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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2015 in all areas

  1. Senior citizens are constantly being criticized for every conceivable deficiency of the modern world real or imaginary. We know we take responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others. But upon reflection we would like to point out that it was not the senior citizens who took:   The melody out of music,   The pride out of appearance,   The romance out of love,   The commitment out of marriage,   The responsibility out of parenthood,   The togetherness out of the family,   The learning out of education,   The service out of patriotism,   The religion out of school,   The Golden Rule from rulers,   The nativity scene out of cities,   The civility out of behavior,   The refinement out of language,   The dedication out of employment,   The prudence out of spending, or The ambition out of achievement,   And we certainly are not the ones who eliminated patience and tolerance from personal relationships and interactions with others!   Does anyone under the age of 50 know the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner?   Just look at those Seniors with tears in their eyes and pride in their hearts as they stand at attention with their hand over their hearts!   And, unless many of our younger generation learn to count in the absence of computers and calculators, they will be back to counting on fingers and toes.   Remember.......Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what in the world happened.
    9 points
  2. On behalf of my family and the TGO Staff, I would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! I hope that you find yourself in the company of family, friends or loved ones this Christmas -- or at the very least, warm, happy and safe doing something that you truly enjoy. If you are one of our many members who are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces and you are away from your family, especially if you are serving downrange somewhere, my special prayer for you is that you and your brothers in arms are kept safe and that you find a way to celebrate Christmas with those around you. We here at home enjoy the safety to observe the holidays due to the sacrifices men and women like you make every day, and it does not go unnoticed or forgotten. And last but certainly not least, I leave you with this video which is making its rounds quite virally this season. I hope that you enjoy it. https://vimeo.com/55641900
    6 points
  3. 5 points
  4. Was standing in line on a standby flight. The agent at the ramp entrance asked 2 small kids if they were ready for their surprise visitor tomorrow, she kept asking , and they said they didn't know who was coming till the little boy said Allah to the airline agent. The agent turned 3 shades of red as the kids momma said they don't do xmas. An older guy standing behind me said sheeeeyut. I did all I could to keep from laughing. On a side note I was very disappointed that I didn't hear folks wishing each other merry xmas in the cordial fashion most of us are used to. To all my friends of all denominations, happy holidays and merry xmas. Christ is still the reason behind Christmas. To those who are so sensitive to the point where the sheeple have to be careful over offending someone over this; pls carry your man jammy contractor bag wearing ninja butts back to the amusement park you came from,if you can't what respect OUR holiday. Merry xmas to all and to all good night. I thank all friends for the prayers and fellowship I've been fortunate to have had. God bless our troops and those who couldn't be w their loved ones for the holiday! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    5 points
  5. I have uploaded a YouTube video as evidence that everything was on the up-and-up. There were some technical difficulties which prevented me from recording any audio. Two winners were chosen for the 6-month TGO Benefactor subscription, one winner for the 1-year TGO Benefactor subscription, and two winners for the TGO Lifetime Benefactor subscription. All qualifying members who participated in the giveaway were entered for a chance to win one of the two 6-month TGO Benefactor subscriptions. Qualifying members with a post count of 1000 or more were entered for a chance to win the 1-year TGO Benefactor subscription. Qualifying members with a post count of 2000 or more were entered for a chance to win one of the two TGO Lifetime Benefactor subscriptions. Winners were chosen using Random.org. After the names were entered, I clicked "randomize" the first time to mix up the names. The second and third clicks were to choose the winners. Winners 6-month TGO Benefactor subscription - musicman  - i1afli 1-year TGO Benefactor subscription   - macville   TGO Lifetime Benefactor subscription   - R1100R - Ugly   I would like to thank Fourtyfive and the anonymous member who offered additional TGO Benefactor subscriptions, making this giveaway even more fun. I greatly appreciate your generosity, and I know the rest of TGO does as well. For those who didn't win, there's always next year. In the meantime, please consider purchasing your very own TGO Benefactor subscription over that the TGO Store. It's $20 for a 6-months, $35 for 1-year, and I believe (I can't see it for some reason) it's $150 for a Lifetime Benefactor subscription. For many of us, TGO is an invaluable wealth of information and entertainment. I don't have any inside information, but I imagine it's quite costly, keeping TGO up and running as smoothly as they do. I'd like to wish all members of TGO and their families a very Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year! [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8tsq6tf__4[/media]
    4 points
  6. Merry Christmas everyone. My brother posted this picture from Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti. I just want say thank you to all our soldiers who are making this possible today. I get to sit here and sip coffee this morning while they are thousands of miles away from their families. [url=http://s854.photobucket.com/user/emathew3/media/joe%20christmas_zpsqemhtaqn.jpg.html][/URL]
    4 points
  7. What I find amusing is that most members of TGO like to take a big crap on anyone who carries openly. But now that this is the only way to carry legally in VA it seems to be suddenly acceptable.   My oh my the irony.     And you know who you are... 
