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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2016 in all areas

  1. If it makes you feel any better, there's a guy with a brand new Corvette in our neighborhood. Clearly he's got more money than sense, as yesterday he was out driving around the neighborhood and put it in the bushes going back up his driveway - and got it stuck at the same time. I guess he got it out though, because today I went into the office for a few minutes and saw that he had abandoned it in a ditch.
    4 points
  2. This is grandstandin pure and simple... It's nothin more than shameless panderin to these single mothers who cant believe their little boys can grow up and turn in murderin, rapin, pillagin monsters... Guns aint the problem; absentee fathers, no fathers, and a matriarchial society that chooses to not to address the real problems are...    leroy
    4 points
  3. Just fixed my problem , my new .22 is complete....
    3 points
  4. She is a little angry.   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di2k7-prWrA
    3 points
  5. Haha, she's not much. But no shedding and small poop. Ha. I dug the FJ out and drove around. It's a champ. But honestly the LR4 is unstoppable. It's active 4wd management makes it hard to get stuck if you tried. So we drove it most. I was shuttling people all over town.
    3 points
  6.   At 11 years old, replace it, then begin a maintenance schedule on the new one.
    3 points
  7. You get to voice your 1A because of the 2A
    3 points
  8. Please do us a favor and punish those who drive like idiots during these conditions.
    3 points
  9.   It wasn't an order, it was a request, and a request the open carrier has no reason to acquiescent to.  Watch the second video down in the link (an LEO followed him to another business) and the LEO's flat out said that he told the business owners, "we can't order you to present your...ahh...permit." http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=667_1452648888   So, why the issue?  The open carrier was harassed by the LEO's because he dared to open carry a firearm, as he was qualified by his state to do. Respect goes both ways, once they disrespected the carrier, they lost his respect, as they would mine.  I also would have been just as uncooperative as the open carrier were I in his place.
    2 points
  10. I would reverse that.  I think 45ACP will be easier to learn on (unless you already have the .380 dies).    .380 is much lighter wall,  much shorter and harder to handle (finger-wise).  Easier to crunch, and OAL is a bugger to set until you get acclimated.    BTW, If you plan to crimp, I suggest a set of Lee Factory Crimps on either.
    2 points
  11. This newspaper has always been a Liberal mouthpiece. They call often offering discount subscription rates. I just tell them I wouldn't take it for free. Old editions do come in handy when I clean fish however.
    2 points
  12.   All joking aside, it took me a few seconds to actually spot the dog in the picture. :)
    2 points
  13. The problem with just obeying unlawful orders is that you make it OK if you voluntarily comply and then you have NO complaint to make. When you voluntarily comply then you have just willfully given up your rights to the bully cop and that negates your complaint. If I am truly in violation of the law I expect I WILL be arrested for that violation and go through the system, and rightly so,  but when I am breaking no laws and I am approached by officer friendly because he wishes to exert some of his perceived power over a law abiding citizen then that's when I stand up for my rights and don't voluntarily give them up so easily. I will be as polite as I can be all the while doing so. I also believe in my right to record such encounters, after all, cops don't lie, do they?
    2 points
  14. Kind of off subject but what would happen or how would you act if you do not take your medications?   Not everyone who can own a firearm should own a firearm. I am not saying that is the case with you but you need to take a really hard, and honest, look at yourself to determine that. If YOU think you will be fine, and have not been committed or had a judge weigh in on your case, then buy the firearm. And by fine I mean when you can't or don't take your medications. A lot of people with mental conditions think they can stop taking their medications and that can end with bad results. If that describes what would happen if you quit taking your medications then you might take a really hard look at whether you should really be owning a firearm.   We just do not want anyone to use a firearm to harm themselves or others if it can be helped.   Good luck.
    2 points
  15. That's not just any fur coat, that's a pimp coat. Probably also got a pearl handle 38 Special in the pocket.
    2 points
  16. Just did my 43 this evening; first gun. Practiced on Pmags and such in the past. Full stipple, flats, and undercut. Just had to man up and go for it. Wasn't that bad. Try it out!
    2 points
  17. I promote the 2nd by carrying, and supporting others who carry.  I don't support one method of carry over another.  Having said that, I don't think it advances the cause to be an ass about it, from either side.  Many, unfortunately on both sides, have agendas and all they want is confrontation for either publicity, for or against, the cause or attention seeking.  
