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I normally don't post things like this but this is really good. Especially listen to the part from 1:20 to 1:37 . There is no other statement that is more true than that part about background checks and bans. Again listen to part 1:20 to 1:37 . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHAnTa_cxEg7 points
6 points
With all the doom and gloom going on now days I decided to post something on a lighter note. If this doesn't bring a smile to your face, you might be a lost cause. [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/]free upload[/url]6 points
5 points
I'll vouch for that. I have a 16 year old husky. She's always been great with people. Likes most dogs except a few she didn't know that approached my daughters. She's been a great dog. She's coming to the end of her road. We just about need a pill sorter for her. She's my big fluffy and sheds a ton but she is worth it. I would invest in a Dyson vacuum if you get a Husky! Sent from the Fortress of Solitude.4 points
Fellas, git yerself a padded electric guitar gig bag. Perfect for a rifle and you can fit 7 or 8 mags in the front pocket of most of them. You just look like a rock star, not a paranoid gun nut. Appearances are everything. That's all I'm gunna say.4 points
4 points
I'd be about a suspicious of them buying that many cell phones as I would a couple toothless hillbillies buying up all the sudafed. It's not illegal but it sure does look suspicious.3 points
60 cell phones being bought by foreign speaking Muslims....uh yes, I would call Homeland Security. Or I guess I could wait until the bombs started going off.3 points
I understand. It surely is. I just seem to be in the rather unique position of having screwed up myself during my life and don't think I deserved to die for it. [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Eaten alive is really not accurate. An alligator tends to drag its victim down to drown it before consuming it. Anyway, I just think Karma's a bitch, and I don't feel sorry for him at all. :shrug:3 points
Pretty much, I no longer care if I'm printing. The vast majority of the people don't notice.3 points
My court date is later this afternoon. Until then I'll be watching My Cousin Vinny, hoping to learn not only what attire to wear but also how to handle myself properly. Wish me luck!3 points
In Florida, that's what we call a citizen's arrest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Good post. I’m not a Redneck or an infidel; but I’m damn sure a Patriot. Not only does our citizenry need to be outspoken; they need to step up. We caused this mess and “The People” is the only ones that can get us out of it.3 points
I agree. However, I will sometimes forgive ignorance, but never stupidity. If the guy didn't know, he should have said he didn't know. It would have shown better customer service to take the time to look up the information than to spew false information.2 points
just got called the F*** out! This is fantastic... https://www.facebook.com/EffenA79/videos/10202822203901766/2 points
They are telling Americans "if you see something, say something." That is all the Walmart did and I don't blame them for it. I think the police should have held them until FBI or Homeland Security could check these men out. Now that they know people are watching for things if these guys do have ugly plans they will probably speed their plans before anyone higher up can investigate them.......jmho2 points
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I will add one thing that has been mentioned once already. Like most people said the public doesn't notice printing or even OC very much. But if you act nervous and are constantly touching and adjusting your holster or gun, then it draws attention to it. Sent from behind the anvil2 points
TN Gun Country is full of retards. The others are pissy. Ive been there 4 times trying to give them a chance and everytime I had to walk out or choke someone. Idk how they stay in business damn near everyone I meet hates them too Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk2 points
I look at like this; a burglar if confronted will not quietly go away and will fight to keep himself out of jail. If he has to hurt you or your family to get away, he probably will; look at that 6 year old that got stabbed/murdered. What the hell could a 6 year old do to warrant that? No, a burglar forfeits his life by entering my home, period. As for the alligator, I say deputize it.2 points
2 points
The easiest way to divert attention from printing is to have your zipper down. Trust me, you can OC, and they will not see the gun. That one... anyway.2 points
That's how I roll on my .300 BLK pistol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
This has happened before, a few times actually. Start the search at the local strip clubs and go from there.2 points
2 points
I saw the Vickers post. I'm with John C. I LIKE my Eotechs, and they work fine. If I was in the business of doing CQB with polar bears, I would be pissed. Right now, my Aimpoint gets shuffled between rifles because I like using Eotechs MUCH better, crappy battery, inaccurate Polar Bear CQB problems and all.2 points
