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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2015 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Well my secret Santa obviously knows me well lol. Got me some tie downs, one of those infernal bouncing orange targets (good trainers), M-Pro 7 and the almighty 10mm brass. And the perfect note card! Hell to the Yeah. Merry Christmas Santa Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  3. Life is too short to watch that crap!
    4 points
  4. A liberal friend (wait, I don’t have any liberal friends) acquaintance asked me after the Paris shooting what I thought he needed to defend his home. He has College Degrees I might add! I suggested as minimum: I advised a 9mm, a couple clips, and a box of shells. A few days later, he sent me this picture and asked how to make it work. [url=http://s218.photobucket.com/user/softbaitmaker/media/Misc/liberal%20house%20protection_zpswg0utmmy.jpg.html][/URL] any questions?????
    3 points
  5. Ladies and Gentlemen these two will be my last 2 additions for a while...splurged a little for Christmas.
    3 points
  6. Warm salt water gargle and flush sinuses 2-3x daily.    Mucinex (store brand), Ibuprofen, and Flonase.    Green tea with a squirt of lemon and shot of bourbon (my version of a hot toddy).    Rest.   Patience to wait it out. 
    3 points
  7. Poor Steve. The guy probably can't show his face in public. People have taken their own life for less. I feel bad for him. At least he's still got Wheel of Jeopardy to fall back on.
    3 points
  8. [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/app.php]screenshot[/url]
    3 points
  9. It's a firehouse minamlist fire hose wallet. They last forever Sent from behind the anvil
    2 points
  10. I got a leatherman wingman.   I use a multitool at work quite a bit, and the fact that this one has spring loaded pliers makes it a winner.   Thanks a bunch Santa! Will definitely put it to good use.
    2 points
  11.   Send me some whiskey and I'll send you not two, but THREE of the stickers.  :)
    2 points
  12. When BigK and I met you in Smyrna... I thought you were a nice guy.... I will never unsee this...... My star wars related reaction
    2 points
  13.   Thanks very much for the concern folks as it is very much appreciated. I explained in earlier post how I feel about most doctors these days and I have contacted mine and she has told me what to do and is calling me in something that will take care of it. She said she has seen a rash of this in past week to 10 days and says there is no sense in me driving 70 miles one way for this when I have to see her in mid January anyway for my semi annual checkup. I got my Flu shot and Pneumonia shot back in October so should be good to go there. 
    2 points
  14. Well, I got my Secret Santa gift this morning. It is a Visa Gift Card and I am very happy to receive it. I have always said you cannot go wrong with cash when trying to find someone a gift you don't know well. I can already think of a few things I can do with it........... :rofl:    Thank you Secret Santa. You could not have pleased me more........... :up: :up:
    2 points
  15.     They do.  But it's difficult to distinguish from the ambient funk that is NJ.  Or, all the union operators were already timed out this week.
    2 points
  16. I don't think I realized this was still a thing.
    2 points
  17. Well damn. I live in Columbia and went to school in Lewisburg. I don't agree. I love it here.
    2 points
  18. That has to be a Photoshop, Hillary Clinton hates America.
    2 points
  19. #6 for the year and I'm done. Gonna try and get my boy on his first during the juvenile hunt or maybe before. Shot this doe with a 6.8SPCII. Stag Model 5 upper with a lower I built from PSA parts and Magpul furniture. Killed 3 does and a 9 point on the muzzleloader and a 7 point and this doe during rifle. Been a great season, I've seen more deer and passed more deer than I ever have.
    2 points
  20. This thread is worthless without pics...
    2 points
  21. Why does a liberal need to defend their home?  Aren't they educated enough to talk the bad guy out of any criminal intentions? :shrug:
    2 points
  22. Lol. He doesn't know how to use the 3 seashells.... https://www.youtube.com/embed/rBI8uCKi2lI?autoplay=1&FORM=VIRE1&MID=2500&PC=APPL
    2 points
  23. My secret Santa went way above and beyond also. This is a fantastic gift and i'm amazed by the craftsmanship in these knives. I've drooled over them on the TGO for a long time. I'm very happy to say i now own one. Thanks again Santa--I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    2 points
  24. It looks like this in real life https://youtu.be/s8syKVfUc7Y
    2 points
  25. This is soon on its way to me, A full titanium body, Burnt anodizing body, Damascus blade, mother of pearl push button and a safety
    1 point
  26. Someone took the time to make it, but they didn't have the time to use spell check.
    1 point
  27.   I've actually never had it honestly. I had the 23 earlier this year "not a bottle, but a couple of glasses" and it set the bar pretty damn high lol not sure what to expect of the 15 but I'm going to crack it open on Christmas and enjoy it with my dad. That much I do know.
    1 point
  28. What's 10MM for?   Why, it's fer shootin stuff the other calibers can't handle! :hiding:
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. The $425.xx price is the price at sub-distributors. Chances are that you do not have a Law Enforcement distributor in your area; their price is the $398.20.