    2 points
  18. The view from my "office"
    2 points
  19. Wouldn't it be easier to just turn the little button in the middle of the door knob?
    2 points
  20. My wife and I were sitting in our warm home enjoying the morning, and seeing the great view of the clean snow. Well we heard some activity out front. So I slid on my lackey and walked out to my neighbor and his 2 sons clearing the snow out of my walk and driveway. I was floored. He told me he was just paying back. He told me his mother lives up north and every time there is a snow. His mothers walks and drive is cleared for her by neighbors. Makes you understand there are still men in this world who know how to show their sons what values and character is. We are blessed
    2 points
  21. Middle Tennessee Shooters Club will be hosting a Rifle Pistol match on Sunday February 7th. Registration is from 11:00 to noon and we will start shortly there after. It will be 5 stages, approximately 125 rounds for each gun. Longest rifle shot will be around 220 yards. Our normal 3 gun divisions apply. 25$ for non members and $20 for members. You can post questions here or reach me at sumocrp@aol.com
    1 point
  22. So... here is my snow story. A co-worker and I had to fly to NYC to check on a few projects and for me to meet our main customers up there. Had really hoped not not ever have to go up there but we have a ton of work up there so even though I would only be the third resource I still needed to meet everyone and get my bearings. When we first got there the big story was the storm coming in mid-day on Friday (we were supposed to leave at 4 PM on Friday. The next day they'd pushed that back where it wasn't a concern. Then  on Wednesday we started getting emails and texts from folks back home asking if we were worried about the storm coming in here...   We checked and decided to move our 4pm flight up to 11:30 and felt pretty good on Wednesday. We did have to pull a couple of really long days on Wed and Thursday to make up for leaving early on Friday. Thursday night at dinner at 10pm the texts started up again and sure enough the storm had moved further up in the day. We stopped eating and changed our flights to the earliest flight possible. This of course meant getting back to the hotel around midnight, packling as best as possible then getting up at 4am to make the journey to LaGuardia.   When we got there any flights anywhere in the NE were all ready all cancelled but flights out west and to the south were still being scheduled. As we boarded our flight everything else south except for 1 flight to Atlanta were cancelled.. We were the 2nd to last place out. Cruised down to Nashville where we had to circle while they plowed the runway. Once we landed we had to follow a plow down the taxiway... SO we got lucky and made it out of the hellhole that is NYC by the skin of our teeth...   Then, it took almost as long to drive to franklin on 65 as it did to fly from NYC... But, now I have a great story to tell...   Mark
    1 point
  23. I'll send you a pm of a friend who saved me nearly 30-40% over State Farm
    1 point
  24. Hope WM has another $6something a box sale on Perfecta,I am almost out of it.
    1 point
  25. Never owned a Subaru but found this: :)
    1 point
  26. Thanks for the reply. That makes sense. I may grab both sets of dies (planning on getting Lee deluxe kits that include the crimping die) and learn on .45, switch to the .380 after some guided loading on the .45. Thanks for the reply! Brandon
    1 point
  27. I stayed in. No excitement here.
    1 point
  28.   No where in your paper work does it say what gun you used.  The instructor in my case just recorded my score and that was it.  The only way someone would know is if they asked you and you told them.  Also the one thing the instructor was very clear on "You are responsible for every bullet and where it goes" that means it doesn't matter if you qualified with a .22lr or a you managed to get your hands on a THUNDER .50 BMG Pistol and used that.  A stray bullet that goes someplace you didn't mean it to go will get you into trouble no matter what.    Thanks Robert
    1 point
  29. I've been to a few shows up there and never have seen any bangers at the show........what they worried about anyways? Obama closed the gun show loophole.
    1 point
  30. Our water heater went on the fritz and was leaking on Wednesday, so we called the people that put it in 5 short years ago to replace it under warranty.  They got here this morning and had the new one in, in about 1.5 hours. Our hot water pressure had been about half of what it should be but the new water heater didn't fix the low pressure problem. The galvanized water pipes to our water heater and the washer was under or in the slab for the last 6 feet. The plumber crawled under the house and finally figured out the hot water pipe was broken/rotted under or in the slab. After about 5 hours of work, they ran new pipes another way and abandoned the ones in the slab and it fixed the problem. Wife and I went to eat a bite and came home a couple of hours later and the house was about 60 degrees. I checked the unit and the fan motor was bad and I had no place to get one until Monday. I now have a kerosene heater and two oil filled heaters keeping us warm. Life since Wednesday has been a challenge to say the least, but I'm hoping for things to return to normal after I install the new motor on Monday. Sucks to be me right now....LOL. Of course, things can always be worse.
