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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2015 in all areas

  1. I always like watching these cctv videos of hold ups because they provide a great deal of insight on what happens, what people do that fails, and what people do that succeed.  Can never know enough about them.  This one Is sort of different, you can tell the guy is experienced, when the gun comes out, he doesn't instantly go into attack mode, he calmly hands his wallet over to thug #2, draws and puts thug #1 down since he is the one with the gun.  Checks the situation, again, then goes directly to the guy with the gun.   Well played.   https://www.facebook.com/DailyPolicePhoto/videos/605740622906518/
    6 points
  2. Just audited by ATF. No copies of 4473's were had.
    4 points
  3. On the wife's suggestion, we acquired a .22 rifle today - The Ruger American Bolt-action rifle. We looked at the Ruger 10/22, but chose the bolt over the semi-auto... part of the reason for the purchase was so our kids have something to take w/ us to the plinking range when we bring our pistols to practice, and my oldest is a bit impulsive. Many times I've watched him blow through 10-rounds on the .22 pistol's, caring nary a whit for where they were landing. I'm hoping to teach a little trigger-control w/ the bolt. I also want to see how the Ruger American platform behaves. I've been contemplating a .308 version of that rifle.   And it has a threaded barrel - means I can get a suppressor for it, too.. tax-stamp here I come!  :rock:   Have I mentioned lately how glad I am I married her?   Next item is a decent, affordable piece of glass!   - K
    3 points
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3npF3e2oZQ
    3 points
  5. Thoughts? With 100,000,000 new purchases in the past decade, my thoughts would be that they have their work cut out for them if they're going to go through all that paperwork.
    3 points
  6. These toys are side by side. Sandpeople always stand single file to hide their numbers.  
    3 points
  7. My father gave this to me yesterday. Being the ever active tinkerer he is, he decided to put new handles on this one he found with broken handles. It isn't original by any means, but I thought it turned out quite well.
    2 points
  8. My wife and I stopped by Bob's Package Store today and met Mike357. Super guy...glad we finally got to meet. He sold us some Vodka and Bourbon. The Bourbon that we purchased was Rip Van Winkle...can't wait to try it out over the holidays. Thanks Mike!!! B
    2 points
  9. Skip the glass for now, wait till the kids get good with iron sights.
    2 points
  10. Ours was installed on our roof, and we had the roof redone. The roof installers just put the dish back up, and not in the same place it was, so the signal was all jacked up. I was able to find a site from Google to tell me what the angles were supposed to be. There are three different adjustments: 1. directional angle from North, 2. Angle from the horizon, 3. Twist of the dish.  I figured the twist was correct since it was mounted to the frame, so I just needed to get the other two correct. I got out my GPS to find the angle from North, and a protractor and level to find the angle from the horizon. Worked perfectly.
    2 points
  11. [url=http://s779.photobucket.com/user/richarddacat/media/MISC/9mm%20BROWNING%20HYDRASHOCK%209MM%20001_zpswu3f6hkn.jpg.html][/URL] Purchased new for $453.11 in Dec.1981. Never been fired.
    2 points
  12. I don't want the glock guys to have all the fun, lol! Here are my EAA Witness 10MMs. Top is an Elite Match, bottom in a standard Witness. The Elite Match is a total sleeper... around $750 for a super sweet 3.5-4lb trigger and awesome fit and finish right out of the box. Just upgrade to a 20+lb recoil spring, they're stupid undersprung. The best groups I've ever shot have been with that gun. The standard Witness is just average.
    2 points
  13.   Go back and add them to your cart.  There really is no substitute if you're looking for classy, robust, long-term storage.
    2 points
  14. I've seen ammo in proper ammo cans stand up to floods, tornadoes, falling out of trucks, and decade after decade of storage. I can't imagine why I would use anything else for storing ammo.
    2 points
  15. Picked up a new one on the 10th of this month. Already put about 650 rounds (reloads) thru it with no problems what so ever. Grip feels good, no finger grooves. I thought the large grip insert would be best but turned out I am more on target with the small grip insert. Seems to be a reliable, accurate pistol, feels good. I am thinking of one in 45acp.
