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I can tell you guys that I'm watching this really closely and of course TGO will do whatever we need to do in order to remain legal if some new Executive Order is issued. If that means we partner up even more closely with our Vendors to provide you with a network of FFLs to deal through on private sales, then that's what we will do. In the meantime I suggest you all start bombarding your Congressmen and Congresswomen -- no matter where you live in the US -- and demand that they move swiftly to revoke whatever EO our petty little tyrant issues. You can read up on Executive Orders here: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS20846.pdf7 points
I think we might just be the luckiest idiots in the world. She's met our whole pack. We have a hound/terrier mix who's about 4 months younger than her, they've been outside running forever. We had to force a time out. She came back in, everyone seems to get along really well and now she's back outside running with Odie. Max, our labaweiner, also joined them. It sounds like cattle running. I think it's safe to say we now have 8 dogs. WTF. From now on please hide all free dogs somewhere on here I will never look.6 points
I have not been but if an EO came down that said guns and ammo were free, they would still be priced like the sky was about to fall.4 points
4 points
HRH Daisy Mae Bluebelle Bonnet has landed in the fair woods of Jackson County. We got to meet up with R.M. and his family today to get her. I felt like a huge jerk taking a dog from the cutest little girl, but the dog was really cute too and I knew it was the right thing. Had she started to cry, they would've been stuck with her. LOL So here is HRH Daisy Mae Bluebelle Bonnet when we first got home. I opened the back of the truck to let her sniff a bit. [url=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/Daisy/195_zpsaqzsuevx.jpg.html][/URL] She rode really well in the truck. She whimpered when we left RM and family and she bayed while I pumped gas down the road but once we got on 40 she was quiet as a church mouse and that's pretty awesome. So this next picture is HRH Daisy Mae Bluebelle Bonnet scoping out her goods from TSC. Knowing she wasn't an "indoors dog" I got her a cheap bed. If she pees on it or tears it up oh well. We also have her crate with pine shavings for her too. She got 2 rope bones, 3 pig ears, 2 L Shapes some part of a cow bones, a water bucket and food dish and a huge bottle of shampoo because, RM was very right. She's kinda stinky. [url=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/Daisy/202_zpsgvkbe2pu.jpg.html][/URL] This is HRH Daisy Mae Bluebelle Bonnet eating. She got dry food and 2 fresh eggs from the coop. [url=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/Daisy/205_zpsjo021l09.jpg.html][/URL] She cannot seem to keep her ears out of the food. We'll work on that and a few other things as we go along. The good news is, I have chosen a rescue to assist Monkey and I. As you all know we have a large pack at 7. I want to try to make it 8. But it might not work out. The rescue is going to let me use their discounted prices at the vet. Which is AWESOME. She has an appointment for Tuesday, she will get a full check up, all vaccines, heartworm and parasite tests, ears flushed and grooming if I can't get the stink out myself. My only concern at this point is that she has never had heartworm preventative. So I am a bit worried about that and if it will come back positive or not. No matter what, she will get ANYTHING and EVERYTHING she needs. Monkey and I are going to do introductions to the pack over the long weekend and hope that it can click. If not, we will just foster until a home becomes available. Some of you have reached out and offered financial assistance to me via PM. I want to thank you for that. If Monkey and I keep her, we will pay for everything ourselves. However, if we cannot keep her due to the pack, at that point I will announce the name of the rescue that is covering the costs and if you want you can then donate to the rescue. They are a 501c3 so it is a tax deductible item. I'll be sure to keep you updated on progress and what not. For now she's resting and quiet which is a good thing.4 points
12 - Kate Web act... Sounds to me like this is the creation of a mandatory DNA database... On a lighter note: I'm pretty sure I used to be married to a class 1 carnivore. A chip would have been useful in narrowing down which bar she was drunk in when I had to go find her...4 points
3 points
