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I think a handgun should come with 1-2 magazines with the option of buying 2-4 more at a significant discount at the time of purchase.8 points
No one "throws in" anything. There's no such thing as free.5 points
That will never happen, especially when the general mentality is "lowest monthly payment possible".4 points
Yeah, but Randall... You can't brag to your neighbor that you have a $40k truck and a $65k boat either. That has to be worth the $1500/month payment :)3 points
3 points
My new signature! Within Tapatalk go to>Me>Settings>Edit Signature>None...Brought to you by Oh Shoot2 points
If you don't think a truck or boat is worth it, don't buy it. I don't get why so many get so worked up over what someone else spends for a vehicle. Vehicles are expensive, yes. It's only going to get worse.2 points
Ha! Friend of mine was just telling me what a great deal on his new truck. Ford F-350, 2015, diesel big ass engine 4 wheel drive all the goodies, etc,blah,blah. Listed at $65,00 and he was so thrilled to bring it home at $56,000. What the hell are people smoking?2 points
Felt the need to post. Posted on the board through Google Chrome using a Mac Mini, wired mouse, wireless keyboard, on the left monitor sitting on a glass desk with the dog in my lap and a space heater running at my feet while taking a break from writing a 12 page literature review for a class that will serve little purpose in life after graduating, with Tapatalk.2 points
2 points
This message has been sent by Tapatalk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
I know there are a couple guys here that are shall we say anti-confederate. That is fine. Now on the war of northern aggression many think everyone who wore the gray was fighting to protect slavery. They are not aware most Yankees did not want to end slavery, were more racist than most southerners and did not want blacks in the north. They often are not aware the vast majority who fought for the south did not own slaves ( like 95% or more) on top of that a key issue was simply people not liking Yankees telling us how to run our lives. Now they think we fought a four year, brother against brother war over slavery? What do they think we would do over trying to fool with our guns? Hell lots of Yankees would be joining us from places like PA and western NY. I think they will be getting a southern welcome they soon won't forget. On top of that you have a nation that is letting illegal immigration go on uncontrolled as well as third world immigration eroding our culture. They really think people will stand by for that?2 points
Me either, mine certainly never looks that good.... hehe I give new meaning to "BUTCHER" when it comes to processing.2 points
God blessed me with an unexpected Christmas bonus...I then received a solicitation from KARM asking for donations to help provide Christmas Dinner...100 children of God will be fed not because of me but thanks to "yet another coincidence" if you believe in such things :-)2 points
Ideally, none. I'd generally prefer a cylinder, instead. :D To answer the question, though, I think a new semiauto pistol should include two magazines. Being that some problems with such firearms can be largely magazine related I have to wonder how many times a 'defective' new pistol could be 'repaired' simply by using a different magazine. I know that one could simply go and buy a second mag to make sure that isn't the problem before sending it back under warranty, trading it or whatever but who wants to buy a second mag separately only to find out that the mag isn't the problem?2 points
Quote "This is getting out of control now." Yes it is but only because he is running out of time and getting desperate to get something passed or get around the 2nd Amendment before he is out of office. That is also why it is so very important that his office is not filled with the Hildebeast next election or she will walk in his foot steps..............jmho2 points
I think 2. If I want more, then I can buy more and usually do, but for many people that is enough, home protection for instance. The more mags supplied the higher the price will be on the initial purchase. Why should non sport or competition shooters pay for mags they won't ever use or need, is my thinking.2 points
Nonsense. Old books depicting the good old days will have long since been burned by the State...2 points
Well Haslam was an anti-gun Mayor, a Bloomberg toadie but since he represents on the entire state of Tennessee as Governor he wouldn't dare EO an anti-gun policy. Write him an insist he EO's some things we are wanting like, remove the criminal penalty for carrying past a sign, require the business to tell you to leave first. That's a starter but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for him to do that. I would however love to hear the liberals scream and yell, "you don't have the authority to do that with an EO."2 points
2 points
If I may, "mag" is a contained "vessel" for the rounds. "clip" is a retaining device where the rounds (of ammunition) are not contained within - just held together. With that said, if you can, shoot them all and find out what works for you. Then practice like heck. I would be partial to the G27.2 points
The author of the New Republic article is some smarmy hipster chick who lives in Toronto... wtf does she know about guns or US issues anyway? She only wishes she was American. Phoebe Maltz Bovy?? Hopefully she will be the one to personally initiate the door-to-door confiscation process? Or not. Looking at her smirk, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Not exactly somebody I'd want to wake up next to after a drunken party...2 points
Universal background checks (UBC) is just a stepping stone to registration. The only way to make sure that people aren't transferring without background checks is to have an auditable inventory for everyone...that's what they'll say after UBC is law.2 points
