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That's a shame. Sad really. Why kill the gator? What'd he do wrong? He wa just doing his part to keep his state safe.5 points
Is it just me or did anyone else smell an odor of pot and unwashed hair from that photo?3 points
I'm single with no kids. Therefore I don't have to justify it to anyone but my bank account :D3 points
2 points
After viewing the $1100 Damascus blade Magic knives on the Protech site, this knife became an easier decision.2 points
Since you said you were new to the gun, I would have someone else shoot the gun to see if they get the same results before getting a gunsmith involved. Assuming you are right handed, this chart will help diagnois potential causes.2 points
For the first time in my firearms owning life I'm now considering a bullet button Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
Hence the AK for me. I'm not big on safe queens. My AKs look like AKs. Plus they're relatively cheap in the realm of military style rifles, so if I lose one I can go get another without much heartache. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
I was asked about why I own guns and why it's important to me... I thought I would share my response. As a Citizen of the USA I choose to exercise my rights as written in the Bill of Rights. All of these rights are important but the first two particularly so as they ensure that the Citizens remain in control rather than the government. Our nation was founded on the idea of independence. This basic idea has been educated out of many of our Citizens. Most of us can no longer support ourselves. We rely on to many other people to provide services to us Food, Security, Shelter, etc. Most people expect to live a secure safe life and want to depend on others to keep us that way. For these people security is a phone call away they HOPE.... What US Citizens are learning it that this isn't true and never was! Our police do their best, but they cannot save us from the truly BAD people that live in this world. They simply can't respond quickly enough. The police officers know this but are powerless themselves to correct the situation. It’s a simple time-speed-distance math problem, and all the hope in the world can't change that. The terrorists and criminals in our society are nothing more than bullies. If we GIVE them power over us they will use it. Don't EVER give a bully anything, If you make a bully work for it they always quit. They want what they want the easy way. If you make it hard for them they always quit ALWAYS. The mentally ill and criminally insane have no feelings and the only way to deal with them is eliminate them from our society. This is the place that our police can best help us. They are trained to remove these psychopaths and sociopaths. The best way for you and I to prevent them from killing us is to be vigilant, know your neighbors, and be a functioning member of your community. Do not isolate yourself, and hide. Speak up and stand up in your community. An armed and outspoken Citizenry is the only solution. Evil people exist and are only held in check by the fact that there are more good people than bad. There are many old sayings about this, but the best I ever read was "Given that there are more good people than bad people. What would happen if All the good people and All the bad people had guns?" (Col. Jeff Cooper) As Citizens it isn't just our right, I think it is our responsibility to take care of our own security, help our neighbors, express our thoughts and listen to others. Never act in a lawless manner, but be prepared to defend yourself and others. Carry, Vote, Speak the truth (in no particular order) Bob1 point
Let me grab a link to one I seen a while back. It has law tactical folder, folding pistol grip, and the barrel has a quick detach, so it'll fit in a small bag like something you'd take your gym shoes home in. :up:1 point
1 point
Similar things have been done with hot glue. You can actually cast with a mold and a hot glue gun but it's messy.1 point
1 point
No... you might be pissing away enough cash to offset the 2016 Obamacare rate increase. :surrender:1 point
1 point
I'm always on the quest to see tanks I havnt seen, or seen in a while. I was in the 24th late 80s into iraq. Never saw anything older than our m1s on Stewart. Did see some jeeps and equipment in a storage area being sold off or scrapped. No armor in sight while I was there, course stewart could hide a army.1 point
Well boys I had planned to go check on my game camera tomorrow to see if I possibly needed to move the camera to a different location. This afternoon though, I looked into my backyard and what did I see? A beautiful 10 point buck standing 30 yards from my door. I carefully got my deer rifle out, loaded it, and waited patiently by my open upstairs window. He had whole family in tow and there were 3 other does and 2 fawns grazing. He offered me a broadside shot and I took it. Unfortunately it was just before dusk and after I waited 25 minutes, it was too dark to follow a blood trail. I will have to resume the search in the AM with the aid of the sun. It has been about an hour and a half and I am still shaking......what a high!1 point
1 point