    3 points
  8. Building an AK looks to be a much more in depth project than building an AR. I can only speak for me, but I'd have a hard time improving upon my lowly WASR. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_2447_zps5335e62a.jpg.html][/URL] I've yet to see anyone shoot it without a smile on their face.
    3 points
  9. Merry Christmas from me and mine to you and yours [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/1855_zpsmqjthj6e.jpg.html][/URL]
    3 points
  10. I have mentioned it a time or two when threads like this come up, it is the seniors that raised the current adults of today.    Accepting responsibility is an amazing thing.   I understand that there are still a lot of great cats out there of all generations. Thus I hesitate strongly to stand and point and say that one demographic is greater than any other. It is the appreciation of differences that truly shows character and class.   EDIT   I am in my late 30's. Married once, still married. With a single child that is well rounded and well behaved. Making solid As in school (one B ever, this year) who plays several musical instruments. I am college educated with a home, and food in it. My bills are paid and I appreciate life for what it is.   I was birthed to and raised by a drug addicted whore who spat out half a dozen children that were nothing more than paychecks, punching bags and slave labor. My father left when I was young. I never saw him again. Both were born and raised middle/upper middle class by 'The Greatest Generation' and both are well into their senior years now.   Now, far be it from me to stand as say that everyone everywhere is the same, but you don't have to walk far to find anyone, of any age who can tell you the same story of their lineage and who turned out 'all right.' You don't even have to walk any further to hear of those with much better lineage who didn't turn out 'all right.'   I suppose that having been through the seedy underbelly of the world and emerging with no blinders or preconceived notions of what this world owes anyone has jaded me, or possibly made me bitter. I tend to think of it as seeing more clearly. The greatest thing it has taught me is to accept everyone as they are. From beggars to kings, everyone has good points, as well as their bad.   Ultimately I just get tired of hearing that it was better in a different era, which is nothing more than misguided nostalgia. Human beings are the same now as they were when Ogg first rubbed two sticks together and learned that cooked meat tasted pretty good. Everything changes, that is the nature of progress, but humans haven't in thousands of years of evolution.   /soapbox
    3 points
  11. After getting some advice from TGO members about pistols with full left hand controls, my Wife and I made a visit to a couple of lgs and looked at the FNS9C, M&P9C, and the P320 Compact. The winner was the Sig P320 with the M&P a close second. My Wife is hoping to save so we can pick it up sometime in January or February. What she doesn't know is that I have already planned on this. Business is good and we are Blessed to be in a very good time of our lives. There will be one more gift under the tree for Christmas morning. I'm safe posting this here for now because she hasn't started visiting TGO. I would expect that to change sometime soon. Thank you all for your advice and input. I hope that everyone has a Very Merry Christmas full of Blessings. Bob
    3 points
  12. Dave personally made this knife for me, Desert IronWood, Moku-Ti Bolster Damascus two tone steel, I absolutely love it!