If it works, why join the frenzy? It might bankrupt a company making a good product. Not taking sides and I don't own one... But I don't operate in adverse conditions like mil/leo's so if my EOTech worked flawlessly as a civilian owned range toy, I would not try to get a refund.2 points
After many years we just switched insurance providers. Saved hundreds!! +1 on keep your chit in check !2 points
I'm single with no kids. Therefore I don't have to justify it to anyone but my bank account :D2 points
I can promise anyone this. If I was ever faced with a scenario such as this one and I am armed I will not be shot in the back. I might get shot but it will be because I am facing my enemy and doing everything in my power to if not kill them at least hurt them, or discourage them and do a Shock n Awe till the Calvary does arrive since they won't be expecting a soft target to shoot back...................... :usa:2 points
I'm back to carrying my 1911 OWB, because I've simply stopped caring about upsetting hoplophobes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Wife said her P238 disappeared SN: 27A157187 last week. She filed a police report, I'm still waiting to get a copy of it. It's hard to miss, 2a coated the thing bright pink & it looks like this if anyone happens to see one floating around on the gun sites. Had it coated bright because she misplaces everything and I wanted this to be easy to see. Guess that was a failed effort. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/85362-wifes-p238-turned-up-pink/ She moved out about 6 months ago and I have no clue what her arrangements are now, if the gun was lost, stolen or wtf happened to it. I just mentioned that I need a copy of the police report, or I'd file one myself since I purchased it and have all the paperwork. Don't want to think that something I bought could be used in a bad way and it wasn't reported. Could honestly care less about getting it back, I'm more concerned that it doesn't fall into the hands of someone who shouldn't have one.1 point
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Maybe, but I sure wouldn't have called police. No reason to get the state involved over someone partaking in a perfectly legal activity. Kinda like how we would be up in arms, pardon the pun, if we got swatted by Mothers Demand for open or concealed carrying. No difference.1 point
I was asked about why I own guns and why it's important to me... I thought I would share my response. As a Citizen of the USA I choose to exercise my rights as written in the Bill of Rights. All of these rights are important but the first two particularly so as they ensure that the Citizens remain in control rather than the government. Our nation was founded on the idea of independence. This basic idea has been educated out of many of our Citizens. Most of us can no longer support ourselves. We rely on to many other people to provide services to us Food, Security, Shelter, etc. Most people expect to live a secure safe life and want to depend on others to keep us that way. For these people security is a phone call away they HOPE.... What US Citizens are learning it that this isn't true and never was! Our police do their best, but they cannot save us from the truly BAD people that live in this world. They simply can't respond quickly enough. The police officers know this but are powerless themselves to correct the situation. It’s a simple time-speed-distance math problem, and all the hope in the world can't change that. The terrorists and criminals in our society are nothing more than bullies. If we GIVE them power over us they will use it. Don't EVER give a bully anything, If you make a bully work for it they always quit. They want what they want the easy way. If you make it hard for them they always quit ALWAYS. The mentally ill and criminally insane have no feelings and the only way to deal with them is eliminate them from our society. This is the place that our police can best help us. They are trained to remove these psychopaths and sociopaths. The best way for you and I to prevent them from killing us is to be vigilant, know your neighbors, and be a functioning member of your community. Do not isolate yourself, and hide. Speak up and stand up in your community. An armed and outspoken Citizenry is the only solution. Evil people exist and are only held in check by the fact that there are more good people than bad. There are many old sayings about this, but the best I ever read was "Given that there are more good people than bad people. What would happen if All the good people and All the bad people had guns?" (Col. Jeff Cooper) As Citizens it isn't just our right, I think it is our responsibility to take care of our own security, help our neighbors, express our thoughts and listen to others. Never act in a lawless manner, but be prepared to defend yourself and others. Carry, Vote, Speak the truth (in no particular order) Bob1 point