    1 point
  31. If you ever get up Gallatin, you're welcome to try mine. A range session will convince you...
    1 point
  32.   Oh, I'm always interested in another 1911...  :D  
    1 point
  33.     I think those Clawhammer stills have a lifetime guarantee, so you surely have something that will last as long as you do.    I use the copper wool packed in the condenser unit.  I honestly don't know how many runs I can do before replacing it with a new one though.  I should probably look into that.  As for the fermented product, I drain it into a bucket then transfer it to the kettle, then rinse the corn which has settled in the bottom of the tun to get as much stuff out as possible.  My first few batches I used my first run, because it was high enough in alcohol to please me.  I used most of the product to make apple pie though, leaving some to have on hand as good ol' white lightning.  The last batch I made I did a second run which was pretty high in alcohol content, but I don't know if I'll do that again.  Seems like kind of a waste for my uses, and I just don't like spending the extra time setting up and tearing down.   I use charcoal from the smoker to filter by putting it in a wide mouth funnel which has a strainer in it.  I get tiny bits of charcoal in the jug that way, so I just strain it with a cheese cloth which as worked just fine for me.  Then I use a sawsall to cut cubes of live oak, toss it on the grill for a few minutes to char it up around the edges.  I take those and toss it in a large quart mason jar, pour my product in and stick it in the attic.  The temperature variation in my attic is pretty extreme, and during the summer I'll take it down at night and stick it in the fridge so there is a lot of expanding and contracting in the wood, in order to simulate what happens in a barrel.  It's not going to win any awards, but it's cheap and fun to make.   As stated, keep an eye on your temperature.  The stuff you're distilling will determine the temperature.  I freaked out the first time, because I wasn't getting anything hardly at 173-175, and the temp kept getting higher, even when turning down the burner.  Turns out it's supposed to do that.  Eventually you'll find your sweet spot temperature, which is really based on the alcohol content and size of your mash.  Mine was somewhere in the 180s.  It stayed there forever, and once it starts creeping fast into the high 190s, the stuff isn't very good.  However, you don't want the stuff past a certain temp.  I've made marks on my temp gauge with a sharpie to indicate the acceptable temperature bracket.  The other poster suggested 208 degrees, which sounds right.  I can't confirm what mine is since I'm not at home right now.   Since you're going to throw out the heads anyway, I group that in with the foreshots and use it to kill weeds in my dog run area.  You'll definitely know what the foreshots are.  Take a drip of it on your finger and stick it on your tongue, then rinse with water and spit.  You'll know then what it tastes like.  Then, as your drip gets going, taste it as it goes.  You'll teach yourself real quick what is what.  If you stick with a consistent recipe, you will be an expert on what to keep and what to toss within your first few batches.   One of my first batches was a bunch of homemade mead and wine which didn't travel well when I moved from Tennessee.  Since I'm not one to be wasteful, but also not one to stomach funky brew, I distilled all that stuff.  It came out quite amazing.  I've played around with a few corn recipes, to include using cornmeal from the store.  I've found that regular deer corn was the best tasting.  Plus, when you dump the leftover contents of your fermentation vessel behind your house, the hogs come out in force.  The ground where I dumped my last one was tore up a good 6 inches down.  So you may get some bonus pork out of the deal  I've also heard that it's good for the chickens, in case you have any.
    1 point
  34. Good things the regulations are clear, concise, and easy to understand....   :surrender:
    1 point
  35.   I said the exact same thing this morning when I saw the recap on GMA of Steve's screw up.
    1 point
  36. I've enjoyed the comments in this thread, here's my two cents worth. A good set of tritium night sights of users choice A good belt, holster and magazine pouch also of users choice Enough extra magazines to have at least a total of five magazines A goodly supply of caliber specific ball and defensive ammunition of users choice User select a good defensive pistol course and attend same with pistol in question Just use and carry the darn gun until it becomes second nature to you.​
    1 point
  37. Greg, where did you get that nifty mag/flashlight pouch?
    1 point
  38. Liberals like to be victims. I like to be breathing.
    1 point
  39. AWESOME doesn't even begin to cover your Secret Santa and his gift giving!! Congratulations on it!!
    1 point
  40. The key word to remember is "KISS".   Keep It Simple Stupid
    1 point
  41. Have you checked out the M&P line? Interchangeable backstraps in 3 sizes so you can choose your fit. Everyone's hand are different, and I know there are some who say the Ruger SRs fit them perfectly. I'm not one of them. I don't like the feel of the ridge on the tips of my fingers on the shooting hand, and in general the guns feels awkward and clunky to me. One of my buddies has an SR45 and I put 5 mags through it awhile back. He loves it and doesn't like my M&Ps. Different strokes for different folks. I felt the like the M&P sits lower and more comfortably in my hand and recoils more straight back. The Ruger felt very top heavy and with a strong rotational twist in the recoil impulse.   The Ruger is cheaper in whatever caliber you choose, so there's that. If contemplating 9mm, I'd definitely recommend taking a look at the Sig P2022. They're usually right netween the M&P and SR series for cost. Another friend of mine just got one in .40 and I think it's probably one of the nicest guns under $500 (besides my beloved M&Ps, haha!) I'll probably have one sooner than later. That's not at all the info you asked for. Sorry. :-( I can't help myself.     Hey, I appreciate the input.  I actually handled a Sig SP2022 at a lgs yesterday, and was impressed.  The price was good, but it had the contrast sights vs. the night sights, and only came with one magazine.  If it had had night sights and one magazine, or the contrast sights with 2 magazines, I probably would have bought it.  It also came in a cardboard box.  I know, what difference does it make, right?  I'm just used to Sigs coming in the nice plastic cases.  Still a gun that is definitely on my radar...
    1 point
  42. ^^^This. They don't need to scan anything. They already keep permanent digital records of every firearm serial number, make, and model manufactured and transferred along with the dealer that transferred it, and date transferred. Anyone that believes that they don't also keep the NAME and (DL or SSN) of the recipients along with all of that data is a fool. Just like those who refused to believe in the government illegally monitoring / wiretapping mass phone calls until Snowden exposed some of the proof. Those who would give up essential liberties for safety will get neither, but this won't stop our liberal government from taking away the liberties.
    1 point
  43. I hear ya man! Hopefully you'll go to days at some point so you can come out and play! Next year is going to be crazy, lots of ideas and new things coming! I still need to drop some stuff off with you for milling/cerakoting in all your spare time haha
    1 point
  44. Sheriff Guy Buck from McNairy County.   Now there's some history in that county, and the sheriff's have cool names also. 
    1 point
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