    2 points
  13. I recently forced myself to take the hunter's safety course, and I received my first fishing rod today for Christmas.  In looking at info on fishing licenses, something struck me that seems counter-intuitive.  As gun owners, we believe in our right to possess and bear arms for the purposes of self-defense and providing for our families should we choose to hunt for food.  Efforts to regulate gun ownership result in a justifiable outcry from most gun owners, but I see no real outcry at the notion that we must take special training and pay for licensing to use our firearms for sporting purposes (or our unregulated fishing rods for taking fish).   Has anyone else put any thought to the irony of people being generally supportive of hunter safety classes and licensing requirements, but is resistant to any efforts to require gun owners to have training and a permit to own firearms?  Isn't the issue the same either way?  Again, not advocating for such a policy, but it strikes me as interesting that people refuse to consider training and licensing requirements for owning a gun, but have no problem with training and licensing requirements when it comes to actually using them for hunting.  I totally understand the reasoning behind hunting licenses and training, but the same safety arguments could be made for requiring training and licensing for gun ownership.  Also, as I understand the rules, you essentially give up many of your rights when engaging in hunting and fishing so that Fish and Game officers can inspect your firearm, your boat, and any game you have harvested.  Again, I understand the reasoning for this, but it seems to go against the arguments against having the same requirements for gun ownership. Sorry if I am rambling, but I am thinking out loud as I type.  Just curious what people's thoughts are on the topic.   :)  
    2 points
  14. Me and my dad have talked on and off about a setup to shoot steel that we needed to build for the last year. Well, tonight when we opened presents I got a note inside a box saying "be careful what you wish for". Then we walk out to his shop and I find this! Seriously, I think this is the best present I've ever gotten. I would have never imagined he would build this.
    2 points
  15. Check out this stamp from my 1903 Springfield. It's really cool in terms of today. I'm impressed that they came up with this almost 100 years ago. 98 years old and still looking good. Here are picks of the whole gun. Note that the bayonet has a bomb stamp. It's a little different that the one on the gun but still cool. Many of you know that I've never seen a stock that didn't need a good re-finishing. I've committed to my self and generations that follow that I won't re-finish history. Having said that, I don't think this is the original finish as I don't see a 98 year old patina. What are your thoughts? If this isn't the original finish then I think I can make her look even better! I do think that I have the original sling, though it needs some treatment before putting it back on the gun. Also, the bore is sparkling.
    2 points
  16. Looks like the Isis troops went out tonight!
    2 points
  17. I remember taking the hunter safety course as soon as I could after I turned 10, which I think was the minimum age. Likewise, I took the first HCP course I could get into after turning 21. Even growing up around firearms, I learned way more in the hunter safety course than I did the HCP class. I struggle with the whole idea of a license to take game. The government doesn't own the deer or fish anymore than I do, so why do I have to pay them in order to provide food for my family? Sure I can hunt for free on my own land, but I still don't like the idea of the gov requiring licenses. I get it, hunting public land, game management, etc but it bothers me nonetheless.
    2 points
  18. Are you talking about the upper left of Hans breast? Those are Imperial code cylinders. Without them, coded transmissions are nigh impossible to decipher.
    2 points
  19. Merry Christmas, TNGunOwners! After a three-month buying hiatus, I am officially back in the saddle! I am closing out the year with the purchase of a Arsenal SLR107-34. My newly acquired SLR107-34 is on the bottom of the photograph + the SLR107-31 is on top. [url=http://s640.photobucket.com/user/986S/media/FABDE18A-FCBA-4403-99B5-E0ABD1B05568_zpseqdt9bth.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  20. I guess the lesson I was getting at is if people who don't celebrate Christmas are capable of showing respect, folks who do celebrate Christmas should be inclined to show the same respect towards those that don't. I'm with you on people being overly sensitive, but that goes both ways. While there are idiots who are so easily offended by someone wishing them a merry Christmas, there are idiots who get offended if you wish them happy holidays. The lesson is we should be respectful of anyone's beliefs without looking for an excuse to be offended by them.
    2 points
  21. That has been used for the ordinance corps for some time.
    2 points
  22. Well, My Wife got her Sig P320C, and She got me this! Quite the spread! Merry Christmas to all the Whiskey lovers out there.
    2 points
  23. Spent some time away for the holiday and came back to find this.  TripleDigitRide, you are a scholar and a gentleman.  I appreciate what you've done here for the TGO community immensely.  :)
    2 points
  24. Just want to wish all the TGO members a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!
    2 points
  25. I'd like to meet the shooter that is more accurate than bare-bones stock CZ-75.
    2 points
  26. In the event any of the winners are wondering what to do next, please hold tight. Those of us who donated the TGO Benefactor subscriptions are in the process of making payments to TGO. The holiday may delay this a day or so, but your benefactor status should update automatically.  Thank you for your patience.
