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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2016 in all areas

  1. I'm holding out hope that Justin Bieber is next.  :x:
    5 points
  2. SENIOR DRIVING As a senior citizen was driving down the motorway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, " Vernon , I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on M25. Please be careful!" "Hell," said Vernon , "It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!"  
    4 points
  3. Thanks to Miami Vice I'll always remember him for Smugglers Blues and You Belong To The City.
    4 points
  4. This is why it's so easy to divide the gun community. We all claim, falsely, that we're willing to fight and die for our right to keep and bear arms, but the moment someone actually does fight for his rights by refusing to bow to a cop who just won't take no - a legal no at that - for an answer, we jump all over the guy and call him names rather than supporting his stand against tyranny. Well, I am 1000% on the side of every single person who has ever open carried and refused unlawful orders on the part of police. This is in no way to be construed as a blanket attack on police, by the way. In case you didn't know, you can be pro-liberty without cop bashing. But when a cop asks for something he doesn't have a right to and is told no, he just needs to move his ass right the fuck along. No victim, no crime, no reason for the police to be there, unless he wants a tasty Subway sandwich.
    4 points
  5. Some of my fav times, dadburn we be getting on on years.
    3 points
  6. It is my personal mission to take people out that have never shot anything before (especially kids) and let them shoot what I have. It is the only way to defeat the propaganda and lies floated by the gun control ( insert your favorite euphemism). My grandson recently went through 600 rounds of 5.56 on a three day visit with me, plus some kind gentleman at the range let him shoot his suppressed AR. That is how one demolishes the gun control argument. One person at a time. Future voters. Next generation. I don't care what it costs me.
    3 points
  7. G&L needs to open a store in Murfreesboro. That is all....
    3 points
  8. I got into reloading for the cost savings on 9mm, .45, .308 and .357, I treated it as a hobby and acquired the pieces slowly and within a monthly budget....took about 6 months to get what I needed/wanted but now I reload for the relaxation of it. I have my habits and routines that keep me focused into what I'm doing but it really is relaxing......sorting brass, trimming cases, loading primers and pulling the handle to watch to turret go round and round....then out pops a shiny new baby waiting to be launched.....yup I'm weird... :pleased: 
    3 points
  9.   The comparison to a drivers license is apples to oranges.  Two completely separate sets of laws for the two, because they are two very different things.   In TN it's an absolute requirement to produce an HCP upon request to an officer, no reason needed.  It's that way here in TN, because carrying a pistol is a crime, the permit is just a "defense to prosecution."  I think it's BS that our state puts the presumption of criminal acts on citizens carrying, but that's what it is for the moment.   With CT, it seems that a request to see a carry permit has to be in conjunction with someone being suspected of a crime to meet reasonable articulate suspicion (to use the language in the link NextExit provided in post 39).  We haven't seen anything to indicate that this person was doing something "suspicious" besides from open carrying.  In CT, best we can tell, it isn't a presumptive crime to carry a weapon like it is in TN.  So it's in that light that we are wondering why the LEO kept badgering him to produce a permit absent any other reason than what amounts to "because an LEO asked."   These little nuances make a huge difference when it comes to the rights of a citizen, and the behavior of law enforcement.  Sad to say, it seems CT has us beat on this small topic.
    3 points
  10. Patton hits on another interesting aspect. It's a hobby and hobbies need not be cost effective. I reload for everything I shoot and economy has nothing to do with it. Over the years it's got to the point I enjoy loading as much or more than actually shooting. Therefore, time and effort are never entered into my final cost because I love doing it.
    3 points
  11. You can load even 9mm (cheapest of handgun ammo) cheaper than factory, the issue is, how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go to save a few bucks? To do it requires an investment on the front end, that for many if not most people, are better spent on just buying ammo outright. A quality mold will set you back a hundred bucks easy. You can do it with a $25 Lee sure, but they suck in the long run as anyone with experience will tell you. A lube sizer will set you back another couple of hundred. Also, you have to have sources for freebies and everyone doesn't have at luxury. I don't pay for lead because of where I work and I don't pay for 9mm brass most of the time either. I also have a massive amount of free time at work to do much of my casting. In the end, I can load 9mm for around 60-75 bucks per thousand depending on what I want to produce. It's extremely labor intensive and MOST people have more important things to devote their time to. So, in the end, you have to evaluate your specific situation and resourcefulness. For MOST people, buying it is the most efficient way. Even if you manage to save a few bucks, is it worth those few bucks to tie up your time in it? If you don't have any family obligations and shoot several thousand rounds a year, then yeah. If you shoot a few boxes a moth at the range, hell no, go buy it and enjoy your free time doing something else.
