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I have a friend that says, "Bragging about your Glock collection is kinda like bragging about your collection of teal Chevy Cavaliers." These on the other hand are like bragging about the spinners on your collection of teal Chevy Cavaliers.4 points
Yeah the only way to give away wood is if you cut it, split it, hauling to the their house and stack it up for them. And you better not mess the yard up!4 points
Same experience here. I have to cut to length, haul to the road and put up a 'FREE WOOD' sign to get rid of it. If I split it, it's no longer free. Heck, I can't give away tomatoes or apples unless I pick and deliver. I got over the urge to be a generous farmer.4 points
4 points
Saw this on FB today. I rather liked it. Hope you do as well. "Maid Wants a Raise" Madam: Give me three reasons why I need to increase your salary. Maid: I can cook better than you. Madam: Who told you that? Maid: Your Husband told me. Madam: Ok, 2nd reason? Maid: I can iron better than you. Madam: Who told you that? Maid: Your husband told me. Madam: Ok, 3rd reason? Maid: I am also better in bed than you. This time the Madam was furious and ready to break her hand. Madam: Did my husband tell you that? Maid: No, the driver told me. I'm better in bed than you. Madam: Please lower your voice, I will increase your salary.3 points
Why isn't anyone ever shooting over a chronograph when this happens? :wall: You know that bullet was screaming!3 points
Glad to see experienced people taking the time to show newbies around. I grew up in a house w/ no guns, and didn't understand why as a youth I always enjoyed hanging at my one friends house (he was a boyscout, father an avid sportsman), and some friends of the family (good German family, hunters, etc.). In fact, was JUST lamenting w/ my parents the fact that I didn't get exposed to any of this stuff as a kid (they were chiding me for taking my children to the range). Had it not been for those .22's we'd sneak in Jeff's basement, I'd probably have never been exposed to it, and may have different views or political opinions now as a result. Pleased to say, my kids have ALL shot the .22 (rifle and pistol), and my oldest loves the 9mm, but he still doesn't like the 20-ga. If they grow up to be retarded liberals, at least they won't be ignorant one's! :lol: (Rant on) This softening and feminizing of the America's youth as promulgated in our public schools and single-mom homes today in the name of 'safety' will have far-reaching affects on our society, and already has (the very concept of a 'micro-aggression' existing is proof positive we've got 20-years worth of pussies to get through). Teach, teach your children well.... (Rant off) - K3 points
Absolutely Brilliant !!! COSTELLO: I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America . ABBOTT: Good Subject. Terrible Times. It’s 5.6%. COSTELLO: That many people are out of work? ABBOTT: No, that’s 23%. COSTELLO: You just said 5.6%. ABBOTT: 5.6% Unemployed. COSTELLO: Right 5.6% out of work. ABBOTT: No, that’s 23%. COSTELLO: Okay, so it’s 23% unemployed. ABBOTT: No, that’s 5.6%. COSTELLO: WAIT A MINUTE. Is it 5.6% or 23%? ABBOTT: 5.6% are unemployed. 23% are out of work. COSTELLO: If you are out of work you are unemployed. ABBOTT: No, Obama said you can’t count the “Out of Work” as the unemployed. You have to look for work to be unemployed. COSTELLO: BUT THEY ARE OUT OF WORK!!! ABBOTT: No, you miss his point. COSTELLO: What point? ABBOTT: Someone who doesn’t look for work can’t be counted with those who look for work. It wouldn’t be fair. COSTELLO: To whom? ABBOTT: The unemployed. COSTELLO: But ALL of them are out of work. ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work gave up looking and if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed. COSTELLO: So if you’re off the unemployment roles that would count as less unemployment? ABBOTT: Unemployment would go down. Absolutely! COSTELLO: The unemployment just goes down because you don’t look for work? ABBOTT: Absolutely it goes down. That’s how it gets to 5.6%. Otherwise it would be 23%. COSTELLO: Wait, I got a question for you. That means there are two ways to bring down the unemployment number? ABBOTT: Two ways is correct. COSTELLO: Unemployment can go down if someone gets a job? ABBOTT: Correct. COSTELLO: And unemployment can also go down if you stop looking for a job? ABBOTT: Bingo. COSTELLO: So there are two ways to bring unemployment down, and the easier of the two is to have people stop looking for work. ABBOTT: Now you’re thinking like a Democrat. COSTELLO: I don’t even know what the hell I just said! ABBOTT: Now you’re thinking like Hilary3 points