Well... I wouldn't piss on Obama if his teeth were on fire. I'm for damn sure not going to comply with one of his whims, especially since his clown show does nothing to enforce current REAL laws. Fuck Obama and all his friends. I'm with TMF. Write it, and I will go out of my way to violate it.3 points
I've seen it. But one movie over 45 years ago compared to the litany of books, movies, and TV specials in the last ten years doesn't compare. Plus, the whole Bin Laden mission is still in the public mind. Like Spots said, incredible people, but there are guys all over the SOF community doing just as much to keep the country safe, while not getting the same level of PR from it. And that's how they prefer it.3 points
Communication breakdown between the source and the people writing the script. They heard ammo, but what was really said was hair gel.3 points
Everyone has made great points here. Registering anyone on a list could possibly lead to more pandering to the left. Not the best path possibly. There is a need for better laws against these scums of the earth though. I feel any person that can harm an innocent animal for any sort of pleasure or financial gain is about as low as it gets. As far as tax dollars go I would rather fund some furtherance of their judicial punishment than any more ridiculous sports or tourist attractions in the state. I know it's not the highest on most everyone's crime list but just remember anyone abusing a dog, cat, iguana, horse, cow, chicken, mule, bird, pig, goat, hamster, fish, or any other furry, gilled, hopping, flying, burrowing creature is a sick SOB!!!3 points
Be more faithful in my prayer life and spread the good news with compassion, conviction, grace and love3 points
They'll be fine. They're a double minority living in Colorado. The liberals are probably spilling their white mocha gluten free half caff lattes trying to give them free stuff.3 points
I'm all for the address AND humiliation. Act like a peice of :poop: get treated like a peice of :poop: I hold most animals I come into contact with in greater esteem than 99% of the humans on this planet. Animals aren't the virus that strangles the life out of this world. It's humans. If having your address posted and pride assaulted is a problem for anyone, there's a simple solution; don't abuse animals. Amazingly simple huh?3 points
I wrote a piece about an experience this past week. This type of thing was nothing unique or special, but it does paint the picture of how thin the line is between shots fired or just handcuffs.2 points
http://www.wbir.com/news/first-in-us-tennessee-animal-abuse-registry-begins-january-1st/9392277 I love it!2 points
2 points
I had some fun with the "Hillary Clinton 2016" tank top that my sister gave me for Christmas https://vimeo.com/1505039062 points
2 points
I brought a pistol today. Canik TP-9 SA at Academy. Hopefully I will be able to buy more this year!2 points
The President will huff, and puff, and not much will be done in the end. I do think that the intransigence of the gun community, along with the interest groups (NRA, GOA and the like) have brought us here. We're holding onto the fish too tight, IMO. It's been obvious that the leaders of the Democratic party have wanted background checks expanded to the point of universal. But we've "held the line" because apparently that's important. What it's also done has reduced any progress at the federal level in the last ten years to nil. We're doing great in the states where we can (CA, CT, MA & NY are too far gone right now), but that only goes so far. So, what could be done? Ask yourself how much of an impediment a background check is. I wouldn't call it an "infringement" and let's face it, neither would any court. They aren't going away anytime soon. So, why not accept it and trade it for something better. If the community and interest groups gave them the okay, Congressional Republicans could offer universal background checks & closing the "gun show loophole" for something far more valuable to the shooting community: gutting Title II of the NFA. If there was a deal on the table that exchanged universal background checks for removing SBR's and suppressors as Title II firearms, making an SBR something you can buy as easy as a 16" AR, and a suppressor just another item in the counter at your LGS, I'd take that deal any day of the week. Democrats would be forced to take what they have been campaigning to get for decades, or explain why they said no. But the current political climate has put any chance for a deal like that into the not happening category. To me, the most important intent of the 2nd Amendment is that private citizens are able to own firearms of equal capability of the military and law enforcement that could be turned against them, thus creating a check of power. If they have "assault rifles" those citizens who want to own one should be able to as well. SBR's, suppressors, ect...the intent of the 2nd Amendment was for a citizen militia to be well armed enough. I'd rather focus on that as priority #1. And it's too easy to do that. I bought my VP9 from a guy on M4C, had it shipped to my FFL and it took all of ten minutes to get a 1st time GO while I browsed their gun rack.2 points
