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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2015 in all areas

  1. Better late than never. I finally assembled out my TGO-15's. I have Double O Six and Double O Seven. They are carbine length free floated twins with adjustable gas blocks.
    5 points
  2.   Sure there is. Ahmed runs a news-stand in Columbia, MO where he also sells pre-paid phones. He was in Wally World picking up some chicken, long-underwear, and a tire iron (because you know....it's Wal-Mart) and noticed they have a killer deal on prepaid phones. I'm talking 20% below his own costs. Why? Who knows. Maybe Wally is discontinuing that model. Maybe some bean counter in Benton wants to clear out that 18" of shelf space. Either way, Ahmed just stumbled onto a gold mine. He knows he can make a big profit on each one at his news stand. So he buys all they have.   Next thing he does is call his brother, Mahmud who runs a news stand in Saint Louis (hey...it's the family business) to tell him to check his local Wal-Mart. He does, and finds 40 in stock there at the same low low price so he buys them all. Meanwhile, Ahmed drove 15 miles away to another Wal-Mart and picks up all they have. When he gets home, he hops on the ImmigrantsRunningSmallBusinesses.com forum and shares the tale of his good fortune. Some other guys who also run businesses that sell repaid phones run out and clear out their Wal-Mart stores. Things are looking great...then Homeland Security shows up.         Now....re-read that story but change the names to Ed and Frank, the website to TGO, and change it from cell-phones to that dirt-cheap Perfecta .308 and 9mm we were jizzng in our pants about back in May. Then tell me you feel the same way.   I'm not saying that's what happened. I'm just saying that I can see how this could have been completely legitimate. Was it? I have no idea.
    5 points
  3. Killed a 9 point buck and a button buck this afternoon. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  4. Diversions is a good point to bring up. Or it could be some sort of race baiting social experiment. Yeah it is pretty sketchy but if we let some jerkoff cops (excuse me, "special" agents) from the ATF, FBI or what have you bag people up over this what will stop them? Most of us buy bulk ammo or reloading components and being a white southern male is suspicious...whats stopping Special Agent Muldoon and Slappy from cuffing us up and interrogating us? What if I buy a bunch of envelopes - with my beard grown out I look like a chechen what if they say I am spreading anthrax? Or buying a bunch of computer components to engineer a botnet? We let our unease get the best of us and allow Big Brother to come ball dudes up - whats stopping them from coming after us? We aint the "good guys" that ideal is subjective as all hell. Hell Id rather them blow something up and kill people and have us take care of the source rather than give some limpdick muldoons the impetus to bag all of us up in black vans My $.02 Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  5.   Did my 5.11 pants with 37 pockets, fishing vest, and GSSF hat give me away?
    4 points
  6. Screw it . . . Make mine a damascus, please. Just don't tell the wife [emoji6]. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  7. For one thing, it costs more to manufacture.
    3 points
  8. I'd be about a suspicious of them buying that many cell phones as I would a couple toothless hillbillies buying up all the sudafed. It's not illegal but it sure does look suspicious.
    3 points
  9. Eaten alive is really not accurate. An alligator tends to drag its victim down to drown it before consuming it. Anyway, I just think Karma's a bitch, and I don't feel sorry for him at all. :shrug:
    3 points
  10. I normally don't post things like this but this is really good. Especially listen to the part from 1:20 to 1:37 . There is no other statement that is more true than that part about background checks and bans.  Again listen to part 1:20 to 1:37 . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHAnTa_cxEg
    2 points
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1VvhqoeJ_w I didn't know about his youtube videos, but last night he made his debut on Impossible Shots, a show on the Outdoor Network.   Good stuff!
    2 points
  12. why doesn't he issue an executive order banning the commission of crimes?   Why does he not really care about the gun violence in Chicago?   What a tool.
    2 points
  13.   I'd opine that a loose interpretation on various parts of the Patriot Act can be argued to justify damn near anything.   - OS
    2 points
  14. Forget AR style and go M1A Scout Squad.  I got one earlier this year and honestly don't know why I still have any other rifles.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_0hW0p5Nfg
    2 points
  15. Errmuhgerd surely not Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. whooo... I love foxes.  ... unless they were overpopulated or being a pest/danger to farm animals, I always leave them be.   -thrilled to be ears and hear everyone's take on it.