The difference is that Democrats file bills as or more stupid than this and they mean it. I think it shows just how much of a hypocrite the other side is, watering down one Right while fiercely defending another. Maybe, doubtful, but maybe it may get some to realize just how bad of an idea it is to attack the Bill of Rights.3 points
Registering journalists will lead to the confiscation of journalists. You can have my Liz Hasslebeck when you pry her from my cold, dead hands.3 points
Hey guys, Palmetto State Armory had some smoking deals on their PA10 blemished uppers and lowers so I did what any gun nut would do... I started an AR10 build! List so far: PSA PA10 stripped upper PSA PA10 stripped lower Magpul MOE stock/ PSA buffer/spring/tube PSA lower parts kit PSA forward assist PSA ejection port cover KAK Industries gas tube & lo pro gas block KAK Industries 18" stainless barrel Odin Works KMod 15.5 FF hand guards BCM Gunfighter Mod 4 charging handle PSA BCG Model 10 muzzle brake The barrel, gas tube, and gas block will be here today so I'll have a completely functioning rifle by 3 o'clock ! The muzzle brake comes in later this week and I'll have to buy some backup iron sights... Probably the Magpul's. What do you guys think? I'll post some more pictures once she get a bit closer to done. Thanks for looking! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
This one found a new home in Texas. It is made from 5/32" thick 1095 carbon steel heat treated professionally to a RC of 59-61. It had nice file work on the spine with thumb jimping and is double acid etched with Texas Mesquite scales and mosaic pin and SS lanyard hole. OAL is 12 3/4" with a blade length of 8".2 points
Anderson and PSA lowers do everything a lower is expected to do. For an upscale billet lower, Cross Machine and Tool makes some nice ones right here in Tennessee. I would suggest foregoing a polymer receiver in favor of aluminum, but that's just my opinion.2 points
I guess this reinforces my idea to always empty my powder measures after I am done for the day. He's one lucky sob.2 points
2 points
I always thought I was happy with my BCG's and this Nib stuff was hogwash. After using a Nib carrier and bolt I can definitely see the benefits. Cleaning is much quicker and easier. I can't say that they "run" any better than a mil spec, but they making the cleaning process much quicker to me.2 points
I've shot the PPQ and was mucho impressed with it. It's ugly, but crazy comfy, and the VP kinda seems to ape the same grip design. I was also super impressed with the trigger on the PPQ. I've held the VP a lot but not shot it. If I had to pick one based on my own experience with both, it would be the PPQ. That may change with shooting the VP, but I kinda doubt it. The PPQ is on my short list. The VP is not on my list.2 points
I rarely like engraved guns. That's just me. But...as much as I like my Glocks...That is about the ugliest thing I seen in a few years.2 points
Ughh. My Glocks are ugly enough without looking like Liberace took them on an episode of Pimp My Ride! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk2 points
Turn an otherwise boring social situation into instant disco excitement. - OS2 points
Thanks everyone. I was just afraid I could be missing something? Like I said, i have only ever bought ARs already complete. I am kind of partial to my Sabres, they fire great. Thought I would build one just for fun. I usually am under the feeling that you get what you pay for, but occasionally a good deal can be had. When comparing the "function" of a lower, I just couldn't figure out the price discrepancy. Great advice on the trigger guard, @musicman. Ill probably end up blowing my play money on an already assembled one before I build one, anyway. I only have 4 now, though. How could a man be expected to get by with only 4 and never having built one?1 point
Fixed that for you. :) We had a 14" snowfall and school busses were still running.1 point
Never heard of a Rick of wood till I moved here. Since then I've searched it and have come to believe it is a mythical specific ameasurement of wood (lol) I guess it's like anything else with regional influences. Wood is a lot of work no doubt but there is nothing like having a fire goin! Those of you wanting to get some wood hauled off PM me if your within an hour of Jefferson City, I'll be your huckleberry :)1 point
Yikes. I'm driving from TX back to Knoxville in the morning. We're hoping to avoid the worst of it by taking I-20 instead of 401 point
1 point
I agree with all the k frame love. It's made by Korth so it'll probably be insanely inexpensive. (Think Ferrari of guns) If it were reasonable I'd love one in my 2" M64.1 point
