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My doctor has never ask if I own a gun because when I go to her office I am wearing one. She has a free standing office not connected to any medical facility and she has a complete female staff. She did tell me one day that everyone except her receptionist is armed. I asked her what she carried and she opened her doctors coat to give me a glance at her Kimber. She said it is none of the Governments business what her patients medical records are and she still practices Doctor/Patient Confidentiality. That is why I drive 55 miles one way to see her every 3 months for past 18 years...................... :cheers:9 points
Here is a good answer....... [URL=http://s1307.photobucket.com/user/ggwilde/media/2016-01-26%2020.47.44_zpsfjz7vq9l.jpg.html][/URL]7 points
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6 points
Merged the two threads on this topic. Tragedy indeed. I don't care how many times you've had the discussion, kids will be kids. You don't leave loaded firearms where they can get them. This was a 100% preventable death. And now a kid is going to have to deal with the fact that he killed another kid. Pathetic.5 points
Terrible situation. I'd also venture a guess that these kids were never taught proper gun safety. My 4 year old already knows the first rule for kids when it comes to guns: If you see a gun you don't touch it and get an adult. My son knows to never touch any of my firearms, including the fake plastic ones I use for making holsters. I also allow him to handle my actual firearms after I've unloaded them and only under my supervision so that his curiosity won't get the better of his judgement. I've read similar stories about LEOs leaving their duty belt accessible to kids who were able to get the gun out of the holster and fired off a shot, so it goes to show that even the most experienced gun owners can fall victim to complacency. A lesson for all of us to be sure.5 points
4 points
Making a bad decision does not mean these are bad people. They made a bad choice. It probably seemed innocent enough at the time. They will have to live with this the rest of their life. Whatever happens to them will not be as bad as knowing what they allowed to happen. We have all made bad choices in life, I am lucky mine never cost someone's life. I have been accused of things, been tarried a feathered by a lot of people that read a highly inaccurate news article even though they did not know a thing about me. Through that I have a lot of more compassion for people that are going through tough times. I also do not believe much I read in the newspapers. It is very easy to armchair this but I will withhold judgement.3 points
I thought I educated my kids too by doing as ETP did only to find out later that kids will be kids. I ended up with a hole in my bathroom floor because I thought they'd comply with their training. The news even did a story with kids showing that even after just being given thorough instructions of what to do if you find a gun, (don't touch; go tell an adult), hidden cameras revealed that they ignored such instructions in favor of curiosity. My guns remain in the safe when my grandchildren - or any children - are visiting.3 points
Tragic? Yes. Accident? Hell no. Yeah, the mother most likely feels pretty bad but that ain't enough. She should be hung out to dry. This was 100% avoidable. If you're going to carry, have the damn common sense and courtesy to BE RESPONSIBLE!! That weapon should NEVER be out of your reach unless it is very scurely put away. Leaving it in your purse! WTF??? This is cut and dry criminal negligence and possibly involuntary manslaughter. Certainly some child endangerment charge and she should never be allowed to carry or own a firearms again. A good felony conviction would take care of that. Poor little one. The woman should be beaten with a fan belt until she lapses in a coma.3 points
My answer is "no I keep them with me". My wife went to the doctor a few years ago and stepped on the scale. Gave it a puzzled look, stepped off handed her gun and holster to the nurse and stepped back on. Said that looks better and collected her stuff and went on. The look on the nurses face was priceless.3 points
This question is lso recommended under O Care... the idea is that if you are diagnosed and then ajudicated by the court as a danger to yourself or someone else they Wil know to notify the "authorities ". I have always nswered with a simple "no". The less fuss I make the less noticeable I am. Besides I'm not under oath or anything.3 points
