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I've spent 50+ years in 'big snow' country - we'll get thru this! :) The problem is the drivers, not the snow. . . . . well, there is a lack of adequate plows and salt trucks . . .10 points
6 points
If anyone in Clarksville needs to be pulled out or needs groceries feel free to hit me up and Ill try to help out Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk5 points
They had weapons? Of course they did. They are in the military, and likely these were MPs, or whatever they call them in the Marines (a**holes?). They're supposed to have guns. So this is what I'm trying to understand: 1. Person on bike breaks law, ignores sign which tells them not to trespass on base. 2. Military police have guns. 3. Person is surprised to be fined and have their vehicle impounded for illegally trespassing onto a military installation. 4. Person is surprised that law enforcement have guns. What makes people from California so ****ing stupid? Is it genetic? Brainwashing? Lead in the water?5 points
Some of you frequent fliers may like this one.... Being airborne approximately 30 minutes on an outbound evening Air Lingus flight from Dublin, the lead flight attendant made the following painful announcement in her lovely Irish Brogue... "I'm so very sorry, but it appears there has been a mix-up...by our catering service. I don't know how this happened, but we have 103 passengers on board, and...unfortunately, we have received only 40 dinner meals. I truly apologize for this mistake and inconvenience..." When all the muttering died down, she continued..."Anyone who is kind enough to give up their meal so that someone else can eat...will receive free, unlimited drinks for the duration of this 4 hour flight." Her next announcement came about 2 hours later... "If anyone would like to change their minds...we still have 40 dinners available."4 points
4 points
4 points
I'd be okay if I never saw snow again unless I get on a plane to go to it. I live in the south for lots of reasons. Snow and ice is not one of them.4 points
I am originally from Michigan and have lived in New England. Anything less than 6 inches is just flurries.4 points
A microphone that's always on and connected to the network...if that's not a privacy invasion waiting to happen, I don't know what is.4 points
I'm was getting things stirred up here this morning, and decided to take a look outside. Peeked through the window and all I could see was white! It's absoultly pouring the snow here! I'm over it already, and cant wait until it's Spring so I can start working in my garden.3 points
I prefer the Marlins. I have a couple of 1895's in 45-70. They are both great looking and shooting guns. My other 45-70 is a Ruger No. 1. That would be my second choice. [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/DSCF0042.jpg.html][/URL]3 points
Coming down so hard I can't see my neighbors' houses. Love being retired: Food for five days, a freshly cracked bottle of Monkey Shoulder and plenty of Samurai DVDs. Don't intend to crack back door until Sunday!3 points
3 points
3 points
My slammed rice burner goes fine in snow with proper tires. I prefer FWD in the snow over RWD. My Mustang is fun, but not prudent in adverse conditions. I tend to drive my wife's car in snow and ice. Replacing parts on my rat rod import would be impossible if some idiot smacked her. I find that it is most of the people that think they know how to drive in the snow are the dangerous ones. I have a million miles under my belt in all weather and I still get nervous in adverse weather. Also crotch rocket refers to a motorcycle, not a car, get your slurs right or it just makes you look silly instead of foolishly opinionated. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk3 points
The problem with Clarksville isn't so much the drivers as it is the roads not being prepped and not having enough plows. I dealt with many winters up there, and I wouldn't drive on it. Just a few years ago a storm hit just as I was leaving work. It should have been a 10 minute drive home but it took an hour. I witnessed somewhere over 2 dozen accidents on the way home, and probably as many cars stuck in the median after losing control. The issue was it rained, then snowed and the roads weren't treated. I don't care where you come from or what you drive, the laws of physics still applies. I'm from Florida, but drove plenty in places where they get a lot more snow, such as Michigan. I took my southern ass out driving after getting at least a foot of snow. No problem at all. In most parts of Tennessee, however, the roads don't get pre-treated and there aren't enough plows. This is why it shuts everything down. It's not that people are just all stupid. I'll add, some of those wrecks were idiots in 4wd's, who were driving like a**holes because they thought everyone was stupid and their 4wd has some kind of magical powers which nullify the laws of physics. It don't matter if you're in a 4wd or not; when you're on ice you are not in control, and you can't stop any quicker than anyone else.3 points
