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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2016 in all areas

  1. This is a new twist on some new material that I'm using, CPM 154 steel and a hunter/skinner design. This model just might be a keeper!
    4 points
  2. Shepherd Master was doubly predestined for the big prize. He was a joy to behold. John Calvin would be proud of me, sneaking in double predestination like that.
    4 points
  3. Let's see, a video that only gun people will watch challenges Oblamo to a debate? Hummm, I think it would have been better to issue said challenge via the news media to exert pressure on the president to actually accept said challenge. Seem to me this is just more scaring the gun owners to get money out of them. Typical NRA, IMHO.
    4 points
  4. Let's not forget that Grabthar's Hammer helped to forge his great success.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okGtzjaEgKk
    4 points
  5. UPDATE --- I ended up getting letter from TICS "conditional proceed.. and talked to TBI they said just reapply when expungement goes through.. if denied instantly again... fax expunge papers with the appeal and should be good to go
    3 points
  6.   And Metatron in Dogma.   His role as the ghost lover in Truly, Madly, Deeply is perhaps my favorite of all, though many here would call it a "chick flick".   - OS
    3 points
  7. It's a shame DiCaprio  is such a turd in real life.
    3 points
  8. A Kevorkian Button! We'd have to put 3 safties on it and people would still push it to see if it works.
    3 points
  9. While out on my gun shop checks for the week I stumbled on a neat little 22 magnum. I never knew the single shot Ithacas existed until last month when a 22lr appeared in the classifieds of TGO. This one is missing all of the paint from the receiver and the lever, but it actually looks like it was supposed to have came that way. The wood is beautiful and the blue is neat with its patina. The best I can tell it is from about 1963. I can imagine the stories it could tell.
    2 points
  10. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/01/14/alan-rickman-star-stage-and-harry-potter-dead-at-6/   Probably most known as Severus Snape in Harry Potter, I liked him as the bad guy in Robin Hood: Price of Thieves, Quigly Down Under, and Die Hard.
    2 points
  11.   Comms,   I love what you said above.  I think you are speaking to what your innate strengths are.  Remember to make arrangements for that event I mentioned the 27th from 7:30 - 9:00 am.  There will be several folks that can really help you out.
    2 points
  12. "30.06 is never a mistake" Col. Townsend Whelen “A good rifleman plus a good rifle will shoot, see straight, think straight and will run our country straight.”—TW, 1932
    2 points
  13.   VERY underrated movie. It's one of my favorites.
    2 points
  14. Even more of a waste of time than the Bill Goodman show at the fairgrounds.
    2 points
  15. There is one absolute fact about this video that most people wont see or realize. I don't always like "what if" scenarios but i'll use one this time because i'm pretty sure, 99.99% of what the outcome would have been. What if the Frenchman hadn't been armed and hadn't threatened to use deadly force against the attackers? He would have been beaten and possibly killed, but he definitely would have been physically attacked. What most wont realize, many will flat out refuse to admit that it's a fact that the Frenchman's handgun stopped him from being attacked, just the presentation and threat of it alone prevented bodily harm or death to an innocent man by ruthless thugs. I know that we know that's true but many who don't own or like guns wont see that, some would if you brought that up and they saw the video, then there's the ones who know the gun and the mans willingness to use it stopped an attack but will refuse to admit that because they hate "gun ownership" so much they would have rather seen the innocent man get attacked, then make excuses for the Muslim attackers. Like I said I believe he would have been justified in shooting batman at one point but as others have pointed out it's France, not Tennessee. There's some that might have some moral problem with shooting the terrorist thug, that's what I will "refuse" to do, have any sympathy whatsoever for a thug weather it's your garden variety gang banger or Muslim Jihader etc. This video proves the guns save lives.
    2 points
  16. One of my favorites from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhfuuKiTcYQ
    2 points
  17. Don't think this would've saved Shepherd Master. ;),
    2 points
  18. I hate to admit it, but I watched AJ every now and then, and I found it less offensive to the intellect than CNN, MSNBC, etc.