Thanks! Received the barrel, gas tube, and gas block. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
and, one container of powder in use at a time. Period. The rest sealed up and on the shelf.1 point
I have carried a Combat Commander for years. Comm's advice about the weight requiring a good holster and belt is true. The belt is particularly important. I carry in Condition 1 (Cocked & Locked) with no worries but practice is IMPORTANT the safety can NOT come off until you are on the target. Practice this and it will not slow you down. If at all possible buy a holster with a high sweat guard. It will protect your body from the safety and the hammer/ It also encourages you to keep the thumb off the safety until you have cleared the holster. Practice, Practice, Practice... Congrats1 point
F'real. I even have a box of .41 bullets and a small stash of brass for when I eventually get one. And I will... eventually. But first, I need to get a 44mag lever, so I have pairs in 357 and 44, THEN I'll get stupid with the 41.1 point
I have used a lot is PSA lowers, they are good to go. I have also used Anderson lowers. They are also good to go. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk1 point
Probably true... but as an oddball who isn't a big J-frame fan, I'd prefer the K frame and then the L frame for it. But I'm weird.1 point
News Girls are everywhere and while the above mention deserve a mention, I submit the following for your viewing pleasure: https://www.google.com/search?q=yanet+garcia&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiT_OGyzbvKAhUJ4yYKHeBSAm8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1745&bih=1042#imgrc=SHjgw9hDrCLd2M%3A Enough Said.1 point
My cousin sells split firewood in the Soddy Daisy area for $50 a rick picked up and $65 delivered. At least that's what his facebook page says.1 point
I like the PPQ better but if I were intrested in the VP9 I'd be looking at the Canik instead.1 point
been working on it slowly as suggested and making progress on removing the surface rust. Thanks .1 point
Not trying to nitpick but if this is a new shooter, teaching him to shoot without eye protection is fail, fail, fail. Ever see a ricochet off a tree? I have.... http://www.guns.com/2013/09/26/happens-shoot-shotgun-tree-20ft-away-video/1 point
I'd been considering reloading for the last two years, and I had been saving brass ever since the Great Ammo Scare. I finally got a Lee Breech Lock Hand Press. I figured it would be a much smaller investment in case I didn't like it. So I imagine it is more labor intensive and slower than other presses, but I have made a few hundred 9mm so far. So far, it is less than $300 in equipment and supplies (bullets and primers), but I haven't really calculated a cost per round yet. I like the thought of being semi-self sufficient and the ability to stockpile components if the Great Ammo Scare II--The Quickening ever occurs. The value of being able to provide for myself outweighs waiting at Academy in the cold before opening just to be able to buy 50-100 rounds at a time. I had one squib, which was a little scary, but since I figured out how it happened and how to prevent another one, I'm more comfortable.1 point
It's the two year old that is missing and yes I agree. Monday when I saw it on the news I told my wife, that poor little boy never made it to those woods. Of coarse I was the bad guy for saying it and trust me, I sure hope I am wrong.1 point
1 point
Yeah, that's Voldemort, King of Douches, Grand Emperor of Jackholes everywhere.1 point
I think it should be recognized as a right but doubt to see that anytime soon. It is upheld that certain actions can take rights away from criminals, so this wouldn't allow criminals to run around with guns, just like criminals don't have the rights to purchase a gun legally now. Optimistically, I would love to see constitutional carry but doubt we'll see it in TN anytime soon. Overall I submit to the idea of paying for privileges/rights and do just that so I can drive and carry legally in TN. The biggest issue I have with the current HCP setup in Tennessee is the time and monetary burdens that it imposes. I don't think we should be so restrictive so that someone who feels they are in immediate harm cannot carry a handgun for their issue. A woman feels threatened by her new ex-boyfriend? As long as she coughs up ~$60 for a class and then $115 for the application fee and then waits 3-6 weeks, she can carry legally! If constitutional carry were passed in Tennessee, I think a voluntary permit system should still stay in place so that reciprocity can still be established in cooperating states. It would be a form of income for the state and anyone interested enough