I feel like in a way she's kinda everyone's dog so I thought I'd update you guys. I know I told you the Monkey and I were going to keep her. When we originally got her from Reef, she was a rescue, then she blended in so well. Flash forward two weeks and I realized that not only would she be better suited as an only dog or dog with 1 other dog. But I also realized she was going to take time for obedience school. With our huge pack, it just didn't seem fair to turn their lives upside down. When we initially took her, I had a PM from a member here who sent me an offer of help. To say I was shocked would be true but I should know better then that. The offer was to help with Vet bills, boarding or whatever she needed. Also to adopt her if we didn't keep her. What a great person, right? Well, Daisy has been completey vetted, spayed and given a clean bill of health. Due to a very sad incident at our home we've sorta had her there to cheer us up during a big loss. But today we're heading to Lebanon to meet up with her new owners who will give her an amazing life and focus on her. I'm VERY sad to see her go, but I'm thankful she's going to a good home who truly wants her. So she can technically still be the TGO mascot if needed. LOL I am going to miss her, but I have a slight feeling her new owner will want to share pics and posts about her with all of us since she's so amazing. Also, wish him luck on the food front. She's a hearty eater and she never gains weight. 5 cups of dry and 2 cans of wet food a day. In two weeks she only gained .1 lb! I'll let him reveal himself when he feels like it, but just know, this forum is a place where people truly care and help each other and animals and for that I am grateful. Thanks everyone!2 points
2 points
I got an email from her new dad this morning and she looked so happy and content laying on her new mom's legs. She's cute. I miss her already.2 points
Ok, so I've written my essay.... A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That should cover any and all aspects of why I should be allowed to carry.2 points
2 points
Since this is the umpteenth thread on the subject, I feel compelled to ask; Why change anything at all?2 points
Abe Vigoda always cracked me up on Barney Miller. Saw him in some other stuff too. Great actor.2 points
29/30. When I hear shotgun I think SPAS not 870.. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk2 points
The greatest feat of gunsmithery was convincing people that Glocks are 1911s and need to be customized to work more better. I can see stippling and cutting the slide for a RDS. I can even see added slide serrations if the end user needs them (I love checkered front strap on a 1911). But some of this stuff just seems to be for the chicks dig it factor.....and by chicks I mean dudes at the range who worry about what pants Costas is wearing this week. They get good reports in the gun mags I read so good luck with your purchase.2 points
It was definitely a Kimber lol Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk2 points
Well the wife finally got involved, I was fine with my bar being limited to a few dozen rums and a few dozen whisky's with minimal mixers for the occasional old fashioned or sazerac.(I.E. you can have whatever you want so long as it's sipping rum or whiskey) The wife finds an old picture of me behind the bar at my old house and starts wanting a cocktail. EVERY single cocktail she picked I was missing key ingredients, which led to creation of a list, and a trip to a friend's liquor store. Long story short I've gone from 4 cocktails she can choose from to a few over 700, and she can't say a word about what a bottle of whisky costs anymore. :cheers: Untitled by Erik, on Flickr2 points
I have to say, I started reloading because of a S&W 500 magnum purchase. Then started reloading for my S&W 629. I have saved money in that part of it. Now for the other part. I carry a Sig P238 and reload for it. I've made thousands of rounds and just saying the average box of 50 will be $15.00. I have saved money. Except for my shooting habits. I shoot on average 200 rounds of 380 a week and sometimes up to 400 rounds. If I carry it, I want to train with it and fire it as much as I can. Buying bullets in bulk and keeping a stock pile of primers, powder, I feel good about it. Again, I have not saved much,if anything, but I hit the range a whole lot more and my goal is to get the little Sig to be an extension of my hand. Nothing can do that but putting rounds down range. Reloading lets me afford to do that.2 points
"What? a gun? those are dangerous.. I wouldn't ever leave one of those lying around my home" Honest answer... sounds like a "No"2 points
Crossville: 7 year old dies after being accidentally shot by another child. Short version: Children left in car (negligently, by parent) with loaded pistol in purse. One found the gun, removed or tried to remove the magazine, gun discharged (when the child pulled the trigger with a round left in the chamber) striking the victim in the head. (My opinion in parentheses.) Multiple issues here, but say a prayer for this family.2 points