    2 points
  27. Got my son a Henry Evil Roy .22 , he has taken it home , no pics. Here's a pic from the net ....
    2 points
  28. Put this on layaway and will pull it out next month. 5.5" .44 mag super blackhawk Sent from behind the anvil
    2 points
  29. my nephew decided to get his sister an apple watch... well you know how brothers and sisters can be.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk, its either this or smoke signals!
    2 points
  30.   You expected easy and intelligent from the dumbasses?
    2 points
  31. Hey, what a great surprise for Christmas! It's not as much as a surprise as finding out recently my wife is pregnant with our second set of twins...
    2 points
  32. Congratulations to all the winners, and again, Merry Christmas to all TGO members out there.
    2 points
  33. Hot diggity! Thanks TDR, FourtyFive, and anonymous! I really appreciate the awesome gift! I've already had my Christmas miracle this year, as my Dad was dead off and on for about an hour on the 12th of this month. Every doctor and surgeon that has worked on him cannot believe he's still alive. Our plans definitely changed that day, but it's all fine. All the family is together here in Miami with Mom and Dad and we are soaking up God's blessings and savoring every minute. I hope you all get to do the same this Christmas. Thanks, TGO. :-)
    2 points
  34. Several incidents that have nothing to do with one another?
    2 points
  35. sweet 2.o   Big market in Cali,  they get all the best stuff!   Boss was happy with the crew and he gave us all a $50 credit today.  I got an Appleton Signature Blend Rum and a Corner Creek Bourbon.
    2 points
  36.   Since I had absolutely nothing to do with this...you are welcome!
    2 points
  37. I don't really know what to say other than thank you all. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
    2 points
  38. This is a mighty fine thing!  This is why TGO is such a great place.  Thanks to everyone involved in making it happen....even though I had nothing to do with it, I'm proud to be associated with such upstanding folks.
    2 points
  39. This was great and congrats to those that won. Merry Christmas y'all.
    2 points
  40. Hope everyone having a very Marry Christmas
    1 point
  41. A few days before Christmas and I picked it up for me. Told the family not to buy for me this year. 58 cal Hawken front stuffer [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/58%20cal%20Hawken/Hawken%2058%201_zpsznklfl5n.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/58%20cal%20Hawken/Hawken%2058_zpsimbqmwlq.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  42. the entire movie. this is all I could see....
    1 point
  43. My Christmas highlights were TFO sights for my XDs and some cologne. No guns for me either.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Wow, just wow! I never expected to win much less win so big. Thank you! I am shocked and ecstatic! From this day forward I'll make a concerted effort to post more than one liner posts that I tend to make, of course the main reason is I'm on my phone for the Internet and typing on this thing is like typing with my big toes, but I will make the effort. Thank you TGO and Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  46. Read an interesting letter from a reader on another website I frequent, that I found interesting...   And I find myself agreeing w/ the writer's conclusion - this is a trial balloon being sent up. Why bother legislating when the people no longer resist executive dictators? Divide and conquer!   (FWIW, I have family in VA, that I visit annually, so am following this one w/ interest)   - K   "The orchestrated actions above appear to be a test to see what happens when executive orders and attorney general actions are used to bypass the legislative branch and damage or destroy the rights of the people. Unless the actions are more heavily resisted in Virginia and any other states that are trying this authoritarian approach, we should expect this to be tried at the federal level very soon. As always, be prepared. – Kass Andrada"
    1 point
  47. I agree. Also, I wonder what the chances are of this disappearing victim is one those "You got an extra dollar on ya?" after getting the light. After all, he just bought cigarettes and no lighter. And also you have to take into account that this particular Walmart has had more than its fair share of crime in the parking lot over the past year. Approaching an older lady in the parking lot for anything would make me think she's going to be frightened. To the point of fearing for her life? I don't know, because like you said I'm not her.
    1 point
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