    1 point
  16. OK... my first TGO secret Santa and I'm feeling very humbled...read on to find out why. 1- My SS took the time to research who I am on TGO.... even going as far as to pull up a post I made about "Illegal Christmas Gifts for Guys." He used my own post "against" me... :D Exhibit 1 Then, he included an official stocking loaded with goodies as per the rules :up: Exhibit 2 My "open last" box still pulls at my heartstrings... My SS included the personal note pictured below... Exhibit 3 Under the note was.... Exhibit 4 But the best was yet to come... my SS has gone to the trouble to customize the bible.... Exhibit 5 How cool is that... :usa: I will not post the name of my SS, but I will ask for anybody / everybody to join me in a prayer for his surgery and recovery. TGO..and my SS .... ROCK! :rock:
    1 point
  17. Thanks for posting...wolves, sheep and a well prepared sheepdog.
    1 point
  18. I have one left...I am sure they are going to get delivered eventually but if you absolutely need one for someone for Christmas let me know. I think I still have one floating around the garage somewhere (along with 50 Larue Tactical stickers...seriously someone take these freebie bumper stickers off my hands.)
    1 point
  19.   Well, there aren't very many things the dealer has to put on the 4473, and all pretty simple, so if he was leaving any of them out, I could see why they'd get upset with an audit. Perhaps it was his bound book he wasn't completing correctly.     NICS only gets the type of firearm (long gun/hand gun/other firearm), not the rest of the firearm detail. A POC (primary point of contact) state like TN does not have to collect the additional firearm data either, but TICS demands that info by state law, so if you want to worry about a database with that info, worry about the state of TN.   - OS
    1 point
  20. Yep. Sand People = Tusken Raiders. Everyone knows Jawas aren't "people".  :D
    1 point
  21. Be careful dealing with Chevy place in murfreesboro, I bought a truck there. They were great to deal with as long as i was buying. But when I had issues with the truck, they didn't know me and service department was terrible. I sold the truck and will never own another General Motors product. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Seems the Jade Helm budget didn't include money for a digital scanner. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk, because I felt that Oh Shoot wanted to know that particular bit of information.
    1 point
  23. Yah, car salesman are the worst to deal with. I know what I want, I know what my trade in is worth, and I know how much I'm willing to pay. If these criteria are not compatible, we won't have a deal, but they will just keep going in every direction. Don't ever give them your contact info. They'll never leave you alone after you walk out on them.
    1 point
  24. I sold all of my guns after they began asaulting each other in the safe.  There was a constant dispute to be in front of the safe.
    1 point
  25. Because some installations DirecTV needs not to know about..
    1 point
  26. Your buddy's story sounds a little different than the most recent version.
    1 point
  27. I use an old ammo can to carry boxed or loose rounds to the range, as well as store cleaning supplies and a leatherman.  A bag could do just as good, but my ammo can laying on its side, with a sandbag rest on top of it is the perfect height for a makeshift rifle support.   As to filled magazines, bandolier's are pretty good for holding them.  The ones they issued when the Army fielded MOLLE gear held six mags and can be had for relatively cheap.  One in the house, one in the truck, one in the go-bag...they make a good way to have six mags ready to supplement the one in your rifle as you go about your day.
    1 point
  28. The whole shebang costed me a fair bit of money, but after 10± years, my girlfriend finally obtained her HCP. I figured a gun of her own would be the next logical step. I picked up a 9mm Shield (her choice) and had Amendment 2 Custom Coating make it all purdy with some pink Cerakote. With her Birthday and Christmas being only a few days apart, she has somewhat reluctantly accepted the occasional Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas gift. I haven't been brave enough to try and get away with that, until now. With the HCP class, HCP itself, the Shield, and the Cerakoting, I think I was able to get away with it this year. She's super stoked!