Another reason that I wish that I could opt out of SS. We are already crazy in their eyes simply because we have a desire to own guns. The antis are going to use any and all underhanded tactics necessary to keep them from us. There is no way that admitting firearm ownership to these idiots can have a positive outcome. Furthermore, someone correct me if I'm wrong, a patient has no obligation to answer the question.2 points
Yep. Tastes just like Delia's in New London, CT when I was growing up. The REAL deal.2 points
The Supreme court has ruled that the police have no duty to protect any individual. That means they can stand by and watch as you are murdered and then arrest the person who did it, go to court and testify to what they witnessed and hopefully the jury will convict your killer. So what responsibilities do you perceive the police have? What responsibilities do CCers have? OCers have? Citizens are not vested with the states authority nor do they enjoy the same protections of sworn police officers, so why would you think they have any kind of authority at all? I carry because it is my RIGHT under the 2A, not by any authority vested upon me. What do you have against open carry? is that your issue? or do you have a police background, family that are police officers, or what ? You can handle any interactions with the authorities as you see fit for yourself. I refuse to condemn another for how they handle their interactions.2 points
Joeys house of pizza on elm hill pike. Open 11-3 weekdays. Find time to go. Better than all the above suggestions so far. Also cafe fontanella has a really good pizza if you're ever a little north of town.2 points
Counter proposal.... Disallow internal ignition, scopes & saboted projectiles ;)2 points
I wrote my essay in Texas. He never responded back.1 point
Last time I visited my Dr, I said hello by asking: "So Doc, you killed anything lately?" That led into discussing hunting trips and what new guns we had bought. He didn't record any of that in the medical records. I like having a redneck Dr.1 point
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1 point
They would lose revenue. Right now, unless you have a sportsman license, you have to buy two tags to hunt both muzzle loader and gun season. So every hunter that hunts both seasons would spend half as much on license fees as before unless you are recommending the gun tag price be doubled.1 point
1 point
I think the pizza at Joey's House of Pizza is laced with crack. I go there once a week getting there at 11:15 so I have a place to sit. They have spoiled me from eating any other pizza and thinking it's even remotely good.1 point
1 point
I'd have said "no, I keep all mine in my super secret bunker under the elementary school"1 point
Many years ago my wife and I were at our local credit union to get a car loan when a masked man with a gun came in. We were in a small side room with a big window to the lobby and I never considered confronting him unless he started shooting people. My wife realized what was happening as he was running out the door, she said "Get your gun, stop him" so I said " Are you crazy, this a good example of why I will never buy you a handgun" I never told her that I was wearing my gun. Family first, everyone else depends on the situation and very far down the list is everything else.1 point
In addition to others - Castrillo's is one of my favorites Roma's has my favorite white pizza Coco's Little Chicago is the best "Chicago Style" I have found.1 point
1 point
For some reason the phrase "Hold my beer and watch this" comes to mind.1 point
Things haven't changed much, I could almost match you word for word when describing my '86 Toyota truck......1 point
6' 10" & 230# would make you thin enough to fit in anything with enough headspace... and legroom...LOL. Your nine inches taller and 35# heavier then me. Of course my losing thirty some odd pounds through diet and exercise suddenly made small cars somewhat more comfortable.1 point
I'm going to suggest the Toyota RAV4, wife chose it over the CRV. Good get up and go, around 30 highway mpg's, did well in the snow this week.1 point
1 point
Canik TP9 both versions. ~$325 Taurus G2 Millenium ~$199-$209 It's hard to beat the G2 in bang for the buck. Two hundred dollars anywhere else buys... what?... a Hi Point?1 point
here is the model of my motor https://www.mrosupply.com/motors/ac-motors/general-purpose-motors/26523_vm3546_baldor/ I used it through the VFD.1 point
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