    2 points
  19. I went and seen my movie and it was the most intense movie I've seen in a long time. It has some very graphic indian fight scenes. not to mention the bear fight.  DiCaprio earned his money being in that freezing water time after time.  The movie just won the Golden Globe's best Actor,Director and Movie, it deserved all three. Some of the best acting I've seen in a while.  I loved the way they worked the camera around,.....awesome work. 
    2 points
  20. Just this week, I took my "sniper style assault rifle" and my "high capacity magazines" to the range where I shot 80 rounds of ammo that could "pierce armor" which I received via internet ordering direct to my door.   I get it.  The President wishes he could enact all kinds of gun restrictions and would love to prevent everything I mentioned in the part above.  Same for Hillary.  But since they suck at it, we're living in some of the best years ever for gun rights.  Federal law in the modern era has never been better for the pro gun side, and I for one, would like to hear less doom and gloom, and more positives.  President Obama is a political lame duck.  It's time to start treating him like one.   That should have been an eight minute dissertation on how useless the President's actions are, and how gun owners can prepare for future fights like the Senate races that could determine the direction of the Supreme Court for the next 20 years.  They should have shown how gun rights have expanded through state legislatures, and how in less than a generation we've gone from a debate on nothing but gun control, to victories for gun rights.
    2 points
  21.   Agreed.  I was focused on the shorter OAL, but being jammed into the lands also creates more pressure.  It also leads to quicker throat erosion.  
    2 points
  22. Hopefully soon, I've got nobody to share my spontaneous insights and gwar videos with :(
    2 points
  23. Pressure can build in both cases. Wuth the bullet seated deeper there is less space for the powder to expand into before the bullet moves. If he bullet is already touching the lands it is much harder to get the bullet moving so pressure goes up. Many factors can effect pressure some are more obvious than others. Read, ask question, learn.
    2 points
  24.   Dunno if this is what he meant, but here, 21st Century to Ron ;):   https://www.google.com/search?q=download+the+revenant&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8   - OS
    2 points
  25. Just jumping in to say those old phones won't be paper weights. They're better at being targets than paperweights! ;-) I get great satisfaction from shooting electronics, from TVs, computers, phones, iPods, and small kitchen appliances to guitars and working amplifiers that are actual being played WHILE me and a half dozen buddies light 'em up! We did not shoot dude playing the guitar, btw. He was behind us, with 50 ft of cable and power running to the amps. Twas awesome!
    1 point
  26.   Ted is on hiatus, Kroger had a special on tin foil last week and he is making spare hats in the bunker.
    1 point
  27.   Being honest here. I'm TL;DR'ing this entire thread but caught this part.   Definitely finish the bachelors degree. Several places  (HCA for instance) won't let you move into management without it. Certs are more for company compliance type stuff honestly. If it's required and they'll pay for it, i'll take it. Otherwise, if it's not making me more money... pass.   My company is based in Nashville and we're hiring a Senior Sys Admin. I've been seeing some huge cert lists. Ya know what 50 certs tells me? You spend all of your time studying to get certs. MCSE, MCSA, MCITP, A+, N+, S+, ITIL...blah blah blah. When someone tells me they have a cert during an interview.. I hammer the hell out of them on the topic to figure out if they know their crap or if they've been doing boot camps and brain dumps.   There are so many techs nowadays who fancy themselves "in the know" because they've attended a few seminars. Most of those people spend all of their time trying to dream up the next big thing and trying to network with others. Then you say "hey, go delete the shadow copies off x server" and they have to spend 30 minutes on google trying to figure out what that means.