2 points
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv89_3rrW8Y Las Vegas, but still, the same "safer" Berettas that LASD used to use before they went to those "scary" M&Ps. Follow the safety rules, and the weapon doesn't matter. Sadly, many times in LE, the real problem doesn't get fixed...the scapegoat equipment gets "fixed." Glock NY Trigger anyone?2 points
Nice to know some ragheads may be cutting up the meat we eat. I guess we need to just stick to pork as they will supposedly flee from it. Some liberals say oh there are good Muslims to which I say really. Have you ever heard of a Muslim hospital, or when some disaster strikes have you ever seen them open up a Mosque so people could be comforted with a dry, warm place to stay with food and such?? I certainly haven't, but you can bet your last dollar that the Baptists, Methodist and other Christian churches happily open their doors to take in "all" who need a helping hand. Think on this awhile and please respond if you can come up with 1 selfless act of LOVE a Muslim mosque or community has done. I will give you a year.2 points
Loose another 55 LBS this year.. Bitch less.. Love more.. Ride more(my horse) And really try to embrace my husbands hobby and shoot more. Anything else I say I will do is just a blatant lie.:)2 points
2 points
They don’t care; they just want to ban it. This is about Obama saying he did everything he could do and Hillary picking it up and running with it. Criminals won’t abide by it anyway and law abiding citizens will go through the background checks. I saw someone post that they will be civilly disobedient. Well that’s great, but it would require two people that are willing to risk arrest. Also, they may not be able to prove the case against you; but that doesn’t make your legal costs any less after they arrest you.2 points
2 points
Already ordered, but it hasn't arrived yet so it counts as a new one: Zenith mp5rs Going to SBR it and put one of the sliding stocks on it first, next will be find a suppressor. Would have loved to actually get one with a fun button on it, but costs are too high to justify that.2 points
185k Marines. At minimum we all qualify on the rifle range once a year. 3 days of known distance firing 60 shots a day, then two days of Table two firing 100 shots a day. So bare min. is 380 rounds per year per Marine. This does not include crew served weapons training, supplemental training by the infantry which includes a lot of live fire, and live fire training on vehicle mounted systems and airborne systems. So it we go off min. Rounds fired minus all that, you are at 70,300,000 rounds for 185k Marines. I'd say the actual number of allowance is 3 to 4 times that. If it's 4 times that's 281 million rounds. So unless each member of Seal team six is running a million rounds each (guessing at 300 members, probably much smaller) they aren't even close. That would be 2600 rounds a day, 365 days a year. I think somebody is full of #### and needs a calculator lol. Edit: Found the quote in the book Rouge warrior written by ST6 commander Richard Marcinko. He claims that his 90 man command used more ammo than the entire Marine Corps. That's 2100 rounds per man, per day at the very base training number of 70,300,000 for the USMC allowance. If it's my guess of 4 times that, 281 million rounds, it would be 8500 rounds a day, year round. On that note, I have had to much borboun and will leave the Marine vs Seal pissing contest alone for the evening. Semper Fi, Good night and Happy New Year. Sent from behind the anvil2 points
