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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2016 in all areas

  1. I've never heard of 95% of those people. Besides, my favorite actors are all dead.
    7 points
  2. I think the idea here is that Hickok45 himself does not spread his name. You list two sites which divulge his identity. Great. But those aren't Hickok's site. HE isn't going around telling everyone who he really is where he lives, and when is the best time to stop by for a chat. Can you probably look around and find the info? Absolutely. Is Hickok the one providing it? No.
    6 points
  3. Darn you Willis68, you've made my knife tastes go up in dollar amount. Anyway a Brous Blades VR-71 found it's way home with me tonight. It's not a spring assist but you would never be able to tell with how smooth the blades opens. You just have to apply a little bit of pressure to the flipper and it's open, just incredibly smooth. [URL=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/20160108_234007_zpsl8tj91tn.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/20160108_234028_zps5p1pq7wf.jpg.html][/URL]
    5 points
  4. If oil itself does not take it off then gently scrub with 0000 steel wool and oil.
    4 points
  5. I disagree that Runco did something that he shouldn't have.  Hickock's everpedia page has personal details about him leading me to believe that he did the page himself or provided the details to someone else.   Hickock is a public figure.  I suspect the privacy issue isn't as big a deal to him as is perceived in some of these other posts.
    3 points
  6. I met up with KahrMan at Royal Range today. We had a good time talking and snooping. Neither of us tried the range this time, but we did partake of the observation hallway. It's a nice setup. The store was slammed with customers. A couple employees told me they weren't expecting such a crowd today, but the range was attracting lots of shooters. That's a good problem to have. One set of employees worked feverishly to clear the line while another set showed guns and gear from behind the counter. I bought a little ammo. The fellow who checked me out was handing out paperwork for those wanting to try the range while ringing me up. They were working as efficient as possible considering the gob of people in the store. With a little patience, we all got where we were going.
    3 points
  7.   Some people can't breath if they're not complaining about something.
    3 points
  8. And that is exactly what the Democrats count on.  Democrats vote Democrat no matter what, it's us on the right that divide our votes because the Republican doesn't meet all our preconceived ideas of what a Republican should be.  Don't get me wrong, I am not a Donald supporter, and I will not be voting for him in the Primary.  But when it comes to the choice of Hillary or whomever the Republicans put up...I will go Republican. I will not let others decide who represent us in the White House, I don't care if the Republican doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell in TN, I will still give my vote to them.
    3 points
  9. I've merged 3 or 4 of these threads in to one here. Continue on. :up:
    2 points
  10. I would love to take out an ad in the KNS that says, "Hey Chief Rausch, what part of "but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime." don't you understand? It doesn't mention being able to restrict just because there are cops there.
    2 points
  11. Nuke the invoice. I just chose lifetime from the store and paid for it tonight. Thanks for a great forum.
    2 points
  12. The easiest thing to do what you're asking about is the Nest camera.      https://store.nest.com/product/camera?gclid=CI6jv6HLncoCFYYdgQodAOMIHQ
    2 points
  13. She needs extensive training to defend herself..... so where do the criminals go to get their "extensive training"?
    2 points
  14.     Try this coupon code:  BRADSHIP  Free Shipping No Minimum (excludes firearms)
    2 points
  15. Have you been getting computer tips from Hillary again?
    2 points
  16. i hate that "being famous" somehow gives you a superior opinion. I am sure they have more influence over the "heard" but notability and intelligence don't  always go together. If in doubt, take a look at Johnny Manziel :wall:   Thankfully, my vote will count the same as all those listed next year.