In all honesty I think Obama knows exactly what he is doing. The politicians and news Medias that say Obama doesn't have a clue what he is doing I think are all wrong. He does know what he is doing and he is doing exactly what he wants to do and that is to weaken America in every way possible and it is working to a point. The only thing he has not been able to do is disarm the American people and that is what is preventing him from making his entire plan work. "An American with a gun behind every blade of Grass" was what prevented an invasion of the Japanese right after Pearl Harbor and that was back in 1941. That was a quote from an Imperial Japanese Admiral aboard a Japanese aircraft that was steaming back to Japan from Pearl harbor when he was asked why they did not attack the American homeland. I would be afraid to try and count all the guns behind blades of grass in this country now but you can bet it's a lot more than back in 1941..................jmho2 points
Far enough into the future, if we still have government, probably any of them. :ugh: - OS2 points
My Santa is TO COOL :cool: [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/knife_zpspqu8damx.jpg.html][/URL] Thanks so much :rock:2 points
Send it back to benchmade, they will fix it under warranty. But, that doesn't mean you can't get a new one too.2 points
https://www.nraila.org/articles/20151211/gun-control-supporters-unhinged-new-republic-says-ban-guns-all-of-them Inspired by last week’s New York Times front-page editorial calling for the confiscation of “large categories of weapons and ammunition,” a new article in the progressive-agenda magazine, New Republic, says that banning only some guns, but not all, is not enough. “It’s time to ban guns. Yes, all of them. . . . Get rid of guns in homes, and on the streets, and, as much as possible, on police. . . . Not just certain guns. Not just already-technically-illegal guns. All of them.” Objectionable though they are, there’s nothing new about the Times’ and New Republics’ anti-gun opinions per se, however. It’s not news that some gun control supporters want all guns banned. It’s been that way for years. The difference is, gun control supporters used to pretend they were interested only in “reasonable” and “commonsense” gun control restrictions. Now they are telling everyone what they have always really wanted. Things sure have changed. Consider the difference in the tactics of Democrat presidential candidates over the last several elections. When they were running for president, Bill Clinton, John Kerry and even Barack Obama tried to assuage voters’ concerns about their positions on guns by posing for photographs holding shotguns. In 2008, Hillary Clinton did the same sort of thing in her run for the Democratic presidential nomination. CNN reported Clinton saying at the time, “You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught me how to shoot when I was a little girl.” But running for the Democrat nomination today, Clinton says that gun control opponents are like terrorists and shouldn’t be allowed to have their opinions. Asked during a debate with fellow Democrat candidates “which enemy are you most proud of,” Clinton responded, “the NRA,” along with “Republicans” and several others. Time magazine notes, Clinton is “calling for a ‘national movement’ to ‘stand up to the NRA’ and lambasting Republicans for voting against gun control legislation.” It quotes Clinton saying, “What is wrong with us, that we cannot stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby, and the gun manufacturers they represent? We need to act and we need to build a movement.” It’s easy to see how things have changed. But why have they changed? For one thing, since his reelection, President Obama has dropped his pro-gun pretenses, coming out strongly for banning “assault weapons” and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, requiring background checks on private sales, and banning the purchase of firearms by anyone on secret government lists. Where an anti-gun president will go, his anti-gun adherents will certainly follow. However, Time says the reason for the change in anti-gun tactics is even bigger than that. “The Democratic Party at large has shifted,” it says. Moreover, “gun control advocates are more organized and better-funded than at any time in at least the last two decades. Groups such as Everytown for Gun Safety, bankrolled by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, and Americans for Responsible Solutions, former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ super PAC, are spending millions to counteract the NRA.” Anti-gun college professor Adam Winkler adds, “Democrats are starting to believe that a strong statement on gun control will motivate the [Democrat] base.” Apparently, gun control supporters think this is their time in history, that they have the momentum, and that their victory is inevitable. Then again, something on the order of 100 million American adults, living in just under half of American households, own well over 300 million guns, including well over 100 million handguns and easily well over 10 million detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles, such as the AR-15, which gun control supporters call “assault weapons.” And FBI data indicate that the annual number of gun purchases has been greater during the last four years than ever before. If gun control supporters are unhinged now, imagine the state they will be in if that many gun owners come together to defeat Hillary Clinton and awake them from their anti-gun dreams on Election Day 2016.1 point
It's a Daily KOS article so... What's funny is people like that get all up in arms about rights violations but have no issue with violating someone else's. So long as it's not something they care about.1 point