Count me in! I'd rather have 4 hours of unlimited drinks than an airline meal. :cheers:2 points
The real test would be if we had a loss of power. But so far so good! And no I don't really want to shut my breakers off today to simulate a power outage! :)2 points
I just got done digging my patrol car out from the snow. Tonight is going to suck! Can't even go do donuts in the parking lots anymore thanks big brother.2 points
It's spitting it like crazy here on the plateau. I don't know how many inches we are at but it is pretty much a blizzard at this point. Due to Jackson County not plowing most of the back roads we're here until it clears up a bit. Which is sad because I could use a donut or two right now from Ralph's.2 points
Out n' about this morning early. For future reference, Publix doesn't open until 7am. It's snowing cats, dogs, leopards, and lions here in West Nashville. ... and if one of us is the perfectly healthy douchebag who parked right in front of the front door of Publix... on the main drive - and left his vehicle there for >30min while he shopped, he should be flogged with pool floaties until he repents. sheesh. Having kids in that age where this stuff is like magic, I'm looking forward to a fun day!2 points
I am disappointed, Murfreesboro is still rain! We are about to close to office down so everyone can get home safe. I'm thinking about heading out to trout fish if I think it will be safe enough. I would be heading south so I might be ok :)2 points
The hills play a big part too. Some of my northern family can't believe I leave my house when it snows because of the hills.2 points
I carry the sig p238 in a Desantis Nemisis pocket holster in my front pocket.. I have carried all the usual suspect pocket 380s (Kel Tec, Ruger LCP, etc), most of them in a Galco pocket protector holster. I switched to the Sig p238, which I had owned for years but never carried because I prefer SA/DA weapons (bigger SIgs). I switched to the p238 because I decided in my mind that it is just a better shooting weapon than the other 380s that I have carried. It just feels "better" when I rack the slide and when I shoot. Plus it has real sights, which I really like. I carried a Diamondback .380 for a while, which is my second favorite. Again, the Sig just SEEMS more reliable to me, in my mind. I practice drawing it all the time and have never had any issues with the hammer snagging. I REALLY like the Desantis Nemisis holster, which seems to work as described (it is kind of "sticky" and stays in my pocket when I draw.) I carried a Galco pocket holster before and it is a rough suede on the outside which grabbed well at first, then when it got dirty and worn, the suede just kind of polished down to smooth leather, and did not grab as well to my pocket when I would draw the weapon. I bought the Desantis because the Galco did not totally cover the trigger of the sig like it did with previous 380s, but only AFTER I bought it did I realize how much I like it. With the Galco, I just kind of pushed down on the top of the holster when I would draw the weapon to break the tension. I would still be doing that if I had not discovered the Desantis Nemesis (if it covered the trigger, of course). I have never had the safety come off in my pocket. I did engage the safety once when I had the slide off. The little spring and pin shot out about 20 feet and it took me about 90 min to find them on the floor of my garage. If you get a sig and decide to clean it, avoid putting the safety on with the slide OFF, if you can help it. Trust me on that one.2 points
Mother Nature owns stock in bread and milk companies.2 points
Never heard of a Rick of wood till I moved here. Since then I've searched it and have come to believe it is a mythical specific ameasurement of wood (lol) I guess it's like anything else with regional influences. Wood is a lot of work no doubt but there is nothing like having a fire goin! Those of you wanting to get some wood hauled off PM me if your within an hour of Jefferson City, I'll be your huckleberry :)2 points
