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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2016 in all areas

  1. That all those guns came home with me? Today it was 3 puppies! What in the world is going on here? I feel like I need to trade my vehicle in or something. Just kidding, with the success we had with getting Daisy and rehoming her to an excellent home with the help of a rescue I have decided this is something I am going to heavily pursue with my time. I actually have a foster coming tomorrow as well so that will be our dogs and 4 rescues. We had a major loss in our house 2.5 weeks ago and we lost both of our female dogs at the same time. While that tragedy cannot be changed, it has inspired me a lot. Today I transported a Great Pyrenees from Monterey to Cookeville and along the way I ended up with 1 8 week old mix breed and 2 pups that are only 4 weeks. I essentially did not have a choice in the matter, I had to step in and fix stupid. Just a heads up Nashvillians, if you are in the market for new puppies, Big Fluffy Dog Rescue will soon have 6 black border collies and 2 really adorable mix breed white pups that look like a Bernie/GP mix. I met all 8 today and they are ridiculously cute. If you are looking for a new pup or family dog, always feel free to reach out, I will be happy to help.
    6 points
  2. I can appreciate his issue.  I also find it frustrating when someone posts something for sale and you get no response (albeit, I can't say I have had that issue on TGO).  Even it if is already sold, a simple "sorry, it is sold" response is nice.  I always try to respond to every PM or email until I can get it marked a SPF.
    4 points
  3. Everyone should own at least one M1 Carbine.
    4 points
  4. We will be hosting our weekly IDPA match Wednesday 2/3/16. Stages are set and looks to be challenging but fun!   Range located at 526 West Main St Gallatin Tn, 37066   Doors open at 5pm, Shooters meeting at 6pm, wrap up around 9pm.   New, safe shooters always welcome.   See everyone Wednesday!
    3 points
  5. This is made from 5/32" 1095 carbon steel professionally heat treated to a RC of 59-61. OAL is 9 1/2" with a blade length of about 4 3/4". It has thumb jimping and is double acid etched and has very thin red G10 liners with Andiroba (African mahogany) and African Blackwood scales with mosaic pins. It's headed to a new home in Nashville.
    3 points
  6. I'm just explaining the southern way to do it. Sweet cornbread is a yankee abomination.
    3 points
  7. The CMP began accepting mail orders for M1 carbines today. They have not been available for mail order in many years. This batch probably won't last long, so get them while you can. They also said that they will have a small number available in the South and North stores beginning this Thursday, but I'll be surprised if they last through the weekend. The prices ($685 for service grade and $625 for field grade) are also much lower than the prices have been at the South store when a few have occasionally appeared in the racks. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  8. New rimfire benchrest opportunity in middle Tennessee.     If anyone is interested in a weekday match, we can have one at Strategic Edge.   Strategic Edge is primarily a long range(1250yds) and handgun range.   But, they've just added more benches and 50 yard target frames for us rimfire folk.   Tony has given me permission to set up a weekday match to see if there is much interest in rimfire benchrest.   To begin, we could temporarily use ARA's targets (because I have a hundred) and scoring.   But, if sufficient people are interested we can choose a match format and organize.   If you are interested, PM me.  If you have general questions, post them here and I'll answer as best I can.   Strategic Edge is a beautiful range near Chapel Hill, Tn.  Takes me about 55 minutes from Mount Juliet.     Regis    
    2 points
  9. Luke, shooting entails having an explosion going off mere inches from your face. It's a completely unnatural event, especially when you're causing it to happen. I've been shooting for years and I still sometimes flinch. During hunting season I was watching a deer for several minutes just waiting for him to present a good shot. I pulled the trigger and noticed the flinch to end all flinches. Luckily I had forgotten to switch off the safety, so I was able to disable the safety, calm down, and get a good, clean shot.   So don't worry about a little flinching. It happens to the best of us. And me too. ;)
    2 points
  10. I think he is bummed that some one didn't respond to his pm about something for sale. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. Hooters sells hot wings???????????? :hiding:
    2 points
  12.   Pure and simple truth.
    2 points
  13. If everyone would ask how much each visit or procedure cost, every single time, maybe things would change. Instead, many people are complacent because "insurance will cover it." Medical professionals get uncomfortable talking about money because then they might have to defend the value of their services. If everyone had to pay the exact cost of care each visit, the I think the costs would drop substantially. If the doctor had to look a parent in the eye and say, "I can't fix your child unless you give me X dollars," they would quickly learn what people are willing and able to pay. It only takes a few people saying you are a greedy, money hungry jerk who doesn't care about children before it takes a toll.