    3 points
  12. I think I am going back to being parsimonius. :)
    3 points
  13. Businesses should have absolutely no problem with this law. If gun free zones make people safe, then there are no worries about people being victimized in those gun free zones and suing the posted business, right?
    3 points
  14. Simple equation: every time an active shooter had been challenged by an armed citizen, innocent people stop dying. Folks can "what if" and wargame in the pretend world of gun forums and Facebook, but this is the reality.
    3 points
  15. I saw the Eagles in, 76, 77, 78,  95(?)  Frey and Walsh in 97 and the Eagles when they played at UT 5 years ago or so.   My all time favorite band.     NO replacing them.   We played Eagles at work tonight for about 5 hours, listening to On the Border now.   It makes me sad.
    2 points
  16. One could make an argument for the Beatles, but I've always thought of the Eagles as the all time greatest band.
    2 points
  17. Many people don't realize how much time they wasted!  The Eagles disbanded in July 1980 but reunited in 1994.  That's 14 years they did not sing think of all the music they could have wrote. I have heard from a good source that Don Henley was the one who caused the break up. But they still wrote many great songs. The Everly Brothers did the same thing, broke up for many years then came back....I was there the night they ( Everly Brother's) came back it was in Myrtle Beach, FL
    2 points
  18. Driving without a license is violating the law, as is carrying a handgun without a permit. Some see this cop as the Gestspo, hell bent on cutting the Constitution to pieces, one tiny slice at a time. I see a guy trying to do a job frought with conflicting requirements, morons, and hostility. Respect goes both ways. The cop asked a simple question, possibly Illegally, because he felt compelled to for reasons we're not aware of, and got treated like dirt for his trouble. I suppose we can agree to disagree on whether or not he deserved it.
    2 points
  19. Damn. I hate that. What an incredible impact the Eagles had on my generations music.   I was fortunate enough to see them before Joe Walsh ('75 in San Fransisco) and then to see the Hotel California tour over in London.   I'm with you Fourtyfive and getting kinda anxious about it... :dropjaw:
    2 points
  20. The Eagles were and still are...a true American "Supergroup."   With Don Henley and Glenn Frey, they soared on the U.S. and the world music scene.   Glenn will be sorely missed by many.
    2 points
  21. My music era is dropping like flies , hope I outlast my music .....
    2 points
  22.   Why is the onus always on us subject...er, I of course mean citizens to be polite? Are the police here to uphold and defend the Constitution or are they not? Are they supposedly supposed to protect us or are they not? Do we have 4th Amendment rights or do we not? The cop asked, he was told to be beat feat, and that should have been the end of it. But because he felt he wasn't being respected to a level 9 degrees beyond what he was giving he had to have him kicked out of the restaurant before he could order (yes, I know he didn't do so per se, but in fact that was the result he was both hoping for and achieved) and then continued to follow him throughout the mall without reason.   I learned at a very young age that you get respect when you give it. Regardless of the guy's choice of words when he refused to offer up his permit (which we didn't see until he started filming, after the encounter was already in progress), the cop was told no. If he didn't have PC to detain him, that should have been the end of it. Yea, maybe his pride would have taken a little slap on the wrist. Boo hoo. But we're not put on this earth to stroke the ego of government officials who laughingly patronize us by saying we work for them. Yea right. Tell that to the next guy with out of state plates heading east on I-40 who has his property stolen at gunpoint with no charges filed.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. I missed my last family reunion so I am going to watch to see how everyone is doing.
    2 points
  25. I pay enough taxes, only for our gov to hand it out to whomever. I am loyal to my local mom and pop stores, food or whatever. I don't shop at Walmart. If the price is competitive I will always spend local. My local gun shop is competitive because they dont pay shipping. So tax is a wash for the most part. I laugh at gun shows when vendors bitch and moan, "nobody brought money." When your prices are higher than the highest bass pro and your .22 is $60 a brick. I hope you go out of business. "It's not fair" Last time I checked we live in a free market.