I do have a set but they are back in Nashville along with all my other useful stuff haha. I have 150 more rounds so I may just shoot those through it. I manually cycled all the mags again and they didn't hang so it may just be a break in thing now. I am hesitant to do anything to the frame feed ramp since that is not replaceable. I may polish the barrel itself a bit of I still have problems in the next 150. I guess I just have to realize it isn't a glock hahaha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
They would have outlawed them to begin with if they could have foreseen what custom gunsmiths could come up with to get around the statute wording. - OS1 point
1 point
My thought on "enough mags" is that during the next panic I ought to be able to buy a boat and comfortably retire. Anything past that is just excessive.1 point
1 point
She's just parroting the people that are promising her all the free crap. She doesn't have her own thoughts.1 point
Why not just get an AK pistol? Cheap ammo and cheap gun. :up: On sale here for $459 and they come with two steel 30rd mags that lock the bolt back on empty. But out of stock: http://www.atlanticfirearms.com/component/virtuemart/shipping-rifles/zastava-pap-m92-pv-pistol-hg3089-n-detail.html?Itemid=0 https://youtu.be/BGazuiBdGvk In stock here as of this post: http://www.jgsales.com/yugo-zastava-pap-m92pv-ak-style-pistol,-krinkov-pattern,-7.62x39,-wood-stock,-new.-p-57965.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrJvNZprEwo I have one myself. If you don't put a flash hider on it, it'll fit in a backpack fine. Removing the flash hider is simple, though.1 point
1 point
Nope, Dave has given me the option for Damascus blades for this run exclusively, sorry about that if you want a custom stainless steel one, I can get you one but tit will cost a lot more1 point
Several reasons I suppose, and a couple good ones already listed here. The one I haven't seen listed yet is for a "get home gun." There was quiet a good thread on this a while back. In societal collapse/shtf scenario if you have to abandon your car or truck because of traffic gridlock, would you want just a pistol to navigate populated areas with? Or would you rather have a long gun to keep you company on the way to your safe place? With the prices on components for building AR's these days, one could build a complete barebones AR for around $400. I'm not rolling in money, but if I put $400 in a trunk gun and my car/trunk gun was stolen 1. my insurance would cover it, and 2. I wouldn't be broken up about it. Just replace it at my earliest convenience. Just my line of thinking. But the other reason already given that was my second answer to your question was "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I agree that you need a lot of magazines. I probably have too many at the expense of the rest of my gear. They are likely not going to loose much value though. I have 25 AR mags painted orange set aside just for training. Plus 10 in my go bag for work. Plus one of nearly every type I can find for testing my lowers. Plus a reserve of unused in the wrapper mags that I'd estimate at 50ish. Plus 7 loaded with home defense ammo on my battle belt. On the plus side they trade very well if they are new and I vividly remember how "high cap" 10/22 magazines values skyrocketed during the AWB. Glock magazines are the same way in my house. 3 dedicated carry magazines. 2 factory training magazines. 2 happy sticks. Multiple new in wrapper G17 and G19 magazines. 4 GL9 magazines. I am scarred to think that if I really look I would find more. And yet I often buy more on a whim. It's a sickness.1 point
1 point
Realistically, it just takes a lot of practice to age a deer accurately. I'm sure you aware of aging deer by their teeth, but that's obviously not an option from the stand. Typically, I look for two or three things. The first is the skin, once they get above 4, the skin is noticeably looser than that of a younger deer. The second thing I do is look at the arch of the back. The more arch or dip, the older the deer. The backline of bucks begins to droop over the years from fighting. 1-3 years you typically won't notice this. The last thing I look at is their gait (walk). You can tell whether a deer is younger or older by the way they walk around. 1-2 years are pretty easy to age, they have a slim body and less mass on their antlers. Hope this helps a little! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Update. Just got back. No hogs. Busted a bunch of quail and trashed an armadillo. I was not mentally prepared to party with the boys from south Texas. Our outfitter had more of a drinking camp that hunted. But a good time was had by all. The son of one of the guys there got to shoot a 13 pointer with a drop tine so he was pumped. I passed on a 4 spiral black buck because I didnt want to eat the $2600 price tag tight before Christmas. (these guys had a ton of exotics...axis, buffalo, elk, fallow, blackbuck, trophy white tails, javalina, feral hog, orx, red stag...and a cougar running around that had a $10k price on its head) But the food was killer (sweet bread wrapped in bacon, carne asada, chorizo and potatoes), the drinks were top shelf, the weather was perfect, the company was great and everyone came back without a bullet hole. We are counting it as a win...until next year. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk1 point
LOL! Well, the wifey knows I'm shopping for reloading gear and a rifle, neither of which I currently have, so.... I could get a .22 rifle 'for the boys', but she'd know a .308 w/ scope isn't a plinker for the kids!1 point