Released - Monday, December 26, 2011 The Obama administration has decided to eliminate a 1998 restriction on the sale of guns to foreigners, claiming federal law does not allow the government to have different gun-control rules for noncitizens. In a letter to firearms dealers, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said it would no longer require sellers to obtain proof from foreign buyers that they have lived in the state for 90 days. The rule was originally instituted after a disturbed Palestinian, 69-year-old Ali Abu Kamal, admitted to the United States on a legal nonimmigrant visa, bought a 380-caliber Beretta semiautomatic handgun in Florida and, on the observation deck of the Empire State Building in New York City, shot to death one person and injured six others.1 point
I stopped worrying about printing a long time ago. As everyone has said most people don't know what's going on around them. I carry a fullsize M&P because if I need to use a handgun I want more than 7 or 8 rounds. Nothing wrong with the smaller guns I just like having the full size frame, grip and mag capacity.1 point
I know at 22 boys do not make good decisions.. whatever reason he had to break into a house , it was a dumb and stupid decision. But being eaten and probably not dying right away is not something he deserved. He is/was someones child.. The punishment does not fit the crime in this case.. Have a little compassion..sometimes looking at it from a different angle is all that it takes1 point
Counterpoint: I'm not taking his word on it, because the type of person who would illegally enter a person's home with the intent of doing crime is not a a person I would consider reliable or a man of his word. I'm gonna give him some extra breathing holes. ETA: On a side note, like dogs, alligators are known to be excellent judges of character. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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1 point
I'm a Redneck AND an Infidel. And, I advertise...1 point
Our Doberman family. Goodness they are fun. [url=http://s645.photobucket.com/user/fishernorm/media/IMG_20151009_173532_zpsnvaa3xwg.jpg.html][/URL] This is Dozer. [url=http://s645.photobucket.com/user/fishernorm/media/IMG_20151011_1222201372_zpsxttc3jx9.jpg.html][/URL] and this is Sunny1 point
Saw this on FB. Just had to throw it in. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Wyatt%20and%20Doc_zpszok3elwu.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
I don't see it being much different being shot at whether it's a rifle or a pistol. The shooter can't point and fire any more quickly with one over the other, and in the type of indoor environment where these shootings take place the range advantage of a rifle isn't really an issue. The only advantage the shooter would have is magazine capacity, but based on some research I have read these shooters don't typically walk in and dump rounds rapid fire. Instead, they walk around and select targets to shoot at so you should have the same amount of time to react whether the shooter has a long gun or a hand gun. I'm also rethinking my carry method and strongly considering going back to my Sig P228 over the single stack 9mm I've been carrying. If I'm going to be facing some ISIS ****bag armed to the teeth, I want as many rounds ready to deploy as possible. I carried a 13 round P-229 on duty over a 7 shot compact 9mm pistol as a LEO in case I had to face down a serious threat, so if there is now a real possibility I will be facing a similar threat now, why would I do any differently? Honestly, during an indoor event at close range, I'd rather have a shotgun than a rifle or a handgun, but since that's not viable I figure 15 rounds of 9mm that I can put downrange accurately is my best option. Now, would I actively seek out the shooter and attempt to terminate the threat? The answer is "maybe" depending on the circumstances. If I feel I can find and maintain adequate cover and concealment, I very well might. That's the former LEO in me, and I am the type that would want to do something to save people's lives if at all possible. I am not going to put myself into the line of fire except in the most crucial of situations, such as to defend my family or some children. At the end of the day, I figure it's the responsibility of adults to decide how best to secure their own safety and well-being. If they chose to not carry a firearm for their own protection, I am not inclined to put my life at risk to save theirs. A couple of other considerations: 1) These shooters typically seek out soft targets (a.k.a. so-called gun-free zones), so one has to decide what type of risk they are going to take when faced with the need to go to such a location. 2) You should have a plan in place on how to conduct yourself once law enforcement arrives. The last thing you want is to be a visibly armed individual when a bunch of adrenaline fueled cops locked and loaded for a shootout come rushing into the venue. They are not likely to be especially interested in spending much time determining whether the person holding a gun is a good guy or a bad guy and will very quickly terminate any perceived threat. Doesn't do me much good to use my gun to defend myself only to be killed by the police when they show up.1 point
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