giessele triggers in my ARs too.
    1 point
  38. I can't believe anyone believes the government can do healthcare better than any other program that they've tried. They're doing a bang up job at the VA
    1 point
  39. O dear Lord, no. I'm fat enough now. Donuts are my downfall...there's a Shipley's Donuts about 2 miles away. Fresh, hot apple fritters and unglazed cake donuts. I Need some Now...    Your coffee is on me next time!
    1 point
  40. Wing...   I've got several shoulder holsters; Bianchi old time shoulder (...X18... i think...) and a real good military built by El Paso saddlery... Back in the long ago, used to carry a 1911 in the Bianchi... The problem with it wuz it just aint comfortable... I never could get mine adjusted to suit me... The pistola gets heavy and it is somewhat of an aggravation down towards the end of the day... If you are barrel chested, or have short arms; a bianchi aint as easy to reach for as you might think... I've never tried the newer "balanced" type shoulder rigs that have the pistola on one side and the mags or speed loader on the other... My suspicion is that they are a bit more comfortable for a small pistola; not a large one like the Glock 20....Weight is weight no matter where it's hung... Now to the military by El Paso... They work like a charm.. I like 'em a lot... They work very well sittin down or riding, because they are in the right place for ya ta get your hands on... The problem... Mine wuz $100 plus a bunch of years ago (...i'm an El Paso Saddlery "junkie"...)...   Havin said all that,; here is a bunch i really like.... http://clarkforkleather.com/leather-chest-holster/   I intend to order one of these shortly for my Glock cannon... I like 'em lots... I believe they will be lots more comfortable... I can't see givin $175 plus for the same thing from some of the "more well known makers"...   Hope this helps....   leroy
    1 point
  41. I'm really surprised some innocents didn't get killed during all that. I thought that's why God made hellicopters and airplanes. Glad they got him... hope he's still in jail.
    1 point
  42.   Are you calling me an addict? Just because I seem to be here several times a day. Every dang day. And can't stop wondering what item I didn't get to buy. Or what thread I missed chiming in on.   I am not an addict. I just have no friends and nothing else to do.   Well...maybe I am. Hmmm.
    1 point
  43. Dang! I should get a job at a carnival! Haha!
    1 point
  44. Listen to more metal. Loudly. Soon you'll begin to think a volley of fire is just the applause of some far off admirers. Works for me, anyways. :-)
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Regardless of manufacturer recommendation I toss in snap caps for dry fire. Problem solved? I hope so because I'm burning up the trigger with DA dry fire practice. Sent from the Fortress of Solitude.
    1 point
  47.    WOW I had forgotten all about them ! Thanks !
    1 point
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