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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2016 in all areas

  1. Sign him up for the healthcare marketplace. He'll get calls galore. Also, I could give you more pointers, like plastic surgery centers websites for a consultation. Or post an ad on Craigslist with a photo of a hot blonde looking for a hookup, with his number. These are merely immature suggestions but always great for revenge.
    7 points
  2. Police speeding.   Using a cell phone in a theater.   Using a cell phone while driving.   Having more than 10 items in the express lane.   Taking up more than one parking space.   Hunting from someone else's deer stand.   Flying a drone over someone else's property without permission.   Visible underwear in public.   Agreeing to do something and not following through.   Putting sugar in cornbread.   Having a dremel tool near a quality firearm.   Spitting out used chewing gum where people walk.
    5 points
  3. You forgot this douchebag...
    4 points
  4. Looks nice. I just don't think I want that hanging on my truck. They say you have to know your audience--I know mine and there will be no outward sign of gun ownership on my truck. Rarely is there a gun in the truck that's not on my person. I just don't want someone knocking out my window to check.
    4 points
  5. Another thread got me thinking...   Why did everyone turn their back on the A2?  Everything is carbine, fast twists [stupid!!!] and how many trinkets can we pack on there.       Anyone else miss a nice set of fully adjustable iron sights?  Not the A1's, they were godawful, but the A2's were great.  Toss in a 12 twist pencil profile barrel and you got well balanced rifle that's a joy to shoot.    I've been toying with the notion of building another one.  Got a bare lower begging for new project.  hmmmm, Maybe a set of triangle guards and three prong out front.  LOL.
    3 points
  6. Hooters causes 1) males to objectify females as sexual props 2) the worst buffalo wings on the planet 3) more fuel for the feminazi agenda 4) places for creepy old men and teenagers to gather 5) pressures females to dress like hobags 6) adds more sexuality to the American food industry that wasnt needed 7) I dont like the color orange Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  7. I am going to assume the issue is the other shooters and their guns, not your guns. You know when your gun is going to go off. It is the cat next to you, or two tables down that is throwing your groove off.   You can double stuff as mentioned above, ear plugs and muffs, that will help muffle the sound. However you will still hear it, and if you are close enough feel the concussion.   My suggestion would be to sit there and close your eyes. Sit back off of the line at the back of the range. Just absorb it all. Don't shoot, just listen and feel. It might not happen instantly, but with your eyes closed you won't have any visual cues to warn you the blast is coming. It will just come. Take a few minutes to let that sink in, then try tuning it all out.
    3 points
  8. I cover mine with a drawbar and 2" ball.  It has protected my bumper in the past, makes a nasty hole in expensive, plastic-covered front bumpers.
    3 points
  9. You can type their phone number in on Facebook. If his number is associated with his account it will pop right up. I do that a lot when selling on Craigslist just to get an idea of who I am going to be meeting with.
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. Listen to more metal. Loudly. Soon you'll begin to think a volley of fire is just the applause of some far off admirers. Works for me, anyways. :-)
    3 points
  12. Well even us veterans still flinch!  So don't feel too bad.  There are a few things that will help you:   Double Stuff ( wear foam earplugs and ear muffs ) not only will this help preserve your hearing, it will lesson the noise and concussion of shooting making it a bit more comfortable.  Wear eye protection as well.   Properly grip the firearm.   Youtube has some great videos to help you properly grip your firearm when shooting.  This will help with the recoil and make you more comfortable. You can back down a few notches in caliber.  Try shooting a .22lr pistol for a while to get used to trigger and other mechanics involved in shooting. Snap Caps:  use these to help practice dry firing.  This will also help you with your shooting mechanics.   Shoot more  :) 
    3 points
  13. Remington has become more interested in building their corporate portfolio than building a quality product. The problem with current Marlins IS Remington. Remington blows. You take their flag ship: the 700. Comparing two 700's side by side, one made today and one made in say, 1960. Its the same difference in a Wilson Combat and a High Point. Both very serviceable and all, but really.... If you find yourself shopping for a Marlin lever gun, do your best to find one made in the 50's. They are arguably the best made Marlins out there....ever.
    3 points
  14. Spotted in KY this weekend
    2 points
  15. I'd die before I could finish the list but let it suffice to say caning and public humiliation would go a long way to straighten things up a bit in this country.
    2 points
  16. Ehull20000, I hate that you guys weren't able to get one to come in. Hopefully, next time. I'd be interested, and I imagine others would be too, if you'd tell us some details about your coyote hunts...like what kinds of guns, ammo, calls, camo, stands particulars, layout of land in front of your stands, did you hear coyotes in the area, what time did you get on the stand, and how long do you stay on a stand? Us wannabe newbs can appreciate every single morsel of tips and information we can get to improve our coyote hunting skills. Thanks.
    2 points
  17. Become a TGO Benefactor. All the cool kids are doing it.
    2 points
  18. I could get this one: But I like my current one: :biglol:
    2 points
  19. Write his number down in every public bathroom....: for a good time call
    2 points
  20. Old fart here.....( 80 ) I've never had a speeding ticket in my life!  Reason simple...I don't speed.I never had a DUI and I never will...reason I don't drink and never will.  And guess what I've got to every place in the world I wanted to with NO accidents.  Am a I bragging hell yes!  Moral of the story is if ya don't wanna get hit by a train stay off the tracks.  How do ya think I got to be 80.  