    2 points
  17. I had to think about this for a few seconds. lol   Seriously, gift cards don't bother me. My wife says that's cold and impersonal. Maybe...but if you don't know me, or someone else; I think it's ok here.   Amazon cards work well as I'm ALWAYS in hock to them for new books. Or cases of 45/9/5.56...well maybe not that extreme.   But really, I'm not hard to please. Just ask my wife. lol
    2 points
  18. No worries, I saw a pic of the guy and he was white. Now if he had been black or hispanic I would have called for riots and protested alligator abuse and racist alligators.   Anyway to those defending innocent burglars, the burglars who broke into my brothers home in the spring, the day before they stabbed and shot a man in Bellevue. They really had no idea if my brother was home or not since he keeps a second vehicle there so I believe that burglars are more than prepared to murder someone if they find someone in the home they invaded. I personally am not going to ask their intention nor ask for an ID to see if they are old enough to be shot. It is my plan to shoot anyone not welcome who forces their way into my home and find out later who they are. A burglar is a potential murderer as far as i'm concerned and i'm not going to gamble my life deciding if they "DESERVE" it or not. They certainly asked for it and it is also my plan not to let it bother me too much if I have to dispatch some thug home invader, he/she did it to themselves. I somehow doubt that anyone here at TGO is going to this thugs funeral and morn.    "Deserve ain't got nothing to do with it"  Clint Eastwood as William Munny: Unforgiven:
    2 points
  19. I just had lunch at a local restaurant and a white-haired gentleman wearing slacks, a white dress shirt and tie was open carrying in front of me in line.  No one seemed to notice at all.  As I left he was on the phone eating his meal and no one paid any more attention to his cute little baby 1911 (Sig 938 perhaps?) than they might have if it might as well have been a knife or a phone on is side.  Personally, I rarely ever OC and probably wouldn't do it in a business, but the fact that most people don't notice makes me not worry at all abut a little printing now and then.    
    2 points
  20. I have no sympathy for a burglar.  If you've ever been the victim of a burglary, it takes a long time, if ever, to get over the feeling of violation.  Perhaps death is a harsh penalty but I think the loss of a hand would be quite fitting.  The gator just got a little carried away.
    2 points
  21. If the penalty for burglary was death, I bet we would have a lot less burglaries.  I am sick and tired of excuses for people.  I did some stupid things as a kid, but never would I consider stealing from someone.   Especially go into another's home to do it.     My screw ups had more probability to hurt myself than anyone else.  Big difference.   No lost sleep here.
    2 points
  22. We have a side business that has me in strange neighborhoods at 2-3 am and I usually meet the local PD. A Stange SUV driving slowly looking for house numbers does look very suspicious. I just know that I am doing nothing illegal and after a short conversation with the LEO we have a good laugh and we are on our way. I have never once thought I was being targeted or accused of anything. I think as long as you are on the up and up you should never take offense of them doing their job. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. It's false. Because physics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  24. Stop by sometime, I'll let you try out our monkeys....
    2 points
  25. Firstly, it's not a different scenario for people who have the job of collecting information and developing intelligence. What is true in Iraq is true in the states. Secondly, as I stated before, so long as no one's rights are being violated there is no problem. It sounds like you're saying the problem is what "could" happen if police engaged them and they refused to answer questions. That isn't how this works. We don't keep suspicious information to ourselves because we're worried about what the government "could" do. The government "could" just ignore the whole thing. The government "could" violate their rights. The government "could" determine that the context of these purchases is on the level and requires no further investigation. None of the potential actions of law enforcement should or will have any bearing on whether or not I report something that seems suspicious. Somebody could have reported me for my purchases in Lowes earlier this year as being suspicious of meth lab materials. If law enforcement would have engaged me in regard to my purchases it would have been up to me how the questioning went. I could choose not to speak to them or to explain why I'm making these purchases. Either way, whether or not they choose to violate my rights is an individual choice of those agents to commit a crime or not, right? That has nothing to do with whether or not the person who reported me should have made the report. There certainly are indicators which point to certain illegal activities. Purchasing a large number of throw away phones is one. Drug dealers do this, and so do folks who are involved in other illicit activities. I'm sure there are countless legal reasons why someone would need to purchase a large number of throw away cells, and those people should have nothing to worry about if they're investigated. However, if Muhammed is linked to the purchase of 150 throw away phones and he's also on a terror watch list, pieces of the puzzle start to come together. I've yet to hear a good reason for why people shouldn't report suspicious activity. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26.   I agree. However, I will sometimes forgive ignorance, but never stupidity. If the guy didn't know, he should have said he didn't know. It would have shown better customer service to take the time to look up the information than to spew false information.