    2 points
  17. Had to "unlearn what I had learned" -Yoda Yeah I was originally right handed lol
    2 points
  18. So you should be able to hit tin cans at 50 yards, right? ;)   - OS
    2 points
  19. Off body carry = greater responsibility for the owner to ensure firearm security
    2 points
  20. What about the comments about it being a dangerous weapon and how many of them are on the street? That seemed out of place to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  21.     Thanks, y'all, that did indeed work, but here's what I did instead.   Got both the Wolf Gold and a K of 7.62x39 also. My Buyer's Club thang had lapsed some time back, so took the "30 day free" Buyer Club option, which gave me the lower BC price plus free shipping. PLUS, used my SG Visa card which knocked off another 2.5% on whole order.   The temp BC will revert to paid one after 30 days, so I'll get charged the 30 clams then, but probably will buy enough stuff over the next year to make it worthwhile especially with the 20 clams they throw in to use with no minimum order.   Thanks for the heads up y'all.   - OS
    1 point
  22. So, dislocated my shoulder earlier this week.   I got lost in a bad part of town.  There was a big group of thugs getting ready to attack this young woman.  Well, of course I couldn't sit back and watch that happen, so I cleaned house.   Then, while finding my way home I came across a grizzly bear getting ready to eat two small kids and I had to save them and dislocated my shoulder while pulling the bears teeth out.   Well, at least that's the official story.     The truth - the cat pissed me off.  I threw a hand towel at him and my shoulder dislocated.  Aging sucks - really it sucks!
    1 point
  23.   That's the thing isn't it?  But for some reason gun owners have a terrible habit of eating our own.  We wish for more gun stores, yet when we get them we find the silliest of reasons to malign them.   I'm glad you two got a chance to go out there and check it out.
    1 point
  24.   Exactly.  Hickok does not advertise his name so there really is no reason for anyone else to, regardless of whether it's out there or not.
    1 point
  25. Thanks all (DaveTN, I'm writing this not having fully read your provided link yet...I will shortly).   In doing a search, this is exactly what happened to me...   http://forums.xfinity.com/t5/Security-and-Anti-Virus/Email-inbox-deleted/td-p/1437787   I checked everything on my end and all my settings are the same / as I want them.  I'm fairly certain the problem is not here.  This will be a Comcast Tech call and there better be some love when my next bill rolls around.
    1 point
  26. Get in touch with TWRA. This will protect you from local laws. I had an issue a few years back with metro pd and if it weren't for the TWRA officer then we would have been charged by the metro officers.
    1 point
  27. Perhaps this has been addressed elsewhere but if having a trust means my background isn't checked, then what happens during the examiners time with my paperwork?  I know, it sits in a box for a long time but is their only job to check for errors on the forms?  If that's all they do, hire a couple of high school teachers to "grade" these things and the backlog would go away in a week!   I've also done the non-trust method for purchasing NFA items and I don't know that the Sherriff did any kind of check-I didn't fill out a form like when purchasing a firearm-I just dropped them off and picked them up the next day.
    1 point
  28.   This ^^^^^   Like DaveTN said, should this scenario goes down, it'll be fast, maybe too fast to react to. Chances of people being caught in different parts of the house are likely. Then everyone's cut off from the rest. If I get rushed, taken to the floor and held at gunpoint or shot, I would rather have my family trained so they can protect themselves, not just call 911. Especially if they're young adults and teens. Besides firearms, the training should include trauma care. Everyone needs to know how to use "their" weapon and everyone's IFAK or other first aid.     Lastly....       I have an alarm system, but they are only good "after" the bg's are inside. The mutt let's me know when anyone first gets on the property. Gives some valuable time to get a hold of those "protection devices" you mentioned.
    1 point
  29. Maybe OhShoot will belong, he probably can help.  He is usually very good at this.  Others too.  I would keep digging myself, but I have get outside for my Saturday Chores. 
    1 point
  30. What TMF said or get a railed forearm then BUIS.
    1 point
  31. So, I don't know if any of you have ever heard of ARC or not. It stands for Animal Rescue Corps. But if you haven't you should look them up. In the last 3 days they have had 5 rescue cases of over 100 dogs and other animals here in Tennessee alone. Some were abandonment cases, 1 was a hoarding and one was someone who had good intentions but became overwhelmed. The last case the person was actually still caring for the animals but still surrendered them. It's shocking to me. I can't believe how many times I see Tennessee listed in their posts when they go out on rescues. Their emergency shelter is in Lebanon right now. They're in need of volunteers, supplies to care for the animals and donations. WKRN has all the info if you're interested. EDIT: Here's a link if you're interested: http://wkrn.com/2016/01/08/nearly-60-animals-rescued-from-cruelty-neglect-in-2-tenn-counties/
    1 point
  32. I have told some colleagues - "I must apologize, my inventory of rodent posteriors is deficit to your demand". Colleagues - "huh?" Me - "you really want to know?" Colleagues - "yes!" Me - "I. do. not. give. a. rat's. ass." Colleagues - "oh."