    2 points
  14.   Rachel doesn't wear contacts, and her mustache is fuller.
    2 points
  15. Disdain for .40 comes from listening to myriads of felchers saying it was great because "the cops use it" and then shooting a 10mm side by side with it and seeing the look on the .40 owners face. A disdain for "looking at boobs" comes from my (antiquated, but relevent) ideas on fidelity and that I wont give into the baseless carnality of flesh regardless if it takes the form of a girl that doesnt mind being eyeballed by perverts and creepy old men for the chance of a paltry denarius. America and the idea of a nuclear family has in part been whittled away at, and debased due to our sex culture. Where youre not pretty if you are not strutting your stuff, youre not a man if you dont grope and eyefuck every chick that walks around. It lowers inhibitions which leads to fornicators and alduterers...and it also incites the devious amongst us. Little Timmy learns at 7 that its accepted to say snide remarks and grope at Laura the College Girl and hooters then add in more baseless and wordly shite that is fed to the tech zombies of the 21st century and there is more of a chance he will become a serial rapist. Then you have the feminazis telling girls they need to embrace their sexuality and strut their stuff and sleep with whomever, that all men are pigs which destroys the idea of a family. We have all contributed to lowering the bar. It is okay because we are socially conditioned to think so. This has been going on since the 30s and it is getting worse. The Romans distracted everyone with sex and fetish, fancy toys and intrigue, great works and wars...and look at them. Having a daugther has intensified my hatred for this rampant sex culture that has been shoved down our throats in a hope to distract us from the slow attrition that will destroy us all. Once the bar begins to lower, we all bear the burden and pay the price. I think we all deserve to be caned Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. You want sweet cornbread? Pour molasses over it. Don't cook sugar in it.
    2 points
  17. Looks nice. I just don't think I want that hanging on my truck. They say you have to know your audience--I know mine and there will be no outward sign of gun ownership on my truck. Rarely is there a gun in the truck that's not on my person. I just don't want someone knocking out my window to check.
    2 points
  18. I want this to happen really bad. That's how I know it's a pipe dream and a joke and will never happen.
    2 points
  19. Oh no, where else am I gonna spend $600 on a used Glock?
    2 points
  20. With the Presidential campaigns heating up, it really amazes me that Gov Christie has not been questioned regarding his states draconian gun laws. You will recall that a young single mother from Philli with a concealed carry permit crossed the border into NJ and was arrested for having a legal hand gun!!! Further, you probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a concealed carry permit in NJ.    The true answer for backward states like this is a National Carry Permit.......it is our constitutional right!!!!
    1 point
  21. When I still had my G20 Gen 4 I left it mostly stock however.... I would definitely put a LW SSGR and slightly heavier recoil spring in it. Id polish up the feedramp and guide rails on the inside as well as the firing mechanism Ghost 3.5 D/C and LW 6lb trigger spring Night sights or at least Glock steel sights if thats your thing Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Yeah I agree with all you guys but when I heard him talking about it , I thought I'd check it out. The one thing I cant seem to find out is how the metal is treated and hwo corrosion resistant they are .  But like I posted earlier last week , I'm still after the Canik TP9 SF . At least I know it is well tested and proven .
    1 point
  23. Super Squad!   Squad 8  Current Shooters Sam Henderson ‐ ESP / SS Todd Cole ‐ ESP / MM Toby Barrett ‐ SSP / MM Scott Randolph ‐ ESP / MA Walt Kloeppel ‐ CDP / MM Doug Crabtree ‐ ESP / MM Andrew Willingham ‐ CCP / MM David Ragsdale ‐ SSP / MM Kenneth Kloeppel ‐ CDP / SS Chuck Stewart ‐ CDP / SS Noah Stewart ‐ ESP / MM Joe Williams ‐ ESP / EX
    1 point
  24. Well I haven't had mine replaced, but wife had both done about 6 months apart. If not for the surgery she would have been in a wheelchair. As most have said the therapy is painful, but gets better. One day about 6 months after her 2nd replacement we were walking and she turned to me and said " I don't hurt anymore". I have known some people with problems after and some with flying colors so ymmv. Get 2nd opinions and some referrals by patients is my recommendation. Hope all goes well.