    1 point
  28. I just like his work....not into his private life.   We all been known to be turds sometime in our life.   
    1 point
  29. I really hate to hear this. Mr. Rickman may be my favorite hollywood villan ever. Yippe-kay-ay mo********** !
    1 point
  30. I think it's because they sell wholesale to dealers in those states and they have a non-compete agreement of some sort.
    1 point
  31.   It's pretty fun. Be sure to open everything you can in the museum area. You'll find little hidden things all over the place if you start opening every drawer and tugging on every handle you can find.   One thing I didn't know is that they were making wooden stocks during WW2 for the M-1 carbine. They also made billy clubs for the Army. I was up there this fall and they were making billy clubs for police. The tour guide said he had been there 10 years and it was the first time he'd seen them being made.
    1 point
  32. Not that I've even hunted with it yet, but my first and only "deer rifle" is a .270. Every time I see a discussion or chart about it, I'm very happy that I chose a great caliber pretty much by dumb luck. Some day I hope to actually get to use it!
    1 point
  33. The Mega Cavern zip line was pretty cool.
    1 point
  34.   When the "Party " line is dispensed for mass release, when those in positions that can and do influence the masses are given their lines to repeat; I still say it parallels the down fall of public freedoms during that era. Not saying that Obama is a Hitleresque character, just that there are similarities.
    1 point
  35. Don't book any hotels on the west side of town.  South or east would be better.
    1 point
  36. I think you're going to have more of a problem of finding someone that WILL do it, rather than CAN do it. I would suggest just finding a nice Security Six and leaving the gun in it's factory condition.
    1 point
  37. +1 to the L.S. factory and museum. Other than that, I don't much care for Louisville. It's just another city. It doesn't have a real tourism area like Nashville or Memphis has. Unless there's an event/concert going on, there's just not a whole lot there. I hear their zoo is pretty good if you like that kind of thing.   I'm going to the NRA show, but I wish it was someplace more interesting.
    1 point
  38. Well I do have a 3 year old little terror.....
    1 point
  39. Gah, what a loss. I've always appreciated his work. This feels like a part of my youth has died. I've been watching him on screen for so long after all.
    1 point
  40. I hope this gets fixed before Monday night i have to work the Madonna concert and i need something to pass the time
    1 point
  41. Or perhaps let members vote them off, kind of like Survivor. Let the staff review any permanent bans before it is permanent. Or perhaps let members vote to give someone 24 hours to cool off if things are going bad, kind of like a way to let his fellow members protect them from themselves.   Would add a unique dimension to the board that is no where else on the internet.
    1 point
  42. Let it get ugly. They elected their leaders and they deserve what they get as a result. Hopefully the American people take note. Europe will be torn apart by this long before we are.
    1 point
  43. Just the propaganda machine turning out the "correct" line.   OK...let the flaming begin. Sort of reminiscent of Nazi Germany, isn't it.
    1 point
  44.   We can line 'em up for you.  :)
    1 point
  45. I watched it today.  its alright.  I'd have been disappointed if I had paid to watch it.   Sounded great with the surround sound cranked,  pretty much non stop action.   Not near as good as Thunderdome.
    1 point
  46. This movie sucks...other than the bungee-corded guitar dude on the boombox truck.   Road Warrior it definitely is not.
    1 point
  47.   Fun fact.  There was a COMEX depository beneath the World Trade Center.  It wasn't at the top of the priority list, but clearly they wanted the metals recovered.  It had something like 12 tons of gold and a magnitude of scale more silver and other precious metals.   When we excavated to that point and managed to open the vault, each of those gold bars had a number written in Sharpie on the end.  Upon asking about it, we were told that unlike Ft. Knox, each of those gold bars was represented by a contract.  Theoretically, the customer could show up and actually take possession of their gold.
    1 point
  48. We're just shy of 25,000 members.  I expect we've got that number beat a couple of times over.   Nonetheless, I hope to do my part to move us up in the rankings this year :)
    1 point
  49.   Just make sure the sharp side goes to the meat. You been schooled :)
    1 point
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