I also have a RCBS beam scale. Super accurate. An electronic scale really shines when you're checking already-dispensed powder charges. But for trickling charges, I use the RCBS.1 point
I'm amazed at the prices also. I'm driving a 2000 Dodge 2500 Diesel with 138K. Before I retired I thought about getting a newer model, not new mind you, but the prices were crazy even for used ones. I had mine painted for $1800 and it will probably be my last truck I ever own. I've taken good care of it and have had no payment since 2005. What is even more amazing to me is the rigs I see when I go fishing. $40K trucks pulling $65K bass boats. Oh, I have a 2007 Triton aluminum 17 ft with a 75 Mercury Optimax and I catch all the fish I need. No payment on it either. :cheers:1 point
I have three of them. Work great. Way better deal than the Taran unless you want a +2. Tarans are ridiculously priced.1 point
It's all the luxury and technology they stuff in them. Add the fact that most of them now come with twin turbo V6's, 4 cam 32 valve V8's and have lots of HP. My advice. I'd keep that truck of yours as long as you can keep it going and it is safe. If your willing to keep it going, it'll save you money the longer you keep driving it.1 point
If the public will ban together, and not buy, then this will drive down market price. As long as we are willing to pay, then the market is the market.1 point
Well...to be fair, I carry it clipped on the pocket, and carry very little in my pocket. And since my retirement, it doesn't get the use it once did.1 point
Well...you all know I'm technologically challenged, so I'll just have to describe my Secret Santa loot. Got a box delivered while I was out of town, so I found it on the back step. Interesting looking box. Had Amazon all over it, so it could be about anything. Those guys have everything known to man. Okay, open it up and find a letter size envelope on the top. Plain. No words at all. Hmmm. Pop it open and find this list: hipower's EOTWAhpKI Trading Post Starter Kit Rice (Natural Whole Grain Brown...have to eat healthy even in TEOTWAWKI) Beans (Black...I guess to be a source of natural gas) Coffee (2 flavors...Santa's White Christmas and Jolly Gingerbread. For variety) Salt (Seasoning Salt with no MSG, actually. Guess Santa thought we should worry about that) Ammo, common...Some 22 actually, so I could trade or go for squirrel meat myself. Knife, basic....A NWTF 4" Folder(I think for defense or to skin the tree rats I shoot) Storage container standard...the packaging box(Also I can use it for fire tinder.) Bubble-wrap...Entertainment(How'd Santa know I sit and pop the little bubbles?) Well, Thanks Santa. The ammo is now in my stash. The consumables are awaiting disasterous happenings. And the knife is in place beside me now. I'll keep it with me to ward off all those pesky critters coming to raid my stash. Thank you, Secret Santa. I hope you had as much fun in doing this as I did this year.1 point
One. That's all it takes to make one function properly, and most people never use more than one anyway. Anything more would be a waste for most handgun sales, and would only serve to drive up the price. Extra magazines are available for virtually all current model pistols if one wants to purchase more.1 point
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fTaVWamH5YY Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I just ordered the Ghost Edge Connector for the G43, and I hope it improves the trigger pull weight. Should be here by the end of the week. I'll report back after I install it.1 point
1 point
I will try to give an AAR to the best of my ability give this was my first class. I was very pleased. Started with the dry fire drills and it was immediately clear that I was behind the curve. I was the only one there with a hammer fired weapon, my Smith 4513TSW. Randy was very knowledgeable and patient. He did however threaten to cut off my finger if I kept putting it on the front of the trigger guard, need to work on this. The host's farm was beautiful and easy to find. The first half of the day was spent doing the dry fire drills then after lunch we loaded up. Lunch was good but the diner took a bit to get our orders to us and that ate into our afternoon, but we got it all done. Met several great guys, most of which are father along on their education than I am. They say the longest journey begins with the first step. Thanks again Randy, you will see me agin-Bill Allen1 point
Yea, crap like that happens. Maybe you can go to a Python sellers support group. :)1 point
And the high point salesmen of the year award goes to Patton.....1 point
I find they work quite well also. I have about 10 of them on different walls and doors around my place. When folks that have not been here before ask me about them I tell that that as my aim improves I replace old ones with new ones. They just get this blank kind of stare and change subjects. A few of my friends will warn someone that has never been to my house that I have strange ideas when it comes to decor so just try to ignore it............ :rofl: :rofl:1 point
They are scum. Actively advocating against th constitution1 point
I hear you Lager, I was going to make my next suppressor purchase there for the sheer convenience of being so close. As it is, I'll go right back to one of our vendor sponsors here (where I bought my first one). Worth the extra couple of miles.1 point
If it works, why join the frenzy? It might bankrupt a company making a good product. Not taking sides and I don't own one... But I don't operate in adverse conditions like mil/leo's so if my EOTech worked flawlessly as a civilian owned range toy, I would not try to get a refund.1 point
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Sounds like dynamite when used at max pressure stuffed in a .357sig case to me. Or 9x25dillon1 point
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