News Girls are everywhere and while the above mention deserve a mention, I submit the following for your viewing pleasure: https://www.google.com/search?q=yanet+garcia&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiT_OGyzbvKAhUJ4yYKHeBSAm8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1745&bih=1042#imgrc=SHjgw9hDrCLd2M%3A Enough Said.2 points
Saw this on Farcebook Magnum Materials 7 hrs · Ok we are here I. Knoxville just got in a powder shipment We have 231 tite group h4350 h1000 varget and most any other powder you might need Also for primers fed 210m 215 m in stock for you1 point
Downtown Nashville we have 8-10 depending on where you measure. I've done my fair share of car pushing today. It's pretty, I wish it would be gone tomorrow1 point
Wow.. LOOKS GREAT. I have the Henry 45-70 steel I just purchased a few months ago. I have not got to shoot is yet, but I hope to soon. The Henry's may not be the same quality as your Marlins or mine, but I do like them. I have an early Marlin 336RC in 35 rem and 30-30 that were my grandfathers and fathers. They are my favorites.1 point
1 point
Good, in fact maybe excellent! If it can bring about a lawsuit that would help bring sensible gun control to it's knees. I feel bad for the thousands of people stuck being not able to buy a gun.1 point
I am by no means a prepspert, but since I've been making a concerted effort for the last year or so, it was odd this morning for me, in a good way. I drove in to work in Nashville this morning at 6:30. I decided to leave at 7 to head back home, even though the company didn't officially shut down. (They did an hour later, of course.) I decided to stop by Kroger because I wanted to make a big pot of chili, and didn't want to thaw the beef in the freezer. I say it was odd because I was only shopping for niceties, not necessities. It was a very comforting feeling to not be stressed about food or warmth for the short future. I know this is nothing, just a short snowpocalypse, but having plans and food in place is nice. :-)1 point
Still snowing in the Trenton area. At 5.5" now. The side road are covered and US 45E has had enough traffic to pack the snow into a slick layer. But I got done what I needed to do down in town. So now its play time. it's tapatalks fault1 point
1 point
1 point
Yeah a Rick is often referred to as a "face cord". So if a cord is 4'x4'x8', a Rick would be (log length')x 4'x8'. So it's subjective according to the length of sticks cut. A Rick of stove wood might be less that that of a large fireplace wood.1 point
This stupid cold weather is keeping from dropping an engine in. Only 4 months until warmer temperatures.1 point
Nashville is in full Snowpocalypse mode. People wrecking all over town. Snow started about 6, we have over 3" now. Could get up to 6" total. I drove my wife to work and it's bad where there has been lots of traffics, very slick.1 point
Like I tell all my little privates and LTs - four wheel drive doesnt mean four wheel stop. I see meatheads roll their trucks all the time here, as well as guys bottom out their ricers. Its more confidence than anything else. Still dont trust anyone else Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
Fixed that for you. :) We had a 14" snowfall and school busses were still running.1 point
I don't have a 45 lever either. That's a fairly recent invention. I used to wonder why the old 92 Winchesters weren't chambered for it. I was told that the old balloon head cases of the time wouldn't hold up to a lever rifle's extractor. I guess if the military would have adopted the 44-40 instead of the 45 Colt, we wouldn't have ever heard of the 45 Colt. Now that I think about it, there could be several pairs....44-40,32-20,25-20, I have 22's in both, 22 magnum.... :confused: My wife isn't gonna like this. :devil:1 point
I like the PPQ better but if I were intrested in the VP9 I'd be looking at the Canik instead.1 point
1 point
Yeah, that's Voldemort, King of Douches, Grand Emperor of Jackholes everywhere.1 point
I have both CZs and Sigs. I prefer the CZs. Both are well made guns. It's going to boil down to personal preference. To me, the Sig has a high bore axis, feels clunky in my hand, and the decocker irritates me. The CZ75/85 series is handgun perfection for what 'feels right' to me. I'm not fond of polymer or strikers. But I carry an XDs .45 because it's the best tool for the job. I used to carry a Star PD .45. But it's getting a bit well-worn. And they weren't renowned for their service longevity.1 point
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