    2 points
  26.   Guess you're in that minority of folks that don't pay enough taxes already. ;)
    2 points
  27. Reloading is very expensive to get into, so any savings you see will be down the road. Most people shoot more handgun rounds than rifle (except maybe .22lr or .223/5.56), so reloading handgun cartridges is more likely to save money. Generally people that reload for rifle do so more for quality than cost anyway. What you have to be aware of is that reloading can become a hobby in and of itself. You start out to save money and soon you are buying components in bulk and loading more than you will ever shoot just because you enjoy doing it. When that happens, you can pretty much forget about ever saving money. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  28. Calm down, it's not a gun. She said it's my job to buy the weapons....that said, she provided something to carry them in! It's a Plano Tactical 108031 AW Extra Large Pistol Case. She got it for right at $75. Seems to be designed to turn 2 pistols in alternating fashion (2 on top layer and 2 on bottom layer). But I'm going to pick up another slim piece of foam and make one layer for magazines/accessories and the other for pistols. Well, that's where I'm at anyway. I only have a couple of pictures but it's just because I was excited to show it off. I'll take a few more detailed pictures when the girls aren't trying to go to sleep as the dogs bark because I'm up making noise. :lol: This thing is BIG! It has 4 heavy dual stage locking latches, two of which lock. They provide 2 keys of course. It also has padlock tabs for airline compliance. The o-ring seems pretty well made and of decent thickness. There are two pluck-able layers of high density foam, and they are about 2 inches thick each I believe. In the bottom of the case there is a smaller and thinner piece of removable foam that fits the section of the case that is of a smaller than OAD of the case. There is also a pressure relief valve in the back of the case wall. What I did may not be what everyone does, but I plucked out the size per pistol first. Then the piece I removed, I cut in half with my knife and re-inserted back into the hole. I did that to decrease the distance from the foam each pistol laid on and the one that pressed on the top of it when closing the lid. I doubt very seriously that a little bouncing in between foam would "hurt" anything, but it's what I thought would work better. I'm still in thinking mode about how I'll finish it off. I don't want to rush and then come up with a better plan next week. All in all it is a very nice case and I'm very happy with it. See? I told you I was excited!
    2 points
  29. I prefer a hammer fired gun as well. Polymer or metal framed doesn't really matter so much to me though. Even though I carry a striker fired gun, just shooting for fun I don't really like the feel of the striker fired guns trigger. I know plenty of people that feel the opposite. I have CZ's, sigs, and beretta's, I have to say that I prefer the cz's over the rest.
    2 points
  30.   Ah, okay, I get it. Some Super Tuesday states, including TN,  jockeyed date around that one year. I thought we had always done it in March since the 70's.   Mea culpa, TrekBike and K191145, I should have researched before posting.   - OS
    2 points
  31. Legally, no. However, it is the moral obligation of every able bodied male to protect innocents. Yes, you may be killed. You may be sued. You may have to explain your actions to a jury. All of these things a man should be willing to risk in order to protect the lives of innocent people. I'll add that there is a very big difference between an active shooter and armed robbery. An active shooter is trying to kill people. An armed robber just wants stuff. Deciding not to engage an armed robber may be a safer choice for the lives of the innocents in the immediate area. For an active shooter, there is no question; all bets are off. Everyone will die if someone doesn't intervene.
    2 points
  32. What we've got here is a circular firing squad, along with circular reasoning, along with a dose of runnin off into a bunch of pasture fields that dont matter...   The fact is that the government (...local, state, and federal...) has seen fit to meddle in "property rights" for those engaged in public commerce... Whether anybody likes it or not, for better or worse, no one has changed that as yet...   If you are the proprietor of a business that serves public customers, the gubmt tells you lots of things and makes em stick with the force of law...   The gubmt tells you to have certain food standards (...if you are a resturant..), to have a certain size parking lot, to have restrooms meeting certain standards, defines insurance requirements, personnel requirements, fire code requirements; the list is endless... Friends, that is, in fact, gubmt meddlin and injecting requirements into your "public business"... The fact is that the gubmt in in the "business of regulating business"...   If the gubmt can demand that you be liable for some poor hapless soul (...your customer...) stepping on a wet noodle and breaking his butt and make it stick (...and they can... that's why you have insurance; which is mandated by gubmt...); what is the difference in it tellin you that you are responsible for the safety of your patrons should they be hurt as the result of your demand to take responsibility to disarm them and make them vulnerable to mayhem...?  We can quibble about whether gubmt should be meddlin in this or not; but the fact remains... They are and have been for a long time...    I will grant that you can either be a "king in your castle" or a "tyrant"  (...my words and definition..."do what i say or else...) in your own home... Your home aint a public place... As others have pointed out; if you engage in a public business, the rules change... You may not like that; but that's how it works now; no matter the argument about "property rights" trumping everything else...   I say, if you want the "meddlin in business thing" to change, start workin on your elected reps and get to changin 'em... Good luck.... I predict that you'll need it...   leroy
    2 points
  33.   Why does anybody give a crap about a meaningless petition when there is an actual bill filed in the House that does what petition wants?   Get on your Reps to get the damn thing out of committees and get some congressional support behind it.   - OS