    2 points
  27. telling them it is part of a colostomy bag, and they can take a peak if they like would turn them off, just like a zipper down.
    2 points
  28. That's not what happened, is it? If someone is, at this very moment, inside my home uninvited, he presents a clear and present danger to my family and me. Once he leaves, he does not. I hope he gets caught and my stuff gets returned, but I wouldn't wish death on him. We always say, half joking, that "nothing in my house is worth dying for." Well, it's not with killing for either. (Obviously speaking of material things, not family.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  29.   Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne    
    2 points
  30. I saw the Vickers post. I'm with John C. I LIKE my Eotechs, and they work fine. If I was in the business of doing CQB with polar bears, I would be pissed. Right now, my Aimpoint gets shuffled between rifles because I like using Eotechs MUCH better, crappy battery, inaccurate Polar Bear CQB problems and all.
    2 points
  31. Women come and women go but really ugly HOT PINK P238's are hard to come by.   Hope you get the gun back........... :up:
    2 points
  32. Don't be sorry about the wife thing, it's consensual and we're both better off.  Only get one shot at this thing called life, no reason to make each other miserable when we can both be happy doing other things.   Concerning the gun however, I thank you for your condolences :)
    2 points
  33. You sick little freak. The fact that you know the term "FELCHER" made me die. It was worth the wait. Now go change a diaper.
    1 point
  34. Got one of these from my Secret Santa. Thanks Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. I have the M&P10 and flippin' love it. Of course, the milspec trigger was the first thing to go. Yuck. Put a 3.5lb single stage in it and AWESOMESAUCE! Super happy. Even with a crummy shooter behind the trigger it's right at 1-1.25 MOA with that cheap ZQI stuff from WalMart. I imagine with a good shooter and match ammo, it'd be a tack driver. From what I've read, Smith makes a killer barrel. I've only shot out to 200 yds so far. Never a jam or a hiccup yet, and I'd guess I've got about 600 rds through it. I'm a righty, but I love the fully ambi controls. Super convenient. It takes pmags. It's kinda' awesome to have 25rds of 308 in a magazine! I've never served in the military and have no experience with many of the other rifles mentioned. I've had/have a bunch of ARs and love that platform, so the M&P10/AR10 just makes sense for me. I'm very comfortable with it and it makes me happy. :-)
    1 point
  36. Got it today! M&P Tactical 9mm, walked into the house with it and nothing was said!
    1 point
  37. I feed the ones around my place from time to time... leftovers... chicken... They're hungry dudes....   https://youtu.be/rRt8XV9WH1k
    1 point
  38.   I like to play "spot the gun" as well.  Occasionally, I have spotted some interesting things like ankle holsters, shoulder holsters etc... One Sunday a gentleman in front of my Wife and me at Church must have a very well concealed pistol on his right side, but he had some kind of single-stack (probably.45 ACP) magazine on his left side snagged on his sweater.  I pointed it out to my Wife who said she would have never noticed it otherwise.    
    1 point
  39.   You say that, but one time was at dinner and this guy walks in wearing 5.11 pants, 5.11 shooters vest, and an NRA ball cap while OCing a full size Glock, two reloads, flashlight and OC spray. No one even noticed him but me.
    1 point
  40.   I really don't....I'm notoriously cheap. :lol:
    1 point
  41. Well, she "found" it in her glovebox.  Good thing it wasn't anything important like a tube of lipstick or anything.  Said the police made her bring it in and show she had possession of it to delete the report.
    1 point
  42. What did the dog do to be punished with banjo music?
    1 point
  43. I stopped worrying about printing a long time ago. As everyone has said most people don't know what's going on around them. I carry a fullsize M&P because if I need to use a handgun I want more than 7 or 8 rounds. Nothing wrong with the smaller guns I just like having the full size frame, grip and mag capacity.
    1 point
  44. Deserved? No. But you know what they say, "Play stupid games, you might get eaten." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  45. I recently read "77 Days in September". Decent book...definitely from an everyday guy standpoint. But I agree it's well written.   "Lucifer's Hammer" is indeed a classic in this genre. Great book!
    1 point
  46. I don't worry about printing too much any more even though I try to conceal most of the time. People don't really notice from my experience. My wife hates guns, in the last year on 3 occasions we have been in restaurants where open carriers were eating and she didn't even notice. I carry all the time and she only recently found that out. ( I guess I am pretty sneaky). Most people are oblivious to their surroundings only caring about their own quest for the latest and greatest whatever they are shopping for and don't care. The only people that notice will be people like us that are also carrying, and we like it.
    1 point
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