    1 point
  33.   If you think 300 rounds is a large number in a single visit, then you haven't been to the range with a lot of TGOers.  :)   You'll be fine. If you were shooting north of a 1,000 between cleanings, then it might make a difference.
    1 point
  34. What a piece of crap that man is. Unfortunately he was not only elected but re-elected. It's why I have little hope for our Republic.
    1 point
  35. Remington UMC is the dirtiest I've used. Sellier is some of the cleanest. That said, it doesn't matter to me. 1 round of clean stuff or 1,000 rounds of dirty stuff....the gun still gets cleaned.
    1 point
  36.   That is one fine pistol... fish gills and all! And in 9mm... I mostly see them in .40 cal. Nice find!
    1 point
  37. It was all perfectly clear until I got to this part.
    1 point
  38. Boomer Sooner indeed! Hail West Virginia! Yer welcome as long as you don't wear out that "Boomer Sooner"! :D [url=http://s2.photobucket.com/user/dshane/media/West-Virginia-Basketball-basketball-ball-hoop-smiley-emoticon-000812-large.gif.html][/URL]
    1 point
  39. This article makes no sense to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40. Anybody besides me wonder what the hell this is? :wave:
    1 point
  41. Welcome aboard. You headed south when you left Kentucky, so you did good.    BTW, those UK t-shirts will come in handy for cleaning guns.  :D
    1 point
  42.   Use coupon code BRADSHIP for free shipping.   Here's where I found it: https://www.slickguns.com/product/223-rem-55-gr-wolf-gold-fmj-1000-rounds-42000   Brass .223 for 30.8 cent/rd is pretty hard to beat. I know I saw it dip to 28.9 around Black Friday, but that was the anomaly.
    1 point
  43. I hope you have some source of combustion air for that heater, even though it's supposed to shut itself off when it detects insufficient oxygen.  I wouldn't trust my life to something a heater is supposed to do.
    1 point
  44. Yep, 2. STI 2011 Eagle, Gen4 G35. I also have 10's for the haters. I like .40 as a reloader. Less fuss than 9mm, more bullet weight variation if needed. Favorite load(and my competition load) is 200grn WFN bullets at 850fps. Makes the .40 a pussycat but makes major power. This needs pics...
    1 point
  45. Glocks being made in America is like Japanese cars being made in America.I'll bet the total man hours in American factory's is way less then the man hours spent in Japan on that so called American made car. The steel that used to be made in Northern Ohio is now made,,,, guess where? The cars that used to be made in Detroit are being made a lot farther South. One of the 5 major industries that kept Cincinnati Ohio alive [ GM Norwood ] is now in Mexico. D building at GE in Cincinnati used to be main production for all the jet engines that GE built. Now it's a warehouse. Somewhere in here I'm trying to make a point. America should be for Americans. Our export is nowhere near what it was when we had a dollar to spend. Import tax that the US is charging is nothing compared what to other countries are charging. So their products are cheaper for us to buy leaving our workers out on the street. Is it wrong? Damned right it is. But not if you believe in one world order and one world government.   I could go on with this rant but my blood pressure will go through the roof.
    1 point
  46. Ok, I hope this story makes sense: I used to be a self-employed service and repair plumber. No employees, just a one man shop, no advertising, just growing by word of mouth. At least twice, I went to newly referred customers houses to fix something and they told me "we had a plumber out six months ago to fix this, but they didn't fix it right, and quit working after they left". Both times, I asked them if they called the plumber to complain, both said no. This scared me to death. I was a pretty good plumber, but not perfect. I would want to know if something I thought I fixed wasn't fixed. If I had employees, I would want to know they were not getting the job done.
    1 point
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