in carrying while traveling would likely be happy to do so. What constitutional carry would do is allow people in their own state be armed while out and about. On the flipside, ultimately the "safety course" doesn't really go that far in actually helping people. I doubt many people leave that class being much more intelligent or safer than before they attended. Also, there are many people who have taken the HCP Safety Course and I still would not want to be around them at the range .Some people are careless and think they know better and nothing will prevent them from exercising Darwinism. For opponents of this bill, I think it would be worth noting states that have allowed constitutional carry. They have not turned into the bloodbaths like we are told they would, just like TN hasn't turned into a bloodbath over the vehicle carry issue recently.1 point
Just saw this, I'm not sure whether it would be a good thing or bad thing. The downfall is that we have already invested a little money into the ability to carry legally. However, it would most likely prevent us from having to pay anymore from here on out. Would definitely suck for those who have paid for a lifetime permit. I think that carrying a handgun should be a privilege, not a right. I don't trust a lot of people carrying around a handgun. I feel like this would allow people that have no business carrying a handgun to carry whenever they want. This would allow "criminals" to legally carry a firearm?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I thought this was about the movie about the book about the greasers. With Soda, and Johnny, and the soces. Never seen this one, what's it about?1 point
1 point
This is why it's so easy to divide the gun community. We all claim, falsely, that we're willing to fight and die for our right to keep and bear arms, but the moment someone actually does fight for his rights by refusing to bow to a cop who just won't take no - a legal no at that - for an answer, we jump all over the guy and call him names rather than supporting his stand against tyranny. Well, I am 1000% on the side of every single person who has ever open carried and refused unlawful orders on the part of police. This is in no way to be construed as a blanket attack on police, by the way. In case you didn't know, you can be pro-liberty without cop bashing. But when a cop asks for something he doesn't have a right to and is told no, he just needs to move his ass right the fuck along. No victim, no crime, no reason for the police to be there, unless he wants a tasty Subway sandwich.1 point
I can see it both ways. I've waited to vote on election day and "lost" my vote because of conflicts I couldn't work out; I've enjoyed the opportunity to vote early and "avoid the lines". As far as recruiting voters, the same opportunity exists for all parties. Can't say I agree with it but anyone that believes politics is a nicey, nice let's play fair activity isn't very in tune with the real world.1 point
I probably have a lot to type, but I'm on my iPhone and that's a big pain in the ass. My advice is to be prepared for disappointment in your first batch. Consider your first few batches to be practice. Use a proven recipe you find online. If I recall, claw hammer posts recipes on their website. Also, cruise the distilling websites and read as much as you can. It will answer a lot of questions on the front end which you will have while doing a run. Temperatures is was got me. I tried to control the temp and about lost my mind doing so. I pieced together a stainless steel 15 gallon pot still for pretty cheap, and it makes pretty cheap stuff. I save money by grinding the corn, turning it to gelatin and adding enzyme mashing it in a tun (along with malted barley for more enzyme) to bring out more sugar. Then I add more sugar to the fermentation vessel to bump up my percentage. I give it 7 days before distilling. My operation isn't sanitary like it is when I make beer, so I get a lot of bacteria in there, so I don't like letting it go for more than 7 days, even though I could get a higher alcohol content. Since I'm doing 10 gallons at s time, I don't really care. I use the mash tun as my fermentation vessel (FTW). Make your first batch then go from there. The claw hammer stuff is the best out there. I'd net more productive runs if I went with one, but damn they are expensive. As with most things, you'll get better at it as you go. You have to make mistakes first. This is my setup. . I like to multitask. If I'm doing a shoulder, I'm also doing a run, mowing, cleaning rifles, killing PBR, and reminding my wife what a sexy sumbitch she married.1 point
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