    1 point
  25. I had my knee replaced just before my 59th birthday due to a rather traumatic injury at age 26. My knee was replaced in October of 2012 and the following April I did a 2 day bicycle ride averaging 70 miles each day. One big thing is to start rehab before the surgery. Stretching and strengthening before hand will improve your rehab afterwards. I did the week long Bicycle Ride Across Tennessee the September before the replacement in October and although it was rather painful the whole week it made the rehab much easier. Still painful though. Just remember when you start rehab, it will be much better later. Be sure and stretch as much as you can stand for quicker results.
    1 point
  26.   Dr. Scott Dube at Nashville Bone & Joint at Summit Hospital did both my surgeries. Great orthopedic surgeon. Give him consideration.
    1 point
  27. They are fun to shoot.
    1 point
  28. My wife had her first total knee 3 year ago, her second in October, was back working 12 hour shifts in the hospital in 11 weeks. From an observer, pain if pretty intense the first couple to three weeks, progressively better after that. As stated before, rehab is the key to full recovery. There is some pain and swelling for 6 months to a year, but from what she says nothing like the pain she had before. She is 55 and walks without a limp now, plus, we are able to get out and walk again. 
    1 point
  29. Sorry in advance for the length of this reply.   I had a pre-‘94 A2 for years, but sold it to someone in Connecticut for a pile of money after the federal AWB ended in 2004.  Here’s why I don’t currently prefer the A2 configuration.   New features of the A2 rifles according to Small Arms of the World (Ezell, 1983):   Single fire & 3-round burst – moot on civilian semi only rifles   Improved round & stronger front handguards – I’ve cracked a couple of teeth on the triangular handguards, so stronger is better.  It appears they went with the round handguards so they didn’t have to stock different left & right handguards. I prefer the shape of the triangular handguards.   New tapered slip (delta) ring – Less frustrating to remove handguards than the earlier flat one.  Good, functional change.   New 1 in 7” twist barrel with heavier diameter towards the muzzle – Twist change made over the earlier 1 in 12” twist to stabilize the new M855 62 gr “penetrator” and M856 tracer ammo. I don’t shoot either of those types of ammo. Historically, I've shot mostly 55 gr FMJ, which does well in a 1 in 7” twist barrel. I do also shoot the now-available 77gr BTHP which requires the faster twist, so that’s a useful change for me.    The heavier diameter of the barrel at the muzzle is actually somewhat detrimental for me. The extra weight at the muzzle end is the opposite of what most barrel designers would do for enhanced accuracy.  Per user “coldblue” (who claims on arfcom ( http://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=3&f=118&t=260598 ) “The M16A2 Product Improvement Program (1980-1983) was my program”):   We (Marines) were replacing a lot of "bent" barrels that were determined to be "bent" because the Armorer's Bore Drop Gauge would not freely pass through some barrels during Ordnance Inspections (LTI's). So the Logistics people had "Barrels Bending" on their list of "M16A1" things to "Improve" right after listing "Handguards Breaking."   We "experts" thought this bending was from rough handling like during bayonet drills, etc., as an absence of any mid-barrel handguard damage in these rifles made one assume the fulcrum of such bending was the bayonet lug. So we made that part of the barrel thicker because we did not want the excess weight of a full length heavy barrel. In testing using the bayonet lug as a fulcrum, and applying calibrated mechanical pressure to the muzzle, the new barrel was about 9 times more resistant to bend and take a set than an M16A1 profile. So we went with this "improvement."   However, soon after I started using a bore scope with a video recorder and monitor to inspect "bent" barrels. What I found was a mound of bullet jacket material at their gas ports. This build up was caused by a burr left from drilling/reaming the gas port. This was where the Armorer's Drop Gauge was getting stuck. When we removed this "mound", the barrels would all pass the Drop Gauge. We let Colt know what we had deduced, and that is one reason they kept models of "A2's" in their line-up with A1 profile barrels. However, the A2 profile was already down the road for the US Military. So about the only advantage of the A2 profile was to give the rifle a little more muzzle hang. This was noted by most all the Operational Test participants, especially when they fired the standing/off-hand leg of our rifle qualification course.   