Well the Monkey did good. The 10 year VanWinkle has been finished. And he even shared it with people. I'm so proud. LOL He had a guys day today and our bourbon collection took a hit. Luckily there's a few bottles down in the basement to replace what was enjoyed.1 point
So... divine providence, perhaps. We found an AKC registered Doberman breeder who had two pups from a current litter remaining. We will get to bring this little blue Doberman girl home on Christmas Eve. (Photo redacted for opsec because there are weird-ass people on the Internet)1 point
Can you pot a link to this? This is not how I understand it, but I certainly could be wrong. Law or not, I'd wear orange while out in the woods during deer season.1 point
Well, Greg has had a substance dependency problems in the past, so maybe he fell off the wagon? - OS1 point
I want one that can be modified to fix stupidity and lies......that would be a magic button.1 point
Yes, you must wear orange if hunting for anything during muzzle loader, or rifle deer seasons.1 point
Very wrong, but oh so right. He's lucky he didn't get shot. I am going to have to re-use the triple F-up line.1 point
So let me get this right... Three law breaking felons buy guns they know they can't legally posses which is another feloney charge for them and the Anti-Second Amendment activists on the Metro Board of "Fair Commissioners" voted to halt Bill Goodmans gun show as a result? How does it even make sense when Goodman was following the law and all gun dealers (FFL's) do background checks there? This was 3 felons illegally buying guns via private party sale (not through licensed gun dealers aka FFL's), such as if I, a non-FFL, decide to sale my gun privately which is perfectly legal, to another person? It is the felon who was dishonest and broke the law, not the gun show, so the felon should be punished (prohibited person [felon] possessing a firearm) to the maximum the law allows, and be done with it. How about enforcing the law instead of trying to punish legal law abiding businesses and citizens? The law: I. POSSESSION OF A FIREARM OR AMMUNITION BY A PROHIBITED PERSON: 18 USC § 922(g) & (n). Punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. May receive minimum sentence of 15 years without parole if offender has three or more prior convictions for a felony crime of violence (e.g. burglary, robbery, assault, possession of offensive weapons) and/or drug trafficking felony. Elements A. Possession or receipt of a firearm or ammunition; B. By a subject who falls within one of the following categories: Felon - (Additionally, persons awaiting trial on felony charges are prohibited from receiving firearms.); Drug user or addict - (Often shown where paraphernalia seized, subject tests positive for drugs and/or subject claims drugs were possessed for personal use.); Alien - (Includes illegal aliens and aliens lawfully admitted under non-immigrant visas, i.e., those aliens not admitted for permanent residence. This provision does not prohibit aliens who lawfully possess a so-called “green card” from possessing guns or ammunition.); Is subject to a domestic restraining order - (The order must prohibit contact with an intimate partner, or child of the subject, and must have been issued only after a hearing of which the subject was notified and at which the subject had an opportunity to participate. The order must also find the subject poses a threat to the physical safety of the intimate partner or child or must prohibit the use, threatened use or attempted use of physical force.); Has a prior conviction for domestic assault - (Includes a prior conviction for any assault or threatened use of a deadly weapon against a present or former spouse or partner or child or guardian of any such person. The subject must have been entitled to a jury trial and been represented by counsel in the prior proceeding or be shown to have waived those rights.); Fugitive from justice - (Fled any state to avoid being prosecuted or to avoid testifying in any criminal proceeding.); or Dishonorably discharged from the military; AND C. The firearm or ammunition was transported across a state line at any time. http://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-ut/legacy/2013/06/03/guncard.pdf1 point
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You can tell by the way those eyes are slanted and cut in a direction that Khloe was definitely not ready to be woke up yet....... :rock:1 point
Like no one worries about that now? I'm not saying there should be a term limit on the Supreme Court but maybe a age limit? Just so they can stay awake. :snore:1 point
1 point
Just to add some cat to the thread (they have fur too). My brother just got 2 of these (brothers). One is black with white spots, the other white with black spots. For right now, they're still kittens and small.1 point
This is what Roman does when my wife is acting up or doesn't give him a treat. As soon as I walk in, he jumps in my lap and tells on her! "Dad, seriously, it's about time you got home from work. She is NOT behaving!" :lol: Love this big feller!!1 point
Here are my three girls. Tank, the white Pomeranian, is about 9 and sleeps with me every night. Spoiled rotten. The other two are sisters. And it should come as no surprise that their names are Smith and Wesson. Smith is the sable and Wesson is the black. Otherwise known as my three bitches:)1 point
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