    2 points
  34. Will this also have to be sent to the smith to have it work?
    2 points
  35. Why did they have to specifically single out BLACK bears? #PolarBearLivesMatter.
    2 points
  36. Went out to MCSC yesterday afternoon. It was wet with a little wind and cool, but I got the rifle/scope sighted in and the first portion of barrel "break-in" finished. During the break-in procedure, this was the first 5 shot group at 200yds. (in the red circle) I'll take it. FGMM 168gr SMK, leupold 2.5-10 SFP w/ mildot reticle. She was on at 300 and 400 as well... I was maybe not quite as "on". group at 300yds was 2.66moa, group at 400yds was 2.12moa. can't wait to get back and dial it all in some more. 200yd 1st 5 shot group
    2 points
  37. handful of folks walked out half an hour into it coulda been libtards or dirt worshippers,but,all in all, it gets double thumbs up. it really bummed me out. was gonna stand up at the end and ask ok who is voting for hillary now? see the movie and youll know why i didnt... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk, its either this or smoke signals!
    1 point
  38. I just got an email from Boyd's that my stock shipped.  Their site says that it usually takes 11-14 business days and today is day #11.   Be aware that their website may show your stock as back ordered.  It probably should say 'in production'.    The only thing they order is the wood, laminate or other stock material.  I think they manufacture the actual stock.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Got to meet GKar today and had a very nice visit with him. He is a great person and a very nice guy to sit and visit with. He came down from up in the mountains to pick up a few things. Hope he has a great and safe uneventful trip back home.................... :up: :up: 
    1 point
  41. I've been to a lot of gun stores, and Guns and Leather is one of the very few I'd miss. I try to support them as much as possible. Fact is, if I buy on line instead of from them, it's almost always because they don't have what we're looking for. I sent my girlfriend in there this weekend to buy a holster for her Shield. They didn't have anything that fit the bill, so we're looking online.
    1 point
  42. I own Sig's , a CZ  75d Compact, several DA revolvers and several striker guns M&P9C, PM9, SA XDS 45, and HK VP9. I too like having a hammer and sear trigger combination with metal frames for I  have shot these type guns since the 70's. I also like the light carry weight of the striker fired pistols that I have listed and their reliability.   It just depends what fits your hand and your exposure to a cross-section of pistol design.
    1 point
  43. I've got a couple of powders on order from Gamaliel going back almost a year. Green Dot is one of them.
    1 point
  44. No, nor should you unless he's between you and door. If you can get your loved ones out, get them out. That's really selfish, but that's life. Doesn't mean if his head is wide open and an easy shot with no chance of collateral damage, I would NOT take the shot, just that I'm all about me and mine first. So should everyone else.
    1 point
  45. hah must have come from a hotel on dickerson road Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk, its either this or smoke signals!
    1 point
  46. Not sure I will see this movie.................doc says to watch my blood pressure.  I think this would stroke me out.
    1 point
  47. Hello all.   Glad to be here!   Farm kid that moved out here several years ago to chase the music bug. Grew up with a lot of guns as it was a normal part of life, but my Dad didn't let us own any pistols. I'm new to those, my CCW and want to learn and represent well- that's what brought me here.    Last but not least, I love to fly fish probably more than I like to shoot. Can I say that here? :-)   Go easy.... Boomer Sooner!  :yuck:
    1 point
  48. My daughter asked me yesterday if we could go shooting, this only took 21yrs to happen :).   Her only experience with a gun prior to today only involved a squirt/nerf/bb gun. :rolleyes:   So I pulled out 3 pistols, ammo and range bag and went out into the backyard, started off with a bodyguard 380, shot several mags with/out the laser, then broke out the 9mm's, first was a Beretta 92F, then a PX4 storm compact, shot a couple 100rds, her favorite was the 92F, as we were finishing I told her to sit still because I needed to go back to the house to get something, as I return she was puzzled by me holding a rifle and a mag, I was in hurry up training mode as it was getting dark, I told her to shoot 10rds one at a time (not in the video), then had her rotated the selector, the giggling made me remember my first time shooting FA.....best hour I've spent in a longtime...   https://youtu.be/ZWPSUnW9d2U  
    1 point
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