Well Happy New Years, Ladies and Gentleman! Today we spent the day going to pick up Daisy and if I am heading towards 352 I might as well go past a bit and head to Bob's to visit my favorite store ever. So exit 380 it was! Hello Bob's! Let's load up that cute little square cart you have! [url=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/207_zpscz7xvxpt.jpg.html][/URL] I think it was loaded pretty well, got some restocks on the Woodford White Corn, bumped Monkey up from the 10yr to the 12yr Whistlepig, found some weird bottle of something called Weller 12 year?!?!?! I dunno, some crazy clerk recommended it. Widow Jane was a new one that we thought we'd try. I also grabbed the Italian Vodka for myself and some organic limes across the street at TJ's. Cape Cod here I come! In all seriousness, Monkey and I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year! Edit: For all the Squires, that is an Original White Rabbit Saloon from the Jack Daniels Distillery down in Lynchburg. Monkey's dad picked it up while they were doing a renovation there. Little fun fact.2 points
If they can't obey company policy then they should not bitch when they get fired or quit. I am proud to see the company stand firm on their policies and not be intimidated by their religion............jmho2 points
2 points
2 points
The whole 'background check' is ludicrous. The sales pitch is that background checks will reduce crime and the ability of terrorists or crazy folks from getting guns. The reality is that it will have absolutely no such effect. Just like the 4473 requirement and stopping mail-order guns sales in 1968 had no effect on crimes, background checks have had no effect either. It's just one more step to making guns harder to buy, and 'controlling' the law-abiding citizens.2 points
First and foremost, Merry Christmas! After months of passively searching, I purchased a factory FDE SilencerCo Osprey 45 suppressor for my FN FNX 45 Tactical in FDE. I purchased the suppressor via GunBroker from BMC Tactical/Warrior Steel. After remitting my payment 45 days ago, my suppressor arrived at my preferred LGS, the Nashville Armory. The wait time officially begins as my paperwork has been submitted!1 point
Fired chicken, mash taters, black-eyed peas and rolls, um good stuff.1 point
I read a couple, the Elfstones and a few others. Another obscure fantasy series I would LOVE to see make it's way to the screen would be The Book of Swords stuff. But then reality dawns on me, and I don't watch television.1 point
Don't really "need" anything, but my current wish list includes: S&W 27-2 5" barrel M1 Garand1 point
Hell, the Muzzies might prevail in a lawsuit -- remember the recent settlement for the Muslim truck drivers who refused to deliver beer? - OS1 point
Just so you know Coon Hounds of all breeds always get their ears in their food if they are full blooded. Red Bones, Blue Ticks, Basset Hounds, Blood Hounds and some Beagles all are noted for their ears............ :up: Thank you very much for what you and Reefer have done for her. My son would have loved her if not for the distance. I spoke with him yesterday and he said between him and his oldest son they have 8 Blue Ticks and two Red Bones. Oldest grand son does hunt coons so he uses many of them but my son just likes having them around. They all stay at his place in the country. :up:1 point
Whole lot more reaction time at under 30 mph, than there is at 80. Anytime you're riding in a tight formation, especially aide by side there is a risk. I will say I'd rather just see the helmet law go off the books. We are all big boys and girls. If I'm adult enough to survive on my own, then a helmet or seat belt should be my choice to make. Sent from behind the anvil1 point
I resolve to try to stay alive for another year. If I fail to do that the any other resolutions mean squat. :)1 point
I vote you should hold off on the S&S and head to the chilhowee RK show today as is. Just wake up and go. Goodness knows thats what most of the attendees at that show seem to do :)1 point
1. Stop buying so much dang bourbon. 2. Stop saying I am going to foster a dog and then keeping it. :rofl:1 point
Continue to lose weight (lost 85 pounds this year) and reach my goal weight by August 31. Purchase some land to build a retirement cabin/home with a gun room. Spend less time stressing with work and more time enjoying the blessings of each day.1 point
Since you want shows that are kid friendly, Star Wars the clone wars and Star Wars rebels are both really good shows and should be on Netflix! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
This Happened. http://youtu.be/FHnfwu0ikG8 Then this... http://youtu.be/eBtVPd2iexU1 point
They mentioned "old habits" on the other firearms . GOOD LORD, what the heck would they be doing on their older guns ? Resting their fingers on the triggers ? STUPID1 point
I sold all of my guns after they began asaulting each other in the safe. There was a constant dispute to be in front of the safe.1 point
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