    1 point
  29.   Ultimately, that's why I have more than just a few.  Just like the feel and look of them, the engineering, the power, the well ... seriousness of them. Throw in consideration of periodic firearm related market panics and Crash prep, and there ya go.   And I can at least use them with at least the equivalent proficiency of golfing in the high 70's from the back tees, which I can't do with the sticks any more. ;)   - OS
    1 point
  30. Buyback? They never owned them in the first place.
    1 point
  31. My 88 Dakota has a rear seal that's been leaking for years now..... 1 qt every other week consumption, not one speck of rust on the undercarriage.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Thanks folks...... Signed up tooo learn and get different opinions on firearms n such, looks like I found the right place! Go Vols!
    1 point
  34. You win this thread, Sir. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. Once something is seen, it cannot be unseen..... :stunned: :stunned: :panic:
    1 point
  36. Can't say enough good things about the HP. Only negatives are possible hammer bite and trigger. Both are fixable. Just remember the HP is what John Browning wanted the 1911 to be. It was his dream design. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. its amazing how completely metal guns shoot when you've been shooting plastic. brings more fun to shooting. 
    1 point
  38.   Well, it has kept the prisons full.   Of course now, there's an effort to ease up on lots of the drug crime judicially. Which would make room in the prisons for us gun owners I guess.   - OS
    1 point
  39. why doesn't he issue an executive order banning the commission of crimes?   Why does he not really care about the gun violence in Chicago?   What a tool.
    1 point
  40.   I'd opine that a loose interpretation on various parts of the Patriot Act can be argued to justify damn near anything.   - OS
    1 point
  41. Fellas, git yerself a padded electric guitar gig bag. Perfect for a rifle and you can fit 7 or 8 mags in the front pocket of most of them. You just look like a rock star, not a paranoid gun nut. Appearances are everything. That's all I'm gunna say.
    1 point
  42. I spent last week in the mountains of Ellijay Georgia at the Rogers Shooting School (http://www.rogersshootingschool.com/). For those not familiar with the school it is owned and run by Bill Rogers, former FBI agent, inventor ( Safariland  duty holster ALS and SLS and GLS locks, Wilson/Rogers 1911 mags, Rogers Super Stock, etc) and world class shooter who won a metric ton of matches in the 80s and 90s and beyond. In fact I was recently flipping through an old issue of Soldier of Fortune from 1986 looking at an article about the SOF 3 Gun Match and lo and behold but who was 2nd over all? Bill Rogers....yep...that Bill Rogers.    The class normally runs a week starting on Sunday evening and finishing up on Friday afternoon. The class normally runs $1200 for the week and 2500 rounds of ammo. This is quite an investment in time , money , and ammo for most people. But the deal of the century might be the way I did it . I took it as  the 3 day Rogers Reactive Steel Course offered through my friend Ronnie Dodd's company Dodd and Associates (http://www.doddtraining.com/). This class runs Wednesday night through Saturday afternoon . Ronnie is also the chief instructor at Rogers and that is how he is able to offer the 3 day class using the Rogers facilities and the Rogers assistant instructors. During the class I stayed in the Rogers Lodge ( $75 for the class) and Bill Rogers himself made an appearance at the class so it was pretty much as close to the 5 day class experience as the 3 day class could be. Of course there is no free lunch, (well....actually lunch is included in the class) and you cannot fit 5 days into 3 so you will get 4 runs on the test instead of the normal 6 and you will only shoot 1500 rounds for the class instead of the normal 2500 and no Thursday night low light shoot like in the 5 day class.    At Rogers they teach what they call Reactive Shooting. That is shooting within human reaction time. It takes someone .25 of a second to observe and a .25 to respond if there is no other decision making involved. So a simple "see it , point the gun at it and shoot it" would be a half second. The target system used at the school consists of 8" plates that appear and disappear in very short time increments. They range in distance from 7 yards to 9 yards to 10 yards to 15 to 19 yards. One of the first drills we shoot is a shot in one half second at a 7 yard target. We then shoot 2 targets in 1 second, and then 3 targets in 1.5 seconds. The drills don't get any easier either. The practice is all geared toward the test which you shoot each day to determine your score and class ranking.     