So it appears that we’ve been stuck with the heavy muzzle A2 contour (that was subsequently used on the military 14.5” and civilian 16” barrels) to fix a problem that didn’t really exist and for Marines to get better qualification scores.   New, stronger, longer buttstock: Stronger is good, but the utility of the longer length (outside classic marksmanship shooting positions) is debatable. With the proliferation of collapsible stock configurations, its easy for me to find one of those that work.  The adjustments also make it easier for smaller statured shooters to find a length of pull that works well for them.   New, fully adjustable rear sight: A lot nicer than the A1 rear sight. But I’ve got old man eyes now and tend to use optics, so this improvement is currently of little value for me.   So if you like the A2 configuration for nostalgic reasons – I think that’s great.  I have retro ARs and love them for what they are.  But for my use there are now configurations that work better – A1 barrel contours, collapsible stocks, and flat tops for easier optics mounting. 
    1 point
  30. Speak for yourself there, tender knuckles. :) Here's the one I built. It IS a 1:7 twist barrel by BCM. But, the A2 didn't have a pencil barrel, and DID have a 1:7 twist. This was as accurate as I could get it. The barrel cost me quite a bit by the time I had Adco stick the front sight on it. If you are gonna build from scratch, I have a DPMS rear sight kit still in the package...
    1 point
  31. I'm obviously part of the problem, because I actually enjoy looking at T&A and eating Hooters hot wings.
    1 point
  32. Those who ask you a question and then argue with you when you give them the CORRECT answer.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. What does Rachel Maddow have to do with this ? :)
    1 point
  35.   You shouldn't be that close to my truck.  You'll be lucky if the automatic tasers don't fire.  :D
    1 point
  36. I used to give the name, number, and address of anyone that I had a beef with to a recruiter from every branch of the military via the military websites.  I probably broke some laws.  But I'm sure that kept them annoyed for a while.
    1 point
  37. Guys who wear a "Man Bun"
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Just about anything thats indecent, scummy or has to deal with 40SW or Chevy deserves a caning. Now some people deserve immolation and/or detonation - Abortionists - People who make fun of special needs kids - The Kardashians - Rapists and molestors - Fraudsters - Contractors who make 12 ft long patch cables - People who harm children - Feminazis on Tumblr - The mere concept of Hooters Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40. Throw in a good laying chicken
    1 point
  41. Mostly CZ and some of the shops that deal in CZs, CZ Customs and Cajun Gun Works. For magazines Greg Cote, MidSouth Shooters Supply. Mec-Gar mags work great.
    1 point
  42. How pissed would you be if Wal-Mart banned private gun sales & transfers in their parking lot? Same deal. ;)
    1 point
  43. If it is a 75B, you might not like it if you did feel the trigger. I put $260 into my matte stainless 75, to get a really good trigger. The stock one had way to long of a reset and was a too heavy a pull for my tastes. The cajun gun works short reset 2 system helped that a bunch, along with a cz customs hammer, main spring, which then requires an extended firing pin with a lighter spring, and an adjustable sear. It was a lot more than I bargained for but that is one sweet shooting gun now. ;)
    1 point
  44. There is a place called ACRW just across the state line.  They threaded a barrel and installed a muzzle break for a friend of mine.  I've never been there or know anything about them but my buddy is happy with the work they did.   They are located at the 1st exit on 75 in Georgia (The Cabela's / Costco exit) and then take a left and they are located just before you get to US 41.   4884 Cloud Springs Rd Ringgold, GA 30736 (706) 891-6603
    1 point
  45. 9 sq ft. equates to a 36"x36" target.  At 1000 yds., using an out of the box rifle, with a scope designed for an AR, spending $960 for the total package, and presumably firing factory ammunition, consistent hits on that target sounds really impressive to me ...
    1 point
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