    2 points
  21. That's a whole bunch classier than truck nuts. I reckon I would have to get rid of them first :)
    2 points
  22. Chip Cain is an attorney and a sponsor here. He can really help you. Have him draw you up an NFA trust. Then, go buy a suppressor. Be happy. Worked for me! I used to think I hated AR's going off cause they are so godawful loud. Got my first can....now I KNOW I hate them. EVERYTHING needs a can on it! Lol!
    2 points
  23. Her owners are great. I couldn't have done better in choosing a great home. And now apparently I've been bitten by the bug. I'm getting another foster pup this Tuesday. All I know is she's 4-5 months old. It'll be a surprise I guess. Praying to god she's not a Tasmanian Devil. LOL!
    2 points
  24. Never having had or used a Facebook or Instagram account I'm of the "so what" opinion.
    2 points
  25. Why would you ask a police officer if there were certain no gun signs?  By asking that sort of question, you are basically advertising the fact that you are carrying to someone you do not know.   If you didn't see any legal no gun signs, I would keep my mouth shut and if you think you can carry without being found, then carry. If you think you would be found carrying, then I wouldn't go.  Now you have given those folks the idea to stick up the right signs.  Remember they don't have to stick up legal no gun signs to use a metal detector on private property, but once they stick up the signs, then there is a possible weapons charge.  As of now without the signs, you don't risk a weapons charge.
    2 points
  26. I dunno about y'all, but I'm getting an early start getting the soil prepped for planting this weekend. Probably some this week if it doesn't rain much. Green sand went into the carrot section of the garden today, and should be getting a big coir brick this tuesday. Hopefully this is a good growing season for everyone.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. We did nothing productive today other than shoot for 4 hours. It was amazing. I tuned my new AR from the TGO group buy. Monkey got to test his new build and then we had 3 new pistols we had to break in. All in all it was a perfect day with awesome weather!!
    1 point
  29.   It's all fun and games until jade helm changes the weather pattern.
    1 point
  30. I have insurance, and still get one call per day 5 days per week, and two emails per day -  7 days per week, from healthcare.gov.   It is absolutely insane.   Trying to get on the web site & the 1-800 line and turn it off has been futile. The damned phone system leaves a voice mail - and ends with "if you already have insurance, please ignore this message"......
    1 point
  31. Put me down for one. Thanks. By the way, I like the three-hole icon.
    1 point
  32. It's been a great day. The temps were great but the breeze (windy) made it feel suprisingly cool. I've put in some miles of walking this week which was great after the recent snowfall. I believe I;m going to go with some concrete planters for a raised garden this year Ted.
    1 point
  33. You want sweet cornbread? Pour molasses over it. Don't cook sugar in it.
    1 point
  34. Part of our property runs up into the Paperville Knobs. I'll have to keep an eye out.
    1 point
  35. I have an 18" with a 1/8 on my 5.56. I like running 62 gr ammo, so it works fine for me.
    1 point
  36.   Wild pigs know no bounds.  Why are you surprised?
    1 point
  37. It has been nice. I washed the boat and clean/organized the garage. I need to get my garden in the works. Last year was a terrible year for my garden. 
    1 point
  38. The trade value thing gets me.  Here's how I look at it.  If I offer to trade my $500 gun for your gun, then an even trade would be you giving me a $500 gun and that is fair.  If I offer my $500 gun for sale and you want to trade me an Xbox, three tires and a jet ski with a bad motor then those things should add up in value to say $700.  I have a boat listed on CL now for $2000, I say in the ad that I don't want to do trades but I put a trade value of $3000 on it.  Reason being is I don't want what they have to trade, I don't need anything, anything that they are offering to trade I will just sell.  Therefore I'm going to have to make a post, get the item ready to sell, then deal with more idiots like them that will likely want to trade me for more crap that I don't want or need. 
    1 point
  39. Make sure to cook him well done - no telling how long he was laying on the side of the road.  ;)
    1 point
  40. Where about? Have a place off VI Ranch that we are gonna build on.
    1 point
  41. I may finally get around to building my tgo ar lower!
    1 point
  42.   Hahah... that's great.   For sale: 5.9" long thingy thrower with 9mm hole. Has three glow-in-the-dark spots. Customized with brown, arboreal hand-holds. Comes with two refill packs for 15 non-squares. Will throw in a epidermal-based holder. Includes bristles-on-a-stick, manual, and the original plastic case.
    1 point
  43. Facebook can do as they like. I don't like the PC, but whatever. I haven't bought nor sold a single weapon through FB, so no care. Same goes for Craigslist. But add that I would never use it because of the scammers and jackers that crop up from time to time. TGO has been the only place I've sold and traded firearms and for many reasons. One being the people here are good and more trustworthy. :up:
    1 point
  44. Ok, so I've written my essay....   A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.     ​That should cover any and all aspects of why I should be allowed to carry.
    1 point
  45.   Any time I spend reloading is time I'm not wasting on YouTube, Amazon, or sitting on the couch watching TV. I don't ever ask how much that time is worth to me.
    1 point
  46. Patton hits on another interesting aspect. It's a hobby and hobbies need not be cost effective. I reload for everything I shoot and economy has nothing to do with it. Over the years it's got to the point I enjoy loading as much or more than actually shooting. Therefore, time and effort are never entered into my final cost because I love doing it.
    1 point
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