Each person shoots about 500 rounds per day. This can seem daunting to some , especially guys shooting heavier caliber guns. Guys who show up with .45s often switch to 9mm in short order. One gentleman in our class shot his 1911 .45 on day one and promptly switched to his 9mm 1911 for the rest of the class. Of course some Mil and LE units that come to class with bigger caliber duty weapons (think SEALs, Delta, Marine Recon and FBI HRT, etc). You see Rogers is not the typical "Firearm safety class" it is a doctorate level test of marksmanship. You either sink or swim . You either acclimate to the speed of the targets and force yourself to see the sights and make the hits or you miss a lot and watch plates disappear. The targets do not care that you are shooting with 2 hands or with one or with your strong or your weak hand. The time frames are all the same. After all, the bad guys won't take it easy on you if you are injured and having to shoot with one hand......   There is not much downtime in the class. You are either loading magazines, shooting drills, hydrating, watching the instructors demonstrate drills, or eating lunch. Even during lunch the target system runs so that if you choose to you can hurry up and eat lunch and then get some dry practice in. And every little bit helps while preparing for the test. The instructors are there always offering constructive suggestions, and offering encouragement. And as opposed to some other schools, all the instructors can shoot at a high level. They have to in order to demonstrate the drills.    At the end of each day you shoot the test. It is an 9 stage 125 round course of fire. The first stage is 3 rounds on 3 different targets from the extended low ready position in 1.5 seconds. The 2nd is from the ready engaging 4 plates in near to far order in 2 seconds. And it just gets more difficult from there.  Number 8 can cause nightmares as it is 23 plates in 3 waves all shot weak handed with 2 weak hand only reloads thrown in....all in 23 seconds. Not exactly for the faint of heart. There is a reason that not many people clean the test. In fact only 4 people have ever shot the test with a perfect 125. Bill Rogers, Rob Leatham, Manny Bragg and Gabe White have shot a perfect 125. As mentioned earlier your scores count toward what  certificate you graduate with. Score less than 70 on the test and you do not pass.  Pass the test with 70 points and you get a Basic Certificate. Pass with a 90 and you get an Intermediate certificate. Pass with 110 or more and you graduate Advanced. They say less than 5% pass at the Advanced level and only those 4 guys have ever cleaned it.    Some of my peers in the shooting and training industry who have already been had been waiting for a long time for me to finally make the pilgrimage to Rogers. Unfortunately  classes at Rogers usually fill up and they are not always offered when I am free. I stay busy between my day job, teaching and match shooting. So when the opportunity  hit to do the  the 3 day class in between teaching my own classes and shooting matches I was glad to finally get to attend this class. As to my performance? Well I didn't do as well as I would have liked, but then again, only 4 guys ever have. I ended up graduating Advanced with a 115 score and the coveted red pin for the Top Shooter in the class.    If you get the chance to go to the full 5 day class that would be great, but if time, and money are an issue then take a serious look at the three day class run through Dodd and Associates. You'll be glad you did. 
    1 point
  43. The latest makes of Python and SAA came out of the Colt Custom Shop, which in my humble opinion was the best thing Colt had going for itself. W/O doubt someone will buy them but who and what they'll do to an already decimated company is something to ponder. Colt could easily be made profitable by moving the manufacturing to a more firearms friendly state. Retooling with all new CNC, improved foundries and a non union shop will make profitability achievable. Reopening the Custom Shop in a new facility will bring them renewed credibility. Its my personal opinion the Police Positive and Detective Special could be reintroduced and be immediately popular if improved to take +p or +p+ 38 Special.   
    1 point
  44.   As far as using worn out tooling, that's not true.  The 1911s Colt is now producing are all CNC machined.  They're pretty nice too.  Lots of issues with Colt, but building poor quality firearms isn't quite true anymore, at least not the ones I've seen.
    1 point
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