    1 point
  31. “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”  ― Samuel Adams    
    1 point
  32. Small dogs are great! Less food and less poop!
    1 point
  33. I use to see my dad about every 3-5 years, turn the power off, then drain it, and remove the buildkup inside the tank.  I think 99% of all elements go out, is always the lower element.  Its caused by the buildup.
    1 point
  34. For those familir with Glock history there is a very rare Gen 1 19 on Gunbroker. Again, it's a Gen 1... Supposedly there were only a handful of these made.   Naturally, I still can't copy and paste on TGO.
    1 point
  35. That's really not a dog you've got there Neil... ;)   Did you get the Yota out to play in this weather?
    1 point
  36. I'm gonna try to get the Canik TP9 SF . It seems to be a great value and has great reviews.
    1 point
  37. Man, that sucks. Keep an eye on the fumes from your temporary heat sources.
    1 point
  38. Hello Ed!   I think you'll enjoy our group. I've met many of our members face to face through transactions and competitive matches and its always been a good experience.   If you've been here 15 years though, I'm afraid we'll have to call you hillbilly rather than Miami native!  :pleased:
    1 point
  39. Just sold mine for $200. I hate that gun. How the heck does a POS like this get through quality control? Guaranteed one FTE per mag. Sent from the Fortress of Solitude.
    1 point
  40. Just my opinion but I believe that when someone who openly carries gets this confrontational with police; I suspect they are openly carrying for the express purpose of getting into a confrontation and starting an argument about the "law" on the sidewalk (or in this case, in the middle of a shopping mall).  Some may see this as simply standing up for our "rights" but I say that these people do NOTING GOOD for promoting support for civilian carry or the for supporting the Second Amendment.
    1 point
  41. SB1736 is a bad bill that will not make any movement.  A bill that adds liability to a business over a no gun sign will not go anywhere.  Why even write a bill like this when you can write a bill to just remove the criminal charge of the sign law?       The easier solution would be to just get rid of the sign law or heavily modify it into a trespassing issue instead of a weapons charge.  If you fix the sign law, then people would be able to legally carry in a lot more places.  You can say just avoid a business all you want, but people forget that these signs are legally binding at any local or state government building and places like hospitals where people often have to go   Think about this.  There are more than just private businesses that have legally binding signs.  There are a lot of places that you have no choice in going but must go, like a hospital or local/state government office.  If the sign law was changed and you were concealing, you would not have any problems and be legal. when at those places.  If you are not good at concealing and being quiet, then you'd be asked to leave.  When you cause a scene and don't leave, then it is trespassing.  That is how most of the country operates except for TN and a few other states.
    1 point
  42. I would remove both the criminal charge and the fine for people with handgun carry permits.  Missouri, for example, only turns the signs into an issue if you fail to leave when asked to leave, and even then it is only a 100 dollar fine.  Missouri's sign law makes the busy body politicians feel like they are doing something but in fact it helps people with permits.  You can even carry on school property legally in Missour until someone notices you carrying and asks you to leave.  That is a lot better than Tennessee.   Change the wording to something like this:   Carrying of a concealed firearm in a location specified in subdivisions (1) to ( 17) of subsection 1 of this section by any individual who holds a concealed carry permit issued pursuant to sections 571.101 to 571.121 shall not be a criminal act but may subject the person to denial to the premises or removal from the premise
    1 point
  43. I'd push for getting rid of the fine for no gun signs and also school property carry.  I think the no gun sign law modification would be easier to get politically than school property carry.
    1 point
  44. http://bearingarms.com/va-gop-may-strip-mcauliffe-protective-detail-concealed-carry/   If the GOP in DC had any testicals they would do that with BoBo.
    1 point
  45. I also recommend contacting the State tourism dept. Advising taking vacation in SC or NC where TN residents' dollars are appreciated. Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  46. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the Chamber is composed of Lefties. However, it has been my experience that most politics is ultimately based on money. If that is true and they feel that this action on the part of the AG could hurt their bottom line then I believe they will be able to overlook their "moral outrage".  The good folks of Virginia need to speak up as well since this is just one paving stone on the path to becoming another state like New York. Look at New York on Google Earth sometime......the VAST majority of the state is rural but because of the large number of people in the New York city area it controls the politics of the entire state. The large cities are what drive all the crime and "gun violence" statistics. The media doesn't talk about that though. They just want a disarmed populace. Maybe the big cities are the problem (not guns) and they should be banned! Wonder what Bloomberg would think about that?
    1 point
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